
Summary: During the Sterling’s Fourth of July gala, tensions are high and Flynn and MC decides to burn some stress out by making their own fireworks…

Author’s note: for my 500 followers giveaway, I asked people to send me pairings so I could write fanfics of them. I decided to write all the requests and this was @parkerattano’s pair. This story takes place in ‘Chapter 9 – The Rocket’s Red Glare’. I saw screenshots of Flynn’s route and it finally gave me the inspiration I needed to write this fanfic down! All VoS LIs are fantastic and when Flynn flirts with MC… I swear, I feel it in my bones lol. Thank you, Flynn, you’re doing amazing, sweetie. And this summary is cheesy, I can’t stop laughing. I hadn’t name MC here and didn’t define their gender, so I hope more people can relate to it. All the characters belong to Pixelberry Studios and some dialogues are from the book.

After an unpleasant meeting with the Sterlings and a frustrated chase after Tony Rez, who simply disappeared in the crowd, it was time for the fireworks show and MC had decided to watch it with Flynn, who was sitting about halfway up the risers.

“Hey stranger.” – MC greeted as they slid in next to him. His blue eyes found theirs and Flynn’s smirk spread on his face.


“Hey yourself.”

“How’s your night going?”

“Well, I made it through a whole conversation with a bunch of Sterling cousins, and I didn’t punch anyone. So that’s a win.” – MC chuckled softly. – “What about you? Get any leads?”

They spent the next few minutes talking about their discoveries… but they got no information that would might help Kate. The first firework went off, coloring the sky. Flynn told them about how he loved the Fourth of July holiday, especially the fireworks part. They talked about their childhood memories, on how they spent the holiday. His eyes lighted up every time he talked about his beloved little sister.

Another firework shot up into the air, exploding into a million blue stars. Flynn slid an arm around their shoulders as both of them gazed up at it. Smiling, MC leaned their head on his shoulder, his strong arm around them.

“All fireworks are good… but this is definitely the best way to watch them.”

“At a huge mansion with a bunch of free cocktails?” – Flynn chuckled back at them.

“Actually, I was gonna say ‘with you’…”

MC turned to look at him, their faces just inches apart, as a flower of gold and red exploded in the sky above them… And then, they leaned in to kiss him. Flynn’s lips were soft and warm against theirs, surprisingly gentle. His arms tightened around them, pulling them closer, and his kisses grew more urgent. MC felt like losing themself in the soft pressure of his lips, the electric thrill of his hands on their body… Finally, reluctantly, they pulled away.

“People are starting to stare.” – they murmured, with a coyly smile.

“Let’ em stare.” – Flynn said back and kissed them again, even more passionately than before, and they felt themself melting in his arms.

When MC finally pulled away again, giggling, a sprinkle of silver lights was trickling across the sky. Flynn leaned in to whisper in their ear, one hand resting lightly on their thigh.

“I want you more than you can possibly imagine…” – his voice was hoarse and low, and MC sucked in their breath, body lighting up under his touch.

“Well… why want if you can have it?” – MC whispered back, biting their own bottom lip, their heart already beating a little faster inside their chest. They saw Flynn’s blue eyes growing a little darker.

“You better don’t play with me, MC…” – he said with a serious tone, but that smirk of his was already there in his handsome face. – “But if you’re serious, everybody who’s somebody in this hellhole town is here, watching the show. I bet we can find a more secluded place and won’t be missed. Actually, I bet they’ll thank God if we disappear for a moment.”

“This sounds about right.” – they chuckled. MC knew that the O’Malley siblings and they weren’t the favorite people in Birchport. – “And I’m dead serious.” – they were both feeling so overwhelmed about everything… finally finding Kate and then that Walsh pig arresting her and they unable to do anything until they found the true culprit… they deserved to burn the stress out, right? – “Lead the way.”

Flynn’s smile widened and he took their hand. They walked towards the mansion, but he decided to not enter there. Instead, they went to the back of the property, the sky illuminated by the colourful fireworks that were still exploding.


“Well, you know how I love fireworks. I don’t want to lose it.” – he said, leaning his back on the wall, that sly grin on his face.

“You’re not even looking at them.” – MC playfully nudged him with their elbow.

Suddenly, Flynn pulled them closer. MC felt themself pressed against his chest, his strong and rough hands already on their hips, the scent of his cologne hitting them hard.

MC felt their face getting immediately hot and their heart started pounding inside their chest, and leaned closer, drawn to him. Flynn already had that signature smirk back on his lips and his deep blue eyes shined with such intensity that MC had never seen before. Those were the prettiest blue eyes they had ever saw.

And then, his lips met theirs in a searing kiss, his mouth hungry on them. Flynn O’Malley tasted like cheap bear, peppermint gum and danger. MC felt an exciting shiver running through their body when his hand traveled from the small of their back to their neck, the other arm still holding them tight against his body. MC deepened the kiss, losing themself in it.

It seemed like the world had stopped around them. Neither of them thought about where they were and didn’t care if someone could see them. They just needed to forget about their problems and concerns for a moment; they just wanted to feel one another.

“Damn, MC…” – he whispered, his voice hoarse, full of desire.

Suddenly, he changed their positions, and MC felt their back against the wall with Flynn pinning them there, his hands traveling up and down their body in a exciting way, his warmth enveloping them, his heart beating as hard and fast as theirs. His tongue explored their mouth, their tastes mixing, and MC groaned against his lips when they felt the front of his pants pressing against them. He definitely wanted them as much as they wanted him.

“I want you so bad…” – MC murmured with their foreheads pressed together.

“I want you too.” – Flynn said, his blue eyes searching theirs.

And then, his hand slid inside their underwear, making MC gasp in surprise. They moaned softly while Flynn’s hand worked on them, his lips putting burning kisses on their neck.

“Oh God, take me, Flynn…” – they were soon begging for him, feeling their head dizzy.

Suddenly, Flynn turned them and MC felt his chest on their back.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” – he murmured, kissing the nape of their neck.

Both of them groaned when he slowly pushed forward inside them, letting their bodies adjust to the sensation of one another. Flynn’s hands held them tightly by their hips as he thrusted in them, MC muffling their own moans. – “Oh God, you feel so good…”

Flynn started moving faster and rougher, bringing MC closer to the edge with each thrust. None of them heard the fireworks exploding in the dark sky; they were making their own fireworks. They felt their bodies tensing with anticipation and pleasure and he had to hid his face on their neck when they both came at the same time. MC could feel their legs shaking while Flynn squirmed behind them.

“Wow. – he said, still panting, as they turned to face him, chuckling. – “You really are something else, do you know it, MC?”

“You might have already told me this before.” – they grinned at him, who smiled back.

“Next time will be even better. We’ll do it in somewhere more properly and I’ll take my time with you.” – he whispered on their ear and MC felt an exciting thrill run through their body.

“This one was already fantastic, but I can’t wait for it.” – Flynn’s smirk widened and then he pulled them for another kiss, a soft one.

It was insane how MC’s body lighted up every time he kissed them. Actually, they felt like catching fire even when those blue eyes of his were just looking at and through them.

Reluctantly, Flynn pulled out:

“The show is almost over. We should go back.”

“Alright.” – both of them smoothed their clothes, trying to cover any proof of their little adventure.

And then, they went back to where the crowd was, exchanging sly grins, their hands interlaced, to watch the big finale of the fireworks show…

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