Forever (Chapter 2)


“Are we really sure this is the best approach?” Drake asked quietly as he sipped his drink.

Across the room, Liam stared contemplatively out the window at the bustling courtyard below.  “Am I sure?” He echoed before turning to look at Drake, his expression carefully controlled, “No Drake, I am most decidedly not sure.  What do you suppose is the proper protocol for telling the woman one intends to marry that you’re also in love with your best friend?  There doesn’t seem to be a lot of literature on the subject in the royal library, so yeah, I’m struggling a bit.”

“Was that an attempt at sarcasm?” Drake chuckled softly. “Careful Li, You’re starting to sound like me.”

Despite his anxiety, Liam smiled too. “Yes. I suppose I am.”

“Do you want me to stay?”

Liam sighed deeply before shaking his head.  “I don’t think so. It’s going to be a difficult enough conversation.  I don’t want to compound her discomfort by making her face both of us at once.  Perhaps once I gauge her reaction…”

His voice trailed off and he turned to stare back out the window.  

Drake tossed back the rest of his drink.  “I’ll leave you to it then.”

He put his empty glass on the bar and crossed the room, hesitating for a moment when he reached the door.

“You don’t have to do this, you know.” He said quietly, staring at the grooves in the heavy oak door. “Are you sure this is what you really want?

Liam turned, his brow furrowed. “Drake, look at me.”  

Drake turned his head slightly, still not quite meeting Liam’s penetrating gaze.  

“I said look at me.” Liam commanded in his most authoritative tone.

The corner of Drake’s mouth quirked upwards as he turned fully to face Liam.

He raised a sardonic brow.  “Yes, my liege?”

“I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”

Drake nodded and pulled the door open, closing it firmly behind him.


Riley handed Hana the handwritten invitation that Bastien delivered to her earlier that afternoon.

Lady Riley,

Would you do me the honor of joining me in my private quarters for dinner this evening at 7:00.

With great affection,


“Oh my goodness, Riley.” Hana exclaimed as she read the letter, “That’s so exciting!  I don’t think King Liam has asked any of the other suitors up to his private rooms for a romantic one on one dinner.”

“Um hmm.” Riley chewed on her bottom lip nervously.  

Hana gave her a quizzical look and sat down next to her on the couch, “What’s wrong?” She asked gently, “You don’t look very happy.  I thought you really liked Liam.”

“Oh,  I do.” Riley forced a cheerful smile to her face, “This is very exciting.”

Hana was unconvinced.  She reached out and took Riley’s hand in her own. “What’s going on Ri?  You know you can tell me anything.”

Riley pulled away and stood quickly. Hana watched, concerned, as Riley paced back and forth.

Finally, she stopped and turned to face Hana.

“Liam walked in on me and Drake the other day.”

She heard Hana’s sharp intake of breath and rushed to explain, “No…no, not like that!  We were in the Library, just talking.” She shook her head and sighed, “But I was flirting with him.  He was flirting back. If Liam hadn’t interrupted us…” She shrugged her shoulders, her eyes clouded with confusion.  “If he’d tried to kiss me, I would’ve let him.” Riley let out a frustrated groan, “Who am I kidding? If he hadn’t tried to kiss me, I’d have kissed him.”

“Oh,” Hana said softly. “I see.  So you…like Drake?’

“I do.” Riley admitted quietly, “But I like Liam too.  It’s like they’re two sides of the same coin. Liam is polished and suave and so incredibly romantic.  He’s like an honest to god fairytale prince. He’s so open and honest. He wears his heart on his sleeve.  Then there’s Drake. He has these nearly impenetrable walls up. I never really know what he’s thinking. He’s rough around the edges and cynical and, I don’t know…raw.” Riley bit her bottom lip and smiled. “There’s something so exciting about being with him.”

“Oh Ri, you have it bad…for both of them.”

Riley nodded her head sadly.  “That’s why this invitation is freaking me out so much.  I’m not sure if this is a romantic dinner, or if he’s going to tell me to pack my bags and go back to New York.”  Tears welled in Riley’s eyes and began to spill down her cheeks, “I don’t want to go home, Hana. I love it here. I love you and Maxwell…and even Bertrand.  I don’t want to leave.”

Hana stood and rushed to Riley, pulling her into a comforting hug, “Oh honey!  Don’t think like that! Liam would never send you away.”

“You didn’t see him, Hana.” Riley sobbed, “He was so angry.”

“What did he say, exactly?”

Riley pulled back wiping at her tears. “That’s just it…he didn’t really say anything.  He just asked to speak to Drake alone.”

“Did Drake look concerned?”

“When does Drake ever look concerned about anything?” Riley rolled her eyes, “He just told me not to worry…that he’d handle it.”

Hana gave her a happy smile, “Well there you go then.  Drake can always calm Liam right down. I’m sure everything’s fine.”

She gave Riley another quick hug before tugging her down to sit on the couch, ‘I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.  It’s obvious that Liam cares very much for you.” She gave Riley a conspiratorial wink, “I’ve seen the looks you two give each other. You definitely have chemistry.”

Riley smiled. “We definitely have that.”

“It’s settled then.” Hana gave her a dazzling smile as she reached out to wipe a stray tear from Riley’s cheek, “The only thing you should be worrying about right now is what you’re going to wear.”

Riley stood outside the door to Liam’s apartment, trying to gather the courage to knock.  She wiped her damp palms down the sides of her green, off the shoulder dress. She’d chosen this dress because she knew Liam liked it.  It was the dress she’d worn the night they’d met. She thought if she reminded him of that night, maybe he’d remember how smitten they were with each other.  Maybe he’d forgive her flirtation with Drake. But as she stood there, butterflies in her stomach, she wondered if she really wanted to be forgiven.

Suddenly the door flew open and she stood blinking up into Liam’s face.  

“Riley!”  He took a step backward, startled.  Then he laughed, “You’re a bit early.”  

He leaned forward, placing a kiss on each cheek in the customary European greeting, “Come in.  I was just going to call for Bastien to get someone to bring more ice.”

He took her by the hand and led her into his room, closing the door behind them.  He walked straight to the bar.

“Can I get you a drink?”  He called over his shoulder.

“Um…sure.  Whatever you’re having is fine.”

Liam dropped some ice into two glasses and poured a liberal amount of scotch into each.  He paused to take a long sip before squaring his shoulders and turning to face Riley.

With a tight smile, he held out the glass to her.  She noticed his hand was trembling a bit.

“Have a seat.” He motioned to a set of wingback chairs.  “Dinner should be here shortly.”

Riley sat down and sipped her drink, eyeing Liam warily.  He sat in the chair opposite her, frowning down into his own drink.

Liam was acting very strange, not angry exactly, but there was definitely something off about his body language.  She could practically feel the tension radiating off him. It had her on edge.

“You look lovely tonight. ” He said finally, “That color suits you.”

“Thank you.  You look very handsome tonight too.”  

He really did.  He was dressed more casually than usual in a pair of dark jeans and a light blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.  Unfortunately, his rigid posture belied his casual dress.

“Thank you.” He murmured and they fell into another uncomfortable silence as Liam went back to studying the contents of his glass.  

Liam was internally chastising himself.  He was being absolutely ridiculous right now.  He was a goddamn King! He could converse with world leaders and articulate his thoughts concisely and persuasively under even the direst of circumstances.  How the hell had this conversation reduced him to a sweaty-palmed virgin?

Taking a deep breath, Liam lifted his head and met Riley’s eyes.  He saw concern there, and something else…fear? Uncertainty? She looked every bit as nervous as he felt.

He gave her a warm smile.  “Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me tonight.”

“Of course.” She said softly.

He inhaled deeply.  “But before the food arrives, I have a matter of some urgency that I must discuss with you.  I suppose you can decide afterward if you still wish to dine with me.”

Riley’s heart began to race.

Here it comes. He’s sending me home!

“Liam.” She leaned forward, placing her hand on his knee as she gazed beseechingly into his eyes, “I’m so sorry.  I never meant to hurt you, you have to believe that.”

Liam gave her a quizzical look, “I…I’m sorry.  What are you talking about?”

Now it was Rileys’ turn to look confused.  

“Drake.  Him and I…in the library yesterday.  That’s what this is all about, right?”

Liam laughed and shook his head. “No…no, that was…”  Suddenly his smile faltered, “Well, in a way, I suppose it is.”

“I’m sorry Liam…” Riley said with a frustrated sigh, “I’m not following. Are you angry with me, or not?”

“No Riley.”  He reached out to grasp her hand, squeezing gently, “I’m very sorry if I’ve given you the impression that I’m upset with you.”  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly, his eyes never leaving her face.

Riley felt some of her tension drain away as she gazed back at him.  “That’s a relief.” She said, giving him a little smile, “I thought…”

She let her voice trail off, not sure how to bring up the incident in the Library without causing further tension between them.

“I know what you thought.  You believed me to be jealous because you and Drake were being so…intimate, with one another.”

Riley’s cheeks colored and she nodded.  

“You weren’t wrong…exactly.” He admitted

“But you said…”

Liam nodded, holding her hand a little more tightly, “I said I wasn’t upset with you, Riley, and I meant it.  My anger was solely directed at Drake.”

Riley leaned forward, beseeching him with her eyes “Liam, please don’t be upset with Drake.  He didn’t do anything wrong, honestly.”

As worried as Riley was about Liam being mad at her, she realized she was far more upset that Liam might be angry with Drake.  Drake was his best friend. She couldn’t live with herself if she came between them.

“It was all me” She admitted, “I was flirting with him.  He was just humoring me.”

Liam laughed, “Now you’re covering for him.”  His eyes sparkled with laughter, “You care about him.”

It wasn’t a question, it was a statement

Riley sighed and nodded her head. “I’m so sorry Liam.  I never meant for this to happen.”

“But there’s just something about him, isn’t there?” Liam said softly, “He tries so hard to keep you at an arm’s distance, so when he finally lets you in, even a little bit…you feel like you’ve won the lottery.”

“Yes.” She agreed.  

“I could never fault you for that.  Drake has an uncanny way of making people fall in love with him, despite their best efforts to the contrary.”

“You’re not…upset?”

Liam laughed, “Not at all.”

Riley frowned, her confusion evident.

“Riley.” Liam said, placing his hands gently on her arms, pulling her close, “I don’t think it will come as any surprise to you when I tell you I’m falling in love with you.  I cherish the times we’ve had together and I look forward to spending more time getting to know you.” He reached out to stroke his finger down her cheek, as his eyes burned into hers, “When it comes time to choose my Queen, I want more than anything for it to be you.”

“Liam…’ She said breathlessly. “I…I don’t…”

Her mind was in chaos.  She’d just confessed to him that she had feelings for his best friend and in response, he’d practically proposed to her.  She didn’t know how to respond.

“I can see I’ve rendered you speechless.” He said with a chuckle, “Come, let’s sit down.  There’s something I need to tell you and I think you might want to be seated for this.”

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