Family History

Family History
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- This is just a tiny Olivia piece, expanding on the bedroom scene in the last chapter. Normally I write Olivia scenes with Eleanor as the MC, but it was the sexual tension of the scene that popped into my head and that meant Amelia, who has a very different dynamic with Olivia.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Drake/MC, slight Olivia/MC

Summary- Olivia and Amelia talk before going to explore the vault.

Words- 711

I blinked awake to the sight of Olivia standing over my bed.

“Shh,” she cautioned, stepping back to let me get oriented.

I debated screaming, knowing it would bring Mara running but I refrained. Despite Mara’s suspicions, I trusted Olivia and I knew if she was here, there was a reason.

“Is there a reason you’re in my bedroom?” I asked instead, stretching as I got up.

Olivia smirked. “Do you object?”

Did I? Not really. There was a time where I admit to dedicating more than a few thoughts to being alone with Olivia in a bedroom. However, that was months ago, before I’d chosen Drake. Before I’d fallen in love with Drake.

“No, though I am curious as to why you’re here,” I told her, “and where Mara is.”

“Still outside,” Olivia told me, “but I didn’t come in through the door.”

Of course this place had secret passages, I should have expected that.

“What would you have done if Drake was here?” I asked her. We had our own rooms, officially, but often snuck into the other’s room.

“I checked his room first, he’s sleeping like the dead,” Olivia said carelessly. “He snores by the way, are you really signing up for a lifetime of that?”

“I am,” I said defensively, though she was right, Drake did snore. But I was fine with the sound. Mostly. Or I could invest in earplugs.

There was a moment of silence.

“I’m not an idiot, Amelia,” Olivia said after a moment, “I know I am a suspect. Of course, I am, given what my parents did, what my family is famous for.” She tapped her hands against her side. “Do you know why the Nevrakis sigil is a flaming sword?”

“Because you bring fiery justice to your enemies?” I asked as I pulled on a sweater.

“No, well not just that,” Olivia answered, “King Diavolos’s sword had a flame on the hilt. He used that sword to cut off his own father’s head, starting the modern Nevrakis line. And the royal line too, actually.”

“That was real?” I asked her. “I kind of assume they made it up for the TV show.”

I’d watched the show occasionally, though I wasn’t a die-hard fan, but the finale had certainly been dramatic with Diavolos killing his father to prove his love and loyalty and then marrying Kenna. But, while I now knew the show was based loosely on Cordonian history, that part had seemed like made-for-TV drama. Though this was the Nevrakis family we were talking about, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

“No, that part was real,” Olivia told me, “we still have the sword, it’s amongst the family’s most prized possessions and the lesson that blood isn’t enough, sentiment isn’t enough, we do what we must and let nothing stop us.”

“That’s cheery,” I said dryly, “if you still have the sword, why isn’t it in the armory.” I winced as I realized what I gave away.

Olivia smirked. “Doing something snooping, were you? Did you find anything interesting.”

“Just that Madeleine is a bitch,” I answered with a shrug, not wanting to go into the other conversations I’d overheard.

“Well, you didn’t need to snoop to learn that,” Olivia said with an eye roll, “but, no the sword is in my bedroom, on the wall.”

“That must put you right in the mood,” I joked, “what’s sexier than a big sword?”

“Exactly, though, it occasionally leads to feelings of inadequacy when their swords can’t compare,” she smirks.

I snort. “I bet.” I shoot her a look. “As entertaining as this is, why are you here?”

Olivia sobered. “I’ve been running from the truth for too long. There are secrets at play here and I need answers. The best place to find them is the family vault, but I can’t do it alone. Will you come with me?”

Olivia looked more vulnerable than I’d ever seen her, except maybe the night of the Coronation when I’d always wished I’d run after her, but hadn’t.

I nodded. “Of course, let’s go uncover the family skeletons. Just hopefully not literally.”

Olivia smirked again as she reached for the entrance to the secret passage. “I make no promises, after all, this is Lythikos.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “Family History”

  1. This is such a great little fic, M! I love the way you write Olivia. You have her voice down so well. And you tied in the TCATF so seamlessly. It was really wonderful!

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