For Law and Love – Chapter 5

“Anna! What are you doing here?”

Anna chuckled as she struggled to balance her bags and dirty laundry. “Nice to see you too dad.”

“Let me take that.” Vincent lifted the hamper out of her hands and set it down in the hallway. “I just thought you weren’t coming back again until Sunday. Don’t you want to stay and have fun with your friends?”

“It’s been another tough week. I just wanted to get away from campus and focus on my studies this weekend. Business and dance don’t have much overlap. Dance could be difficult but in a completely different way. I have a Business Stats test coming up and it’s like a foreign language to me.” It was true that Anna wanted time away to clear her head and focus, but it wasn’t only in relation to her studies. She had given her number to Ernest on Monday. It was now Friday and he had made no attempts to contact her. Sure he had offered her his number supposedly for class related purposes, but she thought that was just an excuse and that he would find another reason to text her soon. She didn’t want to look desperate by texting him first, but who was she kidding? Anna had resorted to studying in the law Library every evening in hopes she would catch him there and wound up being more preoccupied with looking out for him than actually getting any work done. She was acting like an obsessed school girl with a crush, and she just needed to go home where she wouldn’t have to worry about his whereabouts 24 hours a day.

“Hmm…” Vincent paused in thought. “You know, one of my interns tutors sometimes. I could set you up if you want. He’s a really smart kid.”

“I don’t know, dad…I’ll see how this weekend goes first. But tonight, I need a break. How about we watch a movie or something?”

“What makes you assume I don’t already have plans?” Vincent cocked his head to the side and placed his hands on his hips.

“Hah!” Anna laughed. “That’s funny. I haven’t seen you go out in the last couple years unless it was a work function.”

“Okay smart-ass, if you are done making fun of your poor, hopeless father, what would you like to watch?”


Anna spent most of Saturday studying and everything seemed to be coming together. Everything except business stats. She was always good at math but statistics was like nothing else. Why the professor insisted on having them learn everything by hand when computers easily and accurately did all the calculations in the real world was beyond her. She was deeply regretting her decision to take calculus over statistics in high school at this moment.

On the bright side, it felt nice to be back at home for the weekend – sleeping in her childhood bedroom, lounging in her cozy sweats, and not caring what she looked like with her hair up in a messy bun and no makeup on. Coming home had been a great decision and she had hardly thought about Ernest at all. Well, at least a little less than she had in the days prior. And tonight they’d eat her dad’s famous pot roast which always reminded her of happier times. Things were looking up.

Vincent was in the kitchen finishing up dinner when the doorbell rang. Anna figured her dad must have ordered a package from Amazon, so she went to the door to grab it. However, there was no package and the man at the door was the last person she was expecting.

Anna gasped. “Ernest! What are you doing here.” Really, why was he here and why did she have to look such a mess? She’s been wanting to see him all week and now all she wanted to do was go run and hide in her room.

Before he could answer, Vincent strolled in from the kitchen drying his hands with a towel. “Ernest, come in. Sorry Anna, I forgot to mention Ernest was dropping by tonight. Anna this is my intern, Ernest Sinclaire, and Ernest, this is my daughter Anna.”

“Umm, we’ve met.” There was a slight edge to Anna’s voice. “Ernest is one of my teaching assistants for business law. Why didn’t you tell me you worked for my father.”

Ernest Shrugged. “It never came up. And I don’t technically work for him. I’m just an intern.”

Anna rolled her eyes and turned to her father. “So should I leave you two for a bit for whatever he came to do?”

“I’m sorry to intrude at dinnertime Mr. Edgewater.” Ernest apologized. “I got done with my shift at the legal aid center a bit early tonight and didn’t realize you wouldn’t have eaten yet. I can come back another time…”

“Don’t be silly Ernest. We have plenty of food, and I’m sure Anna would enjoy your company.” Anna narrowed her eyes and shot Vincent a glance as he clapped Ernest on the back, ushering him inside before he could protest.

“I’ll be right back,” Anna murmured before scurrying up the stairs and closing herself in her room. Now what? Should she change or would that be too obvious? Probably, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t eat dinner with Ernest Sinclaire while wearing her ratty, stained house sweats. She put on a pair of jeans and a cozy, over-sized sweater hoping to look put together without being too obvious while also matching the formality of Ernest’s attire. In her rush to get out of there, she hardly had time to admire how good he looked in his slightly worn jeans and soft gray sweater.

Anna took her hair down, and it was a kinky, snarled mess, so she was resigned to putting it back up in the messy bun. This time she made sure it looked purposefully unkempt rather than haphazardly piled on top of her head. She dabbed on bit of lip gloss and between all of the changes and her cheeks still rosy from the exertion and embarrassment, she didn’t look half bad. Not that she looked ready for a night out or anything, but she didn’t look like she had just gotten out of bed and hadn’t showered for days either. She took a few more moments to gather herself before facing the person she wanted to see both most and least in the world.

Vincent was already bringing out dishes of food and Ernest was setting silverware on the table like it was his duty or something. Anna plucked the remaining utensils out of his hand. “I can do that. You just have a seat.”

“Someone’s bossy,” Ernest uttered under his breath.

“Excuse me?” Anna scoffed. “You are a guest. I’m just trying to be polite.”

“I don’t know if I would call ripping something out of my hands polite, but I suppose the intention was there.” Ernest smiled smugly, and as always, he was hard to read. Was this some sort of backwards flirty banter or was he just thoroughly unimpressed with her manners?

“Okay then. Would you kindly take a seat at the table while I see if my dad needs assistance with anything else?” Anna plastered a wide smile on her face and disappeared into the kitchen.

Upon her return with Vincent and the remainder of the food, Ernest stood up from the table. “Which seat is yours, Anna?” With brows furrowed, she pointed to her chair across the table from his. He walked around, pulled the chair out, and motioned for her to sit.

Before Anna could decide if Ernest was either the oddest or most chivalrous man she had ever met, her father chimed in. “Look at that, Anna. Ernest would make an excellent boyfriend.”

Ernest’s cheeks turned Crimson and Anna panicked. “Oh my god, Dad! No. You are not trying to set me up with him.” A flicker of something, maybe even hurt or disappointment, passed over Ernest’s features. “I mean, he’s my TA. That wouldn’t be very appropriate.”

Ernest cleared his throat. “Right. I don’t date any underclassman for that reason.” This time it was Anna’s heart that dropped into her stomach. So much for Anna thinking she had a chance with him. She clearly misread his mixed signals.

Anna kept fairly quiet throughout the rest of dinner which was highly uncharacteristic, and she wondered if her dad noticed or if he was too wrapped up in conversation. Ernest, conversely, came alive like she had never seen him before. His sapphire eyes sparkled as he passionately discussed the pro bono cases he was working on at the Legal Aid center and asked Vincent for advice. Anna came to learn that Ernest starting interning at the law firm over the summer and her father had become somewhat of a mentor to him. Ernest stole a few glances in her direction from time to time, but she was content to be ignored so she could stare at the crinkles by his eyes when smiled and wonder what it would be like to kiss him every time he brought food to his mouth. Too bad she’d never know how those lips felt on hers.

“I’ll clear the dishes, so you two can get working on whatever you need to do.” Anna announced and she gathered her own dishes and brought them to sink. “Oh!” Anna exclaimed as she turned  and collided with Ernest’s tall, muscular frame like a brick wall. He managed to balance his own dishes in one hand while catching Anna’s waist and holding her close with the other. She was close enough to hear his heart fluttering in his chest almost as fast as her own.

Anna finally broke away when she realized they stood that way far longer than necessary. “Twice would be a coincidence, but now I’m convinced that you are doing this on purpose. That or you dangerously unaware of your surroundings, and in that case, I’m surprised you haven’t been killed by a moving vehicle.”

“Sorry, I was just trying to be helpful, but I’m quickly learning my manners are not winning any favors with you tonight.” Ernest’s dinnerware clanged as he set it on the counter.

“Well…um.. thank you then, but I really can do the rest, so you and dad can finish up.”  Ernest was right. He had been nothing but polite, and Anna was acting put out by him simply wanting to help. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, but the only explanation she could reason was that she wanted him, and she was afraid he didn’t want her. So instead of being a normal, civilized human being, she was acting like a petulant child with her defenses up.“

“If you insist.” Ernest went back out to join her father, and they excused themselves to Vincent’s office to discuss confidential case details while Anna took care of the dinner mess. After the kitchen was cleaned to her liking, Anna sat on the couch a flipped through Netflix, finally settling on Shawshank Redemption. It was one of the few non-comedies she could watch over and over again. Anna was only a few minutes into the movie when the men emerged and Vincent led Ernest towards the door, stopping to say goodbye to Anna on the way.

Ernest pauses to look at the screen. “This is such a great movie. One of my all-time favorites.”

“Really? Mine too.” It wasn’t so much that Anna was surprised at his taste in films but that he would open the door to more conversation.

“I’m tired, so I’m going to going to bed, but you two could watch it together.” Anna’s father suggested with an exaggerated yawn and a satisfied smirk. Anna could have smacked him if it wouldn’t have caused a scene.

“I’m sure Ernest has other things to do tonight. I’d hate to keep him from his plans,” Anna said, giving him an easy out to lessen the sting of rejection.

“No, I have no plans. I can stay…if you’d like that is.” Ernest looked at Anna expectantly.

“Yes, I would – I mean sure. If that’s what you want to do.” She didn’t want to sound too excited but she was freaking out a little on the inside.

“Alright then, that’s my cue to head upstairs.”  Vincent leaned in to hug Anna. “Have fun, but not too much much fun,” he whispered in her ear and she prayed that Ernest didn’t hear it.

Ernest settled into the opposite end of the couch and they both sat in literal silence for the first thirty minutes or so. She didn’t know if he just wanted to enjoy the movie or if he felt as awkward as she did. He crossed his arms and ran his hands up and down to warm them, so Anna took the opportunity to cut through the silence.

“Sorry, my dad believes freezing cold temperatures are better for sleeping and he turns the thermostat way down at night. There’s room under this blanket, but it’s not going to reach all the way over there.” She opened up the throw on her lap in invitation.

Ernest hesitated and then accepted, scooting closer to her but still keeping a few inches between them. It happened so gradually she wasn’t sure who was responsible, but they drifted closer until the distance closed, his warm body right up against hers, and neither made a move to separate. Then before she knew it his arm was around her and she was resting her head on his shoulder, drinking in the clean yet earthy scent of him while her eyelids grew heavy and struggled to stay open.

“Anna,” Ernest shook her gently, his voice barely over a whisper but enough to wake her. “The movie is over. I should get going.”

“Sorry I fell asleep.” Anna stood to walk him out.

“No worries. You must have needed it.” He smiled warmly.

She turned on the foyer light as the reached the door and then she saw it. A puddle of drool on his sweater where her head had been. “Oh no! I’m so sorry. I can’t manage to hang out with you without drenching you in my bodily fluids. Oh my god, that was a horrible choice of words.” She wanted to die. Was it too late to drop his class?

Ernest failed to contain his laughter. “Maybe next time I’ll wear my rain gear just in case you decide to share any more bodily fluids with me.” Unexpectedly Ernest wrapped his arms arms around Anna and gave her a kiss on the cheek, his lips as soft as she imagined them to be. See you on Monday.”

“See you Monday,” Anna answered in a daze as she closed the door behind him. She laid in bed for what seemed like hours analyzing the whole wonderful disaster of an evening before her mind finally let her wander off to sleep.

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