The Journey Begins (Part 3)

DISCLAIMERS: All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary: Liam and Drake leave for Cordonia. Daniel takes a different flight not too long after them. Si and her companions board Olivia’s plane. Julie senses someone is watching and makes a call. The journey to unlocking Si’s past, present and future begin, and so does her greatest trials.

Chapter 6 – The Journey Begins (Part 3)

“Liam, will you fucking listen to me!” Olivia screamed. “Si cannot arrive in Cordonia with you. I know you don’t like it, but she can’t. You cannot be seen with her until the masquerade ball. It has to be convincing that you just met her. Countess Cunt and the Queen Mother from Hell will be looking for anything they can use to manipulate this situation. Plus, after you guys left, Neville and Tariq disappeared. I would not be surprised if the hyenas followed you here.”
“What do you suggest?” Liam hates to admit it, but Olivia is right.
“I flew over in my private plane, I will take Si, Maxwell, Em with me. You will take Daniel with you, if we are going to make this work, then Si cannot know that Daniel is in Cordonia.”
“Well what about Em, won’t she think that it is suspicious that Em is going with her?” Maxwell asks.
“No, I will let Em know what is going on, you forget, she is my mate, we have the link,” Daniels says. “Liam, I know that you don’t like this, but I promise you I will not let anything happen to her, and if something goes down, you will be the first one I call, but Olivia is right.”
“Fine,” Liam sighs, “I don’t like it, but I cannot live without her. I need her to be safe. I want to see her before we leave though. It’s 12:25 now, Drake wants to leave by 3, so Olivia why don’t you leave at 5 or 6 that way it is very late when you get home. Suitors will not be arriving at the palace until late Sunday morning. I will put her room close to mine as possible. Olivia, she will stay with you in the same wing, I know that Madeleine will be down the hall, I need you to keep her away from Si as much as you can.”

Olivia nods. Liam calls Si to see if she wanted to meet for lunch, she tells him that they just finished shopping and she is going back to the house to have Chinese and a packing party. He tells her that he will be there as soon as they were packed and that they would leave her house to go to the airport.

Everyone gathers at Si; apartment and they go over the plan of how Si and Em were going to go with Olivia and Maxwell and they will go to the Beaumont estate until they have to be at the palace. Em was glad about the extra time to help Si pack. Si was a little upset that she will not be spending time with Liam until Sunday night and that she has to pretend to be a suitor, but she truly believes in Liam and his desire for her. So, if this is how it has to be, then so be it.

Liam and Si sneak to her bedroom while the new friends were talking. “I am sorry that you cannot fly with me, but I promise you that I will only have eyes for you. I want you to get to know people before we declare to them that you are my mate if that is what you wish to be.” Liam says.
“What happens if I decide that I don’t want to be there?” Si asks, she can see the glimmer leave his eyes, he doesn’t want to pressure her, but she deserves his honesty.
“I will lose my place as alpha and king. I will never take another as my queen.”
“Liam, I can’t let you sacrifice all that for me.”
“Now, that I have found you, I and my lion know what we stand to lose if you are not with us. You have felt a connection to me since we first laid eyes on each other, right?” Liam implores.
“Yes, I did. I never bring someone home with me, not like that, I just need you to know that. I don’t know why, but you feel like home to me. I can trust you with anything.” Si says she feels so open when she is with him. “I am so tired of secrets. It feels like my whole life has been one giant secret. Like I really didn’t know my parents at all. Promise me, no secrets.”

Liam kisses Si on her forehead, “There is something else, Madeleine, my stepmother’s niece. She doesn’t like competition. The plan is to have Olivia and Em watch over you, I will also assign a guard to you. I am not trying to scare you, but I need to let you know all that you are getting into by entering my social season. I would rather declare my intentions and be done with this, but I fear that I would …”
“Put me in danger. Liam, I am scared, but I rather be scared with you, than be here alone. I haven’t told anyone this, but I never thought my parents’ deaths were accidents. I don’t know why, but I have that feeling deep in my being, that some more is going on. I know my aunt hates me. I see nothing but hate in her eyes when she looks at me. I don’t want to be here anymore, not with her here.” tears stream down her face, she sniffs, sobs threatening to overtake her. Pulled into his embrace Si releases it all. Liam strokes her hair wishing he could wipe all this pain from her soul.

“Love, the letter and the documents that you got from the lawyers, do you have a safe place to keep them?”
“No, but once we get to your home, will you have a safe place to keep them? I do not want to leave them here just in case Jo tries to break in again.”
“Jo?” his brows furrowing.
“Yeah, her name is Josiphyne Nelson, my grandfather adopted her when he married her mother. Mom said that she was an angel when he was around, but a demon when his back was turned.”
“Of course, Love, I will keep them safe, and it is ‘Our home’. Why don’t you let me take them with me now, that way I can hide them in the palace until you are ready for them.”

Si agrees. She hands him the envelope contains the inheritance paperwork and the letter from her mother. Liam slips the letter into the larger envelope. “I will lock this up once I get back to the palace and you can ask for it whenever you like.”

“How long before you have to leave?”
“About an hour?” he says softly, he can sense her sadness. He pulls her close and they lay on the bed.
“Tell me what to expect when I get there. Do you really think someone will be threatened by me?”
“Love, I really do not know what to expect. I know that Madeleine is not a graceful loser. She was betrothed to my brother Leo, but when he abdicated, well, I became the Crown Prince, and with my father’s death, I became King.”
“So, if she was supposed to be with your brother, is she that thirsty for power because that does not sound like love.”
“Well she loves the crown and the power of an alpha, but she has no compassion, no empathy, and would not care for the people like she should. I need someone who will share my vision for the future, to share my love for the people, and that is definitely not her.”
“Do you really think that I have what it takes to be that for you and your country?”
“Love, you will be more than I could ever dream. You have overcome so much, and that will always make you a better alpha than her, you can be inspirational. I do not want to leave without you, but we must do this, I will have a special dress for you to wear at the masquerade. Stay close to Olivia and Em. Don’t worry, I will find you.”

Si pulls him to her. She presses her lips to his. Liam traces her bottom lip with his tongue. Once, she parts her lips, his tongue dances with hers, and a small growl escapes his throat. The kiss becomes more demanding, he can feel his lion trying to take control to take her again and mark her; but he knows that he must resist for her own safety.
“We should get back to the others,” Liam reluctantly says. “If we don’t you and I will not leave this bed for a week or two.” He steals another quick kiss, stands and holds out his hand to Si. She takes his hand and stands. They leave her bedroom hand in hand.

“Well, now that they have come up for air,” Maxwell says, “Liam we have to get to the airport.”
“I will give you a lift to the airport, to make sure you guys get there alright.” Daniel offers. He kisses Em and pats Maxwell on the back and heads for the door.
Liam gives Si parting kiss. “I will see you tonight when you land in Cordonia, we will stay the night at the Beaumont Estate.” He leaves with the envelope in hand.

They guys leave the apartment building and get in the car waiting for them. Daniel pauses before he gets into the driver’s side, he scans the alley across from the building, his Jaguar is on alert. He can’t see anything, and slowly gets into the vehicle and drives off.

Across the street, hidden in the alley, two pairs of glowing eyes silently watching the human watching the same building they are. They share the bound of an Alpha and Omega. Do you think she will help us? One thought, but the other heard the unspoken question. We should follow her too. Maybe she will be of some use to us.

They watch as a van pulls up to the building, Si and the other come down with luggage and it is loaded into the van. The women and Maxwell get into the van and head towards the building. Julie is the only one left behind. Feeling eyes on her, she looks towards the alley. She knows that someone is there, but she doesn’t want them to know she is on to them. She pulls out her phone and makes a call.

“I need you to secure the block, something is not right here?” Julie says never taking her eyes off the alley.
“Where is Daniel?”
“Si is going back home, Daniel is going to shadow her there.”
“So, he has found her?” questions the voice on the other end of the phone.
“Yes, they have finally found each other, but she still has no idea who she is. When he saw the seal on her mother’s letter, he recognized it right away, but he still had no idea why her mother would have the seal until Daniel told him. They are going to lock the letter up so that no one else will find it. He has to go through his social season and his stepmother has her favorite. The woman sounds awful and I have an uneasy feeling about her. I understand they think it is for her own protection, but they need to tell her.”
“What did Daniel tell them?”
“Only that she was a Duchess in her own right. She doesn’t know what she really is. She is tired of secrets, Liam needs to be the one to tell her soon. Someone is watching. One is Josi, the other two, I have never smelt them before, but they smell like the others from Cordonia. It could be to spy on Liam, but if they find out he has found his true mate, Si could be in danger.”
“Julie, I know you don’t want Si to get hurt, but in order for her to become who she is, she needs to go through some more pain. I don’t know why, but that is the way it has to be. She will find what she needs there. She is stronger than we all know. She is the last, so she must go through whatever happens.”
“I still don’t like it,” Julies says not trying to hide the anger in her voice.
“I know, but this is the way it is. Call Daniel and let him know to be on the alert. I have to go. Goodbye.”

With that, they call disconnects. Julies goes into the apartment to call Daniel. Daniel answers and she tell him about the conversation that she just had, she tells him to stay alert, someone is tracking the King. She states that she will move into Si apartment until Si decides what to do with it.

“Dan, I don’t like this, if she is what we suspect she is, you know the pain she will have to go through. Can you really let her go through that?”
“If we are right, it will be very painful to see. I’ll hate it. But yes I will have to let her go through whatever she will have to go through, I hope she will understand why in the end. I pray that she will not die.”
“Does Liam have any clue what a treasure he has? All he knows is that she is his mate. To him, she is just a human female. She smells human. Look, I have to board my flight.”
“I thought you were traveling with Liam and Drake.”
“I need to get my bearings of the country. I cannot be seen by anyone, especially with the King. Don’t worry, I am going straight to the Beaumont estate. I should land before the girls and Maxwell.” Daniel tries to reassure his sister. He ends the call.

Josiphyne enters a bar down the street, she is unaware that she is being followed. She sits at the bar and is about to order a drink when someone from behind her says, “She’ll have a shot of whiskey,” One of the men says to the bartender. “And, we’ll have two shots of tequila.”

Josi turns to see who just ordered her drink. She turns and sees to beautiful men, both have dark hair that flowed down to the tops of their shoulders, they had olive skin, and smiles that make her wet.

“Well this must be my lucky day, I am Josi, and you are?” she coos, a seductive smile crosses her lips.

“I am Neville and he is Tariq. I think that we can help each other. Let’s be friends.” Neville smiles a panty-dropping smile. “Who was that woman who lived in that apartment you were watching?”

“Why, and who says I was watching someone.”

“Well, we were watching you, but we were sent here to watch over the King, and before you try to lie, we saw how he handled you the night before, so who is she?”

“My niece, Siryah Nelson.”Josi sneers.

Tariq, I don’t think she likes her niece.

No, Neville, I don’t think she likes her either, maybe we can use her to our advantage. Let’s take her with us. She may come in handy. We can always kill her later.

“Well, she is not as beautiful as you, my lady. How about you come with us, and tell us why she makes you so angry, I promise it will be worth your while.” Tariq says with a sinister look in his eyes.


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