Fate Doesn’t Write My Stories pt. 1

Fate Doesn’t Write My Stories is a multi-chapter story about MC, and Chris finding their way back together after years of being separated post graduation. Chris’s career takes him to Boston, a city he’d promised was her territory. But it’s not just Chris, fate has seemingly brought the entire Hartfeld crew back together.


Sun peeking out from behind a thick level of clouds of the first time in weeks. The bright light causing the darkness behind MC’s eyelids to lighten with shades of maroon. Squinting her tired eyes couldn’t keep the beams from coming in. MC opened her hazel eyes for the first time in hours. The last thing she remembered before leaning her head against the textured bark of her favorite tree was a small family setting up a picnic; now that her eyes were open they were gone. Her first recollection of time passing.  She let her eyes adjust as she takes in the tourists snapping photos where the family had been before. The Common was time and time again the place she would go to dream, to think, on her darkest days even to pray to a god she never truly believed in. MC moves her stare down to glance at her phone briefly; rolling her eyes at the dozens of texts rolling in.

Four years ago MC moved to Boston. A desperate choice made during a devastated state of mind. She made an ambitious move applying at the Boston Globe. While she didn’t landed the position she wanted she was eager to accept any role at the paper. Her first year spent grabbing coffee and making copies; the following two years spent moving around commas and splicing run on sentences. But her leaders had trusted her now after years of submitting articles and stories it was finally going to pay off. But not necessarily in the department she wanted. She runs through her supervisor offering her the position in her head over and over.

“MC, you’ve put in a lot here for the past few years and I’m extremely happy to offer you a position as a columnist, and editor.” Tonya Kingsley’s patronizing and snaggle toothed smile has been the bane of MC’s existence for the last three and half years. However the smile she wore now was less condescending. “You’ve submitted some amazing pieces to us and I know you’ve had great interest in our Political Department. And while I pride you on your hard work, I’m more interested in this.” She says sliding crossed the table screen prints of articles MC had no interest in reading again. “When I search your name online the only thing that comes up besides your co published book are these articles. Hartfeld seemed to have you writing a lot on sports and MC, you were excellent at it. You have a way of making these games come back to life. After reading these and seeing how hard you’ve worked well…” she trails off pure happiness falling over face. “With football season approaching quickly The Boston Globe would like to offer this position in the Sports Department, effective immediately.”

How was MC supposed to argue with a promotion, how was she supposed to tell Tonya that she was only good at writing about those old College football games because of her personal connection to the quarterback. In a state of delusion, shock and more importantly financial need MC accepted the position. After cleaning off her now “old” desk the rest of her day was a haze, she remembered getting take out with her roommate, but didn’t recall a word of conversation made. The next day lead her here, to her favorite tree, in her favorite place battling anxieties she had represed for almost four years.

“I knew I’d find you here” a familiar voice teased from behind MC. But while a year ago she found this voice comforting it’s only now started to become annoying. “Mind if I join you?”

MC finally looks up and manages a smile “Carter, hey…” she scoots over allowing him to sit by her.

“You weren’t answering my texts, I just got off of an overnight shift figured I’d swing by here see if I could catch my girl” Carter explained placing his hand over her leg.

Carter Dennings a registered nurse working in pediatrics. Dark brown hair matching identically with his chocolate eyes, a fit frame and a bright white smile. He’d just celebrated his 30th birthday wanting only to spend the day with his ‘best gal’. Carter was a textbook definition of the perfect guy. He gave MC pretty much everything she needed even when she didn’t ask. He was really her ‘prince charming’. But the problem with happily ever afters is that they don’t really apply to real life. They never fought, he gave into her every opinion he supported her and he knew that she was always right. While this lead to their relationship being picture perfect after the first year the lack of tension or opinion was pulling at MC.


Crossed town in a small coffee shop two old familiar friends sit down to reconnect.

“Iced Americano for Becca!” A barista calls loudly over the sounds of chatting.

“Thanks!” Becca grabs the drink leaving behind a far too generous tip. She wanders back to her table sitting crossed from a familiar face. “You know, I don’t know why I’m even meeting with you after you missed my Wedding” her voice teases as her face softens. “But nonetheless… it’s good to see you Chris. You look good!” she chimes “But what brings you to Boston? I figured this is the last place you’d want to be.”

“When you’re career leads you somewhere sometimes you have to go whether you like it or not” Chris’s voice deep and rocky just as it had been in their college days. “I’m managing and assisting a rookie with the Patriots this season. I know you’re football fan so you may have heard of him? Miles Gruntie? Played one season with the Seahawks before accepting a longer contract here”

“Miles Gruntie? Sounds familiar, I’ll have to ask Allan his favorite team is the Seahawks” Becca refers to her now husband. A businessman, realtor and millionaire from that stormy city in the pacific northwest. “We caught a game out there last season remember?” she teases again knowing she can push her limits with her college friend and briefly college fling. “Oh wait, how could you remember? It was the week before my wedding… which you missed” she presses again this time with a smile.

Chris laughs moving his hands up to show his innocence “Hey, it was my mothers 50th birthday! I’m sorry I couldn’t miss it. But also…” he counters her mockery “I’m pretty sure I got you those tickets” he winks and the two of them share laughter before it falls silent.

“Does she know you’re here?” Becca asks now more seriously. “Does she know you’ve moved here?”

Chris looks down fidgeting nervously with his hands that are now layed on the table.  “No” he answers barely loud enough to hear.

Becca moves quickly and gently placing her hands on his. “You should tell her, before she finds out from someone else.”

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