Forever: The Early Years (Chapter 5)


Liam and Drake stood shoulder to shoulder outside the ornately carved doors that led to the Kings study, hearts in their throats.

“I won’t let him separate us Drake.” Liam vowed, “I’ll not allow him to control every aspect of my life.  I’m not a child.”
“Calm down Li.” Drake’s relaxed tone was in direct contrast to the sea of anxiety that was churning in his gut. “We don’t even know why he wants to see us.”

But that was a lie.  He knew exactly why they’d been called before the King.

It was a good thing he hadn’t fully unpacked yet, because he had the definite feeling his role as ward of the crown was about to come to an abrupt end.

Taking one last deep fortifying breath, Liam raised his hand and knocked.


Constantine was seated behind his gleaming mahogany desk, flanked by his press secretary and his minister of foreign affairs.

The King glanced up when Liam stepped tentatively into the room.

“Father?”  Liam looked from Constantine to his staff and took a reflexive step backward, bumping into Drake who was standing directly behind him, “My apologies…you’re busy.  I…” He shot a nervous glance at Drake, “We can come back later.”

Constantine shook his head and waved them into the room. “Come in. Sit.”

Liam swallowed the lump in his throat and made his way into the room, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs opposite his father’s desk, his back ramrod straight as he stared ahead, his eyes focused on a point just behind Constantine’s head.  Drake took the chair next to Liam, slouching forward, his hands clasped between his spread legs, eyes firmly fixed to the floor as he waited to hear the reason they’d been summoned to the King’s private office at this hour of the evening.

“I want the finalized documents on my desk by morning.” Constantine commanded as he pushed a folder across his desk, “Now leave us.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Constantine sat placidly, his hands folded together on his desk until the room was clear and they were insured the privacy that this sensitive conversation required.  As soon as he heard the door latch, he let out a weary sigh and stood, coming around to the front of his desk, his hands behind his back as he stared down at the two young men in front of him.

“Father…” Liam began, “I’m not sure what you’ve heard but…”

Constantine raised his hand, cutting Liam off mid-sentence as he turned his steely gaze to the man sitting beside his son.


At the sound of his name, Drake felt a flare of white hot rage begin to bubble inside of him.

Of course.  This was all HIS fault.  He was the low-born degenerate leading Constantines precious royal progeny down the path of deviance and immorality.  

He didn’t even try to keep the bitterness out of his voice as he tilted his chin defiantly and met the King’s icy blue eyes.

“Your Majesty?”

Constantine stared at him for a long, tense moment before his face broke into a warm smile

“It’s good to see you, son.  You were dearly missed while you were away.”

Drakes brow furrowed and he shot a quick look at Liam, whose face bore an identical bewildered expression.  He looked back at Constantine, clearing his throat nervously. “It’s…ah…good to be home, sir.”

“Bastien told me you didn’t hesitate for a moment when Leo asked you to return to the palace.” His eyes softened as he gazed at Liam for just a moment before turning his focus back to Drake, “He also told me how you stepped in and took charge when my son had one of his…attacks.” He reached out to place his hand on Drake’s shoulder, squeezing gently, “Liam is very fortunate to have a friend like you.  You’re a good man, Drake. Like your father before you.”

Drake felt his earlier tension begin to drain away.  His father had been a brave and honorable man, and any time he was compared favorably to him he couldn’t help but be filled with a sense of pride.

“Thank you sir.”

Constantine patted his shoulder one last time and straightened, turning to Liam.

“You seem as though you’re in a much better frame of mind than you were a week ago.  It’s good to see you out and about and moving forward after that nasty business. I was quite worried about you.”

Liam nodded.  “Yes, father. I’m feeling much better.  Drake has committed to teaching me self-defense.  I’ll be better prepared in the event something like this should happen again.”

“Yes.” Constantine frowned, squaring his shoulders, “That is precisely why I wanted to speak with you both.”

“It…” Liam’s brow furrowed, his confusion evident, “It is?”

“Yes.” Constantine nodded and perched on the edge of his desk, regarding the two men in front of him. “Drake, you’ve been training for a position in the guard for, what 3 years now?”

“Four, sir.” Drake corrected, “Since I was fourteen.”

Constantine nodded. “Bastien tells me that you’re far more advanced than he’d have expected at this stage of your training.”

“I take it very seriously.”

A hint of a smile crossed Constantines face, “Excellent. That’s just what I like to hear.”  He pushed away from the desk and returned to his seat, pulling open a drawer and removing a thick envelope. “I’d like to place you in an advanced program, Drake. It will requite six weeks of intensive training. Upon completion you will be a fully accredited member of the Royal guard, and…placed on special assignment.”

“Special assignment?” Drake’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, “What kind of special assignment?”

Of course. He was being sent away.

“You will be assigned specifically to Liam’s personal security detail.  Everywhere he goes, you will go. Until this threat is neutralized once and for all, I don’t want you leaving his side.” Constantine gave Drake a pointed look, “Do I make myself clear?”

Drake let the King’s words wash over him as the reality of the situation began to sink in. He wasn’t being sent away at all.  Just the opposite, in fact. Constantine was recognizing their relationship and…facilitating it?

Drake looked up and met the Kings gaze unwaveringly, “I think I do, yes.”

“Do you accept?”

“Yes sir.” Drake nodded. “It would be my honor.”

“Excellent.”  Constantine extended his hand and Drake shook it firmly.

“Hold on.”

Both Constantine and Drake turned to look at Liam who wore a bewildered expression on his face as he looked first at Drake then to his father.

“What just happened here?”

Constantine clasped his hands together as he fixed Liam with a placid smile. “I’ve just insured your continued safety and…happiness.”

“Can we just…for a minute, not talk in code?”

Constantine smiled, “As you wish.”

“You know about Drake…and me?”

Constantine nodded his head. “I have been apprised of the…situation, yes.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

“Your happiness has always been my primary concern, Liam.  And if this is something that makes you happy, then I will give it my full support.” He leaned forward, his expression suddenly serious, “However…”

Drake took a deep breath.  This is it.  This is where the other shoe drops.

“I must urge you to show the utmost discretion moving forward.  Although Cordonia is quite a broad-minded country when it comes to matters of the, ah…heart... there are still certain expectations placed upon the royal family.  Leo, as the next in line for the crown, has far less freedom than you do. However, until he marries and produces an heir, you are still the next in line.  As such, you must keep your private affairs very carefully guarded. There must not be the slightest hint of your…alternate lifestyle. There are some who would see this as a weakness to be exploited. There must always be a clear line of succession. Do you understand?”

“Yes, father.  I do.”

“Of course you do.” He said fondly, “You always know your place and what is expected of you. I never question that.  I just wish…” He sighed sadly, “Nevermind.”

“What is it, father?”

Constantine sat back and studied his youngest son.  He was sensitive, yes…but Constantine didn’t consider that a weakness.  It was actually one of the many qualities that Liam possessed that would make him an effective ruler. Qualities that his older brother sorely lacked.  He was sensible and steadfast, thoughtful, reasonable and fair. He cared deeply for Cordonia and for its people and Constantine knew that if it came to it, he’d always put his duty to the realm above his own personal happiness.  

For that reason, and that alone, he was glad for Liam’s sake that he was the second born son.

“I wish a great many things were different, truth be told.” He gave Liam a sad smile, “It’s no secret that your brother has a bit of a wild streak.  I’d hoped that he’d outgrow it by now, but as his social season draws nearer he seems to be rebelling even more. But the rules of ascension are clear.   I have every confidence that Leo will rise to the occasion once he is coronated. He’ll be a worthy King.”

“Of course he will.”


The two boys walked back to the private wing of the palace in relative silence, both still trying to process what had just transpired in the Kings study.

They’d almost reached Drakes room when Liam suddenly whirled around and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, shoving him back against the wall and crushing his lips beneath his own in a hard, exuberant kiss.

“Jesus Liam!”

Drake shoved him away, looking around quickly to make sure no one had witnessed the impulsive show of affection. “Are you fucking high?  You heard your father. What part of be discreet didn’t you understand?”

Liam waved him off. He wasn’t about to let Drakes surly attitude dampen his excitement.   He was giddy, bouncing on the balls of his feet, as he grinned at Drake. “I can’t believe it!  My father knows about us…and he approves!”

Drake frowned and spun Liam around, opening the door to his bedroom and shoving Liam inside.

Once they were safely behind closed doors, Drake took a deep breath and raked his fingers through his hair. “Don’t be an idiot.”

He watched the joy drain from Liam’s face and immediately felt a pang of guilt.  Reaching out, he pulled Liam close, pressing their foreheads together. “I wouldn’t exactly say he approves.”  Drake said softly, his warm breath caressing Liam’s cheek, “He’s tolerating it at best.” He pulled back and gave Liam a stern look, “But don’t test him, Li.  He could change his mind at any second and take it all away. Don’t give him a reason to do that.” Drake inclined his head toward the door, “And don’t pull anymore stunts like that.  You never know who could be around. Okay?”

Liam nodded.  “Yes. Okay.”

The corner of Drake’s mouth quirked upwards and he gave Liam a slow sexy grin that sent his pulse racing. “Good boy.” He murmured.

Liam sucked in his breath when he heard the low, seductive tone in Drake’s voice.  Their eyes locked as Drake reached out to stroke his thumb over Liam’s jaw and across his full bottom lip, until Liam’s mouth fell open with a soft sigh.

“Now where were we?” Drake slid one hand to the back of Liam’s neck, guiding him forward, tracing his lips with the tip of his tongue before slipping it into his warm, waiting mouth. With a groan, Liam reached up to sink his fingers into Drake’s hair, raking his nails lightly over his scalp as their tongues curled together.  He’d spent countless hours over the last few years dreaming about kissing Drake, but the reality was so much better than he could’ve ever imagined. Drake’s mouth was warm and soft and tasted of the whiskey he’d had after dinner with a just hint of the peppermint lifesavers he loved so much. His kisses could be tender and sweet like the one they were sharing right now, but there was always an intensity burning just under the surface that could instantly ignite into something hot and demanding.  Liam leaned into him, inhaling deeply, letting the heat from Drake’s body soak into his pores, warming him from the inside out. He slid his hands down to Drake’s chest and began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Drake groaned into his mouth and took a step forward, pinning Liam against the door with one muscular thigh pressed between his legs as his fingers curled around his neck, caressing the soft skin of his throat with his thumb. Liam kissed him back desperately before pulling away, his breathing labored and unsteady.  His cock throbbed in time with the blood pounding in his ears and it was getting harder and harder to form a coherent thought.

“Drake.” He said breathlessly.

Drake lifted his head and gazed into Liam’s flushed face, biting his bottom lip as he held back a smug grin. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes.” Liam nodded slowly. “You have entirely too many clothes on.”

Drake took a step backward and in one fluid movement pulled his button-down shirt and the T-shirt underneath over his head, tossing it to the floor.

“Problem solved.”

Liam smiled as he let his eyes roam slowly over Drake’s chiseled torso.  He reached out to trail his fingers down his chest and across his tightly muscled abs until he reached the V that disappeared into the waistband of his low slung jeans.  Liam traced one jutting hip bone with his fingertips until Drake shivered and reached out to grasp his wrist.

“Now you’re the one wearing too many clothes.”

Liam raised one playful eyebrow.  “I thought you were a problem solver.”

“Why should I do all the work?” Drake released Liam’s wrist and took a step backwards, a slow sexy smile pulling at his lips. “Strip for me.”

Liam hesitated for a moment, suddenly shy…but the heat in Drake’s gaze emboldened him.  He met Drake’s intense stare and reached up to slowly loosen his tie. He slid it from his neck and flung it across the room, where it landed on the floor right in front of Drake’s bed.  

Drake watched it land…the smile fading from his face, replaced by a confused frown.

“What the fuck?”

Liam joined him at the foot of his bed as they both stared down at an enormous white box tied up with a big red satin bow.

“Where did that come from?” Liam asked as he reached for the gift tag.

But Drake didn’t need to read the tag to know who it was from.  




Welcome Home.

Here’s a few things to help ease you back into life at the palace.

I will warn you that there are some personal items inside, so you’ll probably want to hide it in your closet.

If there’s any room.



“Are you going to open it?”


Liam ventured a quick look at Drake.  He had his arms crossed over his chest as he scowled down at the box.

“Aren’t you at least a little curious?”


Liam rolled his eyes and nudged Drake out of the way as he reached for the box.  “Well I am.” He yanked on ribbon and pulled the top of the box off.

“Ohhh.” Liam said, his eyes growing wide, “Um…”

With a sigh Drake leaned over and peered into the box.

“That motherfucker.”

Liam burst out laughing as he reached into the box and started rifling through the contents.

He tossed several boxes of condoms in assorted sizes and colors onto the bed, followed by several bottles of lube.

“Look…this one is flavored.”  He held the bottle up so Drake could see, “Cherry.”

Drake shook his head and reached into the box, pulling out a heavy book.

“Jesus Christ.”

Liam looked over, his eyes growing wide when he saw the cover photo; two naked men, their bodies intertwined in an intimate embrace, The Joy of Gay Sex in bold black letters above them.

He took the book from Drake and started flipping through it, his cheeks growing pinker by the minute.  Frowning he turned the book to one side, then to the other, finally he turned it upside down, trying to make sence of the picture he was viewing.

Drake laughed and took the book from him, tossing it back into the box.  “I don’t think we’re quite ready for that.”

“I may never be ready for that.  It looked…complicated.”

Drake laughed again and reached into the box pulling out a long thick piece of purple silicone.

“What the hell is wrong with your brother?” He turned to Liam waving the offending item in front of his face.

“What is that?”

“That…” Drake’s lip curled in disgust, “is a double ended dildo.”

He dropped it back into the box and let out a deep sigh, nodding his head. “And there it is.  I should’ve expected this.”


Drake pulled a Dvd out of the box and handed it to Liam with a scowl.  Liam bit his bottom lip, trying not to laugh. “Brokeback Mountain.”

Drake nodded.  “I hate him. I hate him so…soooo much.”

Liam shrugged. “Maybe this is just Leo’s way of letting us know he supports us.”

Drake rolled his eyes. “He’s mocking us, Liam.  If you can’t see that, then you’re even more naive than I thought.”

Liam’s face clouded over as he frowned back at Drake. “I’m not naive.”

Drake heard an edge of defensiveness in Liam’s tone and looked up to see him glowering at him.  Drake bit back a smile and took a step toward Liam, his voice dropping to a low rumble, “No?” He said running his hand up Liam’s back, snaking his fingers around the back of his neck until he was cupping the back of his head in his large palm. Drake leaned forward until their lips were practically touching.  “Prove it.”

Liam felt Drake’s warm breath against his mouth and his body reacted instantly.  He lurched forward, crashing their mouths together as his hands went automatically to the button on Drake’s jeans. He fumbled for a moment, unwilling to drag his mouth from Drakes long enough to look down to see what his fingers were doing.  Finally he felt the button give way and slid his hand inside to palm Drakes hard length.

Liam dragged his lips slowly across Drakes stubbled cheek until he reached his ear.  “I want you Drake.” He rasped as his fingers closed around Drake’s shaft, stroking firmly, “I want all of you.”

Drake pulled his head back, eyes black with lust as he gazed hungrily into Liam’s face. His tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Are you sure?” He asked huskily, “We don’t need to rush things if you’re not ready.”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

With a groan, Drake claimed Liam’s mouth in a hard, possessive kiss.  Liam held tightly, his fingers digging into Drake’s biceps as their mouths fused, moving together with a with a hint of desperation.  They separated only long enough for Liam to pull his shirt over his head, and then their mouths met again, tongues twisting together as they stumbled backward until the back of Liam’s knees hit the bed and they tumbled onto it, their limbs tangling together.

Liam slid Drakes jeans from his hips and he kicked them hastily to the floor.  Liam’s pants and boxers landed a few feet away.

Drake rolled them over until he had Liam pinned beneath him. He leaned down to press his lips gently to Liam’s mouth, then to each eyelid and finally both cheeks before moving to his neck.  He nipped at the tender flesh with his teeth and sucked gently, careful not to leave a discernible mark before running his tongue lightly over Liam’s collarbone. Moaning softly, Liam reached down to thread his fingers through Drake’s hair as he pressed a trail of hot, wet kisses down Liam’s chest, taking a moment to flick the tip of his tongue over the tight bud of his nipple before continuing his descent.  As he moved lower Drake heard Liam’s breath grow more and more ragged. He grinned against Liam’s skin and slowed his movements, drawing out Liam’s anticipation until he was writhing and whimpering beneath him. Then and only then did he take Liam into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around Liam’s engorged head, Drake lapped the beads of precome that were dripping from his slit before opening his mouth, taking him deep into his throat.

“Oh…Drake…fuck.” Liam felt a surge of white hot desire surge through him when he felt Drake’s fingers circling his anus, stroking gently as his hot, wet mouth devoured his cock. Liam tried to fight for control, but he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.  He could feel the pressure that signaled his imminent release already building low in his belly and he was powerless to stop it. His hips bucked forward and he gripped Drakes hair tightly.

“Drake.” He whimpered… “I can’t…I’m gonna…” But he couldn’t get the words out before his body jerked and his vision blurred as he erupted into Drake’s mouth. “Fuuuck. Jesus.  Fuuuuuuck!”

Liam collapsed back onto the pillows, eyes tightly shut as he fought to regain control of his limbs, which seemed to have turned to the consistency of jello.

Drake grabbed the edge of his comforter and wiped at his mouth before kissing his way back up Liam’s chest until his head was resting on the pillow next to Liam’s.  Liam opened his eyes slowly and turned his head to gaze at Drake.

“Oh my God.” he said simply. “How did you get so good at that?”

Drake chuckled softly softly, shrugging one shoulder, “I’ve gotten my fair share of blowjobs.  I paid attention.”

Liam swallowed hard and nodded. “Well, remind me to thank whoever taught you that.”

Drake laughed again. “It’ll be a long list.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Yes Drake. I’ve heard all about your semester abroad fucking everything that had a pulse. Thanks for the reminder.”

Drake rolled to his side, propping himself up on one elbow as he gazed down at Liam. “Just look on the bright side…” He leaned down to press a soft, lingering kiss to Liam’s lips as he stretched his arm across the bed until his fingers connected with one of the bottles of lube that Leo had so generously supplied them with, “At least one of us has done this before.”

Liam felt a flutter of excitement begin in his belly as Drake popped the top off the bottle and turned to him, one brow raised. “Are you sure about this, Li?”

Instead of answering with words, Liam grabbed Drake’s face with both hands, bringing his face down to his, kissing him long and deep. “I want you inside me.” He whispered against Drake’s lips, “I want that more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.  I want to be completely yours.”

Drake groaned loudly and crushed his mouth to Liam’s as his words stirred something primal in him. They kissed hungrily before Drake pulled away, breathing heavily, his cock heavy and aching as it pulsed against Liam’s thigh.

Liam reached down to wrap his fingers around Drake’s hard length, squeezing gently before he began moving his hand. With a sigh, Drake closed his eyes and let his head fall back against his pillow as Liam stroked him.

“So…I…I’ve done some…research.” Liam said softly.  Drake opened his eyes and turned his head to gaze at Liam.  He was chewing nervously on his bottom lip, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.


Liam nodded. “Yes…on google.”

The corner of Drake’s mouth quirked upwards, but he refused to laugh.  He didn’t want to make Liam any more self-conscious than he obviously already was.  

“You googled how to have anal sex?”

“Of course.” Liam’s head shot up and he finally met Drakes amused gaze. “How else was I supposed to find out?”

“You could’ve asked me. I’m not exactly inexperienced in this, ya know.”

“So you’ve mentioned.” Liam let go of Drake and frowned down at him.

“I’m just saying…I know what to do. I mean, it was with a girl, but the mechanics are the same.”

“Ugh! Can we pleaaaase stop talking about this?” Liam gave Drake a pleading look. “Please?”

Drake bit back a smile and nodded. “So…your research. What did you learn?”

“Well, lubrication is very important…”

Drake held up the bottle of lube in his hand. “Agreed.”

Liams cheeks stained pink as he looked away in embarrassment. “And I guess there are certain…positions, that can make it more…comfortable.”

Drake nodded. “Okay…so what position did you want to try?”

Liam’s face was flushed and a fine sheen of sweat had broken out on his brow.

“Oh, um…I guess if I’m…um, on top…I can control it more.”

Drake grinned at him. “So now you want to be in control.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “I’m just not a big fan of pain, that’s all.”

Drake reached out to tenderly stroke the hair back from Liam’s forehead “Do you trust me?”

Liam hesitated for just a moment before nodding his head. “With my life.”

Drake leaned forward and brushed his lips across Liam’s mouth in the barest hint of a kiss. “I’d never hurt you, Li.  I promise.”

Liam nodded and let Drake press him back into the pillows as he deepened the kiss.  He wound his fingers in the hair at the nape of Drakes neck and kissed him back, pouring everything he felt into his kiss.  He’d loved this boy for so many years, first as a friend, then as a crush and now as a lover, and finally they were going to be as close as two people could get.  He moaned into Drake’s mouth gripping tightly as Drake rolled his body on top of Liam’s, grinding their hips together. He could feel Drakes hard length pressing into his belly, leaving a damp trail across his heated skin as his own erection throbbed mercilessly, trapped between their bodies. He wasn’t sure how or when it happened, but Drake’s hand, slick and slippery, slid between his legs.  Liam went rigid for a moment, but Drake’s warm breath in his ear as he whispered soothing words of encouragement, eased his tension and he melted into his touch, letting his legs fall apart, giving Drake the access he craved.

“Let me make you feel good.” Drake rasped into his ear, as his fingers stroked back and forth against his rear entrance.  He felt Drake apply some pressure and gasped slightly as he sunk one finger inside of him. It felt strange, he decided, but not unpleasant.  In fact…he sighed as Drake began to slide his finger in and out rhythmically before adding a second. Drake filled him, stretching him ever so slightly as his fingers moved faster, plunged in deeper and harder.  Before he knew it, Liam was moaning, bucking his hips upwards against Drake’s hand.

“Fuck Li…” Drake groaned, “You’re killing me.”

He withdrew his digits abruptly and Liam’s eyes flew open as he gasped.

“I think you’re ready.” Drake growled, “Come here.”

Liam scrambled across the bed, and knelt over Drake, one knee pressed on either side of his hips as he took took the bottle of lube from Drake’s hand.  He squeezed a liberal amount onto his palm and rubbed his hands together, warming the gel before grasping Drakes cock in his coated hands. Drake groaned and let his head fall back for a just moment before snapping his gaze back to Liam’s face.  He wasn’t about to miss seeing the look on Liam’s face when he slid inside of him for the first time.

Liam grasped Drakes cock in his fist as he lined it up with his entrance.  His eyes locked with Drake’s as he slowly eased down just a little at a time. He felt some intense pressure and a sharp stab of pain as the head of Drakes cock disappeared into his depths. But then the feeling of having Drake inside of him, of having their bodies joined…it was, indescribable.

“Oh…fuck.”   Liam closed his eyes for just a moment, bracing his hands on Drake’s chest as he settled onto him fully. He’d never felt anything like this.  He felt so full, and he could feel every pulse, every twitch of Drakes cock deep inside of him.


Drake reached out to put his hands on Liam’s hips, holding tightly.  He dared not move yet, he knew Liam needed time to get used to this, but the urge was nearly killing him.

“Are you okay, Li?” Drake let his hands roam over Liam’s hips until he was cupping his ass with both hands.  Liam nodded, and rocked forward, his eyes fluttering shut as the sensation set off an ache deep within him.

“I’m better than okay.” He said and rocked his hips again until Drake groaned and sunk his fingers into the taut flesh of his ass cheeks.

“Keep doing that.” Drake begged, a hint of desperation in his voice, “Don’t stop. That’s so fucking good.”

Liam began to move…slowly at first but picking up speed as the sensations overwhelmed him.  Restless, Drake began to move beneath him. Each sharp thrust of his hips sent a shockwave of pleasure coursing throughout Liam’s entire body.  He reached down to take his own cock in his hand, stroking himself in time with Drake’s thrusts. Suddenly Drake’s hand was on top of his, taking over, stroking him firmly until he was leaking precum onto Drake’s stomach.

“God you feel so fucking good.” Drake moaned.  His eyes were glazed and he’d caught his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared up at Liam, “So fucking good.”

The hungry look in Drake’s eyes set something off inside of Liam and he ground down hard as that familiar sensation began low in his gut.  But before he could say anything, Drake let out a low groan.

“Fuck, Li.” Drake hissed, “I’m gonna cum.”

He grabbed Liam firmly, his fingers digging into his hips as he thrust upwards again and again until he emptied himself into Liam with a loud shout.  The second Liam felt Drakes dick twitch inside him, he felt his own orgasm overtake him. He reached down, jerking his cock a few times before exploding onto Drakes stomach.  Heart pounding, he leaned forward to rest his forehead on Drake’s heaving chest.

Drake reached out to stroke Liam’s hair, “Hey…”

Liam turned his head and opened his eyes, smiling back at the face he loved more than anything else in the world. “Hey.”

“You okay?”

Liam grinned and nodded. “I’ve never felt better in my whole damn life.”

Chuckling softly, Drake wove his fingers through Liam’s hair and pulled him close, pressing a soft, tender kiss to his lips. “Me either.”


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