Forever and Always


Lights going out, flicking back on. The only thing on his mind, was Lana.

He spotted her when the lights came back on, the panicked look on her face, the scared look in her eyes. It broke his heart, and he started making his way to her, when the gun pointed to her chest. A place so pure. Liam’s voice echoed through his head as the bullet was heard coming out of the gun, and Drake tried to jump in front of it.

But was too late. The bullet slipped past him and went straight into Lana’s chest, throwing her backwards.

“No, no, no!” Drake ran to her, and cradled her in his arms, mumbling things to her, trying to get her to keep her eyes open.

Her eyes slowly started to close, her blood all over him now, and all he could do was watch. Watch the colour drain from her, watch the blood drain from her, watch her body become limp. Feel her body become limp.

He cried into her neck, begging her to come back to him. Begging for her to open her eyes and push herself to live. Push herself for a future for them.

But it never happened. It wasn’t going to. He had just lost the love of his life.

Drake took the heirloom ring from his pocket. His grandmothers ring from its box. Looking at the way it sparkled through the tears that continuously formed in his eyes, it was always supposed to be her. It was meant for her. She was supposed to say yes. They were supposed to have a future. They were supposed to be done with being hidden. They were meant to be something more. Have something more than just ‘moments in-between’. It was supposed to be them forever.

He slipped the ring onto her finger, and grasped it tightly.

“She would’ve said yes.” He said between sobs to the man standing behind him.

“I know.” The voice replied calm yet shaky.

“She was supposed to be mine.” He continued. “We were supposed to be an us!” He called. “Forever!” He doubled over in sobs. The man grasped Drake’s shoulders and hauled him to his feet.

The chaos was over. Everyone had gone. It was them, and the limp and dead body of Lana.

He gripped tightly to the mans back and cried into him. It was the first time Drake ever felt like that, but he never wanted to.

“Everything will be alright brother.” Liam said holding him. “Sooner or later.” He himself, was holding back tears. Liam wouldn’t dare cry in front of Drake when he was like this. This was his woman now. No longer Liam’s. He needed to be there for the man that lost his future.

That was why Drake was afraid of falling in love; he was afraid he would lose everything, and he had.

Drake sat up as fast as lightning, bringing the blankets covering his now wife, with him. It haunted him. That nightmare still haunted him. It brought back some scary thoughts. And it happened at least once a month since the Homecoming ball.

The soft, velvet voice was music to his ears. “My love, did it happen again?” She touched his arm lightly, and he fell back into the bed pulling the covers back with him. He was facing her and started tracing her skin. ‘Soft like silk’  he thought.

“Did it?” She asked again, taking his hand in hers.

“Yes.” He sighed, looking deeply into her eyes.

She didn’t say anything else. She just embraced him tightly, gripping onto his bare back and nuzzling into his chest, inhaling, then exhaling deeply. Drake put his head against her hair. Breathing in the coconut smell of her hair.

She pulled away abruptly. “Maybe talking about it will help.”

“No way.” Drake said sternly.

“It may stop the bad thoughts Drake.” She replied.

He sighed and tucked away some strands of hair that fell over her face. She sat up in their bed and looked at him in the dark.

“Please Drake. Please, just talk to me.” She pleaded.

“Fine.” He said, sitting up too.

They faced each other and the girl was silent. She wanted Drake to go first.

“Alright Thomson. I guess I should start with the start. I’ve thought about it before. You being shot. I guess it’s a thought that plays on repeat subconsciously. I don’t ever want to think that I lost you. I can’t bear the thought. But when those nightmares happen, it-it’s so hard to not thin they’re real when they are so vivid.”

“Oh Drake!”

“That’s not all that’s been worrying me Thomson.”

“Please, continue” She whispered almost un-audibly.

“I guess I’ve always been afraid of loving someone. Falling in love to be exact. I’m afraid that I’ll lose everything. In this case, it’s you. You’re my everything Lana. And I don’t want to lose you, I can’t live without you.” A tear rolled down his cheek, and in the moonlight, Lana saw it.

She went closer to him and lifted his chin. She kissed his tear away and smiled softly.

“You will never lose me my love. You will always have me. Even if it’s in here.” She pointed to his chest, and placed her hand over his heart, feeling the beat increase at her gentle touch.

“I don’t want it to just be in my heart Thomson. I want you to physically be there. Always. Forever.” She chuckled a little.

“Forever is a long time Drake. Sure you won’t be sick of my by then?” She teased, bringing some light into his life again.

“Never. But I have to say, forever means we’re immortal.” He smirked, “and if we’re immortal, we have a long time together. A long time for making up for lost time.”

“I see I’m on your mind.” She smirked.


“Ah, see. We’ve got our always done. We will always be together Drake. I never want you to worry about that.”

“What about forever?” He asked.

“Forever means,” she thought for a moment, “forever means always.”

“That nightmare, it just seemed so real. It always does.” He admitted.

“I know baby.” She replied, gently caressing his cheek. “But I promise, it will get easier. We’ve been married for a week, and we’ve already made progress on us.” He avoided her gaze still.

“How about I tell you something. I still have nightmares too.” She whispered.

“About?” Drake asked.

“About that night. I thought I had lost you Drake. I wasn’t ready to face that fact. We had only been together for such a short period of time, and even though we had, had our ‘moments in-between’, it wasn’t enough. There was still so much we needed to figure out about each other, and to me, that all came crashing down. Of course until I found out you were okay.” She assured him.

“It’s just so hard. It’s so hard to forget.” He said, banging his head against the headboard in frustration.

“I know it is my love. I really understand. But I want you to know, I love you unconditionally. I always will. You are my everything, and I’m as ready to lose you as you are easy to lose me. I can’t promise that nothing bad will ever happen again, but I can promise that I will do everything to ensure we don’t lose each other. Because I can’t lose you. I can’t lose another person. I’ve got hardly anyone, and losing you would—” She hadn’t noticed she was crying.

Drake cut her off by placing a finger on her lips. “I get it.” He whispered, before replacing his finger with his lips.

Lana melted into the kiss, and it soon turned into a deep and passionate one.

Lana startled Drake, kissing down his neck. Between every kiss, whispering the words ‘I love you’ and ‘forever and always’ as well as, ‘I promise’. From his neck, she moved down his chest, whispering those same words into his skin.

Drake placed his hands on her hips as she worked her way back up to his lips.

“I love you.” He mumbled into the kiss, then pulled her bottom lip, earning an almost silent moan from her.

His hands found the bottom of her top and started to pull is up, caressing her soft, warm skin. She shivered at the touch and sensation.

During his attempt to pull up her top, he yawned loudly. Lana giggled.

“I think it’s bedtime for you Mr Marshmallow.” She said getting off.

“No. Please. I promise I’m not tie—” He was cut short by another yawn.

She tucked him in and snuggled into his side.

“I love you.” She said, pecking his lips, then nuzzling the crook of his neck.

“I love you too Thomson.” She smiled contentedly, before Drake broke the silence.

“You know, I think when we have kids, you’ll be a great mother.” Her smile grew wider.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you can calm a soul with few words, and then you make them snuggly and warm, and…loved.” He stated matter-of-factly.

“Then I can’t wait to have children with you Drake Walker, because you will be an amazing dad.”

“How so?” He asked.

“You are an amazing, warm person. You know when to be serious, when to mess around, but honestly, I think that when we do become parents, we’ll be the dream team. I’ll love them just like you, but you’ll be able to do all the outdoor activities, and I can teach them how to have fun indoors. And above all else, we can teach them how to be sneaky and mess around without being caught at royal gatherings.”

Drake laughed warmly. “I truly do love you, from the bottom of my heart.”

Lana pouted playfully. “Only from the bottom?”

“From the whole thing. I just love you.”

“And I just love you Drake. Forever and always.”

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