Finding Strength

Summary: After Kenna agrees to meet with Leon’s cousin, Raydan helps to give her strength.

“Your Majesty, may I have a word with you?”

Kenna looked up and saw Jackson approaching her. “Of course.”

“Leon’s cousin Morton Stirling has returned to Stormholt. He married a woman from Bellmere and has been living in a small village there for several years. He just heard about Leon’s death. Understandably, he’s quite upset. Would you be willing to meet with him?”

Kenna took a deep breath. “Yes, but I don’t have time to do it today. Please tell him that I will speak with him tomorrow.”

Jackson nodded and walked away, leaving Kenna to her thoughts. She was still grieving Leon’s loss. Although her recent marriage to Raydan had made her very happy, she still thought of Leon often. She sometimes had nightmares about Leon’s death and would awaken at night, shaking and frightened. Raydan would hold her in his arms and comfort her. She was so thankful that she had him, because she didn’t think she could go through this alone. Would she have the strength to face Leon’s cousin? She had told Jackson that she didn’t have time today because she wasn’t ready to talk to Morton. She needed time to process this news and think about what she was going to say to him.

As she went about her day, she tried to stay strong. Whenever troubling thoughts came to mind, she would will herself to focus on good memories, such as the day she married Raydan. She held up well at first, but finally retreated to her bedroom, where she burst into tears.

A little while later, she heard the door open, and saw Raydan walking in. He rushed over to her and sat by her side, putting his arms around her.

“What’s wrong, my love?”

“Oh, Raydan. Thank gods I have you,” Kenna sobbed. “Jackson told me that Leon’s cousin just came back to Stormholt. He just found out about Leon’s death. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow, but how can I face him? It’s still so hard. I keep seeing Azura striking him down with her lightning.”

Raydan held her tightly. “I know you will find the strength. You have been through so much, and you have survived and triumphed. You can do anything that you set your mind to. I have faith in you. And Leon would want you to be there for his cousin. You can do it for him.”

“But what if I fall apart? I don’t know if I can keep it together.”

“That’s all right, Kenna. If that happens, he would see how much you cared about Leon. It might bring him some comfort to know that he’s not alone, that you share this loss.”

Kenna wiped away her tears. “Thank you, Raydan. That makes a lot of sense. Will you come with me tomorrow? I’ll feel stronger if you’re by my side.”

“Of course I will. I’d do anything for you.” He kissed her gently.

“I suppose we should head back downstairs.” Kenna sat up, and she and Raydan walked out of the bedroom. She felt a little better about what was to come, thanks to Raydan.

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