A Royal Mate: Chapter 7 – In Cordonia

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the story line. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary:  The group is flying to Cordonia. Si and Em are staying with Maxwell at the Beaumont Estate. A special gift awaits Si.


Chapter 7: In Cordonia


Si has never been in a plane this nice. She and Em keep marveling over the littlest details that they see, much to Olivia’s dismay.  Maxwell wasn’t helping much as he was joining in with the girls admiring everything he sees.

“Wow, this is the smoothest ride I think I have taken on a plane.” Si says as she reclines in the plush leather chair, sipping a glass of red wine.

“Well, of course it is, I designed it myself.” Olivia states.

“You are an aeronautical engineer?” Em asks

“No, I am a dragon.  I need you to keep up.” Olivia says to Em.

“So, Si, you know that Liam is so head over heels for you, and I really am happy for you, but are you sure your up for this?” a flash of concern is in Olivia’ eyes.

“Well to be honest, I don’t know really what to expect, but I feel that I need to be with him.  I know it sounds strange, but it feels like he is apart of me and has been for a very long time.  If that makes sense.” pondering what she has just said, Si stares out her window and takes a sip of wine.  Sitting her glass down on the table beside her seat, Si closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Olivia, Em, and Maxwell share a knowing look.  The three move to the sitting area towards the back of the plane, and talk about what they will need to do to help her through this social season.  Em tells them that if they see or sense Daniel not to say anything, he will be shadowing Si until Liam has introduced her as his Queen in Waiting. She explains that Daniel has been known to go to other areas and act as an enforcer, so Si would not be alarmed that he did not go to Cordonia with them.  

“I hate that we cannot tell her what is going on with her.  I mean, I know that Julie and Daniel suspect that she is something special, but they have not shared what they feel  she might be. All I know is that she has to be kept safe.”

“I think that we will find the answers in Cordonia. After all , Daniel said that Si’s father is from Cordonia. The family was thought to have perished around the time that the Queen died, as well as your parents, Liv.”  Maxwell says. “Maybe it is all connected somehow, but whatever it is no one can know Si’s last name. “

“Well her name is hyphenated, so she can just go by Nelson, and it would be a lie, so no one will be able to sense that she is lying.” Em informs them.

“Well, that part settled, it is going to take another 6 hours to get home, I am going to sleep. I suggest you rest too, we have a long night ahead of us.” Liv leaves to go to her bedroom at the rear of the plane.

On, another private plane, Josi has accompanies Tariq and Neville, as they head to Cordonia.  She tells them of the death of Si’s parents and that she was denied her inheritance from the only father she had known,  because she was not his natural child. She told them if Si wasn’t going to give her what was due her, she will find a way to take it all, even if she had to have someone to take care of her little problem.

“A beautiful lady like yourself should be covered in rubies. You should have all the luxury that this life has to offer.” Neville says his voice was smooth as velvet. “I know someone who would reward you handsomely if you agree to help with her little problem.”

“You don’t say, what problem is that?” Josi questions as a flirtatious grin on her lips.

“Well she needs to make sure that no one keeps her from becoming Queen. Those who stand with her will be rewarded; those who get in her way, well they will suffer.” Tariq says, handing her a glass of wine. Josi accepts the glass and takes a big sip. After a few minutes, she is fast asleep.

“Dear God, finally the bitch is out. The smell of her desperation was stifling.” Neville says. “ I mean, does she really think that I would stoop so low as to fuck her? Human females are so easily manipulated.”

“Yes, they are, but this one is especially stupid. See, I told you she would come in handy, if she fucks things up, Madeleine will just kill her, and not us. To think that the King is having a commoner enter his social season.” Tariq says in discuss.

“It does look good to the pathetic commoners in our land.  We have to keep up appearances. I will be glad when Madeleine is on the throne, she will know how to deal with the pestilence cluttering our streets.” Neville says.

“Neville, do you think nobles will do the work of commoners?” Tariq points out the obvious.  

It is 11:00 pm when Liam and Drake finally land. Bastien had already left a car for Drake to drive them home. Liam found his briefcase in the backseat as he requested.  He place the documents that he got from Si inside and locked it. The drive off, making only one detour. They make their way to a safe house that is tucked between the palace and the Beaumont Estate.  Daniel has already arrived and is in his jaguar form awaiting them to get there. Daniel shifts back into his human form and accompanies the men inside.

“They should be landing within a couple of hours. I have surveyed the places that you will be hosting events, I have found the best places to go undetected.” Daniel explains, “Em has a cell phone just with our numbers in it I have loaded the numbers into these,” handing the cell phones to them. “These should be only ones we use to communicate with each other about Si.”

“What were you a spy?” Drakes jokes.

“Something like that,” Daniel answers.

“I have to put her name on the list of suitors, Dainelis is a name known here,” Liam states, but Daniel cuts him off.

“Nelson, Siryah Nelson. Her name was hyphenated until she was emancipated, then she dropped the Nelson, so that her Aunt could not get control of her money.”

“Well that is settled, she will go by Lady Siryah Nelson for the present moment.” Liam says. He misses her.

“Liam, we need to get to the palace now.” Drake reminds him.


Neville and Tariq have, a drugged Josi, carried to the awaiting limo.

“Just put it in the trunk,” Neville says to the attendant. “I cannot have it vomiting in the car.” Without a word the attendant does what he was instructed to do. The driver  closes the door after Tariq and Neville get into the limo.

“Take us to the palace.” Tariq barks to the driver. They make their way to the palace. Once they arrived they  arrived, Tariq and Neville get out.

“Take our luggage and guest through the service door, make sure that there is not a scratch on the luggage.” Neville orders.

“What about our guest?” Tariq ask dismissingly.

“She can be thrown in a broom closet for all I care, but I guess we should keep the farce until we are done with her. I guess you can put her in the south east servant quarters. At least that will be adequate for a woman of her stature.”Neville sighs waving off the driver, as he and Tariq walk into the palace to meet with Madeleine.


“Do you think that he will find her?”

“Of course he will, if not when she is older we will take her back.”

“What if we are not here to take her, or tell her who she really is?”

“Don’t think like that, my love. We will get to see her grow up into the beautiful woman that she was meant to be, especially if she takes after you.  She is our precious ‘Little Pearl’. If by chance we are not here, everything has been arranged. we should let her sleep.”


“Little Blossom, it is time to wake up. We are here.” Maxwell wake her gently. “Come on , you looked like you were having some kinda dream.”

“Yeah, I was dream of a conversation that my parents had when I was sixteen; it was the last conversation before they were killed. They were there when I went to sleep, and gone 12 hours later.” she says as a single tear rolls down her cheek.

Si, Em, and Maxwell get into the car that was waiting for them. They ride in silence, until the pull up to the Beaumont Estate. Si, has never seen any place as grand as this house.  The front of the estate was lit up.

“Welcome, to the House of Beaumont.” Maxwell says as he bows to Em and Si. “This will be your home when we are not at the palace. Your rooms have been prepared in the East wing. You will have it all to yourselves. Si, you will find a very special gift in your suite. Come let’s get you settled.”


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