Forbidden: The Serum (Truth or Dare)

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- Chapter 3 of Forbidden! This covers the events of Chapter 8 of Bloodbound. Since Vega doesn’t appear in this chapter, I had to write him in. Also, I want to clarify that if Vega does turn out to be the bad guy in Bloodbound, Forbidden will respect that ending and this will end angsty with poor Lilith getting her heart broken.  

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Lily invites Senator Vega to join the game of truth or dare, forcing Lilith to confront her growing attraction to him.

Words- 1968

Chapter Three: The Serum (Truth or Dare)

I talked Adrian and Kamilah into letting me accompany them in the VIP car on the way to the Awakening Ball, much to Lily’s delight. I wasn’t going to be left by myself while the others had fun without me.

Besides, honestly, I was a little apprehensive about this whole ‘vampire ball’ thing and the less time alone with my thoughts, the better.

As we settled in with some champagne, I decided I had made the right decision, after all this was a pretty sweet set-up.

After about half an hour, Lily started fidgeting, despite the luxury, and declaring she was bored. I sighed, knowing what was coming and sure enough, Lily suggested truth or dare.

Adrian readily agreed, which surprised me, but then he had a tendency to do that. I was still processing what he had told me about the serum and its intended purpose. Did he really intend to walk away from his immortal life? Could he ever do that?

I pushed that thought aside as Kamilah reluctantly agreed to play, but before we could begin, we were interrupted by a smooth voice.

“I see we have a surprise visitor.” I looked up to see Senator Vega standing by our table.

I could see both Kamilah and Adrian stiffen and remembered their warning that I was on my own if someone objected to my presence. “Senator…” I began.

The Senator smiled and cut me off. “No explanation, necessary, Lilith, and didn’t I ask you to call me, Adam?”

“You did,” I answered, glad that he didn’t seem bothered by my presence.

Adrian shot me a look, obviously wondering when the Senator and I’d had that conversation, but he didn’t ask, instead, he greeted Vega.

“Adam,” he said coolly, “I hope you are enjoying the trip.”

“I am,” Adam answered, just as smoothly, “I just saw you and your lovely companions and thought I’d say hello and see how you were enjoying the journey, hopefully, it’s not too long or too dull.”

“We’re about to play truth or dare!” Lily told him excitedly, “you can join us if you want.”

I stared at her. What was she doing? I noticed that Kamilah and Adrian looked just as surprised, though Kamilah looked amused and Adrian did not.

“How refreshing,” Adam commented, moving to slide into the seat next to me. “I’d love to join you.”

The train cars were roomy, easily accommodating 5 people but I was very aware of my position, seated between Adam and Adrian. They both seemed so close.

“Yay!” Lily said, clapping her hands. “This is going to be so much fun!!!” She turned to Adam. “Truth or dare, Senator?”

“Truth,” he answered with his trademark smile.

“Funny, I thought politicians avoided the truth whenever possible,” Adrian commented snarkily.

“We’re all friends here,” Adam said easily, “and no secrets amongst friends, right?”

“Right!” Lily said enthusiastically, “truth… Have you ever fed off another member of the Senate?”

“Yes,” Adam answered easily.

Hmmm… That was interesting. So obviously his secret was known to some. I wondered how that worked, who got to be trusted with that information? And how high up did this secret go?

I remembered what Adrian had told me earlier about George Washington, about the history of the country and it just made me realize there was so much I didn’t know, so much hidden from ordinary people.

“Your turn to ask,” Lily said after a moment.

Adam smiled and turned his attention to me. “Lilith? Truth or dare?”

Oh. I met his gaze, blushing at the intensity I was there, suddenly drawn back to that moment in Adrian’s conference room when I thought he most proposition me.

“Truth,” I said after a moment, wondering what kind of truth he’d ask of me.

“Ask her about her huge crush on you!” Lily blurted out.

I stared at her in horror. “Lily!”

“Now I’m intrigued,” Adam commented, giving me another one of those incredibly disarming smiles, “what kind of form did this crush take?”

I was going to kill Lily. Seriously, I went through all this trouble for her and this was how she repaid me? Worst best friend ever.

“In college, I had pictures from the People magazine article on you, the one labeling you America’s Sexiest Senator, on my wall,” I admitted, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.

“I’m flattered,” Adam commented, “and curious if this was just a phase?”

“I feel like that’s two questions,” Adrian interrupted cutting in, obviously not pleased by the direction this was going.

“So it is,” Adam conceded, “I guess my curiosity will have to go unsatisfied for now.”

His gaze was still focused on me, full of unspoken heat and I looked away quickly, focusing on Kamilah instead. I noticed that she looked incredibly amused by all of this and that she seemed to be watching Adam, Adrian and I very carefully.

“Kamilah, truth or dare?” I asked, eager to change the subject and ease the tension a bit.

“Truth,” she answered, “always truth.”

“What kind of music do you like?” I asked, thinking of the conversation I had with Adrian in the car on the way to Adam’s.

Kamilah pursed her lips as she considered my question. “I like many types of music,” she answered finally, “those I admit that some of it just seems like noise.” She shot Lily a look and I wondered if there had been some sort of conversation over music. “I don’t know that I would say I have a favorite especially since music is linked to specific time and places.”

It wasn’t really an answer, but I nodded anyway. I guess if I’d been alive for 2000 years I’d have a hard time picking a favorite song too. It was Kamilah’s turn to ask Adrian, but to my surprise, she turned to me after he said truth. “I feel like I know everything there is to know about you. Lilith, why don’t you ask?”

Uh ok. What did I want to ask my vampire boss? Hmmm…

“Can vampires feel love?” I asked after a moment, sort of blurting the question out before I could second-guess it. Was it possible? It was certainly intriguing and if I was going to ask anyone, Adrian was the best bet, as he was a lot more approachable than any of the other vampires I’d met, except Lily, of course, and this was probably the best platform I’d ever had for that kind of personal question.

“I’m curious to know your answer,” Kamilah commented.

“Me too,” Adam agreed, though I noticed that while Kamilah’s gaze was focused on Adrian, Adam’s was focused on me, as if he was more curious in my reaction than Adrian’s answer.

I tried to concentrate on Adrian’s answer, his addition that he had only experience love with humans because he thought the ability to love was the only human quality he had left. It was an interesting answer and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was specific to Adrian. My gaze instinctively flew to Adam, who was still watching me, his expression unreadable.

“Lily, truth or dare?” Adrian asked, forcing my attention back on him.

“Dare, of course.” She answered eagerly.

“I dare you to go kiss someone you don’t know,” Adrian told her.

“Oh, easy peasy!” Lily answered, getting up and going down the aisle. I watched as she kissed a lovely girl in period costume. Being a vampire hadn’t changed Lily at all.

“Get it, girl!” I commented when she came back.

“Always,” she told me and then grinned, “truth or dare?”

Hmmm… I’d already answered truth. Though the mischievous light in Lily’s eyes told me she was up to something. Still… I’d already been embarrassed once, I’d risk dare.

“Dare,” I answered with a confidence I didn’t quite feel.

Lily grinned. “I dare you to enact those teenage fantasies and kiss the Senator.” I glared at her, but she continued to grin unrepentantly.

Ok, this wasn’t mortifying at all. Yet, I had to admit a part of me really wanted to kiss him. I’d always thought he was handsome, but learning he was a vampire… The attraction had only increased. He fascinated me in a way that none of the vampires I’d met had. I took a deep breath and turned to Adam. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” he assured me, “it’s the rules of the game, right?”

Right. Game, that’s what it was. It was all just a game.

Suddenly, I made a decision, if I was going to do this, I was going to seize the moment. I might never get a chance, right? I might as live my fantasy to the fullest. With that in mind, I climbed onto Adam’s lap, straddling him before pressing my lips against his.

If he was startled, he didn’t let it show, instead he instinctively responded, his arms wrapping around me as he deepened the kiss. I might have started this, but I was no longer the one in control. His tongue parted my lips, seemingly uncaring that he had an audience and one of his hands tangled in my hair, while the other caressed my back. I kissed him back willingly, eagerly.

This was better than any fantasy.

It wasn’t until I felt the train come to a sudden stop that I was brought back to Earth. Oh. Wow. Suddenly reality hit and I remembered where we were. Lily was grinning and Kamilah looked intrigued, but Adrian… Adrian did not seem pleased.

I climbed off Adam’s lap. “Um… Thanks,” I said, feeling foolish. The dare had been to kiss him, not climb into his lap and throw myself at him. Yet, I had a hard time regretting it.

“The pleasure was all mine,” he told me as he stood up, “However, enjoyable as this has been, I see we have reached our destination, and I should rejoin my party.” To my surprise, he paused and lifted my hand to his mouth, just like he had the first time we met. “I look forward to seeing you at the ball,” he told me, “remember to save me a dance.”

And then he was gone, vanishing back to the front of the train. There was silence as we all prepared to exit the train.

“I was wrong,” Kamilah said after a moment, “your ‘truth or dare’ proved to be quite entertaining.”

“Right?” Lily asked with a grin. “I have the best ideas.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Kamilah said dryly, “but it was certainly informative.” Her gaze lingered on me as she said that, a slight smirk on her beautiful mouth. “Don’t you agree, Lilith?”

“Yeah,” I said weakly, my brain still trying to process everything, including how incredibly bold I had been, “very informative.”

Adrian stayed silent, his jaw clenched and I knew he wasn’t pleased. I wondered when we were going to have this conversation and what he was going to say and what I was going to say in return.

I knew he was going to warn me away from Adam, but I also knew I wasn’t going to listen.

I’d appreciated it when he’d stepped in between Priya and me, so maybe I should want him to do the same with Adam, but I didn’t. Priya’s advances made me feel like prey, like some shiny new toy that she wanted, while with Adam… I was the one with the deep desire.

I wanted him. Whatever was happening here, I was getting into it willingly, with my eyes open, and I had to make sure Adrian understood that. Because I didn’t want him rescuing me this time, even though maybe I should.

No, I wanted to run headfirst into the danger, no matter what the outcome.

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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