From the Ashes

From the Ashes
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is day 7 of the advent challenge. Just a little Jax/Mc drabble.
Pairing- Jax x MC
Summary- Lilith contemplates the cycle of life and how not everything is meant to turn to dust.
Rating- PG-13

Lilith set the edge of the paper on fire, watching it turn to ash before her eyes.

She knew that if she stuck her hand in there, it probably wouldn’t even hurt and if it did, she would be fine in a minute or two. Unlike the paper, she would be unscathed by the flame.

No scars. No ashes.

She fed another piece to the candle.

“Is there a reason you are burning things?”

Lilith turned to see Jax watching her.

“Are you burning secret documents?”

“Nothing that exciting,” she admitted, “just blank paper. I am just… It becomes ash. It just ends. But I didn’t. I died and I am still here.”

Jax moved closer, “yes you are,” he wrapped his arms around her, as if to prove that to himself. Lilith snuggled into his embrace, letting herself be distracted from the candle.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” she recited, “but not for us.”

It was the natural order of things, but it no longer applied to her. To either of them.

“No,” Jax agreed, “not for us.” He gazed down at her, “are you going to continue setting things on fire or can I persuade you to do something else?”

Lilith smirked, “it depends, what are you offering?”

Jax turned her in his arms, so they were facing each other, then lowered his lips to hers, pressing her body close to his. “How about this to start?”

“I could be persuaded,” Lilith admitted, pressing herself even closer, “what else have you got?”

Instead of answering her with words, Jax kissed her again, his hands running up and down her body, setting a heat through her that put the burning candle to shame. She was not ash. She was fire, they both were and together they would keep burning as long as the world kept turning.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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