Forever Yours


It’s been 8 months since you got shot. Since you saved me. Since you selfishly left me on my own. Hana and Maxwell are still missing. Liam’s doing the best he can to track them down. He checks in on me every now and then, but his time’s pretty limited now-a-days. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a king.

Savannah and Bartie are staying at my duchy while Bertrand’s busy looking for Maxwell. I’ve been throwing myself into my work, focusing on all the courtly duties you’d probably make fun of. I keep telling myself that’s why I haven’t gone to visit you yet, but we both know that’s a lie. Truth is… It hurts too much.

The only time I leave the estate now is to go with Savannah to the hospital. She and Bartie go visit you, while I talk to your doctor. He keeps saying you’ll wake up soon, and to have faith, but I can tell they’re losing hope. Savannah would go on walks with me in the garden, telling me stories about when you were younger. I think she’s afraid to leave me alone.

A few days after the homecoming ball, I couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that I’m the reason you’re not here. Knowing that because of me, you missed your nephew’s first birthday. Knowing that I never got to tell you just how much you mean to me  that I love you  what our time together meant to me.

She found me when she got home. Chance kept on barking and scratching at the bathroom door. She called Liam, who came over immediately, and an ambulance. Liam broke down the door, and helped her carry me out of the bathtub. Apparently, you’re the only one whose aloud to be selfish…

I told everyone I needed a break. That I wanted to go visit some old friends in New York. Savannah offered to come with me, but I told her she had to stay in Cordonia for if when you woke up. She nodded and arranged for my travels. What she doesn’t know is that I’m not coming back. That I can’t come back.

So, that brings us to now. Now I’m sitting here writing this in my old bar, where we first met. I order a bottle of your favorite whiskey and a deluxe burger. After I finish eating, I plan on mailing this letter, then going to my secret spot I took you and the guys to, having a bonfire, finishing the bottle, and jumping off the cliff.

If you ever read this I want you to know… I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough. I’m sorry I didn’t have enough faith to wait for you. I’m sorry this is how our story ended. I’m sorry I never got to say I love you. Goodbye.

Forever yours,


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