Fordbidden: The Judgment

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- After some writer’s block and a nasty cold, I am back with Chapter 2. Unlike the first chapter, which was more exploring Lilith’s thoughts with the existing dialogue, this falls into actual re-write/adding scenes (since Vega barely appeared in this chapter).

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Lilith considers the fact that all vampires are predators, but there are some that make you almost want to be prey…

Words- 1221

Chapter Two: The Judgment

“I’ll agree on one condition,” Priya told Adrian, her gaze focused on me, “I want this one.”

Uh, wait? What?

I immediately stiffened, I did not like the sound of that. Looking around here, thinking of the way she had so casually mistreated her houseboy… It was a big no for me.

But… I’d let Adrian agree to Senator Vega’s plan to help Lily, even though it would condemn the Clanless. If I was willing to sacrifice a whole group of people to save Lily, shouldn’t I be willing to sacrifice myself? It occurred to me that I wished the Senator would have been the one to propose this particular trade. That would have been a much easier decision.

“What would it entail exactly?” I asked hesitantly.

Before Priya could respond, Adrian intervened. “The answer is no,” he said flatly.

I was grateful for his support, though the fury on Priya’s face made me wary. She thankfully let go of me, glaring at Adrian like a spoiled child who had been denied a toy they wanted.

“Then, my answer is no and this one,” she nodded disdainfully at Lily, “is out of luck.” She flounced towards the stairs, turning back to give Adrian, one more insolent look. “I’m sure you can show yourself out.”

And then she was gone and with her, our hopes of saving Lily.

I felt overwhelmed with despair. Was it all for naught? Despite everything Adrian had done, everything he had risked for Lily, was I going to lose her anyway?

And yet, I was still grateful that Adrian had intervened, had stopped me from agreeing to Priya’s offer, even out of desperation. Because as much as I wanted to save Lily, I wasn’t sure that was a price I was willing to pay. Though, what did that say about me, that I was willing to sacrifice others, but not myself?

I asked myself that question again later, when I let a sigh of relief after the Baron had voted to save Lily, in return for Adrian agreeing not to investigate the Ferals.

Once again, I was asking Adrian to sacrifice the greater good to help my friend and he did it, but neither one of us had been willing to trade me for that same cause. What made me worth more than the Clanless or the potential victims of the Ferals?

It was an uncomfortable thought and one I didn’t want to dwell on, the idea that I was being selfish, putting myself, and Lily, above the welfare of many others.

With the vote concluded, the meeting ended and everyone left quickly, though I noticed Senator Vega hesitating, his eyes lingering on me before he disappeared.

Did he want to talk to me? What could we possibly have to talk about? Yet, even though he left, I couldn’t help but think he’d been sending me a message and when Adrian ushered Lily and me out of the boardroom, I made an excuse to go back.

“I left my purse,” I said honestly, neglecting to say that I’d forgotten it on purpose. “I’ll meet you in your office.”

Adrian looked hesitant, but nodded and stepped into the elevator with Lily and Kamilah. I hurried back to the boardroom, unsurprised to see that Senator Vega had reappeared.

“Senator,” I greeted amicably, reaching for my purse.

He smiled, seeming as unsurprised to see me as I was to see him. “You can call me Adam,” he invited.

“Is there something you need?” I asked, ignoring the invitation. It seemed like he had wanted to talk to me, but surely that couldn’t be the case. I couldn’t be of any particular interest to him, could I? Yet, the careful way he was watching me, the cool, yet satisfied smile on his face, said otherwise.

“I wanted to see how you were holding up,” he told me, “I know the last several hours have been… traumatic.”

“Yes,” I agreed slowly, “but surely that’s not really why you stayed back. I mean, you must be a very busy man. Too busy to take notice of you.”

“I’m not sure there is a man alive who is too busy for that,” Adam told me, his eyes doing a quick sweep of my entire body, bringing a blush to my cheeks. “I admit, I do have an ulterior motive.”

Of course, he did.

“And what is that?” I asked coolly, my purse still in my hands.

“Information,” he answered, stepping closing to me, “You see, I’ve learned that information is the most valuable currency of all.”

“I don’t know what kind of information I can give you,” I told him honestly. Did he want me to betray Adrian’s confidences?

Adam smiled, that incredibly charming smile of his that had the ability immediately disarm it’s target. I wondered briefly if that was a supernatural ability or if he had always been that charismatic?

“Don’t worry, I’m not asking for anything confidential,” he assured me, “I just noticed that Priya was more… Defiant than usual.”


“I like to keep track of my fellow council members,” he continued, “after all, if Priya’s acting more unpredictable than usual, it’s important to know why, so I can counter if necessary.”

“She’s upset at Adrian,” I told him, deciding there was no harm in sharing that information, “she told him she’d vote his way if he let her have me, he didn’t agree and she took offense.”

Adam paused, considering the information. “Priya is even more foolish than I thought,” he mused.

I stiffened, was he implying that I wasn’t worth getting upset over? I mean, I didn’t want to be handed over to a vampire, any vampire, but somehow his reaction upset me. I didn’t want to read too much into that.

He must have sensed my reaction because he chuckled. “Not because she wanted you,” he clarified, “but because she honestly thought that Adrian would allow it. No man that possessed you would ever willingly give you up.”

Oh, wow. His words sent a thrill right through me and I met his eyes, seeing the heat there.

“He doesn’t… I mean, he’s my boss.” I explained, biting my lip.

Adam smiled, an almost predatory smile that scared and exhilarated me at the same time. “That is even more valuable information than the cause of Priya’s temper tantrum.”

He looked at me for a long moment and I held my breath, waiting for what was going to happen next. Was he going to make some kind of move, his own version of the offer that Lester and Priya had made?

Would I be as quick to reject him as I had the two of them? I had to admit I wouldn’t. Because while he was unquestionably dangerous, he was also incredibly compelling and I wanted him. Wanted to be possessed by him.

However, to my disappointment, he stepped back. “Unfortunately, I must be going now, and if I keep you much longer, Adrian is going to get worried, even if he is only your boss.” He told me in a smooth voice, “until next time, Lilith.”

And then, just like that, he was gone. I stood there for a moment, wondering what had just happened and why I was so drawn to this particular monster…

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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