Forbidden: The Senator

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So this is not an AU (yet), so yay, but it is an Adam Vega x MC fic because I am trash for this pairing. This was inspired by a conversation where I lamented I’m having a hard time connecting with Jax now because I consider Lilith to be Adam’s MC, not Jax’s, even though he’s not an LI and then this was born. This is basically a rewrite as if Adam was an LI. This is going to take the interactions between Lilith and Adam and give her opinion and maybe expand on them a bit. This first chapter is pretty much canon, just with Lilith’s thoughts and a few minute changes, but it’ll get more AU as the story goes on… This first one takes place in Chapter Six: The Senator. I didn’t have screenshots for the full chapter and didn’t feel like looking up videos, so I improvised a little bit with the dialogue. The Chapters will also fit into the main book (I hope, I’m writing this as it goes, so it might get really AU) and are going to be mostly missing/rewritten scenes than full chapters, if that makes sense.

Pairing- Adam Vega x MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Lilith’s thoughts when she meets Senator Adam Vega for the first time.

Words- 2485

Chapter One: The Senator

I stood in Adrian’s office, listing off the council members I’d met and hearing them dismiss them all, leaving me with a pit in my stomach. Adrian had saved Lily, but for how long? Had he only prolonged things? Was I going to lose her anyway?

“Who’s left then?” I asked, trying not to lose hope.

“Adam Vega,” Adrian answered. “He’s our last hope.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Wait, you mean Senator Vega?”

He was a vampire?! Well, that might explain how incredibly hot he was. After all, the Senator often made lists of the hottest men in America and for good reason, he might be over 40 (probably a lot over 40) but he was gorgeous and had a kind of sexy charisma that shone through in his interviews. He could have been a movie star, not a politician. “’Probably Going to Run For President’ Senator Vega?”

“That would be him,” Adrian confirmed, a little amused by my reaction. “Unfortunately, he’s probably the harshest on the Clanless of any of us. He truly despises them.”

Oh, that didn’t sound good. It also didn’t sound like Senator Vega, who had a public image for being one of the most compassionate members of the Senate. Of course, that was just that an image, and I knew it could be totally false, after all, it was obvious that there was a lot of illusions going on with the Senator since he was somehow a vampire. Still, that didn’t sound all that optimistic, though Lily wasn’t Clanless yet. Adrian wanted to bring her into his clan, surely that meant something?

“But Lily’s not Clanless,” I pointed out, “you want to make her part of your clan.”

“And that may work in our favor,” Adrian told me, “but it’s also not our own argument. Whatever his feelings about the Clanless, he is a politician, and that means he can be swayed by money.” That sounded cynical, though, after 250+ years, Adrian had probably earned that cynicism. “I can offer a hefty campaign donation.”

I nodded. “Well, then I’m optimistic. One more vote is one more vote, right?”

Adrian smiled. “I like your attitude. And yes, also, if we can secure Vega as a third vote, a fourth may be slightly easier to get.”

I nodded that made sense. After all, then we wouldn’t be trying to sway two hard nos, but one.

“We should get going.” Adrian told me, “if we’re going to catch Adam.”

“But it’s daylight,” I pointed out, used to doing vampire business at night. “Actually, wait, how does a vampire Senator even work? He must have to go out in the sunlight, right?”

“Like I told you, we can survive sunlight for brief periods of time,” Adrian reminded me, “enough to walk from a car with tinted windows to an indoor town hall. Plus, his handlers have fed the media a story about a hypersensitivity to sunlight. That buys him plenty of cover as well.”

That made sense. Well, as much sense as anything about vampires being real and integrating themselves into American society made sense.

“It still must be challenging though,” I pointed out since I’d learned that vampires did need some sleep.

“Oh, very.” Adrian answered, “Forcing himself to keep to daytime hours is a massive inconvenience for Vega.”

I wondered how often Adrian had to suffer that same inconvenience for business, though he kept a lot lower a profile.

“That’s just how much he loves politics?” I asked lightly.

Adrian smirked, “it’s how much he craves power.”

Oh. Well, that made sense too, after all, politics was the ultimate form of power, right? Especially with Senator Vega’s career trajectory. It was a little eye-opening, this whole conversation was. I’d always admired the Senator, though I’d only ever seen him speak on television, still, he was so charismatic and yes handsome, and something about him just drew you in. I wondered if that was strictly a vampire thing or if some of it was natural charisma?

I shook my head as I followed Adrian out of the office, it didn’t matter. This was about saving Lily, not indulging in my curiosity about America’s Sexiest Senator.

After a short drive where Adrian and I talked about music and made small talk, we pulled up at a gorgeous home in the suburbs. And large, I was fairly certain I could fit at least three of my childhood home into this house.

“Wow,” I said, admiring the house, “this is gorgeous.”

Adrian nodded, eyeing the house critically. “The Senator has money, but luckily, he’s also got fairly good taste…”

“Fairly good?” I commented, raising an eyebrow.

“There are a few things I would change,” Adrian replied with a  smile, but before I could ask what, he got out of the car, wincing as the sunlight hit him. I bit my lip, wondering suddenly what it would be like.

My thoughts also turned to the Senator, to the fact that he subjected to that pain constantly, and for what? Power? Or was there more to it? Did he also genuinely want to do good in the world?

Adrian and I walked inside, entering a double-height foyer and my eyes were immediately drawn to a podium where Senator Vega was giving a press conference. He was even more handsome in person and I licked my lips a little, without even realizing what I was doing. He was also so charismatic, with an easy, comfortable way of speaking. I felt like I could stand there listening to him talk for hours.

“He is incredibly charismatic,” I commented in awe, my eyes glued to him.

“He always was a lady-killer,” Adrian commented, “Sometimes literally.”

What did that mean? But then, vampire, it would be naïve to think he’d never killed.

“I suppose you find him attractive, like everyone else?” Adrian asked, his tone conveying slight annoyance.

“Ohhh yeah,” I answered immediately. I wasn’t going to admit that I’d pinned a magazine cut-out picture of him to the cork-board in my dorm in college, from an article labeling him America’s Sexiest Senator. My roommate had teased me about it, but had agreed with my assessment that he was very inspiring.

“Well, be careful,” Adrian warned me. “He’s a politician, and his persuasive powers are strong. He could sell water to a whale.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not thirsty,” I assured Adrian, though secretly I wondered what it would be like to have Senator Vega try to persuade me. I imagined that it could be quite fun.

“Neither is the whale,” my boss said dryly.

The press conference ended and Adrian waited for the press to clear out before approaching the Senator.

“Adrian!” The Senator greeted warmly, “So good to see you, my friend.”

“Same to you, Adam.” Adrian greeted politely, his tone not quite as warm as the Senator’s.  “This is my assistant, Lilith. She’s a fan.”

I shot Adrian a look as I stepped forward to shake Senator Vega’s fan. “I actually referenced some of your speeches in a paper I did about healthcare reform in my senior year,” I told the Senator.

His smiled widened, “is that so? It’s nice to hear that at least someone is paying attention, I’m sure the paper was excellent.”

“My professor thought so,” I agreed, “I got the highest mark in the class, probably because of my excellent sources.”

It was Adrian’s turn to shoot me a look, letting me know that he didn’t appreciate my flirting, and he let a polite cough.

“I’d love the chance to talk more about your paper later,” the Senator told me, “but for now, to what do I owe the please of having you both?”

Adrian stepped forward then, explaining that there was business to be discussed and assuring the Senator that I was in on the secret, the situation to Senator Vega, filling him in on what had happened to Lily and the steps that Adam had taken to save her.

The Senator turned to me with sympathy in his dark eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that, Lilith.”

“So you see why I had to turn her?” Adrian asked Adam.

“Of course.” Senator Vega answered smoothly. “Anyone with a heart would do the same.” His words were good, but there was a big but hanging in the air. “However…” He continued apologetically, ‘in this politically delicate time, you know the Council rarely grants petitions like that.”

Why not? That was the part I didn’t understand, why did the Council object to life-saving actions?

“And as sad as this situation is, Turning her only created more problems,” Adam added. “For you.” That didn’t sound good and I remembered Kamilah’s anger and the way she had accused me of getting Adrian into trouble.

“But it was my fault,” I protested, “I’m the one who asked Adrian to Turn her… He… and Lily… shouldn’t be punished for it.”

The Senator focused on me, nodding his head patiently. I knew he was placating me and yet, it was hard not to be soothed by his voice and his kind smile. “Lilith, I appreciate your passion. Where would the world be without it? But this is a tricky line to walk with the Council,” he told me. “And that has nothing to do with you, nor does it take away from your clear devotion to your friend, which I applaud.”

“Don’t applaud, just vote—” I began, but Adrian cut me off. “I think what’s done is done,” he chimed in, “and sadly, it doesn’t matter how it came to be, just how we move forward.”

“I’m sorry Adrian,” Senator Vega said apologetically, “Supporting you in this… I’d pay too high a cost.”

How? What cost? What was I missing? I kept my thoughts to myself though as the Senator stepped to turn away and then paused. “Unless that is, you have a mutually beneficial solution in mind.”

It was Adrian’s turn to smile. “I may indeed. In fact, I came out here today to discuss a possible contribution to your super PAC.”

“Ah yes, that’s still very early, we’re just getting it set up,” the Senator replied.

“Would a contribution help?” Adrian asked. “A substantial contribution?”

“I think it might,” the Senator said smoothly, “that is very generous of you, Adrian.”

“More than happy to do it,” Adrian assured him, his tone just as smooth as the Senator’s.

There was a pause in the conversation and I waited for Vega to commit his vote, but he didn’t. Did he want something else?

“How else can I help?” Adrian asked after a moment.

The Senator grinned, making him look even more impossibly handsome. “Well, I’m glad you asked. There is another vote coming up in the Council on which I would appreciate your support.” He told Adrian, his expression growing serious. “As you know, the Feral problem is getting completely out of hand. Even the humans are getting suspicious. Too many random attacks. Too many sightings. It’s clear to me that we need a more… aggressive situation.”

What did he mean? Aggressive, how?

“And what did you have in mind?” Adrian asked calmly, obviously wondering the same thing. “We can’t keep waiting for the Clanless to go bad and then clean up the mess.” Senator Vega answer. “We need to strike first.” My eyes widened, he couldn’t mean…

“We’ve been letting them thrive and grow in the shadows for too long,” he continued. “We need to go on the offensive.”

Oh my god. He did. He wanted to wipe out the Clanless.

“You want to kill them just for being Clanless?” I blurted out.

“Lilith…” Adrian warned, but I ignored him. “I’m sorry this is inappropriate, but I have to say something.” I wanted to save Lily, but not at this cost.

“Senator, may I talk to you?” I asked him.

“Of course,” he answered pleasantly.

As the Senator and I stepped to the side, I caught Adrian’s eye and saw the displeasure on his face. I knew I was possibly risking Lily, but I had to at least know why the Senator wanted to do this.

“Have you ever met any of the Clanless?” I asked him. “They’re—”

“A security risk,” he interrupted. “The more of them exist, the more turn Feral… and the delicate balance of our community is threatened.”

I thought about what I’d learned about the difference between Feral and Clan vampires, how Clan vampires had the ability to integrate into human society, their identity a closely guarded secret and no doubt why they protected their numbers so fiercely.

“I agree it’s a terrible thing, and it breaks my heart,” he continued and the thing was, he did sound genuinely upset. Was he that good of an actor or was he actually conflicted? “But I’m afraid it’s better than the alternative.”

I didn’t know what to say that.

The Senator gave me a quick, tight smile and then strode back towards Adrian. “So do I have your support, Adrian?” Senator Vega asked him.

Adrian hesitated for a moment and then, “you do.”

“Thank you.” The Senator responded warmly. “And for your contribution, as well. I really appreciate it.”

“So we can count on your vote on Lily’s petition?” Adrian pressed, obviously wanting a firm agreement. “You’ll approve her joining my Clan?”

Senator Vega smiled, a dazzling smile that almost made me forget what he’d just proposed, and clapped Adrian’s shoulder. “Who would I be to turn my back on a vampire in need?”

I wanted to call him out on the hypocrisy of that statement, but I knew I couldn’t risk alienating him, not when we needed him to save Lily. Though, it didn’t anger me as much as I wanted it too. Maybe because I expected a politician to be a hypocrite? Or maybe, it was because I was shallow and his handsome face and undeniable charm helped me forget the severity of his suggestion?

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a fundraiser I absolutely must get to,” he told us. “Thanks for coming by.”

He turned to me, his expression pleasant, making a point of making direct eye contact. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Lilith, I just wish it could have been under better circumstances.” He took my hand and raised it his lips, giving it a delicate, courtly kiss. His lips felt warm against my skin, sending a trickle of electricity through me at the contact.

If him kissing my hand felt like this, I wondered what it would be like if he kissed my lips?

“You too,” I managed, suddenly flustered by the thought.

The Senator’s eyes met mine for a moment and his lips curved into an almost unnoticeable smirk and I wondered if he knew what I was thinking. He released my hand, nodded at Adam and then disappeared through a door leaving Adrian and me alone to discuss the deal that he had made.

As I listened to Adrian’s warnings about Senator Vega, and about the grave price of making deals with him, my mind was racing. The Senator was nothing and everything like I’d imagined he’d be. He was handsome and charming and he took my breath away, but he was also ruthless and yet, even when he’d been proposing the worst, I’d still been drawn to him.

I’d met a lot of dangerous vampires in my short time as Adrian’s assistance, a few who had truly scared me, but I had a feeling that Senator Vega might the be most terrifying. Because he didn’t fill me with fear, he filled me with desire…


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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