This was originally posted on Tumblr as a dedication to my lovely friend kawairinrin who said she would like to read a Drake and Cassie smutty fic.
Important – My King Liam is called King Istvan
Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, (except Cassie!) fic is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it.
Cassie looked at herself in the mirror, the delicate black lace push-up bra and panties were gorgeous. But were they too much? She turned the side, squinting at her profile. Would Drake even like this? Was she trying too hard to look sexy? She shook her head, sighing, slipping her dress on over the top. She had been dating Drake for a couple of months now and she was completely head over heels for him. He was the most handsome, generous and gruff but softhearted man she’d ever met. They’d been getting closer and closer as they spent more time in one another’s company, but they still hadn’t slept together. Cassie had a feeling that tonight may change that, but she was so very nervous. She wanted their first time to be really special… But not only because she was besotted with him, because it would be her first time with anyone. She shivered at the thought of her and Drake together, imagining how it would feel: her fingers in his hair, feeling his strong, muscular body on top of hers; his lips kissing hers, those brown eyes staring into her eyes longingly as he held her and their bodies came together as one… But how was she going to tell him that she was a virgin at 26? She hadn’t really planned it that way, she just wanted it to be with someone special, and as a teenager and then at nursing college, she’d just never met anyone who she thought was particularly special… Most dates she’d been on, it was clear the guys were only looking for hookup or at the most, a casual fling… That just didn’t feel right in Cassie‘s sweet, romantic heart – so she never went to bed with any of them – despite the various invites… But now here she was, feeling like she wished she had, just so that she knew what she was doing. A man as handsome as Drake, a few years older than her? He must have had countless lovers… Beautiful, attractive, sensual women who were able to drive him wild and knew exactly how to please him… She bit her lip-would he even want some inexperienced little girl like her when he realised?
Drake was in the shower getting ready for Cassie and Thor coming over. He was singing songs to himself that made him think of her as he washed. His face lit up in a goofy smile as he realised just how ridiculously happy he was. He couldn’t ever remember feeling like this. It was like the weight of the world was suddenly gone from his shoulders; Cassie Kapranos was his everything. He felt like he’d known her for a whole lifetime. She was clever and witty… And so pretty, and fun, and caring… But most of all, she didn’t seem to have any concept of how spectacular she was; Drake’s heart soared when she was around. He loved her. Not that Drake’d been brave enough to say the words yet. He was letting her set the pace of their relationship and he didn’t want to do anything to frighten her off. Being a little younger than him, he didn’t want to get all intense and heavy and freak her out… He thought about how a couple of weeks ago he’d taken her to see a movie, then afterwards they’d gone back to her place. Things had started to heat up on the sofa. Drake had moved on top of her, Cassie’s arms twined around his neck as he kissed her passionately, his large hands slipping under her shirt, rounding the curves of her firm breasts as he felt her melt into him. He moved his hips against hers a little, just to let her feel how much he wanted her, whispering in her ear,
“Oh Cassie, baby, you are so beautiful…”
Cassie crinkled her button nose, looked away and had blushed a vivid scarlet; embarrassed. Drake smiled, ‘she must be the only person in the world who can’t see how gorgeous she is.’
He kissed her on the end of her cute little nose,
“Cass do you want to… Take this next door…?”, inclining his head towards her bedroom.
He felt Cassie tense up beneath him as she bit her bottom lip; Drake brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and whispered to her,
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything tonight Cassie. Not if you don’t want to.”
He got the impression that she wanted to say something else, but all she said was,
“Not yet.”
Drake wondered, had she had some sort of bad experience before he’d known her? He guessed there were still plenty of things they didn’t know about each other… He wouldn’t push her to tell him anything, he simply kissed her gently and assured her that it wasn’t a problem. Whatever she was holding back, she’d tell him in her own time he decided. Cassie had smiled and nodded shyly at Drake, and later they had curled up together in her bed; her head on his chest, his arm pulling her close, listening to her breathe as he inhaled the scent of her hair and she drifted off to sleep… She was the most gorgeous, shy, loving girl he’d ever met… She was tough-nursing cancer patients everyday meant she had to be-but she had the most gentle soul he’d ever found. He never laughed as much as when she was smiling and giggling, telling him a story, carrying him along with her, enchanted. His friends had adored her from the moment they met her; his sister had even started inviting Cassie out for cocktails and spa days! Drake was completely mesmerised with her and he knew they were taking things slowly, but deep down in his heart, Drake already knew that one day, he wanted to marry Cassie Kapranos.
It was a beautiful summer evening. Drake had the barbecue all set up before Cassie arrived around 5pm, he had planned a relaxing night, he would do some food on the grill, they could enjoy some drinks, listen to some music and sit out on the deck with Thor. He’d even bought her a bunch of her favourite flowers – gerberas in a variety of vivid sunshine colours… They were sitting in a vase on the kitchen counter waiting for her to come over… The card read, “Cass, Just to make you smile, gorgeous. Dxx” It was a clear sky so far, he hoped that when it became dark the clouds would stay away and they could grab a blanket and look up at the stars together. When he’d told Istvan his plans for this evening, Istvan had put an arm around his shoulder and grinned at him, commenting again on how he’d never seen Drake like this, and it must be love?? Drake simply shrugged and smiled back; he’d told Istvan that he guessed there was just something about his lovely Cassie that made him want to do all of these romantic things for her…
Cassie rumbled up the gravel driveway to Drake’s place, Thor going nuts in the back. She laughed at the ridiculous husky as he howled and carried on like a maniac when Drake appeared at the door to help her in with her stuff. He opened Thor’s door first as she cut the engine. Thor barrelled out past him,
“Heh. You’d never know he was a bionic husky now, would you…?”
Cassie laughed, it was true, some days she forgot that it was all because Drake ran Thor over that found themselves here… She climbed out the car and Drake drank her in: a vision in a denim shirt dress with a thick tan belt around her middle, matching tan wedges, and her hair piled up into a messy bun. The sides of the dress curved up showing off just a little more of her toned thighs than the front and back gave away… God, she was delicious. Drake couldn’t help himself, he picked her up and twirled her around as she let out a surprise squeak, lowering her onto his lips and into a gentle embrace,
“Oh Cass I’ve been so looking forward to seeing you today. Heh, I hope you’re hungry baby, there’s a LOT of food…”
Cassie’s heart raced at Drake’s touch, she pulled his face down into another kiss,
“I’ve been looking forward to seeing you too! Food sounds great, I didn’t get time to eat during my shift earlier so I’m famished, shall we?”
She smiled at him as she lifted her bags from the car and Drake took the heavier ones from her, whistling loudly for Thor to follow them in, he wrapped his free arm around the shoulder of his love as they walked towards the house together.
As the evening passed, they’d had such a wonderful time, Cassie had teased Drake that his barbecue skills were almost as good as her dad’s… Drake joked that it was an unfair comparison coz her dad had more years of barbecuing experience. Thor ate two burgers and a sausage as if to console him. Cassie had giggled and conceded. They enjoyed the last of the sunshine and sang along to their favourite songs, Drake had even pulled her in close and danced with her on the sundeck as he sang in her ear to the Goo Goo Dolls ‘Iris’ when it rang out from the speaker.
‘God’, Drake thought to himself, ‘I really do love her…’
Drake’s hopes for a clear night came good and they sat on the patio sofa snuggled together under a heavy blanket, Drake with a whisky, Cassie with a glass of sparkling rose wine, looking up at the shimmering constellations in the night sky. Cassie listened as Drake pointed out Orion, Taurus and Canis Major and Minor. She couldn’t really see what he was pointing at exactly, but it was beautiful just the same, and she loved how close he leaned to her when he was trying to let her follow his line of vision. Maybe it was the bubbles, but Cassie was feeling a little brave, as he tried to show her Cassiopeia, she pulled his face towards hers, catching him in a heated clinch, which Drake reciprocated without hesitation. She felt lightheaded at the feeling of him pressed against her, the taste of fiery whisky on his lips. She climbed into his lap, straddling him, her heart thumping inside her chest, a mix of anticipation, desire and nerves. Drake’s hands roamed over her body, cupping her pert behind, pulling her deeper into his lap. She could feel his already hard length pressed between her legs through his jeans. God, she wanted to feel the pleasure of him inside her. She rolled her hips gently, just a little as it felt like the natural thing to do. The sensation drew a low groan from Drake. She’d never seen his eyes look so dark. His face changed, loaded with desire as he unbuttoned the first few buttons of her dress. His lips travelled down her elegant neck, his eyes stopping on the delicate black lace of the bra she’d selected for tonight: he breathed her name sending shivers down her spine. Drake reached behind her to unfasten the clasp when she gripped his hand,
“Drake wait, there’s something I need to tell you…”
He looked in her eyes, face softening, genuinely concerned,
“Cassie, you can tell me anything baby. What’s wrong?”
Cassie suddenly couldn’t look straight at him,
“Drake I… I’ve never… I haven’t been ‘with’ anyone before…”
Drake looked at her pretty, flushed little face and shook his head,
“Cassie, really? Why are you embarrassed about that? Look at me baby.”
He tipped her back chin up to meet his gaze as she shrugged shyly,
“Cass? Are you sure you want to do this? With me, I mean?”
She looked deep into Drake’s dark soulful eyes, nodding her head,
“I just always wanted it to be with someone special. There’s never been anyone more special than you, Drake Walker. But if you don’t want to, I would understand…”
Drake cradled her dainty face in his big hands as he placed a loving kiss on her soft pink lips,
“Cassie Kapranos, you’re crazy… Don’t you know by now that you mean everything to me? Why would you ever think that I wouldn’t want to be with you? Heh, I’m not sure that I deserve someone as wonderful as you, but if you definitely want your first time to be with me, baby I promise to be so gentle… And I’ll do everything I can to make you feel good.”
Cassie smiled sweetly at Drake,
“Drake, stop putting yourself down, you deserve more than I can ever give you… I want to be with you more than I’ve ever wanted anything…”
She cupped his face in her soft hands, her lips only centimetres from his; she trusted everything he said. Cassie whispered,
“Please will you make me yours tonight Drake?”
Drake nodded as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her tenderly as he picked her up. Cassie’s arms clasped around Drake’s neck and her slender legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her with ease inside the house, carefully closing the kitchen door to keep a sleeping Thor away from the bedroom.
Drake placed Cassie gently on the edge of the bed as he turned the dimmer switch, lit of couple of candles and pulled his shirt off. When he turned back to look at her, she had unfurled her long hair from the confines of its messy bun and it was cascading down her shoulders. Drake couldn’t take his eyes off her, she was so completely perfect to him. He sat by her side and kissed her lips softly,
“God Cass, I love you…”
Cassie’s eyes widened,
“Oh Drake, you don’t have to say that because, well, you know…”
Drake shook his head,
”I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it Cassie… I do love you.”
Cassie’s heart almost jumped from her chest as she smiled at him, whispering,
“I love you…”
Drake pulled her close to him kissing her with a new found urgency, his hands in her hair. He gently swept her around underneath him, leaning over her as he worked the remainder of the buttons of her shirt dress until Cassie was wearing only her black lacy underwear; she needn’t have worried whether Drake would like it or not… He groaned as he looked down at her: how could she be both so innocent and tempting all at once? He was going to make sure Cassie had a wonderful time this evening. Drake was going to make sure he’d be the only man she would ever want.
Drake traced his fingers down her stomach as her kissed her lips, her neck and whispered sweet words in her ear. Cassie had never felt so full of desire, her breath escaping in soft gasps and whimpers at the sensation of his touches. Drake’s hand had slipped between her thighs, lightly stroking her most intimate parts through the fabric of her panties. He looked up at her, questioning if this was still ok, as he took her erect nipple in his warm mouth. Cassie groaned and arched into him wanting more, her body aching with her need for him. Drake read her body language, moving the lace aside and tentatively pushing one, then as he felt her become comfortable, two of his thick fingers inside Cassie as he worked her clit with his thumb. The sensation of Drake’s fingers inside her made Cassie writhe and groan with pleasure; she couldn’t believe how different it felt to have someone else touch her… She could feel a delightful heat searing through her body as Drake continued to gently stimulate her: her green eyes closed, she moaned against his commanding kisses, her hands raking through his ruffled dark hair… Then Drake took his hand away and Cassie’s eyes flew open as he trailed hot wet kisses down her stomach, it felt like they burnt into her skin, branding her as his own… Gently peeling her panties away and discarding them onto the crumpled bedsheets, Drake gently teased and scraped her thighs with his teeth before his hands stopped on her hips and his head dipped between her legs. Cassie inhaled sharply as her eyes locked with Drake’s. He moved his mouth like he was licking nectar from the wings of an angel…
Drake didn’t think he could have been any more in love with Cassie but suddenly he was; her scent, her sweet taste, the feeling of her skin, the sounds escaping from her pretty little mouth… She was a goddess and she was entirely his…
Cassie had never felt sensations like those in her life, Drake was lightly tracing his tongue around her clit, flicking and gently sucking as his fingers curled inside of her. She decided there and then that this man was clearly some sort of genius between the sheets… After what seemed like only a few moments, Cassie’s orgasm crashed over her, her thighs wrapped tightly around Drake, who continued to kiss and lick her as she cried out his name over and over again, grasping at the sheets beneath her.
Drake moved up the bed beside her, grinning as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand,
“Was that nice, Cass?”
She tried to catch her breath and still her racing heart as she looked back at him; he was so rugged and handsome,
“God, Drake, yes, that was… Amazing!”
He stared tenderly into her eyes and mouthed,
Cassie leaned up on her elbows, biting her bottom lip,
“I should…?”
Drake shook his head,
“Another time Cassie. Tonight isn’t about me; everything is for you tonight baby.”
She smiled shyly at Drake-he really was a perfect gentleman,
“But I want you to have a good time too?”
He grinned widely and shook his head,
“Heh. Cassandra, do I look like a man having a terrible time?”
She giggled and playfully thumped his arm, he jovially pinned her arms down and kissed her neck as she squealed. Letting go of her arms he gently stroked her cheek before moving to unfasten his jeans. Cassie raised to her knees on the bed, caressing his length in her warm fingers as it jumped free of the denim. She felt her breath catch: Drake was tall and broad and nothing was out of proportion downstairs, that was for sure… Cassie was only just over 5”1’ and slight… Drake saw the look on her face and touched her arm,
“Hey it’s ok, we’ll go easy? If I’m hurting you we’ll stop Cassie, ok?”
Cassie bit her lip and nodded. With that, Drake gently pushed her backwards and positioned himself, kissing his beautiful Cassie as he began to move, slowly pressing himself inside of her entrance. Although he’d made sure Cassie was completely aroused before he’d even considered this, he could still feel that she was nervous and tense: her body felt so tight around him he felt like he might explode. Drake whispered in her ear,
“Relax Cassie, please, I’ll take care of you baby…”,
as he moved a little more, taking it oh so slowly, letting her adjust fully until his entire length was buried between her legs.
Cassie didn’t know where to put herself, she was ridiculously turned on by Drake: she still couldn’t believe they were actually in bed together! But at the same time, she felt as if she might break in half. He was moving so cautiously, so gently inside of her that the mixture between pleasure and pain was exquisite, she couldn’t find the words to describe it. She could feel the pressure building inside of her, his long, slow, luxuriating strokes combined with his hot, sweet kisses… It didn’t take long at all before Cassie came so explosively for the second time that night that she thought she might die. The sensation of her tight body contracting hot, wet and throbbing around his manhood as she came was enough to send Drake past the brink. He called out Cassie’s name as he thrust inside her, spilling into her in a blaze of heat, love and passion like nothing he’d ever felt in his life before.
They lay there a tangle of limbs for sometime afterwards, her head on his chest, Drakes arm draped around her; he couldn’t stop pulling her face to his and kissing her. He never wanted tonight to end; he’d found the love of his life. He would walk to the ends of the earth over broken glass if she wanted him to. Drake smiled, knowing his heart belonged to her and she was his. Completely his; his precious, perfect, lovely little Cassie.
End -VP 💖