Free – Imogen x F!MC

Title: Free

Summary: Imogen suffers from night terrors after the events following everything that happened to her friends and family, unable to fully cope for everything Imogen feels herself falling through the cracks. Audrey, however, will do anything to help Imogen get through the pain.

Word Count: 1200+

A/N: Hey y’all! I present to you an Imogen ficbc I needed it in my life. I love her. No warnings, it’s pretty fluffy with a pinch of angst. Link to masterlist in the bio if you want to see any of my other works! Anyways thanks for stopping by (fc is Ashley Moore)!


Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!

Her hand shakes Imogen’s shoulder, whispering her name in the still of the night. Her eyes flare in worry as she tries to wake her lover lying in front of her thrashing in the bed her brows creased in terror as though she were fending off the beasts that attacked her last summer. The night terrors were frequent for her, and Audrey hated to see the love of her life so distraught and torn up.

Imogen wakes with a yell leaving her lips, her face heavy with sweat and her hands gripping the sheets as she pants heavily trying to find herself in the room. Audrey’s arms encircle Imogen in a hug, holding her tightly to her body, Imogen’s face burrowing into Audrey’s chest as she registers her surroundings. “It’s okay, baby girl,” She tries to comfort her scared lover, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “I’m here.”

“Audrey… I’m sorry…” She whispers through labored breaths, the sweat on her face rubbing off onto the blanket and fabric of Audrey’s t-shirt.

“Shh..” Audrey quietly hushes Imogen’s apologies, not wanting to hear them. She knew how hard it was for Imogen still, to have someone who loved her and cared about her feelings in all capacities, she only ever came close to this feeling with Kyle. “You’re okay, I’m okay, everything is okay.”

Imogen nods as tears stain Audrey’s nightshirt, her hands finding their landing on Audrey’s shirt the fabric curling around her tight grasp with the soft billowing of Imogen’s cries filling the room. She hated feeling like this, she hated feeling weak even after everything that happened in the both of their lives, she was mad at herself for letting her own mind betray her every night she tried to sleep. Imogen would find reasons not to fall asleep anymore, every time her eyes closed she saw her mother’s face in her mind and hear her mouth coughing out her name right before she died. See the light leaving her dad’s eyes as the monster tore into him, knowing only moments before their last interaction would be a fight. Seeing Diavolos or Kyle.. she pushes the thoughts away before they can take over again.

Audrey hums softly a sweet melody to help calm Imogen’s nerves, as her hands move soothingly against her girlfriend’s back. “Do you want to talk about it, love?” Her voice softer and gentler, encouraging Imogen to calm down and relax from the night terror.

“I’m sorry…” Imogen mutters through her hiccuping cries. “I don’t mean to keep putting you through all of this, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Hey, none of that. You’re not allowed to apologize for this or for anything, you hear me? Your feelings are valid Imogen, you’ve… you’ve been through so much in these past few months.” Audrey leans back, taking Imogen’s face in her hands, a smile spreading across her lips as she looks at her worn out lover. “You’re a fighter, baby. There is nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect the way you are.” She leans down and pressing a kiss to Imogen’s cheeks, brushing away her tears as she does, moving to kiss the other side to do the same, receiving a sorrowful giggle in response as the corner of Imogen’s lips tug upwards despite her tears.

“You’re so good to me, Audrey.” She brushes her nose against Audrey’s, “How’d I get so lucky?”

“By being you.” She moves to lay down pulling Imogen half on top of her, letting her head fall onto her chest as she runs her fingers up and down Imogen’s arm. She peers her gaze away from Imogen to look at the ceiling where they hung plastic sticker stars. She directs Imogen’s attention to the stars glimmering in the dark with a green hue, “Remember what we said when we put those up?”

Imogen bites her bottom lip to suppress a smile, as she brushes her hand against her cheek drying her tears. “Yeah, do you?”

“The universe is in our grasp.” Audrey smiles looking down at Imogen, who stares up at the ceiling in childlike wonder and thought, she brushes her thumb against Imogen’s face who turns her attention to her girlfriend. “I see the universe in your eyes.”

“You’re so…” Imogen laughs afterwards shaking her head, “You’re so sweet.” She rolls over to position herself over Audrey, leaning down to brush her lips sweetly against hers. A jolt of passion shoots through the both of them, as they linger softly against each other, the sweetness of Imogen’s chapstick tingles on Audrey’s mouth as she presses her forehead against her girlfriends once Imogen breaks the kiss. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me for being kind to you Imogen.” Audrey smiles, brushing hair out of Imogen’s face, tucking the loose black strands of curly hair behind her ear, pressing her thumb into Imogen’s cheek afterwards laying her hand down across her precious skin. Imogen leans into the touch, savoring the sweetness of the moment, cherishing any moment she got to spend with her girlfriend and every small amount of affection made her heart sing songs.

“I don’t mean for being kind to me, Audrey…I mean for everything.” She falls beside her form, taking Audrey’s hand into her own, bringing it to her lips to place a gentle kiss on her each of her fingertips. “You always save me when everything hurts. You always greet me with a smile when I wake up, you kiss me so tenderly I think you might melt in my arms. You.. you saved me.”

“You saved yourself, I just helped. All of this… is you.” Audrey gestures around to everything around them, the entire house they live in the life they share together, there’s everything and anything to be grateful for when she has Imogen. “You let Elliot and I move in with you, you helped us when we had nowhere to go. I didn’t think…. I didn’t know what would happen after Grandpa died saving us bringing down Josephine… I-”

“It’s okay, Audrey,” Imogen whispers. “Don’t push yourself.”

“No I want to say this, I need too. YOU saved ME. You saved Elliot. You.. you came back to the house even after everything, when Elliot and I stumbled out of that house half alive you caught us and helped me keep Elliot up…you’re my strength, Imogen.”

“Audrey…” Imogen whimpers, a soft smile on her lips as she wills herself not to cry.

“Thank you, Imogen. For everything, you’ve done for me. Because of you, we’re free.. You held me together, you made me believe in us, every moment we stole together in the sewers, at the party, everywhere you gave me something more than Elliot to fight for.” Imogen doesn’t respond but merely pulls Audrey into a kiss, her hands so gentle on Audrey’s face she’s afraid she might break her if she holds on too hard. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, Audrey.” Imogen sniffles, staring back into Audrey’s warm eyes. Imogen’s arms wrap around Audrey’s torso, pulling her into her arms as Audrey giggles falling on top of her. The pair meld into one, falling into the sweet pleasure of one another’s touch and support, Audrey’s hands burying in Imogen’s curly locks. The stars peek through the windows of the lovers’ bedroom, illuminating the outlines of them in the dark of night… hope continuing to build in the freedom of their new life.

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