Forever (Chapter 3)

“You…and Drake?”  Riley took a deep breath to stave off the sudden wave of dizziness that washed over her.

Liam nodded calmly and took a sip of his scotch.  Now that he’d told her his secret, he felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders.  The ball was firmly in Rileys court now.

Riley stood and walked slowly over to the bar.  She grabbed the bottle of scotch and refilled her glass.  With shaking hands, she brought it to her lips and took a long swallow as she replayed their conversation over in her mind, trying to make sense of it all.

“There’s something I must confess before you decide if you truly want to become my wife, my queen…”

“A confession?”  She’d laughed nervously, “Liam, that sounds so serious.”

“I’m afraid it is.  You see, Riley, I’m in love with someone else.”

Riley looked over the rim of her glass, noticing for the first time a third glass sitting on the bar.  The ice cubes had barely melted.

Drake.  His Lover

He’d been in this room with Liam probably only minutes before she’d arrived.  That must’ve been why Liam had looked so flustered when she’d shown up early.

Suddenly the betrayal hit her like a freight train.  

Since the moment they’d met, Liam had been leading her on, romancing her, making her fall in love with him… and lying to her face the entire time.  And Drake…she closed her eyes against the stabbing pain in her chest.  All the heated looks, the accidental touches, the shared moments in between…more lies!

Riley turned to face Liam who had been watching her intently, a look of concern etched on his face.

“You fucking bastard.” She hissed.

“Riley…” He stood quickly and crossed the room until he stood just inches from her.  Her chest was heaving as she fought to control her emotions. Liam reached out for her but she backed away quickly.

“Don’t you DARE touch me!”

“Riley,  please.” Liam’s eyes were filled with sorrow, “Please give me a chance to explain.”

She shook her head.  “What’s there to explain, Liam?  You just told me that you’re in love with Drake!  That you have no intention of ending your relationship with him if we marry.  What more could you possibly have to say to me?”

“None of that changes how I feel about you.  I am truly falling in love with you Riley. Please just take some time and think this over before you make a rash decision.”

“I don’t need time, Liam!” She shouted, slamming her glass down onto the bar, sloshing the contents across the gleaming wood. “There’s no decision to be made. You’re in love with someone else!”

“Riley, be reasonable.  It’s not like I can marry him.”

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Liam.

“Well there it is.” She nodded her head, as a harsh laugh escaped her lips, “The real truth at last. I’m just a consolation prize because you can’t have who you really want.”

“No Riley.”  Liam ran his fingers through his hair with a loud sigh, “That’s not it at all.”

“Yes Liam.  That’s exactly it! I give you the illusion of a modern day fairy tale to hide behind.  American girl comes to Cordonia and wins the hand of the handsome King. He sweeps her off her feet and they live happily ever after. Or do they? Because in this twisted version the King is more interested in fucking his stable boy than his Queen!”

“Riley.”  Liam’s voice held a warning tone.  But she was way too worked up to care.

“I’m sure you’ll want me to pop out an heir or two to make your bullshit story believable, right?  So I guess a couple times a year I can look forward to you flipping me over and taking me from behind while you pretend I’m Drake!”

“Alright Riley.  That’s enough.” Liam snapped, his patience at an end, “You’re clearly too overwrought right now to have a rational, adult conversation about this so maybe we should just call it a night.”

“You know what Liam?  Fuck you. You bet your ass I’m overwrought and I have every right to be. But I agree. This conversation is over.  I’m leaving before I say something I can’t take back.”

Riley turned on her heel and stalked across the room, yanking the door open and sending it crashing closed behind her.



Drake stood with Bastien just outside the ballroom.  They were discussing the coming weeks agenda when he heard a slamming door and the sound of Riley’s heels clicking rapidly across the marble floor.  

He closed his eyes and sighed.  Slamming doors were never a good sign.

Bastien reached out to give Drake a comforting pat on the shoulder and excused himself just as Riley came storming past.

“Matheson.” Drake said, reaching out a hand to stop her.

She whirled on him, her eyes wild. “Get your hand off me you…you…LIAR!”

Drake didn’t let go.  Instead he reached out with his other hand and turned her to face him.

“I’m sorry…”

“You lied to me, Drake!  You both lied to me! This whole time you’ve been leading me on…using me…playing with my emotions for your own benefit!  Neither of you ever stopped to consider how any of this would effect me!””

“That’s not true Matheson…Riley.  I care about you, Liam cares about you.  The last thing either of us ever wanted to do was hurt you. Our relationship has nothing to do with our feelings for you.”

Riley let out a sharp bark of laughter “You’re absolutely delusional if you really believe that.”

She pulled away from him.  

“Riley, wait…” Drake reached for her again.  

The second she felt his hand on her arm she whirled on him, pulling her arm back and swinging as hard as she could. Her fist caught him square in the mouth.  

“Oww.” She whimpered, cradling her hand, as tears of anger and frustration rolled down her cheeks.

Drake reached out and took her hand in his.  He gently curled her fingers into a fist.

He raised his eyes to hers slowly and she could see her pain mirrored in their depths

“Don’t tuck your thumb next time.” he said softly, “You’ll break it.”

He brought her hand to his mouth and brushed his lips across her bruised knuckles before releasing her and walking away.

Riley pressed her hand over her mouth to stifle the sobs that were bubbling to the surface as she watched him leave.  

She turned and fled down down the hallway to the safety of her bedroom.


Liam was sitting on the couch, his head buried in his hands when Drake walked in.

“So…” Drake said as he collapsed into the chair opposite Liam,  “I take it things didn’t go quite as expected.”

Liam lifted his head and scrubbed his face with his hands.  “Actually, it went just about exactly how I expected it would.”  

He heaved a heavy sigh and looked up at Drake, his frown deepening suddenly.

“What happened to you?”

“Oh, I ran into Riley in the hall.” Drake’s tongue darted out, touching the corner of his mouth.  He tasted the sharp metallic tang of blood and gave Liam a rueful smile. “She has a surprisingly good right hook.”

“Jesus.” Liam swore as he stood and crossed to the bar.  He threw some ice into a linen napkin and brought it over to Drake.  He crouched in front of him, pressing the ice to Drake’s mouth.

He flinched slightly. “Hey.”

“Sorry.” Liam said as their eyes locked  He reached out to brush his finger lightly over the cut on his bottom lip.

“She got you pretty good.” he murmured.  

Drake nodded as he turned his head into Liam’s touch.  His lips parted and he drew Liam’s thumb into his mouth, sucking on it gently.  Liam’s breath hitched in his throat as Drake swirled his tongue around his thumb in lazy circles before dragging his teeth gently across the soft pad.  

Drake smiled when he saw the unmistakable longing in Liam’s eyes.

“You always do this.”  Liam said softly.

“Do what?”

“Try to distract me when I’m upset.”

“Do I?”

“Yes, and it’s not going to work this time.”

Drake gave him a slow, sexy smirk, “Oh, I think it’s already working.”

He reached out to weave his fingers through the soft hair at the nape of Liam’s neck, pulling him slowly forward until he felt Liams hot breath against his lips. Drake let his gaze fall to Liam’s mouth for a moment before lifting his eyes to meet his burning stare.  With a groan Liam closed the gap between them, crashing his lips onto Drakes.

He brought one hand up to tug Drakes hair as they kissed hungrily.  Drakes slid his tongue into Liam’s mouth, caressing his tongue with a heady slowness that only served to increase Liam’s excitement.  

This is what Drake did to him.  Two minutes ago he’d been distraught…worried that he was on the cusp of losing the woman he loved forever.  Then Drake arrived…looking at him in that way he has, touching him the way he does….and suddenly nothing mattered but the taste of Drake’s tongue in his mouth, the feel of his hands on his body, the scent of him filling his nostrils. It’s the way it’s always been with them.

Liam leaned forward, pressing Drake against the back of the chair as his free hand slid slowly up Drakes thigh until the palm of his hand was pressed tightly against Drakes hard cock.  Drake sucked in his breath and sunk his teeth into Liam’s bottom lip, gently tugging on it. Liam felt a surge of white-hot desire course through his body and tightened his fingers around Drakes length until he groaned.

Kneeling between his legs, Liam looked up and they locked eyes.  Slowly he unbuttoned Drakes jeans and unzipped them. Drake lifted his hips obligingly as Liam yanked his pants and boxer briefs to his ankles.

Then his hot mouth was on him.  Drake threw his head back and groaned as he slid his fingers into Liam’s hair.  After a minute, Drake opened his eyes and gazed down, watching Liam’s mouth work on him.

He loved the way his cock looked sliding over Liam’s full lips, the way his warm, wet tongue swirled around the head of his dick before he sucked it into his mouth.

Drake’s fingers tightened in Liam’s hair as he gently thrust in and out of his mouth.

Liam moaned around his cock.  He loved the way Drake felt in his mouth, he loved the taste of him, the smell of him.  

He reached up, sinking his fingers into Drake’s ass cheeks, dragging him further into his throat.  

“Fuck, Li,” he moaned, “My god, you’re killing me.”

Liam pulled back and looked up at him, smiling playfully.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Fuck, no,” Drake answered as he pushed at Liam’s lips with the blunt tip of his cock.  “Don’t ever fucking stop.”

Liam felt his own cock swell when he heard the need in Drake’s voice.  Using his hand like a vice, Liam worked the base of Drakes cock with his fist as he lashed the slit with his tongue. He ran the flat of his tongue from the base of Drake’s balls all the way up his length, swirling his tongue around the head, relishing the taste of the salty precome that was beading on his tip.

“You taste so fucking good” He moaned before taking him fully into his mouth until he felt Drake hit the back of his throat

“Fuck Li, you’re gonna make me come,” he groaned.

Liam bobbed up and down on his cock until Drake abruptly pushed him away.

Startled, Liam stumbled backwards, catching himself with his hands just before he hit the ground. He looked up at Drake questioningly.

“Bedroom.  Now.” He ordered.

Liam gave him a slow smile as he got to his feet.   Outside these walls he was the King of Cordonia…but in here, when it was just the two of them, he liked relinquishing power.  It turned him like nothing else when Drake took control.

Drake kicked his jeans to the side and was already pulling his T-shirt over his head as he followed Liam into his bedroom chamber.

“Strip.” He commanded.

Liam unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the ground.  Then his hand went to his jeans.

Drake caught his bottom lip between his teeth, and began stroking himself as he watched Liam slide his jeans from his hips and kick them away.

He’d seen Liam naked more times than he could count, but every time he was taken aback by the pure perfection of his body.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Drake reached out and pulled Liam close, fitting their hips together as they shared hot, wet, open mouthed kisses.  Liam’s hands roamed over Drakes strong, muscled arms and across his broad shoulders.

“Says the man built like a Greek God”

Drake laughed as he slid his hands down Liam’s back until he was cupping his ass with both hands, pulling him even closer, grinding their pelvises together.

Liam gasped, his breath hot in Drakes ear.  “Please, Drake”

Drake pulled his head back and gazed down at Liam, a sexy smirk on his face.

“Please what?”

“You know what I want.” Liam moaned.

“Yeah, I do.” Drake agreed, sliding his hand over Liam’s hip, “But I want to hear you say it.”

“Fine.” Liam said breathlessly, “I want you to fuck me.  Happy now?”

“Fucking delirious.” He growled as he claimed Liam’s lips in another bruising kiss.

He broke the kiss abruptly and slapped Liam on the ass.

“Get on the bed.”

Liam did as he was told.

“On your knees.”

Liam knelt in the middle of his bed, waiting.  After what felt like forever he felt the hard wall of Drakes chest pressed against his back,  Drake’s arm encircled his chest, pulling him tightly against him. His warm breath caressed Liam’s ear as his throbbing cock pressed against the small of his back.  Liam shivered in anticipation as Drake took his free hand and grasped his dick, running it tantalizingly up and down the crack of Liam’s ass.

Liam moaned and pushed back against him eagerly.  He felt Drake pressing at his entrance and felt a thrill of anticipation.

“Are you ready for me?” Drake whispered, dragging his tongue along the sensitive skin behind Liams ear.

“God, yes.” He moaned

Drake pushed in slowly, inch by inch giving Liam time to adjust to the intrusion.

“Fuck that feels good.” He groaned as he bucked back against Drake.

It was all the encouragement Drake needed.  He started thrusting deep and hard, setting an unrelenting pace.

He held Liam tightly against him with one arm, dragging his teeth over his neck, nipping at his skin as he pounded into him.  With his other arm, he reached around and grasped Liam’s stiff cock in his hand, stroking it in time with his thrusts

“Yes, oh fuck,  Drake!” Liam cried.  Having Drakes cock buried inside of him while his hand jacked him was pushing him quickly to the edge.  He knew he wasn’t going to last long.

Drake groaned loudly.  He could tell Liam was getting close.  His movements had become erratic as he thrust into Drake’s fist.

“Come for me.” Drake purred into his ear.

That snapped the last vestige of Liam’s control.  Drake’s name spilled from his lips as he erupted into Drake’s hand and onto the bed below them.

Drained, Liam slumped forward as Drakes fingers tightened on his hips.  He pumped into Liam furiously until he felt the familiar tightening in his balls.

With his lips on Liam’s throat, he thrust deeply and held, groaning his name as he exploded into him until he was spent.

Drake pulled out and flipped onto his back, throwing an arm over his eyes as he caught his breath.

He felt the bed shift next to him as Liam turned to his side.  Drake could feel his eyes on him.

Drake grinned, “You’re welcome.”

He heard Liam’s low chuckle.  “For what, exactly?”

Drake raised his arm and and turned to Liam with a smirk. “For distracting you.”

“That you did.”  Liam sighed and flopped onto his back, staring at the ceiling.  “It didn’t solve our problem though.”

“It solved one of them.”

“I’m serious Drake.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Riley was on the next flight out of Cordonia.  She was so upset…so hurt.”

“Yeah.” Drake agreed with a deep sigh, “Maybe she just needs some time.  It’s kind of a lot to process.”

Liam nodded.  “Yes, I suppose it it.  I’ll let her cool off tonight and maybe tomorrow we can go talk to her…together.”


After her encounter with Drake in the hallway, Riley headed straight to her room, tears flowing down her cheeks.  She threw open her door and went to her closet, dragging out her battered suitcase. Wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, she threw it open and started tossing her things inside.

“So how’d it go?” said an excited voice behind her, “Tell me everything!”

Riley whirled around to find a beaming Maxwell standing in her doorway.  His smile faded quickly as he took in her red, swollen eyes and tear-stained face.

“Riley…” He said softly, “What is it?”

“Oh, Maxwell…” Riley buried her face in her hands as the tears started anew.  Maxwell stepped forward, wrapping her in a comforting embrace.

“Shhhh.” He crooned, stroking her hair gently, “Don’t cry little blossom”

Maxwell just held her, patting her back, letting her cry until she didn’t have any tears left.  With a final shuddering sob, she pulled away and gave him a small, watery smile.

“I’m okay.” she said more to herself, than to Maxwell. “I’ll be fine.”

Maxwell took her hand and led her to the bed, sitting her down on the edge.  He cast a worried look at her open suitcase.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

Riley closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly.  She still couldn’t make herself believe it.

Maxwell sat next to her, taking her hands in his, stroking her swollen knuckles with his thumb.

“Hana told me Liam asked you to his room for a private dinner tonight.”

Riley nodded her head.

Maxwell pushed down a sudden surge of anger.  “Did you argue?”

He looked down at her swollen hand and feared the worst.

He had a hard time forcing the next words past his lips, “Liam didn’t… hurt you did he?”

Maxwell held his breath as he waited for the answer.  He couldn’t ever imagine Liam being anything other than a perfect gentleman, but they’d been all alone in his room and clearly something terrible had happened.

Riley shook her head vehemently, “No, Maxwell, of course not.  It was nothing like that. He told me…He said…”

She burst into tears all over again.  Maxwell reached for her but she pulled away quickly and started pulling clothes from her closet.

“I can’t stay here.  I have to go home.”

“No, Riley!  You can’t.” He picked up the dresses that she’d just thrown into her suitcase and brought them back to the closet, hanging them back up.  Riley pulled a drawer from her dresser and overturned it directly into the suitcase. When she turned around to grab another drawer, Maxwell scooped up the clothes.  He was about to put them back into the drawer when she turned and caught him with an armful of her bras and panties.

“Maxwell, what the hell are you doing?”

Maxwell looked down at the lacy underthings in his hands and dropped them onto the bed quickly.  “Riley, you can’t leave!”

“I have to, Maxwell.  I can’t stay here. Not now.  Not after…”

She trailed off, shaking her head.

“Not after what Riley?  What the heck happened tonight?”

Riley took a deep breath.  “He told me…”

As angry as she was, she didn’t want to expose Liam and Drake’s relationship. She wasn’t sure if it was a secret, but she’d never heard any mention of it in the time she’d been in Cordonia.  

“He told me he’s in love with someone else.”

“Oh, little Blossom.” Maxwell said, pulling her back into his arms, “No.  I can’t believe that. Are you sure you didn’t misunderstand him?”

“No.  Absolutely no misunderstanding.”

“But I really thought…I mean, everyone thought, that you were the one he’d choose.”  He pulled back, an uncharacteristic scowl on his face, “Is it Olivia?  Please don’t tell me it’s Olivia. He simply can not marry a Nevrakis!”

“It’s not Olivia.” Riley said quietly.

Maxwell fell silent as he studied Riley intently, chewing on his bottom lip.


There was something in his tone that struck Riley as odd.

“Maxwell?” She said, rising from the bed to face him.  

He avoided her gaze.

“Maxwell!” She said sharply

He raised his eyes guiltily.

“Oh my God.” She said her voice a hoarse whisper, “You knew.  You brought me here to marry him and you knew.” A renewed sense of betrayal washed over her.  “Who else knows Maxwell? Am I the only idiot in all of Cordonia that didn’t know the King was fucking his best friend?!”

“No!” Maxwell said, “I didn’t know, not really.  I mean, there have been rumors for years but I never really believed it…” His voice trailed off

“Well, it’s confirmed now.”  She said bitterly, “Straight from the horse’s mouth.”

“Wow.” Maxwell said, his cheeks staining pink, “That explains so much about all those camping trips…”

Riley let out a frustrated groan and started throwing clothes in her suitcase again.

“NO!”  Maxwell jumped in front of the suitcase with his arms spread wide. “Please don’t go.”

“What’s the point in staying Maxwell? There’s nothing left for me here.”

“But why, Riley?  Why does this have to change anything?”

Riley whirled on him, her eyes blazing, “Are you insane, Maxwell? This changes EVERYTHING!”

Maxwell rubbed her arm comfortingly, “I know you’re upset right now, little blossom.  But take some time to really think about this. I know that you care deeply for Liam…” He gave her a knowing look, “And for Drake too.”

Riley crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to confirm what they both knew was true.

“This might actually end up being the best thing that could have happened to you.”

Riley looked at him like he’d lost his mind, “In what possible way could this be a good thing?”

“Think about it Ri.  You were so torn between them.  But now…” Maxwell shrugged his shoulders, “they’re kind of a package deal.  You don’t have to choose anymore.”

“But Maxwell…They’re together.”

Maxwell shook his head.  “They might hook up sometimes, and they definitely care for each other, but I know beyond a doubt that they both…um…enjoy the company of women.”  He waggled his brows at Riley, “Like really enjoy women…a lotand often.”

Riley frowned at Maxwell.  “I’m not sure if that makes me feel better…or worse.”

“I’m just saying Riley, really think about this.  I know you’re angry right now, and I don’t blame you.  But don’t make a rash decision.”

He put his hand on Rileys shoulder and squeezed gently.  “You could be one of the lucky few who can have their cake…and eat it too.”


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