Forever (Chapter 4)

Riley stood in front of her vanity, studying her reflection as she pressed her fingertips lightly over the dark, puffy circles under her eyes.  She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night and it showed. Instead of the blissful, dreamless sleep she’d grown accustomed to since arriving in Cordonia, she’d lain awake in her bed, tossing and turning into the early morning hours, as the events of last night played over and over in her head.

Liam was in love with Drake.  They were in love with each other.  

She felt a fresh wave of pain course through her and closed her eyes, clutching at the sides of the vanity as her legs threatened to buckle beneath her.

Everything in her wanted to run away, to go back to the comfort and security of her boring mundane life in New York.  At this moment, waiting on drunken Frat boys with wandering hands was preferable to being here in Cordonia, desperately in love with two men, both of whom had been lying to her since the day they’d met.

She thought back to that night.  It had been Drake that caught her eye first.  He was tall, hot and brooding, definitely her type. But he’d been so standoffish and borderline rude that she’d immediately turned her attention to Liam, who had been, as always, a perfect gentleman. He was attentive and engaging and extremely easy on the eyes.  They’d spent the evening talking and laughing and she remembered never wanting it to end. When he’d told her his one regret was not seeing the Statue of Liberty before he went back home, she knew she’d do whatever it took to make sure his wish was granted. She remembered how her heart swelled as she watched his eyes light up with a child’s excitement the moment he saw Lady Liberty for the first time.  She’d fallen in love with him right then and there. He was kind and affectionate and so incredibly passionate. She still felt a tingle of excitement when she remembered how they’d made love for the first time in the hedge maze under the stars.

But still, there was Drake.  He was always close by with his sarcastic remarks and his cynical nature.  He was so infuriatingly distant…until he wasn’t.  Somehow, by luck or by chance or maybe just pure stubbornness, she’d broken through his barriers and been rewarded with one of his incandescent smiles that made her feel like she’d won the lottery.  Liam had been so busy with his royal duties…and with the other suitors…that she hadn’t seen very much of him since arriving in Cordonia. But Drake had been there. They’d shared their deepest thoughts over aged whiskey more times than she could count.  She didn’t know exactly when it happened, but she’d fallen hard for him.

Until last night, her heart had been torn between them.  She’d thought that having to choose between these two vastly different but equally incredible men was going to be the hardest decision she’d ever have to make.  

Oh, how wrong she’d been.

The sound of laughter floated through her windows, carried by the late morning breeze.

Riley stood and made her way to the balcony, throwing open the french doors as she stepped outside.  Below she saw people milling about on the lawn, enjoying the beautiful Cordonian weather. She heard laughter again and turned to see Drake, Maxwell, Liam and Bastien, all dressed casually in athletic shorts and t-shirts kicking a ball around.

Liam had the ball trapped under one foot as he faced Drake.  Drake was grinning, wiggling his fingers tauntingly at Liam as if to say “Come on.”

Suddenly Liam darted forward, pivoting quickly to the right, as he tried to get the ball past Drake.  But Drake was too quick. Before Liam knew what hit him, he was flat on his back and Drake and the ball were heading in the opposite direction.

She watched Drake walk back to him, laughing as he offered Liam a hand up.  Riley dissolved into giggles when Liam in turn flipped Drake to the ground and stood laughing down at him.

Scowling, Drake got to his feet.  Liam reached out to ruffle his hair and got a sharp shove in the chest for his efforts.  Undaunted, Liam hooked his arm around Drakes neck until he got a begrudging smile out of him.

This sort of interaction was something Riley had seen from them dozens of times, and she’d never thought anything of it. She’d always known that they had a close bond, she just hadn’t guessed the extent of it.  But as she watched them together, she could easily picture what she’d always assumed was brotherly affection turning more intimate. And rather than anger her, it warmed her. They loved each other. She loved them.  

The question was…did they love her?

Riley dabbed some concealer under her eyes, pulled her hair into a messy bun and threw on a pair of leggings and a loose off the shoulder sweater before heading outside.  She needed to find them, talk to them, and figure out what, if anything the future might hold for them.

Liam, Drake, Maxwell and Bastien sprawled under the shade of an enormous Oak Tree as they guzzled bottles of water.  

“So…” Liam began hesitantly, “You spoke to Riley last night?”

“I sure did.”  Maxwell’s eyes grew wide and he shuddered slightly, “Boy was she mad!”

Drake unconsciously rubbed his hand across his mouth, “Yeah, no kidding.”

“But don’t worry.”  He said with a triumphant smile.  “I talked her out of leaving.”

“Leaving?!” Drake and Liam chorused.

“Oh yeah.”  Maxwell plucked a blade of grass and pressed it between his thumbs, blowing softly until it whistled.  “She had her suitcases out and was half packed when I showed up.”

Liam leaned back against the tree trunk with a deep sigh, “I certainly can’t blame her.”

“Hey!” Maxwell said suddenly indignant “Why didn’t you guys ever tell me that you…well, you know…”

“Mostly cause it’s none of your fucking business.” Drake muttered.

Liam raised his brows in surprise, “Really Maxwell, you didn’t know?”


“Seriously?” Bastien let out a bark of laughter, “You really are just a babe in arms, aren’t you?”

“I am not!” Maxwell crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.

Liam just shook his head and looked to Drake.  He was twisting his empty water bottle between his fingers, deep in thought.

“We need to find her…talk to her.”

“Yeah.” Drake agreed not looking up, “We do.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to look far.” Bastien said wryly as he jerked his head toward the courtyard where Riley sat on the edge of the fountain talking to Hana.

Drake and Liam shared a look of apprehension.


“As I’ll ever be.” Drake sighed as he pushed himself to his feet.  “But if she starts throwing fists again, I’m using you as a human shield.”

Riley watched them approach and her heart started hammering in her chest.  She knew this was inevitable, and thought she was prepared for it, but as her palms started sweating she had to tame the urge to flee.

The first thing Drake noticed as Riley looked up at them was how unhappy she looked.

They’d handled this all wrong last night…all wrong.

Good morning, Lady Hana.” Liam said graciously as he bowed slightly to her.

“Good Morning, King Liam.” She replied, the smile on her face not quite reaching her eyes.

“Lady Riley, “ Liam turned and she could see the anxiety he felt clearly etched into his face.  Somehow seeing how nervous he was calmed her own nerves.

“Good Morning, King Liam. “ She replied before venturing a look at Drake.  She sucked in her breath when she saw him staring steadily back at her.


He nodded, but said nothing.

Liam gave her a solicitous smile.  “Would you care to join us for a stroll through the gardens, Lady Riley?”  He looked up at the sky and sighed, “It is a beautiful day. We won’t get many more as perfect as this.” He looked back at her, his expression serious, “And I do believe we have much to discuss.”

Riley took a deep breath and nodded.  “Yes, I do believe you’re right.’

They strolled through the lush Royal gardens, talking about the weather, the new apple crops, the upcoming costume ball, everything but the one topic that weighed heavily on all of their minds.  

Riley stopped to admire a particularly large peach-colored hibiscus flower.  Liam plucked it and placed it gently behind her ear.

His eyes locked with hers as his fingertip trailed across her cheek, “I can’t tell you how sorry I am…” He looked to Drake, “How sorry we are…that we didn’t tell you about our, eh… situation earlier.  I know it must have come as quite a shock to you and I am so truly sorry for it.”

“We weren’t intentionally keeping you in the dark, Riley.” Drake said, his deep brown eyes staring into hers earnestly, “It was…is...a tricky topic to broach.”

Instead of replying, Riley reached out to gently touch the cut on Drake’s lip with her fingertips.

“Did I do this?” She whispered

He sucked in his breath sharply when her fingers grazed his skin.  He found he was having a hard time forming words so he just nodded.

“I’m sorry I hit you.” She whispered, as tears welled in her eyes. “I was just so…hurt, so angry and confused.  I lashed out, I’m sorry.”

“I don’t blame you one bit, Matheson.” Drake said solemnly, “I’d probably have done the same thing if I were you. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy thing for you to hear.”

“No,” Riley turned from Drake to meet Liam’s eyes, “But I’m sure it wasn’t an easy thing to say either.”

“It wasn’t.” Liam agreed,  “But it was a conversation that was long overdue.  If I could do things over again, I would have told you about Drake and I the moment I suspected you returned my feelings.  I’m sorry if you felt like we lied to you or misled you in any way. That was never our intent. I…”

He looked to Drake…”We care a great deal for you.”

“I do know that, Liam”  She sighed, “Or at least, I thought I did.  But right now, I’m questioning everything. I can’t help but feel like I’m just a means to an end to you.”

“Riley.”  Liam reached for her hands, clasping them tightly before bringing them to his lips, kissing them tenderly. “That’s absolutely not the case.  I have several suitors all vying to become my queen. Most, if not all, already know, or at least suspect that Drake and I are involved. If I just wanted a, a…um…what is the term?”

“A beard.” Drake muttered with a sigh.

“Yes, that’s it.  If I just wanted a beard, I could choose any one of them.  But that’s not what I want. I want a real marriage, with a loving wife.  A mother to my children whom I love and who loves me back. A Queen who is compassionate and strong and who loves Cordonia as much as I do.  I want you Riley Matheson.”

Tears welled in her eyes and began to slowly spill down her cheeks as she gazed back and forth between these two incredible men.

“I said some horrible things to you last night.  I’m so sorry.”

Liam smiled gently, “No need for apologies, My love.”

Riley turned to Drake and held her hand out to him.  He grasped it tightly and she pulled him closer to her and Liam.  They stood huddled together, heads pressed close.

“We never wanted to hurt you, Riley.  You have to know that.” Drake said softly, “We both…well, we love you.”

“We do.”  Liam agreed, ”But…”

He looked up and met Drake’s eyes, “We also love one another. So if that’s something that makes you uncomfortable, or unhappy.  It’s best that we know now.”

Drake agreed.  “I know this is a totally fucked up situation, Matheson.  We don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. If this arrangement isn’t something you think you can live with long term, neither of us would hold it against you if you walked away.  This will only work if all three of us are on the same page.”

Riley looked from Liam then to Drake and smiled.  “I’m so incredibly lucky to have two amazing men that love me…and that I love.”

She laughed as she saw them both visibly relax. Drake blew out the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, as Liam’s face split into a wide grin.

“But where does that leave us?” Riley said, softly, “Where do we go from here?”

Liam’s stroked her arm gently, “That my love, is what you must tell us.”

Riley shook her head, her frustration evident.  “How would this even work? It’s not like I can marry both of you.”

Liam smiled, “No, of course not.  You and I would marry. You would become my Queen.  Drake’s role would be more of…” He cocked his head to the side as he pondered, “A mistress for a lack of a better term.”

Drake’s head jerked up quickly as he gave Liam a dark look. “I swear to God, if you ever call me that again, I’ll knock you the fuck out.”

Liam let out a deep throaty chuckle.  “It’s treason to strike the King, you know.”

“Totally worth it.”

Riley frowned.  “So you would marry me…and see Drake on the side?”

Liam and Drake shared a look.  

“If…that’s how you want it, yes.” Liam agreed slowly.

Riley considered that for a moment.  “And if that’s not how I want it? What are my other options?”

“We could always…invite Drake into our marriage.”

Riley felt herself begin to tremble, whether it was nerves or excitement, she couldn’t be sure.  “Meaning what, exactly?

“Meaning…” Liam stepped a little closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, “That we’d bring him into out marriage bed.  The three of us would be intimate, you and I, you and Drake, Drake and I, all three of us together, anything…everything.”

She looked up into his eyes.  They’d darkened nearly to black with lust and she felt her body respond, heat pooling in her core and rushing like wildfire through her veins.  She looked to Drake. He wore a similar look of hunger and she had to fight the nearly overwhelming urge to grab him by the hair and finally taste his luscious mouth.

She was flushed and flustered and incapable of rational thought. She looked from Liam then back to Drake and smiled. She loved and desired both of these beautiful, amazing men so much.  She couldn’t imagine a life without them in it.

She didn’t want to.

“Yes.  I think that would be…good.”  She said breathlessly

Drake and Liam both grinned at her.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” Liam said with a wide smile.  He pulled Riley into his arms and kissed her tenderly. As he pulled away he glanced up at Drake.  A look passed between them, that Riley couldn’t quite decipher.

“Sadly. I must take my leave of you.” A small smile curled at the corner of Liam’s mouth, “A monarch’s work is never done, I’m afraid.”  He indicated his athletic attire, “And I’m not exactly dressed for the afternoon of cabinet meetings that I have ahead of me, so if you’ll excuse me…”

“Of course.”

He smiled tenderly at Riley and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, but the look in his eyes nearly burned her.  “I should have all of my obligations met by early this evening. Perhaps we can all dine together in my suite tonight.”

Riley’s heart began to beat erratically.  The three of them, alone…in Liam’s suite.

She swallowed her anxiety and nodded.  

“Yes…um…that sounds nice.”

“Until tonight then.” Liam brought Riley’s hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly.  He straightened, winked at Drake and turned on his heel, heading back to the palace.

That left her and Drake alone together.

“Sooooo, ” She said awkwardly, “Do you want to go back or…”

“Matheson.” Drake said softly, turning her to face him, “I don’t want things to be weird or awkward between us, okay?  I’m still me. We’re still us.”

Riley smiled and nodded.  “I know. But you have to admit, it is an awkward situation.  I mean, Liam just practically gave us permission to have sex.”  Her laughter died in her throat when Drake moved closer. “Not practically.” he murmured as he reached out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, knocking the flower to the ground.

Her lips parted in anticipation of a kiss that never came.

“Not here.” He whispered huskily.  “Anyone could see us.”

“But…I thought we had Liam’s permission.”

Drake chuckled and ran his finger across her cheek.  “We may have his permission to touch in private, but that doesn’t extend to the public.  We need to be very clear about that.”

At Rileys confused expression, he sighed and continued. “What happens in the privacy of our rooms is one thing.  But to the outside world, nothing has changed. Liam is in love with you, you are in love with Liam and I’m just Liam’s best friend who maintains a friendly if distant relationship with his intended.  That’s how it has to be. How it will always be.”

Rileys heart broke for Drake.  How awful it must be to always have to hide your true feelings.  She reached out to cup his cheek in her hand. Instinctively he closed his eyes and turned into it, placing a feather-light kiss against her palm.

“Isn’t it hard to have to pretend all the time?”

Drake shrugged. “ Not for Liam. It’s second nature for him.  He’s King. He’s been trained since he was a child to always maintain appearances..” He moved away from her, and bent to pluck the flower from the ground, handing it back to her. “It’s harder for me.  I don’t care what these people think of me. Even as a kid, I could feel their stares, their disapproval. They hated that the Prince’s best friend was a commoner. Now that I’m adult, their opinions mean less than nothing to me.  The only people who matter to me are Liam and Savannah…”

He reached out to run his thumb softly across Riley’s bottom lip, “…and you.”

He shrugged again, “So I pretend.”

“I wish it didn’t have to be like that.”

“Yeah.” He said with a soft sigh, “Me too.”

Suddenly he took a step back and grasped her hand.  “C’mon,”

Riley giggled as she let him lead her through the garden.  “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

They emerged from the garden path directly across from the entrance to the hedge maze.  

Drake grinned and tugged her hand, urging her to follow him inside.

Laughing, they broke into a run as Drake led her on a dizzying journey of twists and turns until they reached a dead end deep in the heart of the maze.  

Riley was completely turned around.  

“Are we ever going to find our way back?.” she laughed breathlessly.

“I know this place like the back of my hand.”  He said drawing her close, the heat from his body searing her skin, “It’s the best place in the whole Kingdom to go when you don’t want anyone to find you.”

He pressed her up against vine covered wall as his lips grazed her ear.

“No one can see anything…” he whispered, trailing a path of kisses across her jaw. “They can’t hear anything…” He ran his tongue slowly, tantalizingly down her neck to her collarbone. “It’s just you and me now.”

Riley moaned, grabbing fistfuls of hair as his mouth came down on hers, hard and demanding.  She kissed him back desperately, leaning into his touch as she gave into months of pent up longing.  She clung to him, bringing her leg up to hook over his hip as he ground his rock hard cock against her.

Abruptly, Drake took a step back, his breathing ragged as he tried to get himself under control.  Riley bit her bottom lip and met his burning gaze unwaveringly.

“You’re just too fucking much.” He whispered reverently.

His eyes locked onto Riley’s as he reached down to pull her sweater over her head.

He slid his gaze down to her lacy, black bra.  It was sexy, but it had to go.

With a quick flick of his wrist, it joined her sweater on the ground.

Drake cupped her breasts and teased the nipples with his thumbs, smiling as they hardened instantly.  He bent his head to taste them, rolling the hard buds with his tongue.

Riley moaned as his rough stubble grazed against her sensitive flesh and laced her fingers through his hair, holding him to her tightly.

Desperate to feel him skin to skin, Riley slid her hands down to his chest, and began to tug at his shirt, letting him know in no uncertain terms what she wanted.  Drake got the message loud and clear and yanked it over his head, tossing it into the grass below. She let out a tiny gasp when she got the full impact of his half naked body.  She ran her hands slowly over his sculpted pecs, across his broad shoulders and down his powerful arms. She let her hand drift down to his washboard abs, stopping when she got to that sexy V that disappeared into the band of his jeans.  

Drake studied her face as she studied his body.

“Like what you see?” He asked with a sexy smirk.

She sure as Hell did.  There was no end to the hotness that was Drake Walker.

‘Maybe.” She tilted her chin up, “Do you?”

‘Fuck yeah.” He growled as his mouth closed on hers greedily. He pressed her back against the wall, his hands stroking her body until she was breathless.  She felt his fingers glide over her hip and let out a gasp when they came to rest between her legs.

Her heart pounded so loudly, she was sure he could hear it.  

This was really happening.

“Mmmmmm.” Drake murmured against her ear as he stroked her through the thin fabric of her leggings.  Each brush of his fingertips sent waves of pleasure rushing through her.

He slipped his hand down the front of her pants, stroking his fingers back and forth across the hot, liquid center of her.  

“Jesus Riley, you’re so wet for me.” he rasped into her ear.

She moaned and arched against his hand as his words caused the throbbing between her legs to intensify.

Drake tangled one hand in her hair and pulled her head back, sucking gently on her neck as he slid her leggings down over her hips.

He took a step back to catch his breath, and to take a moment to drink her in.  She was breathing heavily, her lips swollen from his kisses, her eyes hooded with desire, and her pussy…he bit his bottom lip as he gazed at it…was slick and glistening, begging to be tasted.

He dropped to his knees in front of her and heard her suck in her breath in anticipation.  

Looking up at her, he leaned forward and slowly, deliberately trailed his tongue over her slit.

Riley watched him intently, her heart racing, as he licked her.  

Still staring into her eyes, he ran the tip of his tongue across her clit.  Riley’s hips jerked in response.

“Stop teasing.” She whimpered

Drake groaned and drove his mouth against her clit, sucking on it, flicking his tongue back and forth, licking her top to bottom before finally burying his tongue deeply inside of her.  She tasted like heaven. His cock was throbbing insistently, but in that moment nothing mattered but giving Riley pleasure. Still teasing her clit, he slid two fingers into her tight wetness and curled them upwards, pumping them in and out in a steady rhythm.  It wasn’t long before he felt a gush of liquid against his tongue and dove in deeper, lapping up every drop.

“Oh God” She moaned, digging her fingernails into his shoulder.

Drake stood suddenly and pulled her to him, his mouth devouring hers in a crushing kiss.  She could taste herself on his lips and tongue and it sent an erotic charge through her.

“I need my cock inside you right now.” He growled.

“Yes.” She moaned, “Hurry.”

He reached for the waistband of his nylon soccer shorts and yanked them and his boxer briefs to his ankles, kicking them away quickly..  Then in one swift movement he grabbed her around the waist and lifted. Instinctively, Riley wrapped her legs around him as Drake plunged deeply into her warm, waiting body.

She cried out and arched her back.  “Oh God…Drake!”

Drake held still for a just a moment, letting her get used to the feel of him before he began pounding into her over and over, his breath coming in short gasps as his mind let go and his body took over. God, he’d dreamed about this for so long. She felt every bit as good wrapped around his dick as he knew she would.

He fucked her hard and fast, bringing them both to the edge almost immediately as the sounds of their moans and grunts filled the air.

“Riley.” He groaned. “So. Fucking. Good.” He punctuated each word with a hard thrust of his hips.

Beneath him, Riley shuddered as his cock hit that spot deep inside her over and over until she couldn’t form a single coherent thought.  “Yes…Drake…harder.  Yes…yesssssss.”

She was so close.  She felt a scream bubbling up in her throat and tried to hold it back, but it burst from her lips as her orgasm hit her. It was so fast and intense that she was powerless against it.  Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as Drake pumped into her, never slowing down. It went on and on. She’d barely recovered from her first orgasm before he sent her spiralling toward another one. The pleasure/pain filled her and she nearly begged him to stop when it became almost too much to stand. Her legs trembled and her body quivered as she spun out of control.

Drake knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.  She was so tight, so wet, so unbelievably perfect.  He was lost in her. Thrusting faster, Drake braced one arm and his forehead against the wall, fighting to stay in control.  He burned with the need for release, but he refused until Riley found her satisfaction one more time. He bit down hard on his bottom lip and drove into her harder and deeper until he felt her pussy clamp down on him again. Her body shuddered underneath him and she cried out.  

That was all he needed.  

He pulled out quickly and gave his cock two quick, hard pumps before exploding into the ivy behind them.  Sweaty and breathing heavily he turned back to Riley and rested his forehead against hers, his chest heaving with the exertion.

Riley stroked his hair, kissing the side of his face, his forehead and finally his mouth.

“That was incredible.” She whispered.

“You’re incredible.”  He whispered against her lips.

“You didn’t have to do that, you know.  Pull out.”

Drake lifted his head, and kissed her cheeks, her nose, finally her mouth.  “Yes I did. Can never be too careful.”

“But I’m on birth control.  It’s fine.”

Drake’s expression turned very serious.  “It’s not fine Riley. You’re going to be Queen.  We can’t take any chances. I can’t ever come inside you.”

“Not ever?”

He shook his head.  “Not ever,” He repeated with a trace of sadness.

She pulled back from him, studying his face.  “But don’t you want kids someday?”

Drake shrugged.  “I don’t really think about it much I guess.”

“But someday?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“But while we’re together…you, me and Liam, you’ll never be able to have children, will you?”

He shook his head slowly.  “Don’t worry about it now baby.  We’ll worry about it when and if that day comes.  Right now, this…the three of us… is more than I ever hoped for.”

Drake slid his shorts back on and sunk down to the grass, leaning back against the wall with a contented sigh.  Riley pulled her sweater back over her head and searched for her panties.

“I think that’s them there.” Drake pointed to a scrap of pink lace dangling from the Ivy.

Rile flushed and snatched them down.  She stepped into them and collapsed next to Drake, laying her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close as his lips slid lazily over hers.

“This is nice.” She murmured

“Mmn hmn” He hummed against her neck.



“So this thing with you and Liam…?”

She heard Drakes laughter rumble through his chest. “I’ve been waiting for this.”


“The whole, are you gay, are you Bi discussion.”

Riley laughed, “Am I that predictable?”

“No,” he said, tightening his arm around her, “Human nature is that predictable.”

She laid her head on his chest, waiting.  Just when she’d decided he wasn’t going to answer her question she felt his chest heave as he inhaled deeply.

 “Until the summer I turned seventeen I would’ve told you that I was strictly and without question into girls and girls only.  I was actually a little girl-crazy, actually. When we were, I dunno…twelve maybe, Liam and I found a stash of Leo’s girlie magazines and I spent an obscene amount of time jacking off to them for years afterwards.  I’d never had any sort of thought or feeling for another guy until the summer we spent in Lythikos at Olivia’s house. She must’ve seen something that we didn’t because she dared us to kiss…and once we did…”

He shook his head.  “I freaked out. I took off and went to college in the states.  I may never have come back to Cordonia if it wasn’t for the assassination attempt.”

“Right.” She whispered, “They tried to kill Liam.”

Drake nodded.  “Leo came to see me at school.  He told me what happened. Told me Liam was really fucked up over it.  Panic attacks, not sleeping…PTSD level shit. He told me he needed me…and I didn’t even hesitate.”

He looked down into Rileys eyes, his face shadowed with pain as he remembered. “I didn’t even need Leo to tell me to come home.  The second I realized I could’ve lost Liam forever I’d already made up my mind to go back.”

Riley reached up and stroked his face, easing the worry lines with her fingertips.  “I can’t even imagine how worried you must’ve been for him.”

Drake nodded.  “Yeah, but I wasn’t just worried for him.  I was worried for me too. I knew if I went back to Cordonia, I’d never leave.  I also knew I was going to have to face how I felt about Liam, and a part of me…a really big part of me, just wasn’t ready for that.”

“But you went anyway.”

“I did.” He said with a sad smile, “But I didn’t exactly face anything.  Instead I decided the best way to deal with this attraction I felt , was to have as much sex, with as many different girls as I could.  I set out to prove to myself…and to Liam that our kiss meant nothing. It was an anomaly. A stupid, drunken mistake.”

“And what did Liam do?”

Drake smiled.  “Liam did what Liam always does.  He let me come figure it out. He waited.  He watched. He was infinitely patient and understanding.”

“That does sound like him.”

“Then finally one night, I was tired of fighting it.  I gave in and kissed him. I’d been home almost two years at that point.”

He looked down at her, “He’s the reason I came home.  He’s the reason I stay. Liam is my home.”

Riley sucked in her breath.  Drake was talking about a kind of love she only dreamed of.  Soulmates.

Riley felt a seed of anxiety begin to burn in her brain and her gut.  They were so close. They may have invited her into their beds, but was there room for her in their hearts?

Drake sighed and leaned his head back against the wall, a small smile playing across his lips.  He pulled her down so her head was resting against his bare chest as he stroked her hair. She listened to the steady thumping of his heart and tried to let it sooth the uncertainty.

“This is what we’ve been missing.” Drake slid his finger under Riley’s chin and tilted her face up so she was gazing into his eyes.  “It was you.”

He leaned down to press his lips softly to hers. “You’re the missing puzzle piece, Matheson.”  Now we’re complete.”

Start writing…

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