For Research

Author’s Note: I love Beckett Harrington and I’m not ashamed.  That adorable blushing magick man gets me excited for a new chapter of The Elementalists every week.  Here’s a little snippet for Beckett and my MC Elliott as they explore the changing dynamic of their relationship after their first kiss.  Enjoy!


The main hall of the library buzzed with quiet energy on this average Sunday afternoon as the small group sat around the long table with their schoolwork.  The swirling sounds of soft whispered chatter, flipping of pages and scribbling of pens, along with the electrical sizzling of the light fixtures created the perfect sort of white noise that most students found soothing enough to aid in focusing on their studies.  Elliott really was trying her best to focus on her Magick Spells 101 textbook, reading each section and documenting the highlights in her notes for future review. The fact that it took her reading and then re-reading each section at least two or three times was beside the point … she couldn’t help it if her mind kept wandering back to Friday night’s moonlit forest rendezvous with one certain handsome coed studying across the table from her.  One certain handsome coed that seemed so intent on his own studies at the moment that he luckily had not noticed her frequent glances in his direction.

Elliott finished writing some gibberish notes in her notebook before flipping to the next page, the transition allowing the perfect opportunity to raise her gaze to study something (or someone) else again for a quick moment.  Her eyes scanned over his hands, one casually tracing the lines of text in his book while the other curled his fingers around a pen. The same fingers that she had felt digging into the flesh around her hips less than 48 hours ago, holding her firmly against the tree and his body possessively.  She glanced upwards to his face, his eyes narrowed and focused intently on the page in front of him. Her mind slipped back to that stolen moment in the forest, how dark his deep blue eyes had looked when he broke away to catch his breath, the fire and heat behind his stare making her stomach flutter with nervous excitement before he leaned back down to meet her lips again.  And those lips … those perfectly shaped cupid’s bow lips pursed in a slight pout as he scanned the contents of the page before him, those same lips that had kissed her under the full moon again and again until she felt dizzy, the ones that now she couldn’t help but want to nibble until she bit that adorable little pout right off. To say that Beckett Harrington had caught her off guard the other night with his smooth advances and skilled caresses would be an extreme understatement.  Beckett Harrington, the normally awkward blushing and bumbling nerd, had literally shocked the hell out of her. So much so that Elliott could think of little else for the last two days.

Beckett pushed back away from the table and stood upright nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving the notebook he carried in one hand.  He started off towards the rows of bookshelves, mumbling something under his breath to his friends about “research” without so much as looking up as he walked away.  Elliott watched him closely as he departed, her eyes scanning his broad shoulders and the curve of his yoga-toned body conspicuously from under her dark lashes. She shook her head and cleared her throat, hoping to set her focus back upon the task at hand now that her distraction had departed.  Alas, three minutes and the same paragraph later, she resigned herself to the realization that she may need to conduct some research of her own.

Elliott flipped back through the last few pages of her textbook loudly, making a show of glancing between her notes and the book.  She finally gave a frustrated huff, writing a few keywords down on a blank sheet of paper before tearing it out and standing up. “I’m going to go get a few books, I’ll be right back.”  Her voice was slightly higher than normal, and definitely more cheerful than it should be for someone in the midst of studying. As she stepped back from the table she noticed Shreya smirking at her from the corner of her eye, that knowing look that told Elliott that she might not be as subtle as she had hoped.  Luckily Griffin and Zeph seemed to not even hear her, and she slipped away before they had a chance to notice her departure.

Elliott headed to the back of the library to the walls of bookshelves that went on and on forever into the west wing, careful to reference her note paper as if on a determined mission every few rows when she passed by another student. Truthfully she was on a mission of sorts, just not the kind that would help her GPA in any way.  Row after row she passed until she finally found who she was looking for hidden in the Natural Elements section. She cut the corner and waltzed over to him, the blood pumping in her veins as she came closer. Mesmerized in his book, Beckett didn’t even look up until she was right in front of him. A look of confusion spread across his face.  “Elliott?”

Elliott took a deep breath, then made her move.  “I was hoping to find you here. Alone.” She stepped up on her tip toes and cupped his face in her hands, pulling him to her as she crashed her lips upon his.  Beckett gave a muffled cry of surprise, unable to move at first, but when Elliott opened her mouth and slid her tongue along the seam of his lips his surprise quickly melted into need.  He closed the book he was holding, gripping it tightly in his hand and pressing it against her back as he held her tighter. They were lost in each other, their lips and tongues tangled together as their hands gripped each other fiercely, unwilling and unable to let the other go.  So focused on each other that Beckett forgot himself, letting go … Thud!

Elliott startled and they separated quickly, both breathing heavily as they acclimated again to their surroundings.  Beckett noticed the book he had dropped loudly, swooping down to retrieve it by her foot just when a librarian peeked around the corner.  “Is everything okay over here?” She asked accusingly, her brows arched in annoyance.

“Yes, ma’am, everything is fine!” Beckett chimed in swiftly, his voice twinged with a squeak and his cheeks flushing.  Elliott fought the giggle in her throat as she watched him try to recover.

The librarian scoffed and gave them a knowing look.  “Please be more respectful with the books from now on, Mr. Harrington.  And remember that the purpose of library is for reading, not for other activities …” her voice trailed off as she glared at the pair of them, and Elliott swore Beckett’s face turned a whole new shade of crimson.  

“Yes, of course, we understand.  We will be more careful next time.”  Elliott jumped in, knowing very well Beckett would fumble over any further attempts of an explanation.  The librarian nodded before turning on her heel and marching off.

Elliott turned back to a red-faced Beckett, then burst out into a soft chuckle as soon as she was sure the librarian was out of hearing range.  Beckett’s own mortified expression gradually softened until he too was smiling, shaking his head as he raked a hand through his hair.

“Wow.  I am soooo sorry.”  He muttered, rubbing his hand across his jaw as he finally met her eyes.

Elliott giggled. “No, no don’t be.  I’m the one that basically just threw myself at you in the library, so …”

Beckett’s face spread into a wide grin. “Yes, you did do that, didn’t you?”

“Well, I couldn’t help myself after spending the last two days thinking about that kiss on Friday.  And besides, somebody had to make the second first move.” She gave him a flirtatious smile, cocking her head to the side playfully.

But Beckett’s smile fell quickly, his eyes widening in a look of shock and then guilt as he dropped his gaze to his feet.  “Right …” he murmured softly, shifting his weight self-consciously from one foot to another.

Elliott’s heart sank, suddenly filled with fear and disappointment.  Did I read the whole situation all wrong?  Was the other night just a one-time thing, a casual fling after being caught up in the moment?  “Beckett …” she started, her voice a little shaky as she tried to formulate her inquiry.  “I’m sorry, I guess I just assumed after the other night that this was the start of something.  But if you’re not interested, then I-“

“I am interested!”  He blurted out, raising a hand swiftly as if he were going to reach out and touch her, then dropping it back to his side.  He looked down again, remaining quiet for a few moments while Elliott observed him thinking quietly to himself. When he finally lifted his stare to meet hers, his eyes were soft and clear, glistening with sincerity as he started to speak.  “I am interested in you, Elliott. I’m very interested. I just …” he shrugged, lifting his arms to motion between them, “I just don’t know how to do this.”

Elliott’s brows furrowed in confusion.  “I don’t understand, Beckett. Cuz you sure as hell seemed like you knew what you were doing the other night …”

Beckett sighed, his eyes searching hers for a glimpse of understanding.  “Well, I kind of expected that the other night, or at least I hoped I’d have the chance to …” He shook his head, trying again to explain himself. “I mean, when you asked me to come to the party I had hoped we’d finally get the chance for something to happen.  I was nervous, so I kind of … prepared for the situation.” His eyes slowly found hers again, but his nerves were more than obvious in his flushed face and neck.

Elliott tilted her head to the side and studied him closely as she processed his confession.  “Are you saying you studied how to make a move on me, Beckett?” She tried to suppress the smile forming on her face, but was betrayed when the corner of her lips curled up slightly.

“I didn’t study!”  Beckett blurted. “It was more of a mental pep talk and preparation.  My god, when I say it out loud though …”

“I think it’s cute.” Elliott interjected.  

Beckett halted his blundering to meet her steady stare.  “Really?” Elliott nodded in response, and he felt some of the tension leave his body.  As nervous as he was, he was not about to let this incredible girl go without giving it his best effort.  Even if that meant going outside of his comfort zone. He took a deep breath and released it before starting again.  “The truth is I really like you Elliott. You bring out a side of me that I didn’t even know was there. But I don’t know how to do this.  How to act every day. How to be around a person that I want to kiss all the time and yet still maintain a semblance of responsibility.”

Elliott took a step forward and ran her hands up his arm, causing him to inhale sharply at their close proximity.  “Are you saying, Beckett, that you want to kiss me all the time?” Her eyes flicked up to his, her stare teasing and pleading with him at the same time.

“Yes.”  His voice was soft and raspy.

She smiled warmly, tracing her thumb along his defined jawline before cupping his face in her hand.  “I think you should trust your gut more often, Beckett. There’s no wrong way to do this. Just do what feels right.  We’ll figure it out together, okay?”

Beckett’s heart swelled as his mouth quirked into a small smile.  “You are amazing.” He bent down and captured her lips with his, slow and gentle, no pressure and no expectations.  

They finally parted, both with goofy grins on their faces like two lovesick puppies.  “I guess we should head back.” Beckett suggested, Elliott nodding in agreement as he tucked the book under his arm.  They started walking together towards their table, their arms grazing each other’s in the tight corridors as they walked side by side.  

Beckett grinned as he glanced over at Elliott, watching her as he reached out his hand to grasp hers in his palm.  She startled at first, studying him closely with wide eyes for any sign of hesitancy. Happily finding none, she smiled broadly before lacing her fingers through his.  Beckett marveled at the comfortable silence between them, the simple gesture of affection of her hand within his. Whatever this was that they were creating together, he felt some reassurance in the pure fact that it just felt right.  


6 thoughts on “For Research”

  1. aaaa aaaa aaaa oh my this is so so so sweet!! I caaaaaann’t….. please please someone send help! I’m drowning in this cuteness fics! aaaaahhhh their relationship is so cute and I really love the way Elliot helped Beckett to explore this feels between them. Aaaaaah I can’t wait for the next fics about them. and then about this line:
    Well, I couldn’t help myself after spending the last two days thinking about that kiss on Friday.
    Girl, me too. me too. guess both of us is really suprised with his movement! aaaaaaaaaahhhh you nailed T!

    1. Aww thank you so much Asti! I am seriously loving this sweet young love between Beckett and MC … and I needed to address that extremely surprising first kiss scene for my own mental state! I’m so glad you enjoyed this and thank you for commenting sweetheart!!! 😘😘

  2. Gah! I love this so much T! I love they dynamic betweenness Elliott and Beckett and how flustered he gets and how badly he wants to do this right.

    1. Isn’t he the most adorable nerd ever? I love writing the shy nervous guy – it’s so sweet. Thanks for reading Misha!

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