Family Legend

Family Legend

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- And this is where I tie all my canon together. This is the technical end of the tragedy verse. I mean, I might write more stories, but this is where I always planned on ending the story. This ties together ACoR, TC&TF and TRR and my particular headcanon/universe building history. I thought it was a fitting end. 

Rating- PG

Summary- Queen Eleanor and Lady Olivia spend a day bonding and Eleanor learns a surprising Nevrakis family legend.


“You have an odd idea of what bonding means,” Eleanor told Olivia, as she followed the redhead through the Nevrakis armory. She was in Lythikos for a state visit and had told Olivia they needed girl time, she had not expected that to involve ancient weapons.

Though considering who her best friend was, perhaps she should have. 

Olivia raised an eyebrow. “What? You think I share these weapons with just anyone? It is very rare for outsiders to see the whole collection, you should consider yourself honoured.”

Yep, typical Olivia. Well, if she was here, she might as well learn some of the stories behind the knives, maybe pick up some new tidbits about Cordonian history.

“What’s this one?” Eleanor asked Olivia, pointing to a particularly ancient looking knife.

Olivia looked impressed. “Good eye, this is probably the most important weapon in the Nevrakis collection.”

“Ok, now I am intrigued,” Eleanor looked at the knife more closely. It was obviously old and there was an elegance to it, but it wasn’t as impressive as many of the other weapons. “What makes it so special?” 

“That knife was one of the ones used to kill Caesar,” Olivia told her, watching Eleanor expectantly. 

Eleanor was sure her expression did not disappoint. She stepped closure, reaching out to touch the knife and then drawing back. “Ok. Wow.” Then she frowned. “I thought Liam told me your collection revolves around Cordonian weaponry?”

“It does,” Olivia told her, “that knife has been passed down through the family line for 2000 years.” 

“Ok that means it has to have a story,” Eleanor commented and it was her turn to look expectant. 

“Well, the knife joined the Nevrakis family collection in the time of Luther Nevrakis,” Olivia began, “apparently it was his wedding gift from his first wife, Livia.” 

“What a romantic gift,” Eleanor said sarcastically.

But Olivia sighed, “I know, right?” 

“Is that the story?” Eleanor asked, “how did Livia get it? And what about the part about it being used to stab Caesar?” 

“That is the best part,” Olivia told her, “the knife had been passed down in Livia’s family since her ancient namesake, who, as the story goes went through great trouble and expense to procure this particular knife, which was the one that Cassius Longinus used to kill Caesar.”

“Why that particular knife?” Eleanor asked, leaning forward. “Weren’t there several knives used?”

Olivia paused, “well this is all family legend and speculation, but the story goes that that particular Livia was the secret bastard daughter of Marc Antony and a Gallic princess turned courtesan, and that the knife in question had once belonged to her mother before being stolen by Cassius, who had also been in love with the courtesan.”

“So the legend is a romantic one,” Eleanor commented, “death, secret betrayal and a love triangle in Ancient Rome. Very on brand for the Nevrakis family.”

“Which is why the knife is a treasure,” Olivia told her, “the story could be romantic nonsense, but… I have to admit it is intriguing.”

“For the record, I could totally see you as a descendent of Marc Antony and a Gallic princess,” Eleanor told her friend. 

“It would be fitting,” Olivia agreed, “but enough about that, let’s look at some of the others. After all, that is not the only legendary weapon we have. This one for example,” and she directed Eleanor’s attention to an impressive looking sword, “belonged to Rys Nevrakis, son of Diavolos and Kenna and founder of the modern Nevrakis line…”


  • End 

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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