frogs in space

a/n: soulmate au in which they can communicate through thoughts
summary: it’s 4am and sean would really like to finally go to sleep but his soulmate decided to think about tomorrow’s job interview, sean’s birthday and- frogs in space

Seven-years-old Sean couldn’t wait to finally meet his soulmate. He just wanted to lay in bed and still be able to talk to the one person in the world who’s destined for him. And to be clear he didn’t like the idea that he had to wait another eight years since that’s when he’d know who’s his soulmate.

And at first, it was so amazing and incredible and well… helpful to communicate with his soulmate through thoughts because – much to Sean’s disappointment his soulmate – Ashton lived pretty far away from him. And there wasn’t really a way for Sean to visit him as much as he’d want to so until college the whole soulmate fiasco was their only way – the most real way to communicate.

But now, almost six years later there were moments when Sean wished he could go back to those early years when Ashton and he was just figuring out the communication part.

Because as much as he loved Ashton – and he loved him so so much, there were times when Sean just wanted to be alone with nothing but silence in his mind or was just mentally exhausted but sometimes Ashton couldn’t take a hint.

Just like tonight.

Sean was so tired from working all day and as soon as he got home he just wanted to take a quick shower, change in his PJs and simply go to sleep. But as soon as his head landed on the pillow he discovered it wasn’t gonna happen.

Firstly, Ashton was stressing about his new job and if he’s even gonna get it. And since Sean talked to his soulmate about this he decided to not get involved again and just wait and hope Ashton will eventually fall asleep.

But no because as soon as Ashton stopped thinking about his job interview the next day he started thinking about Sean’s birthday which was next month. And even though Sean wanted to be annoyed about Ashton keeping him up late he could just feel all the love almost illuminating through Ashton’s thoughts and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

And after this train of thoughts, there was nothing but sweet silence… at least for a few seconds. Because as soon as Sean let out a content sigh and was ready to finally fall asleep the imagine of frogs in space suddenly popped into his mind. He clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes and when he looked at the clock he found out it’s already four in the morning. And if they’d been living together Sean would most definitely punch Ashton with a pillow right about now but since they weren’t living together yet he couldn’t do that.

“Babe, why the hell are you thinking about frogs in space at 4am? I’m trying to sleep and now I’m thinking about frogs in space suits too.”

“But don’t you think they’d look so cute in their little space suits?” Wasn’t really the answer Sean was hoping to receive.

“You know I’m not the biggest frogs fan.” Sean rolled his eyes to himself.

“I don’t need to see you, to know you’re rolling your eyes at me right now,” Ashton stated.

“Well, I wouldn’t do that if you just stopped thinking about it at freaking four in the morning. I just wanna sleep.” Sean sighed. “Are you stress-thinking again? Is it because of your new job?”

“If the job was mine I wouldn’t be stressed about it. I just don’t want to blow it! You know this is basically my dream job!”

“And you’ll be fine Ashton. You got this. I love you and I believe in you!”

“I wish I could kiss you right now.” Sean was more than sure Ashton was pouting in that very moment.

“Hey, two more days and we’ll be finally able to move in together. Then you can kiss me whenever you want. I won’t be complaining.” Sean chuckled. “But now, please get some sleep. We both know you’re gonna nail this and I’ll be there before the interview to boost your confidence even more, okay?”

“Okay. I love you, Sean.”

“Love you too.”

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