Forbidden: The Tribunal, pt. 1 (The Heartbreak)

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I am finally getting back into writing after being sick. This is Chapter Seven of Forbidden, covering the events of Chapter 12. At least part of them, I’m splitting this chapter up but will be combining chapters 13&14 for story telling reasons. We’re heading into the angst here, folks, so hold on to your seat.
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Kamilah retrieves Lilith and Lily from the Shadow Den and breaks news guaranteed to break Lilith’s heart.

Words- 1605

Chapter Seven: The Tribunal Pt. 1 (The Heartbreak)

The commotion turned out to be Kamilah, who had for some reason decided to just show up in the middle of the Shadow Den unannounced (though I thought it safe to assume she was here for Lily and me).

The presence of a Council Member obviously created a bit of an impact amongst the Clanless and Kamilah calmly shrugging off any would-be attackers with an effortless show of strength and Jax ushered us into his private rooms to talk.

“Is this the vampire you were going to call to come and get you?” Jax asked me, his annoyance obvious, “apparently, she couldn’t wait.”

Kamilah’s eyes narrowed at Jax’s words.

“No, it’s not her,” I said quietly, noting the way Kamilah was studying me. Lily squeezed my hand and despite the earlier awkwardness, I was grateful for the gesture.

“Then what is she doing here?” Jax asked, getting back to the point.

“I need Lily and Lilith,” Kamilah stated bluntly, “Adrian is on trial.”

Lily and I exchanged startled looks.

“They can’t think…” I began, trailing off. “They think he did it?”

“Apparently,” Kamilah said tightly.

“But he would never do that!” I exclaimed, 100% confident of that. I don’t know who I thought was responsible, but I knew it wasn’t Adrian, could never be Adrian.

“Yes, I know that and you know that and they know that,” Kamilah commented, “but they’re having a tribunal for him anyway and that means I need the two of you to be witnesses on his behalf.”

“Of course,” I said immediately and Lily quickly echoed the statements.

“Who made the accusation?” I asked, mentally running through the council members in my head. Was it Priya? The Baron? Lester? Where was Adam? Was he working with Kamilah to clear Adrian?

“I’ll tell you later,” Kamilah evaded.

I glanced at Jax, remembering where we were. Oh, right, she probably shouldn’t be discussing Council business in front of him.

Speaking of Jax, he didn’t want to let us go, mostly because of the way Kamilah had barged in and how her just leaving would go over with his people, however, after a couple minutes, he relented and let us go.

“Thank you for everything,” I told him as I moved to follow Kamilah.

He nodded and I could see something in his eyes, like he wanted to say something, but didn’t and I was grateful for his restraint.

Kamilah was silent on the drive to her office.

Once we were there, she asked us a few questions, the atmosphere tense and she kept looking at me like there was something she wanted to say but couldn’t.

She sighed. “There’s nothing else we can do but wait for the for the tribunal. I’m going up to the rooftop to relax with a drink and a swim. Lily, try not to break anything. Lilith, would you please join me?”

I exchanged a look with Lily, a little surprised by the invitation, but nodded and followed her out of the office and to the elevator.

“This is beautiful,” I commented, taking in the rooftop pool.

“Yes,” Kamilah agreed, “I like to be alone with my thoughts, this place allows me to do that.”

I was confused. If she liked to be alone, why had she invited me to join her?

“Though, sometimes company, the right company, isn’t terrible,” she continued, giving me a small smile and then offered me a drink.

I took it, sipping the strong liquor in silence, still confused as to why I was there. I hadn’t actually thought that Kamilah was that fond of me.

After a moment, she stood up and began to strip.


But then I guess that made sense, she couldn’t swim in a business suit.

“Are you coming in?” She asked after she gracefully dove into the pool.

“Sure,” I told her, stripping out of my clothing and laying them aside and then entering the cool, refreshing water.

“How old are you, Lilith?” Kamilah asked after a moment, “twenty-two?”

“Twenty-three,” I answered, “almost twenty-four.”

There was an almost wistful look on her face. “So young. I can almost remember being that age. I thought I knew everything, had felt everything there was too feel.” There was something akin to sorrow on her face as she looked at me. “I imagine you feel the same way.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” I demurred, “but I feel like I’ve experienced a lot.” I’d always felt older than I was, which might be why I’d also always been drawn to older men.

She watched me closely and I felt like there was some point to this conversation that I still wasn’t aware of. “Have you ever been in love?”

“Yes,” I answered instantly, “a couple of times.”

She looked surprised, but didn’t ask for more details, instead, she looked at me carefully, “and currently? Would you say you are in love?”

I hesitated. Love was a strong word. I couldn’t be in love with someone I had known for a week, could I? And yet, I had never felt like this before, even my previous relationships which I knew were love hadn’t involved this incredible pull.

In only a few days, Adam had turned my whole life upside down. I had never wanted anyone the way I wanted him, had never felt so drawn to someone, so ready to be consumed by him. It seemed early to call it love, but… I had a feeling it could be.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly, “there’s someone…”

Kamilah nodded and she suddenly looked sad. “Adam.”

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, she had been on the train after all, and I had the feeling that in general, not much slipped past Kamilah’s notice. “Yes,” I admitted, looking away.

“At the Shadow Den, your friend, Jax, he mentioned that you’d been planning to leave. Was it Adam you planned on calling?”

I nodded. “Yes, he… He offered to put me in a safe house, though just me. Not Lily. He also said I’d have to swear myself to him and not Adrian.” It all came bubbling out. “I mean, I know it’s a lot and obviously now I can’t because Adrian needs me but…”

“Lilith,” Kamilah said quietly, interrupting me, “earlier you asked me who was behind the accusation.”

I looked at her, wondering about the sudden change in topic, and then I took in the way she was looking at me, with a mix of pity and sorrow and it hit me, what she wasn’t saying.

“No,” I whispered, feeling the dread in my stomach and nausea rising up in the back of my throat. 

“I’m sorry,” she told me, “I thought you should be told privately because I suspected… Adam Vega is the one who made the accusation against Adrian.” She was quiet for a moment, obviously contemplating her words, “I don’t know if his offer had to do with that or, but…”

“Having me out of the way would be convenient,” I finished for her, the words feeling bitter on my tongue. Had the offer been part of some plot against Adrian? What about what had happened earlier between us?

I thought of the way he’d touched me, of the words he’d spoken. “I want you, Lilith, but you need to be mine, not Adrian’s. That means you’ll stop working for him and you’ll let me take care of you in the style you deserve, you’ll let me show you the world.”

It had been about Adrian then, the pressure to change my loyalty, but was that all it had been about? Had it been real or a very well done illusion? What did I have to do with any of it?

It was too much to process right now. Especially when I needed to focus on Adrian.

“Thank you,” I told Kamilah quietly, “I’m glad I found out now and not when we arrived at the Tribunal.” I’m not sure how I would have reacted if I’d been blindsided by the news, but at least now I was prepared and I could face Adam without my emotions getting the best of me. I still didn’t know what kind of game he was playing, but now I knew he was playing one.

She nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but… It was apparent that there was a closeness between the two of you and I thought you deserved to be prepared.” She paused again and then spoke carefully. “Lilith, Adam doesn’t do anything without a reason or a benefit. If there was something between you, and it seemed apparent on the train that there is, then he has a reason for it, you have some value to him.”

“That’s not exactly reassuring,” I told her quietly, climbing out of the pool, unable to bear any more of this. I felt too raw, too exposed. I knew it wasn’t because I was in my underwear, but that didn’t help.  

“No,” she agreed as she climbed out as well and got us both towels, “and I have never been able to predict his motives or agenda, but he always has one and it’s best for you to be prepared.”

I knew she was right. Especially given how good Adam was his words. I’d bought into them so fast, I’d been so ready to go with him and turn my back on everything. Had that been part of his plan? But why? What did he have to gain from seducing me? And more importantly, now that I knew what he was capable of, would I be able to resist his charm and see him for what he really was?

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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