For Law and Love – Chapter 10

Summary: It’s the day of Anna’s exam and hopefully all her “studying” has paid off. But even if she starts doing well in business stats, will a larger issue arise in another class?

Anna awoke to a soft-spoken voice calling her name. She opened her eyes to see him smiling back at her. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Ernest brushed a messy strand of hair out of her eyes.

Anna sat up and self-consciously smoothed out her hair. “I probably look more like Maleficent than Princess Aurora right now.

“Nonsense.” Ernest slid his hands under Anna and pulled her onto his lap. “You are never not beautiful.” He pressed his lips to hers, and Anna threw her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, not even caring if she had morning breath. Ernest put a hand to her chest and pulled his head back. “I was going to make you breakfast, but all you have is cereal and no milk. “If we get ready now, we’ll have time to go out for breakfast before your exam.”

“Or,” Anna pushed him back on the bed, “we can have dessert first, and grab something on the way.”

“I don’t think people typically have dessert with their breakfast,” Ernest said straight-faced before he lips curved upward giving him away. “As much as I’d love that, I don’t think we’d have time for what I want to do to you.”

Anna had him pinned down, her legs straddling his hips. She was determined to get her way, and she was confident he’d give in. “How about a compromise? We can shower together. Kill two birds with one stone.”

Ernest chuckled. “Somehow I don’t think that will save us any time.”

“Please?” Anna pouted her lips. “You wouldn’t me to fail my exam because all I can think about is getting back and having my way with you? I need to clear my head.”

Ernest shook his head. ”I’m not sure your logic is sound, but I see you’ve already figured out just how to get me. Go start the shower before I come to my senses.”

Anna hopped out of bed and rushed down the hallway to the bathroom. She turned on the water and stripped off Ernest’s t-shirt she had worn to bed as if she didn’t have a full draw full of pajamas at her disposal. She stepped in and closed her eyes as the hot water washed over her face until she heard the shower curtain whoosh open and Ernest joined her inside.

Anna picked up her shampoo bottle, but Ernest grabbed it from her. “Let me.” He poured a generous amount in the palm of his hand and began to massage it into her scalp. Between the warmth of the water on her skin, the soothing scent of her coconut shampoo, and tingling touch of Ernests fingertips, all her senses awakened.

Anna reciprocated and scrubbed the soap through Ernest’s hair much like he did with her. As the suds dripped down his body, she caressed his taut chest muscles and began to move lower. Mirroring her movements, Ernest’s hands went to her shoulders and then glided over the soap-slicked skin of her breasts. She whimpered as his fingers danced across the stiff peaks. He settled his hands on her hips as if waiting for her to make a move.

Anna looked down at Ernest’s cock which was already standing at full attention, almost closing the gap between them. She put a small dollop of body wash in her hand and wrapped it around his shaft. His eyes flew shut, and he threw his head back as she pumped his hard length. A guttural groan escaped him as she flicked her wrist and twisted around the slippery head.

“Oh my god, Anna,” he breathed as she continued her languid motion. He returned the favor, bringing his hand to the apex of her thighs and burying two fingers inside her, filling the space he’d occupied just hours ago. She tensed around them reflexively as he rubbed the tender flesh and then relaxed as a warm tingling spread outwards from her core. He stroked firm yet fluid circles over the hood of her clit, and she bucked into him, wanting as much as he would give. She realized she’d all but forgotten to continue with him. She tightened her grip on him, increasing her speed and caressing his balls with her free hand.

Ernest leaned forward to brace an arm against the wall, and now he was the one to forget his duties, his fingers stilling inside her as he neared his release. His pants and moans ramped up until he cried out as his cum spurted forcefully onto her belly before being washed away by the water trickling down.

He promptly composed himself and refocused on his mission. He crushed his mouth to hers as he expertly worked his fingers in and around her sex. The warmth and pressure continued to build within her, and he increased his movements on cue with her amplified cries. “Ernest, Yes!” she suddenly cried as he pushed her over the the edge, a euphoric feeling coursing through her veins and her walls contracting around his fingers. Her legs wobbled and he hooked and arm around her waist, drawing her into him to keep her steady as her strength returned.

“Okay, you…” Ernest kissed the top of Anna’s head. “need to get moving so you aren’t late.”

Anna smirked. “I suddenly feel much more ready for my exam.”


Ernest’s office hours were drawing to a close. He checked his phone, waiting for Anna to text him about her exam. She seemed to know the material well, but he was slightly worried he’d allowed himself to sidetrack her too much. Not that he had much say in the matter. Anna seemed to be the type that when she wanted something, she found a way to get it, and when that aligned with what he wanted, he was powerless to stop it.

He let his thoughts wander, replaying the events of the last 24 hours in vivid detail and nearly jumped out of his seat at the sound of knocking. He shifted his gaze up towards the door and saw just the person he was hoping to see.

“Anna! How did it go?” He got up to close the door behind her since Professor Richards always happened to be lurking and listening when he was around.

”Well…” Anna took the seat across from ernest at his desk. “They scored the exams right away…” Her face was purposefully unreadable until she cracked a smile. “…And I got a 95 percent!”

Ernest frowned. “Maybe if you hadn’t been so distracted, you could have gotten 100.”

Anna rolled up some papers on the desk and swatted Ernest on the shoulder. “Oh stop. You know I kicked ass.”

Ernest chuckled. “You did very well.”

“I know you’re busy, and I have have to get to my next class, but this was on my way and I knew you’d be here.” Anna leaned over the desk and kissed him sweetly on the lips. “I’ll text you later.”

As Ernest let Anna, out, professor Richards was hovering in his doorway. He eyed the two of them suspiciously and then trained his eyes on Anna as she walked away, leering creepily at her backside. Ernest shuddered. Everyone had heard the rumors about professor Richards. He seemed to set his sights on at least one female student every semester and was adept at using his influence to get what he wanted – promises of internships and extra credit amongst other things. Not all were so easily swayed, but Richards could be persistent, and sometimes it worked and sometimes he resorted to more extreme measures. Ernest didn’t want to believe some of the things he’d heard, but working this closely the professor this semester, he wouldn’t put anything past him.

Ernest tried to duck back into his office as fast as possible, but professor Richards called out to him. “Ernest. Can you come to my office?” Ernest sighed but obeyed the professor’s request. ”Have a seat.”

“Is something wrong?” Ernest had an uneasy feeling.

Professor Richards tapped his fingers on the desk and his expression remained stern. “I do have some concerns about your relationship with Ms. Edgewater. I wouldn’t want you playing favorites because you two are romantically involved.”

Ernest wasn’t sure what to do. Should he deny anything is going on? It wasn’t like a traditional student teacher relationship that was prohibited, but it was an unwritten gray area. “I’m not certain what you think is going on, but I can assure you -”

“Please, Mr. Sinclaire. Don’t patronize me. I know something is going on between you two. I had some suspicions from what I saw the night of the Alumni Gala, and seeing her prancing in and out of your office right now all but confirms it for me.”

Ernest felt heat rising to his face and he tightly gripped the arms of the chair. “Professor Richards, regardless of what you may think is going on, I have done nothing questionable in regards to teaching or grading. I’m no sure how this is any of your concern.”

Professor Richards scoffed. “I’ve been around long enough to know that men think with their dicks above all else. From here on out, I will be taking over Ms. Edgewater’s assignments and any further instruction. Luke and Hamid are not to be trusted either. You might think you’re special, but you don’t see the way she’s all over both of them in class as well. That girl seems to be willing to whore herself out to anyone to work her way into law school.”

And that was it. Ernest shot out of his chair and balled his fists. He was acting on pure emotion and adrenaline, ready to clock Richards in the face.

“Watch your temper,” the professor chided. “I highly doubt any other law school will take you if you get kicked out of here for assaulting a professor. I can ruin you, Sinclaire. Remember that. Keep your head down, and do as I ask, and there will be no issues. Now, you can see yourself out.”

Ernest didn’t bother with a formal farewell or any at all. Richards had barely finished his sentence before Sinclaire was out the door. If Richards thought Anna would play into his trap, he had another thing coming. Yet, Ernest still worried Anna would fall victim to him in some form or fashion. His only hope was that she’d continue to keep her grades up and be able to avoid the professor as much as possible the remainder of the semester. Ernest would be counting down the days til then.

2 thoughts on “For Law and Love – Chapter 10”

  1. Eww, eww, Duke Richards is so gross. But the shower sex was so hot and I love the warm teasing banter between them, hopefully they can survive what the Duke has planned for them.

    1. Thanks Misha! He is gross and is only going to get worse.

      I wasn’t even going to put any smut in this chapter, but since it’s been so long since I updated and there is not so fun stuff coming, I figured I finally might as well.

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