Falling into Despair

Summary: After watching Taylor fall from the chopper, Jake struggles to cope.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 38 of #ChoicesCreates: Losing Control

Jake tried to focus on flying the chopper, but all he could think about was Taylor slipping and falling down into the bay. How could she possibly have survived? The fall had probably killed her, and if by some miracle it hadn’t, then she would have drowned. His princess was gone forever.

He should have known better. Hadn’t he learned his lesson the first time? After he had lost Mike, he promised himself that he would never again get close to anyone. He didn’t want to get hurt like that again. But no, he had to go and fall for Taylor. She made him feel things that he’d never felt before. He had never loved anyone like that. And now he had lost her. As if that weren’t enough, he had learned that Mike was still alive, but Mike didn’t even recognize him and had turned against him. Damn Lundgren. He’d taken Mike away from him twice now.

A familiar building came into view. They were near the Elysian Lodge Resort, where they had spent New Year’s Eve. He began the descent towards the ground, and before long he had landed in the snow.

“Jake, we have to look for Zahra!” Craig shouted.

Jake shook his head. “I can’t right now. I just can’t.”

“But we may not have much time! Come on!” Craig insisted.

“It’s probably too late anyway. Between the fall and the water, she’s probably dead. Now leave me alone.” Jake opened the door and began to head towards the lodge.

“No! Jake, you son of a…” Craig lunged toward Jake, raising his fist, but Sean pulled him back and held him in place.

Jake rushed toward the door and entered the lodge. As he stepped inside, his eyes were drawn to the couch. The first time they were at the lodge, he and Taylor had fallen asleep on the couch. She had slept on his chest, cuddled against him. But he would never hold her again. She was gone forever.

Craig, Sean, and Estela followed Jake inside. Sean was holding on to Craig to make sure that he didn’t go after Jake. Jake headed for the lodge’s bar.

Once Jake had reached the bar, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and opened it, then began drinking out of it, not even bothering to pour the alcohol into a glass. He had to stop the pain. In his mind, he kept seeing Taylor reaching for him, then falling from the chopper. He knew he would never be able to get that image out of his mind, just as he would never forget seeing his and Mike’s plane blown apart, with Mike still inside it.

“Jake, no. We need to try to find the others, and you’re the only one that can fly the chopper. Put the bottle down.” Sean stood at the entrance to the bar.

“Screw that!” Jake shouted. “It’s too late. They’re gone.” Jake took a swig from the bottle.

“You don’t know that for sure. And Michelle, Raj, Diego, and Varyyn are still out there.” Sean began walking in Jake’s direction.

“They can find their own damn way here. I’m getting drunk.” He held the bottle up, then took another drink from it.

Sean moved closer, until he was standing next to Jake. “I know you’re upset about Taylor. We all are. But she would want you to help keep the others safe.”

“Back off!” Jake snarled. “Just leave me the hell alone!”

“Fine.” Sean turned away and walked out of the bar.

Jake turned his attention to the bottle again. He hadn’t had enough to drink yet, because he was still hurting. How could he go on without his princess? Tears welled up in his eyes and began rolling down his cheeks. If only he’d been able to hold on to her hand. He should have made sure she didn’t fall. But no, he couldn’t save her. Why did this have to happen? He reached for a glass and threw it against the wall, and it shattered into pieces, just like his broken heart. He kept chugging the whiskey until he passed out.

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