First Kiss – Colt x MC

Author’s note: Wrote it as a one shot and praying it’s coherent Also my muse is a cruel soul, I expected to write about my Monday kids…. shout out to my girls @shreyamistry and @scgdoeswhat for laughing at and loving my hypocritical ass!!!!

Summary: My version of events of what went down before the driving test (Chapter 6).

Word count: 961

Riya would have told her not to let it get under her skin, but Izzy Parker was the stubborn sort of girl. It was how she’d managed to stay top of her class throughout high school, how she’d managed not to cry herself to sleep when she was lonely and missed her mother, and now? That same stubbornness was going to wipe that smug grin right off of Colt’s face.

“You’re just going to embarrass yourself,” he’d told her just a few moments prior. Izzy hyper-focused on the steering wheel gripped in her hands and the empty DMV parking lot. She was going to drift and she was going to prove Colt wrong. Izzy punched the gas, her sights set on the parking cone target. Just as she approached, she turned the steering wheel left, heart thudding heavily in her chest. Hitting the clutch pedal, then the accelerator, the rest of the world fell away, like someone had reached out and flicked the sound off. She didn’t register the noisy skidding of the cars tires as she hard turned the wheel to the right, nor the knowing look Colt passed to her.

Bitting the inside of her cheek, Izzy turned a tight circle around the traffic cone, knuckles taunt as she tightened her grip on the wheel, and completed her orbit. Safely out of the turn, a small smile crept up on her face, then blossomed into a full blown smile as she cheered, happily surprised by her feat.

“Oh my God, that was awesome!”

“Knew you could do it,” was Colt’s cheeky reply, earning a glare from the driver before she shook her head. “Yeah right, you just said I was going to embarrass myself,” Izzy cocked an eyebrow at him. “Doesn’t matter who else believes in you. You gotta believe in yourself.”

Izzy blinked at his words, at the truth and sincerity in them. She grinned. “You should take your own advice,” she laughed, crossing her arms. Colt returned her funny look. “Doesn’t matter if your dad believes in you in not,” she spoke again, though she made sure to disguise her true feelings on the matter. As suffocating as her own father was, it would crush her if he didn’t love and believe in her. Her current double-life pressed the guilt thickly onto her, and she pushed the intrusive thoughts aside. “Funny, don’t think I’ll be taking family advice from you…” Colt replied, oblivious to her inner stressing. “But I guess you’re right. Still, easier said than done.”

Izzy nodded once, both of them settling into a silence that for once was charged with their usual hostile banter. “What isn’t?” she whispered to herself. It wasn’t until she looked up that she noticed the quiet way Colt studied her. He didn’t look away and she flushed under his gaze. “What?” she snapped, praying there wasn’t something ghastly on her face. Or in her teeth. Colt smirked, but just as quickly as the corner of his lips quirked up, they relaxed. Izzy licked hers reflexively, and a chill went down her spine as she noticed Colt watching the movement, his eyes on her lips now.

No. No way was this happening. Izzy had prided herself on saving her first kiss for her first serious boyfriend. It was a lofty goal at best, and an unattainable wish at worst. She’d had no luck in high school, no time really, and now as a senior about to head to college in a few months, her resolve had waned. Colt leaned in, tentative, as if giving her an out. Izzy felt herself lean forward instead, light brown eyes starring back into his chocolate ones. They were reflective, his teasing nature gone for the moment.

He reached a hand over to tuck her hair behind her ear, and Izzy’s breath hitched. Of all the crazy and exciting things to happen to her in the past few days, and even weeks, this was what felt the most out of her element.


Izzy wasn’t sure how she planned to finish the rest of the sentence once Colt’s lips pressed against hers. Soft, sure, right. Izzy was pleasantly surprised, sinking deeper into the kiss as her eyes fluttered shut. She felt him smile against her, and Izzy pulled back ever so slightly.

“Wow, I-“

Again she was cut off. Sure, it was probably his rude way of telling her to shut up, but she didn’t mind. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Colt flush against her. Finally he pulled back and relaased her. Izzy sorted through her rush of emotions to find the most valid one. “Let’s get you to your test,” he finally said, as Izzy settled on lust. It was just the fleeting rush of repressed hormones that had led to what transpired between them.

It changed nothing about how she felt for Logan. Logan. Had Colt kissed her just because of some stupid rival between the two knuckleheads? What was he trying to prove?

“Don’t think you’re special. That kiss didn’t mean anything.” Izzy narrowed her eyes, reaching for the car door to let herself out and switch places. If he was affected by her words and suddenly harsh tone, he didn’t let it show. In fact, he probably wasn’t affected. And Izzy would have held on to her hot and familiar flash of anger if Colt’s words hadn’t made her pause. “Chill out Parker, I’m not a complete asshole.” He took a breath as if to continue, but thinking better of it, he turned from Izzy and opened the door on his side. For a kiss that meant nothing, she would replay it over and over in head, smiling before she chastised herself for being so stupid.

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