Forbidden: The Dungeon and The Cabin (On the Run)

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- We are nearing the end, one and a half (you’ll see) chapters to go after this. I combine the events of Chapters 13 and 14 here and like Chapter six, I cover a whole lot of material in one go, mostly because these are chapters were Vega doesn’t appear, so there were fewer rewrites needs, more focusing on Lilith’s state of mind. This is highly angsty and there is also some unrequited love going on here.
Pairing- Adam Vega/MC, Adrian/MC, minor Jax/MC
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Lilith puts aside her feelings of betrayal and focuses on helping Adrian, even as the full extent of Adam’s treachery starts to become evident.
Words- 2438

Chapter Nine: The Dungeon & The Cabin (On the Run)

Following Kamilah’s devastating announcement about Adrian’s fate, things progressed fast.

First, Nicole appeared out of nowhere with the news that she knew where Adrian was and then we put together a plan to help him escape, even if it meant calling on a very reluctant ally.

I was a little wary of trusting Nicole, and not just because I thought she was a bitch, but because it seemed too convenient and the bit about a spy in Adam’s employ didn’t feel right, maybe because I couldn’t imagine that slipping his notice, but… She was the only lead we had, so we had to go with it.

Which was what led to me standing in Jax’s quarters, begging him to help us. Because the only way this plan worked was if we had bait. And what better bait than the leader of the Clanless?

As we made our pitch to Jax, pointing out that with Adrian gone and Vega in power, the Clanless would be an even spot, he looked at me, his eyes boring into me. “Lilith, you’re asking me to risk my life to save another man’s.”

I bit my lip. I knew what he was asking. What he wasn’t saying and there was no answer I could give him. Because I didn’t have those feelings for Adrian, but I didn’t have them for Jax either.

I had them for the monster who was the reason we were all in this mess because apparently my heart had terrible judgment and couldn’t be trusted.

“It’s not like that,” was the only answer I could give him.

“What’s it like then?” Jax inquired, his eyes still locked onto mine. He really was quite handsome and the way he looked at me, should have made my heart race, but it didn’t. Stupid heart.

“Not personal,” I told him and it was kind of true. It was personal, but not in the way he was implying. I was emotionally invested in this because I’d trusted the wrong person. Still, that wasn’t all this was about. “Putting aside everything you feel about Adrian, he’s an innocent man about to die for a crime he didn’t commit. What could be more unjust than that?”

I hadn’t known Jax for long, but I knew what kind of man he was and I knew from the way his jaw clenched that I had him. He would help us.

Kamilah seemed relieved, but she didn’t waste any time, urging us to get going. Because we were going to face the monster in his den, literally we were about to walk willingly into the Baron’s club and try and get him to throw us in his dungeons.

Ok, no wonder Jax had balked, this might have been the stupidest plan I’d ever come up with. But hey, doing stupid things was apparently my MO lately, and at least I knew what I was getting into this time.

Kamilah and I walked into The Shrike with Jax in cuffs.

The Baron was as pleasant as ever. I listened half-heartedly as he and Kamilah spoke, trying not to tense as he mentioned Adam, the sound of his name making my stomach turn. All I could think about was how stupid I had been and how fast I’d fallen for that smooth charm, never once seeing the monster that lurked there.

Kamilah moved to the next part of the plan, throwing me in to sweeten the deal and I pretended to act shocked, channeling the real betrayal I’d felt earlier that night. Though, my act almost faltered at the Baron’s next words.

“It’s a tempting offer, though Vega won’t let me keep her,” he mused, “he’s been very clear about that, about the fact that he has a prior claim on the girl. However, she should help appease his anger at being double-crossed,” he grinned cruelly, “and besides, I’m sure I can have some fun with her before he claims her.”

Now my stomach was really churning. Not because of the threat, but because of the reminder that Adam wasn’t giving up. He had claimed me as his and he wasn’t going to let it go.

Though, and this is proof that there was something wrong with me, the words made me feel a tiny bit better. Because it meant that he wanted me, that he wasn’t just using me to screw over Adrian, that maybe, just maybe he hadn’t been lying when he’d told me what he had done to Adrian, had nothing to do with his offer to me.

Still, it didn’t change anything. Not really. Maybe he sincerely wanted me, but he was a monster and no matter how charming he was, I would never let myself forget that again.

“What’s that about,” Jax whispered as The Baron’s men roughly led us to the dungeons, “why does Vega want you?”

“Not now,” I answered, evading the question. Why did he want me? There appeared to be more to it than just using me to help frame Adrian, but what?

Thankfully, Jax didn’t press, mostly because he didn’t have the opportunity. It was time to put our plan into motion. The next few minutes were chaos, finding Adrian, freeing all the prisoners and then getting the fuck out of there as the building burned.

Of course, my relief at getting out of there in one piece was short-lived because Adrian immediately insisted he had to go back to his office to get the serum.

“I can’t let Vega get his hands on it,” he argued.

I knew he was right, but… “You told me that only you could get into the safe,” I reminded him, which meant it was safe for now, right?

“Vega’s determined, he’ll find  a way,” Adrian stated, “when he wants something, he doesn’t let anything stand in his way.” His eyes lingered on me and I looked away. At some point Adrian and I would have to talk about what had been said at the Tribunal, I knew that, though I wasn’t looking forward to it.

Nicole agreed with him, calling the serum the Corporation’s valuable investment and offering to accompany him up to his office. I narrowed my eyes, that nagging feeling from earlier coming back and I jumped out of the car. “I’m coming with you.”

Nicole shot me a glare, but Adrian just smiled and we headed up to his office, glancing warily as we did.

As soon as Adrian opened the safe and took out the serum, there was a commotion. I sighed, bracing myself for the sight of Adam, but it wasn’t him, instead it several armed men, who I assumed worked for Adam. Which actually made sense, since I doubted he did his dirty work himself.

“Nicole, watch out,” Adrian warned and then his eyes widened as his VP went and stood by the side of Vega’s goons, her expression cold and determined as she demanded that he hand over the serum.

“I knew you were a traitorous bitch,” I  spat before I could stop myself.

Her eyes focused on me, glittering with hate. “This is all your fault,” she spat, “You’re the one that ruined Adrian. You manipulated him, got him to Turn your idiot friend! Led him down one bad road after another. Thanks to you, I saw Adrian for what he really was… Just another shallow, weak man, easily manipulated by a pretty face.”

“He was never manipulated by yours,” I countered, “or you’d be a vampire. I guess you’re saying I’m prettier than you?”

It was petty, but I couldn’t help it, Nicole annoyed me. I’d never liked her and given how wrong I’d been about Adam, it was nice to be right about someone.

“Bitch!” Nicole spat and then took a deep breath, obviously trying to regain her composure, “it doesn’t matter. I saw Adrian for what he was, so I sought out someone stronger. Some who understood me. Someone with the guts to do what it takes for power, Pact be damned…”

“Vega,” Adrian said flatly.

“Damn right,” Nicole confirmed, “When I told him about your serum, he was more than happy to help me with this plan. He gets the serum, I get Turned, everyone gets what they want.”

She had an interesting idea of everyone, but I didn’t bother pointing that out. I had a feeling the ‘conversation’ portion was over anyway.

I was right.

“Hand over the serum or I’ll order these men to shoot,” Nicole stated cruelly, “starting with your pretty little assistant.”

“We can’t do that,” one of the goons spoke up, “we have to take the girl alive. Vega was very clear about that.”

Nicole’s rage was evident, but I could also see the angry disbelief in her eyes, apparently, she hadn’t been informed of that little detail. It almost made me want to laugh. Almost.

As Nicole and I stared at each other, we both forgot about Adrian for a second, until we heard a click. My eyes widened in horror as I watched Adrian inject the entire barrel of serum into his arm, dozens of doses worth!

“What have you done?!” Nicole demanded.

Adrian stared at her, his rage evident. “The serum’s in my blood now. You want it, you’ll have to take me.”

Before Nicole or Adrian’s men had a chance to react, Adrian grabbed me and jumped through the window. I fought the urge to scream as we flew through the air, landing on a nearby roof.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!” I stated when he put me down. “What just happened? What did you do?”

“I don’t know,” Adrian told me, “but… Now’s not the time to find out, we have to get out of here.”

He picked me up again and I closed my eyes, my arms wrapped tight around his neck as we jumped again, making our way to the car where we ordered Jax and Kamilah to get us out of there as fast we could.

My mind was racing. Adrian and Kamilah were fugitives, Adam was a traitorous bastard who was working with Nicole of all people, there was the serum… My mind was a mess and I knew that this wasn’t over.

We said goodbye to Jax and Lily and then Kamilah, Adrian and I headed to Adrian’s safe house, though I noticed Adrian seemed to be improving, which was a relief, even if I didn’t really understand what he was saying about it making him more pure. I was just glad that he no longer looked like he was about to die.

Adrian led us to the charming wooden cabin, revealing it had been his home when he’d been human and then promptly left Kamilah and me alone. I didn’t blame him, I was reeling from the events of the last 48 hours and I was just a bystander.

Kamilah started a fire and I ate a grilled cheese sandwich before going to check on Adrian. I listened with sympathy as he told me about his wife and son, my heart breaking for him, instinctively placing my hand on his shoulder.

He smiled gratefully and then pointed out that we should get some sleep. He claimed the bed and mentioned a mattress, which Kamilah accepted with a nod.

Which left me.

I couldn’t imagine asking Kamilah to share her mattress but I didn’t want to sleep on the floor. Could I share a bed with Adrian?

We did need to talk and sharing a bed didn’t have to be… We could just sleep.

“I’ll stay here with you, if you don’t mind,” I told Adrian, making up my mind.

“Of course,” he told me, as he stripped down to his boxers.

I watched him carefully. He was beautiful. But he was also kind and good, so why hadn’t I fallen for him? Why wasn’t he the one that set my blood on fire and made me want to lose myself in him forever?

“Are you going to sleep in your clothes?” Adrian asked gently and I realized I was just standing there. “You can if you want, of course, but you might be more comfortable… I… I won’t…”

“I know,” I assured him with a smile as I stripped out of my clothes, Adrian was the most gentlemanly man I had ever met. But it was still odd to stand before him in my underwear, especially when he looked at me with a heat he couldn’t disguise. One I wished I could return.

Oh, I could make myself want him, that was easy. He was beautiful and it was easy to imagine running my hands over his chest or pressing my lips to his and forgetting for awhile. But… It would be wrong, I knew that, especially when the memory of Adam’s hands and lips popped into my mind.

I couldn’t use Adrian to forget Adam. I wouldn’t do to Adrian what I despised Adam for doing to me.

“Lilith?” Adrian asked gently, placing a hand on my arm and when I met his eyes, I saw the heat had disappeared and was replaced with concern. “Do you want to talk?”

“Not really,” I admitted as we climbed into the bed. “But we probably should. You must be curious.”

Adrian paused, looking at me carefully. “It’s none of my business,” he said finally, “your personal life is just that, but it’s also not your fault. Adam Vega is incredibly charming and manipulative.”

“You tried to warn me,” I reminded him, “you told me to stay away from him.”

“Because I was afraid you’d get hurt,” Adrian said gently, wrapping an arm around me. I went gratefully, laying my head on his shoulder. “I never imagined he’d try to use you against me like this and I’m sorry.”

As Adrian looked at me, I saw his sincerity and something else that made my heart ache. I saw just how much he cared about me and it killed me because I wanted to feel the same way. But I didn’t, because even now, my thoughts were still consumed by Adam.

“We should get some sleep,” Adrian said after a moment, “we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.”

I nodded and closed my arms, allowing myself the comfort of Adrian’s arms, even as a little voice in my head pointed out that I probably wasn’t being fair to him. Still, I needed this.

Because he was right, we had no idea what the next day would bring, but I had a feeling it was just going to be more pain and I was going to take whatever comfort I could.


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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