Find Me


Summary: Zoe devises a plan to lure Beckett away from his studies on a school night.

As soon as Zoe learns the locator spell, all sorts of possibilities run through her mind. Sure it could be useful if she lost her phone, or literally lifesaving if one of her friends was missing and in trouble. However, as with most spells she’s learned, she’s just as interested in more recreational uses, and she knows just what she wants to do.

A few days later while sitting at lunch with Beckett and her other friends, Zoe decides to enact her plan. She excuses herself to use the restroom and comes back shortly thereafter. She hugs Beckett from behind on her way back to her seat, and he seems too busy blushing from Zoe’s public display of affection to notice when she slips something into his blazer pocket. Although it can be difficult to tear him away from his studies on a school night, she’s pretty sure he won’t resist taking a break tonight.


Beckett checks his phone as he arrives back at his room after a library study session. His face lights up when he sees a text from Zoe.

Zoe: Where are you?

Beckett: Just got back to my room. Closed down the library again, so I was going to study some more here.

Zoe:  I’d expect nothing less. You are alone, right?

Beckett: Yes. Why do you ask?

Zoe: Check your left front pocket and you’ll see.

Beckett slides his hand into the front of his blazer and is met with something unexpected.  As his fingers grasp the object, he’s pretty sure he knows what it is, and his pulse starts to quicken at the thought of it. He takes it out, and his cheeks get flushed at the confirmation. He sits there a bit stunned, trying to think up an appropriate response.

Zoe: Hello? Did you find it?

Beckett: Why is your underwear in my pocket, and how did it get there?

Zoe: Remember when I hugged you at the lunch table, and you got all flustered? I knew you wouldn’t notice.

Beckett can’t believe he’s been carrying it around all day, but when he looks over then scant amount of lacy fabric, he isn’t all that surprised it went undetected. He’s just thankful he didn’t pull it out in front of anyone.

Beckett: You still didn’t answer why. Does this mean you went around the rest of the day without any underwear?

Zoe: You’ll have to come find me if you want the answer to that. My thong should be all you need to assist with the task.

The practical side of Beckett says he should text her back and take a rain check for another night, but when it comes to Zoe, there’s little room for rules and logic. She’s turned his life upside down in both the best and worst possible ways, and he finds himself following his heart over his head time after time. Plus, who is he to back down from a competition. He begrudgingly yet excitedly texts her back.

Beckett: Hardly a challenge for a Metal Att. See you soon.


Zoe waits on the bed for Beckett’s arrival, and she knows it won’t be long. It wasn’t her intention to make this difficult for Beckett. The goal was just to get him here alone with her, and no more than five minutes later she realizes she’s succeeded as she hears Beckett knock on her door. “Come in!” She yells so as not to spoil the image of her lying on her side in bed waiting for him, head propped up on her hand.

Beckett breezes into the room, just a touch out of breath. “I hardly call it hiding if you are the the place you are supposed to be. ”

“Darn, I guess I lost,” Zoe feigns disappointment, “but getting you alone with me is the only win I need.”

Beckett cocks his head to the side and maintains a straight face. “Who says I wasn’t going to just return this and go back to my room?” He drops her thong on the bed.

“If that’s what you want-” Zoe begins but before she can finish, Beckett is pressed up against her on the bed kissing her fiercely.

Beckett leans back with a seductive grin. “You think you can pull a stunt like that, and I won’t want you like crazy?” He trails a finger up her leg, stopping at the hem of short black skirt. “Did you think I could study and go to bed thinking of you going around in this skirt all day with nothing underneath? At least that’s what I was imagining after finding the surprise in my pocket.”

“Why don’t you find out?” Zoe stares intently into his eyes, never breaking contact as she guides his hand further up her thigh.

Beckett takes over the rest of the way, his hand slightly shaky, and groans once he reaches her bare wet center. “Oh my god, Zoe.”

Zoe smiles demurely. “I’ve been thinking about you all day and how bad you’d want me once you found out.”

“Very bad.” Beckett bucks his hips into her, his hard length pressing into her thigh. “You make it difficult to behave around you.”

Zoe rolls Beckett onto his back, her legs straddling him. “Good, because I don’t want to behave around you either.” She starts to remove his jacket and he helps the rest of the way, taking off his button down and t-shirt as well. Zoe stares down at his broad shoulders and runs her hands over his muscled chest. She still can’t get over her nerdy boyfriends perfectly buff body, but she’s not complaining. She lifts her sweater over her head and Beckett deftly unhooks her bra with one hand. She wonders if he’s been practicing since it didn’t go nearly as smoothly the last time, but she doesn’t have time to dwell on it as she starts to lose herself in the feeling of his hands caressing her breasts.

Beckett tugs on the back of her legs as an indication of where he wants her to go. “I want to eat you out like this.”

A shiver runs down Zoe’s spine, and she inches forward until she’s centered just about his mouth. Beckett hikes her skirt up over her hips and Zoe lowers herself down until his tongue connects with her slit, licking a broad stripe before darting in and out. He works his tongue expertly, his penchant for perfectionism working in her favor.  His warm wet mouth envelopes her sex as his tongue swirls around her clit. Heat builds inside her and she grinds down harder, increasing the friction. “Oh god, Beckett. You’re so good. Don’t stop.”

At her request, Beckett digs his hands into her hips and pulls her even closer.  He brings a hand up to her breast and tugs gently on the stiff peak eliciting a loud moan from Zoe. Her body entire body is buzzing, on the verge of coming undone. She writhes on top of him until she feels like she’s going to explode and then she does, shockwaves of pleasure rippling through her.

Zoe collapses on the bed next to Beckett, her chest heaving with each labored breath.  She catches her breath and then toys with his belt, pausing long enough to tease him. “I could return the favor, but I’m not sure my skills are up to par.”

Beckett looks at her, puzzled. “What do you mean? I think you are amazing.”

“What was it you said in class?,” Zoe asked contemplatively. “Something along the lines of, ‘While her skills could always use some work…'”

“I’m an idiot and a master of sticking my foot in my mouth. You are very skilled both in and out of the classroom, and I’m sorry I said that to make myself look better,” he states sincerely.

“Wow, a humbled Beckett Harrington…I never thought I’d see the day,” Zoe laughs. “For the record, I know you are an idiot who often manages to say the wrong thing, and for some reason, I still like you anyway. I just needed to pay you back for that. Shall we continue?”

Beckett doesn’t answer, instead strips his lower half so he’s fully unclothed. He pounces on Zoe, pinning her arms down and lavishing kisses across her bare flesh. She fists her hands in his hair, inhaling the scent of his clean shampoo and crisp cologne. He works his way down past her belly button and pulls off her skirt once he gets there, so all that remains in her garter belt and thigh high stockings. He settles between her legs and glides two fingers into her core, pumping them in and out slowly. She aches for more and rolls her hips into him to give him the hint. He removes his slick fingers and massages them over the hood of her clit and she gasps and squirms from how sensitive she is. He perceptively lightens his touch, and she closes her eyes and moans contentedly.

“Should I keep going, or would you like something else?” Beckett pauses to wait for her answer.

“I need you inside me Beckett,” Zoe breathes, and if she has to wait any longer, she might combust.

Beckett reaches down and grabs a condom out of his pants pocket, opening up the package and rolling it onto himself. He picks up her legs, and hooks her ankles over his shoulder. “You ready?” She nods in response and he sinks into her inch by inch. He gets so deep in this position that he’s almost too much for her to take, and he holds back a bit when he sees her wince. He finds a slow and steady rhythm, and all of her nerve ending become alight. Her hard beats faster as he pushes her close to the edge once more. He brings a hand to her sensitive nub again and she’s so close.

“More,” she encourages and he increases both his speed and intensity until she’s crying his name. “Oh, Beckett! Yes!” she screams, all but forgetting the close proximity of her neighbors as she comes down from her high.

Beckett shifts, bending her body further in half and she tightens her grip around him. “Fuck, Zoe. You feel too good.” Zoe takes satisfaction in knowing she’s the only one who’s made him talk like that or feel this way. She grabs his ass and slams him into her harder until he finds his release. He lays down beside her and holds her, neither knowing how much time passes. She wants to ask him to stay, but it’s a school night so she already knows what he would say.

“I want to stay, but-” he starts.

“I know.” Zoe sighs.

Beckett strokes her hair and kisses her on the forehead. “I was thinking though, with everything going on, we should have something of each other’s so we can always find one another.”

Zoe smiles softly. “That sounds nice, but I don’t think I want your dirty underwear.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you.” Beckett laughs. “How about my dirty t-shirt instead.” He picks up his worn undershirt and gently flings it at her.

Zoe buries her nose in it, and it doesn’t smell gross at all. It smells good because it smells like him. “I’ll take it.”

“I’d let you keep my thong, but you probably don’t ever want to have to answer any questions about that. How about this?” She takes a hair band from her wrist and places it in the palm of his hand.

“That will work,” he decides and he slips it onto his own wrist. He looks at her intently for quite some time and exhales deeply. “Forget what I said before. I want to stay…if you want me.”

Zoe nods eagerly in agreement. “I’d like that.”

They get ready for bed and settle in under the covers, Zoe resting her head on Beckett’s chest. Although he’s worried they won’t get any sleep, she has her best nights sleep since she arrived at Penderghast, and she’s never felt more at ease.





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