For Law and Love – Chapter 8

The bright sun filtered through the curtains. Anna rolled over and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. It was 11 am and she was still in bed. Ernest hadn’t left all that late, but there was no way she could have fallen asleep any time soon after the night they’d had.

She heard a knock on her door. ”Who the hell could that be?” She asked aloud to herself. Anna wasn’t expecting anyone, and it made her a little uneasy that hadn’t they used the buzzer outside to be let in. She quickly smoothed her hair in the mirror and looked through the peephole in the door to see the face of the last person she’d expected.

“Briar! What are you doing here?” She exclaimed as she opened the door.

“Surprise!” Briar pushed across the threshold and dropped her bag on the floor before excitedly wrapping Anna in a bear hug.

“Obviously I’m happy to see you, but what possessed you to get up so early on a Saturday to drive three and a half hours just to see me?” Anna questioned suspiciously. She’d known Briar long enough to know that something was up.

Briar tilted her head and put her hands on her hips in dramatic fashion. “Isn’t missing my best friend reason enough?” She waited for a response from Anna which didn’t come. “Fine. I also had a big fight with Eddie.”

“Hah,” Anna let out a short laugh. “I knew there was more to it. What was it this time?” Anna wanted to be more sympathetic but this happened all the time.

“I think we are really done this time.” Briar lamented.

Anna rolled her eyes and pressed her lips into a thin line. “Mmm-hmm. I’ll believe that when I see it.”

“Really. This isn’t like the other times. But anyway, I did want to see you. Let’s forget about my messy love life and talk about yours. It was a date last night, wasn’t it?”

Anna pointed to the pitcher of flowers on the table and grinned broadly. “See exhibit A.”

“Shut up! He brought you flowers for a tutoring session? He’s so in love with you.”

“Calm down, Briar.” Anna swatted her playfully with the back of her hand. “We don’t know each other that well yet, but yes, he explicitly called it our first date.”

“Aww, he sounds like such a cute nerd, taking the term study date to a new level…Speaking of – did you kiss him?”

“No,” Anna sighed. “But we both wanted to.”

Briar’s brows knitted in confusion. “Let me get this straight. You were here alone together, and both wanted to kiss, but didn’t?”

“Ernest is not like other guys,” Anna reasoned. “He’s polite, chivalrous, and old fashioned, but in a good way. He said he doesn’t kiss on first dates, and I respect that. I think he wants to take his time and do things right.”

“Let’s hope it’s that and not that he has some secret girlfriend or something.”

“Oh, Briar, just because you always seem to get into those situations, doesn’t mean everyone is that way…But enough about that. Now that you are here, what would you like to do? I did have plans to do something with Annabelle later, but if you don’t mind, we could all hang out together.”

“Sounds good to me.” Briar agreed. “You know I’ve been wanting to meet her.”

Anna and Briar decided to relax and catch up, heading out for lunch and pedicures and hanging back at the apartment until it was time to go out with Annabelle later in the evening. Anna would have been fine with a night in, but of course both Briar and Annabelle wanted to hit up the bars. They let Anna pick where to appease her. Anna chose Shay’s, reasoning that it was popular yet laid-back and not too trendy or overcrowded. She left out the fact that it had been Harry’s favorite bar that he would frequent with his friends. She knew it was a long-shot that she would see Ernest there, but stranger things had happened. She considered shooting him a text to let him know her plans for the evening but thought better of it. This was supposed to be a girls night, and she couldn’t intentionally invite him.  If he happened to be there, however…

“So this is it?” Briar surveyed the small-ish bar with worn bar stools and minimal decor. There was a good size crowd but still room to move. The meandered to the back of the bar to find a place to sit.

“Anna!“ a recognizable voice called out.

“Hamid? What a surprise running into you!,” Anna lied, not surprised at all he would be a bar she knew Harry’s friends frequented. She scanned the table he was at and saw Luke and some other law students she recognized from campus, but unfortunately, no Ernest.

Hamid and Luke both rose from the table to greet the ladies. “Nice to see you both. Luke I know you’ve already met Briar.”

Luke nodded in her direction and smiled. “It’s been awhile Briar. Always a pleasure to see you.”

“And Briar, this is Hamid – also one of Harry’s friends.”

Hamid held out his hand and Briar extended hers. He brought hers to his mouth and kissed it. “It appears all of Anna’s friends are as captivating as she is.”

A coy smile crept up on Briar’s face. “Anna told me you were hot, but she didn’t mention what a charming flirt you are.”

Anna’s cheeks began to flush as she shot Briar of look of warning. The last thing she needed right now was Hamid thinking she was interested in him.

“Well then she must not be speaking of me as much as I’d hoped.” Hamid winked at Anna and she wanted to find another corner of the bar to hide in.

Oh, hey guys, I’m here too!” Annabelle voiced dryly, and Anna was thankful for the shift in conversation. “I know I might not be top priority because there’s no chance of fucking me at the end of the night, but a hello might be nice.” So maybe this wasn’t going much better. Anna was right that Annabelle and Briar would keep her on her toes.

Hamid chuckled. “We were getting there, but the fierce and fabulous Annabelle Parsons needs no introduction.”

Annabelle rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you boys go buy us some drinks and we’ll repay you with our company.”

Luke and Hamid took their drink orders and went up to the bar.

“Damn, girl, you’re good!” Briar complimented.

Annabelle shrugged. “Those two are too easy.”

They sat and finished their drinks with the guys and their other law school friends. Briar and Luke to seemed to be taking a liking to each other, which surprised Anna. They’d met on numerous occasions before when visiting Anna and Harry at their dad’s home, but it was never anything more than friendly conversation. Anna just hoped her boy crazy friend didn’t get into any other messy situations. She had enough going on back at Columbia.

“I love this song!” Briar exclaimed as familiar beat came over the speakers. “Dance with me.” She commanded, leading Luke onto the dance floor, and he followed willingly.

A girl sitting up at the bar waved at Annabelle. “I think I know her, and she’s more my type if you know what I mean. I’ll be back in a bit.“

“No hurry. Just don’t leave without me this time.” Anna sighed. So much for girls night. That left Anna and Hamid and two other couples at the table who were engrossed in their own conversations.

“What do you say Anna, shall we dance?” Hamid asked expectantly. “I remember your killer moves from the party at our place. Should we show Luke and Briar how its done?”

Anna hesitated. “I don’t know…” There was only one guy she wanted to be dancing with at that moment, but he wasn’t there. She didn’t want to lead Hamid on, but it wasn’t like he was asking her on a date, and to be honest, it would probably be less awkward than sitting there making conversation for who knows how long. “Why, not?”

Hamid took Anna by the hand and they made their way near Luke and Briar. She knew Hamid was a decent dancer from the party, but in all the years she’d known him, she didn’t think she’d ever seen Luke dance and she was not disappointed.  Neither men were as polished as her and Briar obviously, but they could hold their own. Briar looked to be having the time of her life without a care in the world. They danced to song after song and Anna was having fun, but was still a bit reserved, afraid one wrong move would give Hamid the wrong impression. As Briar and Luke got closer, Hamid seemed to treat it as a competition. He spun Anna around by the hips and pulled her backside flush against him. This didn’t have to be as weird as Anna was making it out to be in her head, but she just really wasn’t feeling up for grinding on Hamid. She slowly and discreetly tried to put some distance between them. Anna lucked out and the song ended shortly thereafter, giving her the excuse to escape.

“Thanks for the dancing. I need to use the restroom. Come with me Briar?” Anna didn’t wait for a response before dragging her along.

“That was abrupt.” Briar’s tone was slightly accusatory.

“Nature calls, Briar. When you gotta go-”

Briar shook her head. “You know I know you just as well as you know me. What’s wrong. Weren’t you having a good time?”

“Yes, Hamid is great and a lot of fun…”

“But he’s not Ernest.” Briar finished her sentence.

Anna sighed deeply. “Yeah. We’ve been on one date, and it’s not like we are technically anything to each other, but I kind of feel like I’m cheating on him. Hamid is just too flirty and handsy for me right now.”

Briar frowned. “I get it. I think Luke was getting close to making a move on me, and I probably would have let him. Maybe it’s best we call it a night before either of us gets stuck in a situation we shouldn’t be in.“

“Wait,” Anna could hardly believe her ears. “Is my Briar finally growing up and becoming more responsible?”

Briar draped an arm over Anna’s shoulders. “Yeah, yeah. Maybe little miss goody two shoes is rubbing off on me.”

Anna rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle. “Whatever, Briar.”

They approached Annabelle first who insisted she was good to stay with the friend she had been talking to the entire time. Luke and Hamid were back at the table, so they went to say their goodbyes. Luke and Briar exchanged numbers, leaving her and Hamid standing in silence momentarily.

“I actually wanted to ask you something Anna,” Hamid spoke up first. “I know your dad will be at the Alumni Gala next Saturday night, and I was wondering if you would be attending as well. They encourage us law students to go and network with the Alumni.”

“Oh, I hadn’t really thought about it.” Anna remembered her dad saying something about speaking at the event, but she didn’t consider she would be going, as she was neither an alumni nor a law student yet.

“Well, I have two tickets if you aren’t going as your father’s plus one.” He flashed his perfectly white, toothy grin.

“Uh…” She fumbled for a response. She should just turn him down outright but what reason could she give? She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, and she definitely wasn’t going to say she wanted to wait to see if Ernest would ask her, but Hamid had left the door open for her to use her father as an excuse. “My dad did sort of mention something about it. Let me check with him and see his plans are.”

“Fair enough. Here, I’ll put my number in your phone and you can let me know if you make up your mind before I see you in class.” He held out his hand and she placed her phone in it. “Great, just let me know when you can.”


Ernest checked in with Anna on Sunday and they continued to text throughout the week but not about anything of significance. She sat by him in class again Monday, and he was friendly but reserved. She didn’t expect to see the Ernest she was getting know in private, but she still felt something different she couldn’t quite put her finger on. He was stressed with all of his obligations, so maybe that was it – at least she hoped it was.

Ernest offered to tutor her on Wednesday since he would be busy all weekend volunteering at the law school’s Alumni weekend events. She started to worry he really was trying to avoid being alone with her when he suggested a coffee shop over one of their apartments. She wanted so badly to bring up the Gala, but she chickened out. He mentioned some of the seminars and other events planned, so maybe he wasn’t even going. Or maybe he was and had reasons to not to want to invite her.

That night she decided to call up her dad and ask to be his date so she could politely decline Hamid’s invitation. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t also hoping that Ernest would be there. They’d only had one date and maybe he thought whatever they had was too new for a high pressure event like that. Of course Hamid had no qualms about asking her, but he was so light and carefree in comparison. He wouldn’t overthink it like Ernest would.

Anna didn’t have time to shop for a gown, but thankfully had a closet full of dresses to choose from that her mom had bought for various functions she attended over the years. Her mom had classic style and had been just about Anna’s size. She selected a nude beige colored floor length sheer dress with a mutli-colored sequin overlay that added just enough sparkle and interest without being too over-the-top. It had a modest slit on one side and showed off her shape without being too revealing. Perfect for a night out with dad while also trying to catch Ernest’s eye should he be there. She wore her hair down, the jet black waves cascading down past her shoulders.

“I was a little surprised when you asked to come with me, sweetheart.” Vincent admitted as he and Anna walked up steps towards the grand ballroom.

“Well,” Anna took a breath in, “I knew there was about a zero percent chance of you having a date – which we need to talk about another time. Plus it’s a big honor for you to speak, and I want to see it.”

Vincent arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure there isn’t someone you are hoping to see here?”

Anna didn’t say anything, only rolling her eyes in response, but her father had her figured out. “Let’s just go find our table.”

The ballroom was just starting to fill in when they arrived. They found their way to table 15 where a couple Anna recognized – Vincent’s senior partner and fellow Harvard Law grad Lisa and her husband Bill were already seated. Two more alumni lawyers from Vincent’s firm joined them shortly thereafter leaving a pair of empty chairs.

And then there he was, emerging from the crowd towards her table. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she saw Ernest in his fitted black suit, his hair more neat and styled than usual, but she hardly had time to admire him before she noticed he wasn’t alone. Beside him stood a pretty young woman with long curly blond hair in a partial updo and a form-fitting strapless red gown. A million thoughts raced through her head, and Anna prayed this woman was just a casual acquaintance.

“Hello, Ernest.” Vincent shook his hand in greeting. “And Felicity… I didn’t realize you would be joining us tonight.” Anna took a breath for the first time. If her dad knew this woman, Felicity as Vincent called her, maybe she was just another intern at his office. No need to panic before she had all the facts.

“EJ and I bought our tickets months ago.” She looked to Ernest with a smug smile on her face.

Ernest’s face remained expressionless. “Felicity, I asked you not to call me that.”

Felicity laughed and placed a hand on his forearm. “I always forget he doesn’t like me to use my pet name for him in public.” Anna’s stomach turned and she wanted to be anywhere but there in that moment. So this was the reason he didn’t ask her. The reason he wanted to take things further with her, but didn’t. He wasn’t an old fashioned gentleman, he was just trying to avoid cheating on his girlfriend. Apparently a fairly serious girlfriend if her father even knew Felicity.

“Or anywhere,” Ernest muttered. “Anna, can I talk to you for a minute?”

What was he going to say? Anna couldn’t think of any excuse that would make her feel better in this moment, and she didn’t want to make a scene. “Why don’t we talk later,” she answered politely, trying not to give anything away. This was going to be a long night.

Ernest sat across the table from Anna. Anna did her best to hide behind the conveniently tall centerpiece, not wanting to look at him at all. She wondered if her dad noticed the two weren’t speaking to each other, but he seemed pretty wrapped up in conversation with his colleagues.

Dinner seemed to drag on, and Anna used the first excuse she could to get up and use the restroom when it was through. She lingered awhile, not eager to get back to the group. She checked her face in the mirror and fresh layer of lipstick, hoping her made-up facade could mask her disappointment.

Anna stopped at the bar on the way back to get a glass of wine. As she was waiting she felt a hand on her shoulder and her body went rigid.

“I told you i don’t-” she started but as she turned around, she saw that it wasn’t Ernest. “Oh, Hamid! Hi.”

“If you aren’t the most stunning woman in the room, I don’t know who is,” he said as he appraised her from head to toe.

“You clean up well yourself.” She forced a smile. If Ernest was off the table, a little harmless flirting with Hamid might help her take her mind off things.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

Anna giggled. “It’s an open bar.”

“Then let me cover the tip. He ordered a rum and coke and tossed a couple singles in the tip jar.

They made small talk as the finished their drinks. The faster paced music gave way to a slow song and Hamid looked at Anna expectantly. “We’ve danced a couple times now, but never a slow dance. May I have the honor?”

What did she have to lose? “Sure. Why, not.”

They danced the entirety of the song, Anna becoming more relaxed as Hamid held her closer, little by little. Another slow song came on and they continued, Anna almost forgetting about Ernest as she started into Hamid’s dark green eyes. He kept looking down to her lips, and she thought if he tried to kiss her, she’d let him.

“Ahem.” Anna heard someone clear their throat beside her and turned to see Ernest. Of all times to interrupt – was he trying to ruin her night more than once? “May I cut in…please?” Hamid looked to Anna for an answer. She had half a mind to say no, but something about his pleading tone and sad eyes made her want to give him a chance.

“If you don’t mind, Hamid…”

“Of course, Anna.” He smiled but she could sense his disappointment. “I could use another drink.”

Anna sighed and looked to the floor avoiding Ernest’s gaze. He tentatively placed an arm around her waist and took her hand in his with the other. “Anna, can I explain?”

Anna tilted head up and narrowed her eyes. “What is there to explain? You have a girlfriend. I don’t think there’s much more to say.”

Ernest shook his head. “She’s not my girlfriend…at least not anymore. We broke up over the summer but we already had tickets for the event. She begged me to still go with her, so I did.”

Anna had no reason not to believe him, but she still didn’t feel much better about him hiding it from her. “You could have told me this before.”

“I honestly didn’t think you’d be here.”

“You didn’t think I’d be here?! That’s your excuse? I can’t do this right now.” Anna was flushed with anger and found it hard to breath in the stuffy room. She spotted a door leading out to balcony and headed straight there without waiting to see Ernest’s response.

The chilly fall air tingled against her heated skin. She placed her hands on the cold stone railing, closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply. Maybe she was overreacting. They weren’t technically anything. He didn’t owe her an explanation, but at the same time, she thought she meant something to him. Why couldn’t he just have told her ahead of time he and Felicity were going as friends or whatever it was if it truly was nothing more?

“Anna…” Of course Ernest followed her, but wasn’t that what she wanted? She truly wasn’t sure.

Anna turned around and crossed her arms. “What?”

“I’m sorry.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. She flinched but did not move away. “I should have said that first thing. I don’t know why exactly I didn’t tell you. Maybe I was worried you’d think it was more of a thing if you knew about it, or maybe I thought you’d think me presumptuous for assuming you’d be disappointed that I was going without you. I know my excuses are lame, but I care about you, Anna. A lot more than I have a right to.”

Anna felt the tension dissipate from her shoulder’s and an urge to fall into his arms. “I’m sorry too.”

“For what?” Ernest inquired with furrowed brows.

“For acting like you owe me any explanation. It’s not like I’m your girlfriend.” The word slipped out without her meaning it to. Blood rushed to her cheeks and she prayed she wouldn’t scare him off right then and there.

Ernest cupped her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. “You could be…if you wanted to,” he said not much louder than a whisper.

“Could be what?” Anna played dumb, wanting to ensure he meant what she thought he was saying.

“My girlfriend…Anna Edgewater, will you be my girlfriend?” The corners of his lips started to curve into a smile.

“Oh, Ernest. Yes!” She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

Ernest tilted her chin up, so their eyes met. “I think the rules say I can kiss you now.”

Anna’s breath hitched as he brought his lips to hers. It started of slow and sweet, and then their mouths parted slightly as Ernest ran his tongue across her bottom lip, sending shivers down her spine. Anna deepened the kiss, wanting more and more of him. Ernest pressed his body to hers, backing her against the marble railing. He held on tight keeping her safe and secure while nibbling, sucking, and kissing down her neck. He hit a sensitive spot, eliciting a whimper from Anna, and she felt a vibration against her neck as he moaned in response.

Ernest reluctantly pulled himself back. “What is it about you that makes me want to do improper things?” He smirked. “I think we need to go back before we are missed. I hope to continue this sometime soon, but for tonight I’m afraid I must honor my obligation to Felicity.”

“There you are, Anna.” Professor Richards suddenly appeared on the balcony. She’d managed to avoid him all evening thus far. She should have known her luck would run out. “It’s time for your father’s speech. I didn’t think you’d want to miss it. And Ernest, Miss Holloway is looking a bit lonely in there. Perhaps you should get back to her.” His eyes darted between the two of them.

“Yes, thank you.” Anna replied respectfully. She went back to her table trying not to think about how he knew she was their or how much he’d seen. Ernest Sinclaire was now her boyfriend, and nothing could tarnish that.


One thought on “For Law and Love – Chapter 8”

  1. I am finally caught up! I love this! I love the setting and how the characters feel the same even in this modern setting. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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