Fair Play

Fair Play
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished with them.

Author’s Note- This is the response to the “distracting kiss” prompt (description below). This was inspired by a story by violetflipflops where she mentions Drake, Olivia and playing board games when they were younger. I decided to have the grown-up group play board games. This is set sometime in the future, Liam and Olivia are married and so are Drake and Amelia.

Pairing- Drake/MC, Liam/Olivia, Maxwell/Penelope

Rating- PG-13

Summary- The friends play board games and things take an interesting turn.

Words- 878

When you are competing, maybe playing video games or something so you press kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract them.

“I told you he cheats,” Olivia hissed, glaring at Drake.

“Olivia, I’m sure the guys aren’t cheating,” I said patiently, though secretly I had my doubts. The guys were doing a little too well, but how did you cheat at Codenames? We were seated far enough apart that no one who wasn’t supposed to could see the master sheet.

“They wouldn’t cheat,” Penelope said earnestly.

“Yeah, what she said!” Maxwell said a little too enthusiastically.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “Uh huh.”

“Just because you ladies are losing doesn’t mean we’re cheating,” Drake said smugly, “it just means we’re better at this than you are.”

I glared at him, but he looked completely unrepentant. Damn him.

I turned to Olivia and Penelope, “team huddle.”

“Hey… Now who’s cheating?” Liam protested, but he was grinning. He was the one that warned me that board game nights with Olivia and Drake had often ended with bloodshed in the past, though he had been smiling when he said it. He smiled a lot these days. It was nice to see Liam so happy and nicer still not to be the reason for his happiness.

“We need a new strategy,” I said once the three of us reached the other side of the room.

“What do you have in mind?” Olivia asked, obviously intrigued. “Code words, hand signals?”

“That’s cheating!” Penelope exclaimed, her eyes wide.

“Not so loud,” Olivia hissed as the men turned to look at us. Olivia was working on being nicer, but it was still a bit of a work in progress.

“Nothing so obvious,” I assured Penelope, “I was more thinking of a little bit of a little distraction.”

Olivia grinned, “oh, I like it.”

“What kind of distraction?” Penelope asked, looking from Olivia to me. “I don’t think this is the time for a dance-off.”

“No,” I agreed with a laugh, “more of a romantic distraction. We can all flirt with our partners, throw them off.”

“Oh,” Penelope said, looking flustered. “I can do that, I guess.” She returned to her seat, blushing slightly.

“This should be fun to watch,” Olivia whispered in my ear. I shot her a look. “Olivia!” “Oh come on, it doesn’t matter any way,” Olivia said with a shrug, “Maxwell isn’t getting them any points, it’s all Drake and Liam.”

I had to agree with her, some of Maxwell’s clues had been a little off-the-wall and I thought Drake was going to lose it. And yet the boys were still up two games on us.

I grinned, “we’ve got this.” Flirting might not be Penelope’s strong suit, but I had a feeling that Olivia and I could handle it. Liam was incredibly besotted with the redhead these days and Drake might talk a good game, but I knew his weak points.

Olivia and I resumed our seats. “Got your strategy all worked out,” Drake teased as I slid in beside him.

“Mostly,” I agreed, placing my hand on his arm. I leaned in and kissed his neck.

“Grant…” He said in a warning voice, staring at the sheet in front of him.

I grinned innocently but straightened, but moved my hand from his arm to his thigh, causing him to groan.

“Yellow, 3,” he said after a moment, but I could tell it took effort.

I kissed his shoulder and got rewarded with a look that was half-stern, half-something else.

I could see Maxwell and Liam looking at the board. Penelope kept looking at Maxwell and blushing deeply and looking away, but he didn’t seem to notice anything unusual, he was completely focused on the board.

Liam was trying to do the same, but Olivia was leaning over him, her head resting on his shoulder, her hand on his back and he seemed visibly distracted.

It continued like that for the next few rounds, with Liam and Drake becoming more and more distracted and frustrated while Maxwell was adorably focused and Penelope was blushing a deep red.

It was my turn to give the clue and I was studying the board when suddenly I found myself pulled into Drake’s lap, his mouth claiming my mine in a deep kiss.

“Oh,” I groaned against his lips. The kiss went on for a long moment and I was gasping for breath.

“Turnabout’s fair play,” Drake said with a grin.

“Uh huh.” I turned to Olivia and Han and gave them the last clue. Penelope guessed it easily, which was good because Liam had taken a page from Drake’s book and was making Olivia blush as red as her hair.

Drake tugged me to my feet. “The game’s not over!” I protested, “I thought we were going to play 9 rounds?”

“I’m done playing games,” Drake told me in a low voice that sent a shiver of heat right through me. “Aren’t you?”

I just nodded, unable to form any coherent sentences.

He grinned, “that’s what I thought.”

To my surprise, he lifted me up and swung me right over his shoulder.


“Goodnight everyone,” Drake said, surprising me by remembering his manners and then he headed towards the door, with me still slung over his shoulder.

As Drake carried me away, I could hear Maxwell ask, “does that mean we’re done playing?”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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