For Law and Love – Chapter 14



Summary: Anna uses the letters from Ernest to help her get through their month apart and decides to surprise Ernest with letters of her own.

Day 2:

Anna woke up the morning after her birthday and sat up in bed. She immediately looked over to the stack of letters on her nightstand and couldn’t wait to open the second one.

Good Morning Anna,

Yes, I said good morning because if I know you, you’ll be opening these letters first thing. I hope you had fun celebrating your birthday last night, but also that you aren’t too hungover. I’m picturing the empty space on your bed right now and wishing I was there waking up next to you like it should have been (except if you are at your dad’s house. I know he likes me, but I’m not sure he’d be cool with that). If you didn’t head there last night, I’m sure you’ll see him today for Sunday dinner, so say hi to him for me please if you don’t mind. 

With Love,


P.S. – I know you think I’m a bit paranoid, but I do still think it’s best we don’t make any attempts at communication via phone or electronics. While I highly doubt anyone is going to scour my phone records to check for evidence of a relationship between us, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Anna laid back on her pillows with a smile. There was the L word again, and it was definitely not a mistake.

Day 3:

Anna groaned as she rolled over and shut off her alarm clock, wanting to keep hitting snooze until the last minute, but then she remembered a new day meant a new letter, and she suddenly felt better about facing the day.

Happy Monday my dear Anna!

I know how you dread Mondays, but I say it’s happy because I’ll get to see you in class today. I’ll try not to get too distracted by the sight of you, but I can’t make any promises. I figure you could put the enclosed gift card to good use for your usual order from Crema Cafe. See you soon!



Anna tucked the gift card into her bag before she headed out the door. While it didn’t completely surprise her, Anna was amazed at Ernest’s attention to detail where she was concerned, knowing that she would most definitely be bringing and extra large coffee to class that day. She grabbed her latte on the way and convinced Annabelle to sit in the second row again behind Luke and Hamid, who were now attending every class due to the change in circumstances.

Ernest scanned the room and found Anna immediately upon his arrival. She held up her coffee cup and a big grin spread across his face. “Thank you” she mouthed subtly and he gave her a nod. Ernest turned out to be an amazing lecturer. She’d never been more attentive in class in her life, and not just because her boyfriend was speaking, though it didn’t hurt.

That night, Anna decided she loved her letters so much, she’d start writing letters to Ernest as well.

Dear Professor Sinclaire (Okay I know you aren’t technically a professor but I’m still going to call you that),

I thoroughly enjoyed your lecture today and have never found the topic of business law more interesting. You are a vast improvement over that asshole before you (who shall remain nameless) and you are much more fun to look at too. I know you probably think I’m just saying that because I’m your girlfriend, and you are the most modest guy I know, but you should have heard what the girls behind me in class were saying. Or maybe not because it would probably make you blush, but just know I realize how lucky I am to have you and cannot wait until these 30 days are up.



Day 7

My Anna,

One whole week down already. It’s Friday which means that not only will I see you in class today, but I will hopefully get to see you at the Legal Aid clinic tomorrow. It’s been a full week, and I’m sure to be craving your touch. I know we need to remain discreet and professional, but I’ll take whatever I can get. Good luck on the quiz today, but I’m sure you won’t need it.

All my love,


Mr. Sinclaire,

What was that quiz today? I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of want the old guy back. Just kidding, of course, but that was rough. Good thing I know how you think, so I’m sure I did alright. I would like to mention that your eyes looked stunning today with that blue shirt you were wearing. You should wear that color more often. 

I’m so looking forward to seeing you at the clinic tomorrow. Hopefully we can get a little time to sneak away during breaks. I know if Bart has anything to say about it, we will. I think he’s my new best friend.


Your Anna

Day 8

Good Morning Anna,

I’m sure it will be a good morning because I get to spend the day with you. Even if we don’t get any alone time, just being near you will brighten my day. I know you aren’t otherwise thrilled about getting up so early on a Saturday, so don’t worry about getting up earlier to get coffee on the way. I’ll take care of you.

Love Ernest

As promised, Ernest had Anna’s usual coffee order waiting for her when she arrived. It was a really busy day, and they didn’t get much time together, but they snuck in little kisses and touches when they could. Ernest ordered food for the two of them and arranged for a picnic style lunch on the floor of the file room for them because it was the only place they could ensure privacy. And of course Bart covered for them and made sure no one needed to access the room during that time. Anna also got the chance to surprise Ernest by giving him the letters she had written throughout the week and she could tell he was truly excited to read them. The day passed all too quickly, but she was thankful for the time they did have.

Dear Ernest,

It was amazing to spend time with you today, not only because I got to talk to you, hold you, and kiss you, but because your passion for helping people is inspiring. Seeing the way you treat all your clients as your equals without judgment shows that you really care, and I know you are going to be the best at whichever type of law you choose. Speaking of kissing you, I’m already about to combust every time you touch me, and when I climbed into your lap during lunch I could feel how wound up you are too. I can hardly imagine what it’s going to be like st the end of these 30 days, but I can’t wait to find out.

Thinking about you always,


Day 20

Anna, My Love,

Only ten more days until I get to hold you in my arms once and for all and never let go. I assume by this point I’m getting desperate for you, and have become well acquainted with my right hand. I envision myself closing my eyes and imagining it’s you wrapped around me instead, wondering if you’re in bed doing the same as me. Just thinking about it now already has me aching for you.

Love, hugs, and kisses,


Oh Ernest, 

You don’t even know how bad I want you right now, and your letter from today only made it worse. You are correct that I’ve spent many nights touching myself as I think about you. I’ve also purchased a couple new toys to help get me through, and I’m looking forward to trying them out with you too. We’ve already made it two thirds of the way there, let’s hope this last third flies by.

With Love,


Day 30

My Favorite Girl, Anna,

We’ve made it! The day is finally here! I hope you haven’t made any plans for the next few days, because I’m taking you back to my place and we’re not leaving my bed until it’s absolutely necessary. I want to see you as soon as possible, so meet me at my office at 5pm. I will have all the grades for the class submitted and then we will be free – no longer student and teacher, just Ernest and Anna.

Can’t wait to see you my Love,


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