Summary: Day one of their month apart, but Ernest and Anna still find a way to spend time together. Anna is trying to keep a low profile today, but nobody wants to let her forgot what day it is.

One month. Anna had been through one month over 250 times in her life. Certainly one more was insignificant compared to the total. And it’s not like she wouldn’t be able to see him, but it was almost more difficult to have someone you wanted so badly but couldn’t have in front of your face all the time then to not see them at all. Yet she still wanted to be with him as much as possible, so she found herself waking at the dreadful hour of seven on a Saturday morning to volunteer at the legal aid clinic on campus. She threw her hair up, put on a clean pair of jeans and a sweater, and grabbed an extra large coffee on the way, hoping she’d feel awake by the time she got there.
As was expected with his “on time is late, and 15 min early is on time personality”, Ernest was already there when she arrived. She had to resist the urge to hug him or be too informal, so she decided if she couldn’t act how she wanted to, she’d have some fun with it.
“Good morning, Mr. Sinclaire. Than you so much for this opportunity,” Anna greeted.
Ernest raised an eyebrow at her. “Good morning Anna, why don’t I introduce you to Mr. Chambers. He’ll be training you this morning.”
“Anna, so nice to meet you.” He held out his hand for Anna to shake. He was a couple inches shorter than Ernest with curly dark brown hair and couldn’t have been much older than Ernest. “None of this stuffy Mr. Chambers though. You can call me Bart.”
“Nice to meet you too, Bart,” Anna replied warmly. There was something about Bart that put her at ease. “How can I help?”
“I’m afraid it’s not glamorous work, but we have a backlog of filing to do. Let me show you to the file room.” Bart led her to a small room towards the back of the building and explained which piles needed to go where. Just before he was about to leave, he looked at her and smirked. “You know, Ernest had told me a lot about you.”
“He has? I’m just one of his students…” Anna waited nervously to see where he was going. She already trusted Bart, but this legal clinic was affiliated with the school and she didn’t want any rumors going around.
Bart chuckled. “Relax Anna, Ernest is a good guy, and I’m on your side. It’s usually hard to get anything personal out of him, so for him to open up to me about you and this whole ordeal must mean you’re pretty special. If he’s not going to be interested in someone like me, I’m happy it’s you.” He must have noticed a slight change in her expression due to his unexpected admission, adding “Yes, I’m gay if you couldn’t already tell.”
Anna laughed. “I didn’t want to make any assumptions.”
“I have a boyfriend now, and obviously I’m not his type, but if I had ever had a chance with him, I would have been all over it. Anyhow, the clients will start trickling in any moment, so I’ll leave you you to it, but let me know if you have any questions.” Bart snuck through the partially opened door, leaving her alone with the massive stacks of paperwork.
Anna put her earbuds in and put some music on to make the menial task a bit more enjoyable. She got in a groove and had made a good dent, not even sure how much time had passed when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It startled her to the point that she jumped and let out a yelp. She whipped her head around expecting to see Bart. “Ernest! What are you doing in here?”
Ernest threw a stack of envelopes on the table and wrapped her in a tight embrace. “Bart insisted I file those immediately.”
Anna peaked over his shoulder to see he had closed the door behind him. “Oh did he? He’s a pretty decent wingman isn’t he?”
“One of the best.” Ernest cupped her cheek and ducked his head down to kiss her. He backed her into the table, and then picked her up and sat her atop it. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss, having to fight the urge to start ripping his clothes off since it was neither the time or the place.
Anna put her hand on Ernest’s chest as she pulled back and looked up at him. “I think we better stop before I get us both kicked out of school.”
“You just can’t resist me, can you?” Ernest teased.
Anna rolled her eyes. “Today I can, but just barely. Ask me again in a few weeks.”
“It’s only been a day, hasn’t it? Speaking of the date, I have a confession.” Ernest picked the stack of envelopes up from the table and handed them to Anna. They were tied together with a red bow and she could see the top one was addressed to her, with ‘Day 1′ written on it. “It seems you may have been hoping I would forget what day it is today. With everything going on, I neglected to get you a proper present, but I hope these will suffice. Happy Birthday Anna.”
Anna didn’t forget it was her birthday, but she had hoped everyone else would. She had planned to celebrate her 21st birthday with Ernest and all her other close friends, but given the circumstances, she just wasn’t in the mood if he couldn’t attend. As thoughtful as he was, she should have figured Ernest wouldn’t let it go by unnoticed. Anna untied the ribbon and sifted through the envelopes numbered 1-31 and her eyes began to well up. “When did you have time to do all this?”
“Let’s just say I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Ernest pecked her sweetly on the lips. “I know we won’t be able to talk or see each other every day, but at least you’ll get a little something from me.”
Anna threw her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest. “It’s perfect.”
Ernest left Anna to finish her filing. There was still another hour or so until lunch, and she figured she had at least that much more work to do. She worked diligently and powered through a few extra minutes to get it all done. When she reached the break room, all the employees and volunteers were there and Bart was standing next to a birthday cake.
“We heard it was your birthday, and we never pass up an opportunity to eat cake around here.” He lit the candle and led everyone in singing happy birthday to Anna. She was a mix of mortified that all these people she just met were making a fuss over her and touched that Ernest set this all up, for she highly doubted Bart figured out her birthday from the volunteer paperwork she just submitted that morning.
“Thank you,” Anna mouthed to Ernest and he just nodded and smiled. The ate lunch and had cake before it was time for Ernest to get back to the clients.
Bart approached Anna before going back to his work. “You got the filing done much faster than I anticipated. I didn’t prepare anything else for you to assist with today, so if you want you can go home early, otherwise you could shadow Ernest to get a feel for what we do here.”
Anna wasn’t going to turn down a chance to spend more time with Ernest, and she was curious to see what kind of cases he dealt with, so she happily agreed to stay. The first client was a man named Luis with an energetic boy in tow who looked about four or five. He rolled his toy truck across the desk and over the paperwork, and Ernest took it all in stride. He went around to Ernest’s side of the desk and stared at him expectantly.
“I’m sorry,” Luis apologized. “I didn’t have anyone to watch him today. Alex, come here!”
“No worries,” Ernest assured him. “Hey Alex, I have a very important job for you. Would you like to be my special helper?” Alex nodded and beamed proudly. “Can you give this paper to your dad to fill out?”
Alex took the form to his father and continued to be the courier for each document throughout the visit. It turned out Luis was a single father trying to get permanent custody of Alex. His mom was in and out of jail and sporadically in Alex’s life. Luis had been laid off from his job for some time, but now he had steady employment and hoped he had a better chance of the courts awarding full custody. Anna was in awe of the level of compassion and kindness Ernest showed towards both Luis and Alex, and it made her love him even more. Yes, there was no denying she was completely head-over-heels in love with Ernest Sinclaire.
Ernest saw a few more clients that afternoon including an immigration case, a tenant-landlord dispute, and woman seeking disability benefits. Anna had been around lawyers her whole life, but this was a completely different side of things – one she knew existed but had never experienced. Her dad’s clients were typically large corporations and individuals who could pay top dollar for his services. His work certainly served a purpose, but this type of advocacy work, while not likely profitable, seemed to really give people a chance to change things in their lives for the better. Anna was beginning to see for the first time that maybe this career path could not only help fulfill her dad’s wishes, but could be something she was passionate about as well.
At the end of the day, Ernest and Anna snuck in a quick goodbye before Anna headed back home to spend her birthday and the rest of her weekend with her dad. She hadn’t seen him in a few weeks, and spending her birthday with him would be a good distraction. She knew he wouldn’t have expected her to celebrate her 21st birthday with him, but she was sure deep down he was thrilled to have her there instead of out at some bar getting wasted.
Anna walked through the front door, and was confused when she saw a couple pairs of women’s shoes by the door. She turned the corner to the living room and noticed a large birthday banner, before she saw two familiar faces pop out.
“Surprise!” Briar yelled and rand over hugged her.
Annabelle followed suit. “We know you said you didn’t want to do anything, but we came to crash your party anyway. Don’t worry, nothing wild. Just a fun girls night in.”
Somehow Briar and Annabelle both new Anna well enough to know what she needed even more than herself. She thought she wanted to wallow in self-pity with her dad, but having them there was a breath of fresh air, and her mood instantly lifted.
“I’m glad I have troublemaker best friends like you two who never listen to anything I say.” Anna chuckled. “Seriously though, I’m really happy you both are here. I’m just going to go say hi to my dad.”
Anna wandered into the kitchen where she could hear her dad banging around. “Hi sweetheart!” Vincent threw his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday!”
“Hi, Dad. I hope you don’t mind that Briar and Annabelle are joining us.”
“Of course I don’t mind!” Vincent Exclaimed. “Who do you think invited them? I know you love your old man, but I know you need your friends too. I figured we could all eat dinner together, and then I’ll leave you girls to whatever girls do.”
Anna scanned the kitchen. There was a pan of lasagna prepped and ready to go in the oven, and her dad was cutting up vegetables for salad. “Do you need any help with anything?
Vincent shooed her away. “Get out of here. It’s your birthday. Go relax.” He pointed to a bottle of white wine chilling in a bucket on the counter. “You could get yourself and your friends a drink now that you’re legal. There’s some beers in the fridge also.”
“The wine will be perfect. Thanks dad.” Anna grabbed the wine and three glasses and joined her friends in the living room.
Dinner was nice, and Vincent had gotten tiramisu from Anna’s favorite Italian bakery for dessert. Both Anna and Vincent were pleased to hear Briar had ditched Eddie and Arthur and was navigating somewhat of a long distance relationship with Luke. It was nothing serious yet, but they had continued to talk since they met at the bar and had plans to meet for lunch the next day. Annabelle gave a hilarious but PG-rated version of her Tinder adventures, and they all ate until they were stuffed.
Vincent retired early as promised, and the girls put on face masks and gave each other pedicures, which probably wasn’t the best idea after a few glasses of wine. Nevertheless, Anna hadn’t felt so light nor laughed that much in quite some time. They settled in and watched To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, which Anna could never get tired of. She had to admit Peter Kavinsky made her swoon, but he still had nothing on Ernest Sinclaire.
When they could all barely keep their eyes open, Anna showed Briar and Annabelle to their guest rooms, before climbing into bed. She retrieved evelop #1 from her bag, which she had purposefully saved until now to open and read what was inside.
My Anna,
One day down, and one day closer to us being together freely again. I couldn’t have imagined just a few months ago I’d be here today, having someone like you I can’t live without. However much you are missing me, I’m certain I’ll be missing you more.
I know this birthday isn’t what you planned, but I hope the time we got to spend made you at least a little happy. I’m not sure what kind of trouble you’ll get into the rest of the day without me, but please for your sake and mine, try to refrain from getting so drunk you puke on another man’s shoes. I hope to be the first and last to experience that with you.
Anna laughed to herself as she wiped a tear from her cheek. Then she realized what he’d written in closing and her heart fluttered. She knew she loved him and she thought he felt the same, but they’d never thrown that four letter word out there. She wondered if it held the weight she thought it did, but Ernest took nothing of importance lightly. If he used that word, he meant it. Anna tucked the letter safety in her nightstand drawer and her head hit the pillow with a big smile on her face. This was not at all the 21st birthday she had envisioned, but all in all it had been a pretty great day.