From the Shadows

From the Shadows
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I plan on creating an MC for Syphax, but this fic features my Antony (and Cassius) MC, Portia. This is Syphax’s interpretation of Portia’s first meeting with Antony and helps me establish Portia as a character from a third party perspective, someone who loves her.
Rating- PG-13
Pairing- Syphax/MC (unrequited), Marc Antony/MC
Summary- Syphax reflects on Portia’s first meeting with Antony.
Words- 1137

Syphax watched, his body on alert, as Portia interacted with Marc Antony. Antony’s presence at the party had been an unexpected complication, a quick glance at Cassius confirmed that he was not the only one who felt that way, and the way the other man had zeroed in on Portia set him on edge.

Portia did not seem to share that apprehension, flirting with Antony with ease. Syphax knew it was her job, what she had been trained to do, but it made him uneasy. And perhaps something else that he refused to name.

He stiffened as Antony tugged at Portia’s wrist, pulling her down next to him. Yet, he stayed still, knowing any movement would be over-stepping since Portia had engaged in the game of flirtation. Yet, even knowing that, it was all he could do not to react when Antony made the comment about conquering Gaul.

Syphax glanced at Portia, knowing how she reacted to references to her home and ready to whisk her away if necessary, but if she was distressed she hid it well. In fact, there was a little smile on her face, as if she was pleased by Antony’s attention. Syphax could not help but notice the way her eyes lingered on Antony even as Cassius and Syphax discussed the distressing implications of news he had delivered.

Indeed, it was to Antony’s side she returned after speaking to Senator Julius. Syphax understood that Antony was powerful and that his presence here spoke of greater things, but Portia’s continued interactions with the man set him on edge.

Antony moved to leave and Portia followed him, which meant Syphax did as well, doing his best to keep to the shadows. It was more difficult than it should have been, his instincts screaming at him to shield Portia from Antony. However, that was not his job, his job was to intervene only when necessary so he stayed still but vigilant as Portia pumped Antony for information about Legate Aquila, tensing as Antony’s grin turned hard. “You don’t want to play games with me, girl. You won’t like losing.”

Antony stepped closer and Syphax went into action, stepping between the two. “Portia is under my protection,” he warned.

Antony gave Syphax a lingering look that reeked of insult, but those looks had long lost their power over him. He was used to the men of Rome and their arrogance.

“Very brave… Very impressive,” Antony drawled mockingly and then his tone darkened, “but I wanted to hurt her, no denair-a-day backwater bodyguard would be able to stop me.”

Syphax ignored the insult, but he tensed at the implied threat to Portia and automatically moved to step closer and put his body between Portia and Antony, but she stopped him with a raise of her hand.

“Syphax, I can handle myself,” Portia scolded lightly. She gave him a reassuring smile as she murmured, “I have it under control.”

Syphax glanced from her to Antony, wary but knowing Portia had the final say. “If you say so…”

Antony gave them both an appraising look before climbing into his litter, his eyes seeming to lock with Portia’s and another charged look passing between them.

“Don’t get involved with Marc Antony, Portia,” Syphax warned as soon as the litter passed out of earshot. “He’s far more dangerous than he appears.”

He waited for Portia to deny interest in Antony, to assure him that she was only using him for information. To his dismay, she merely cocked her head. “He appears pretty dangerous.” There was no fear in her voice, just curiosity.

“The man has all of Ceasar’s ambition and none of his scruples,” Syphax scolded, hoping the mention of the man that Portia hated most in the world would work to kill whatever interest was brewing now.

“And the backing of his army…” Portia mused, her eyes lighting up in a way that made his stomach twist. He had never seen her look like that before, so intrigued, as if the mention of Antony’s power excited her rather than made her way, as it should.

Still, he tried one more time. “Whatever you’re trying with him, be careful. He could turn on you quicker than an asp can bite.”

Portia nodded, placing her hand on his arm. He had to force himself not to react to the simple gesture. “Thank you for looking out for me,” she told him lightly, “I promise not to do anything foolish.”

But as she stepped back, her eyes cast another look down the street in the direction Antony had disappeared and Syphax had a feeling that they had different ideas of foolish.

“You should go back inside,” He scolded gently, knowing that there was no point in warning her further. Portia would make her own decisions concerning Antony and he would have to stand back and watch.

“Protect her from own worse impulses,” Lena had tasked eight years earlier and he wanted badly to do that now, to step in and keep Portia as far from Antony as possible, but he knew that was outside his duties. He could guide her and warn her, but if Portia chose to seek the company of a powerful and dangerous man like Antony, there was nothing he could do to stop her.

For now, he settled for guiding her back to Cassius, relaxing once Portia was safely in the Senator’s company. While he trusted no Roman, Cassius seemed decent and if Syphax had to watch Portia woo another, and he did, Cassius was a good choice. He would be kind to her and treat her well.

Yet, even as Portia wooed Cassius with her graces, it was Antony that was on Syphax’s mind. He knew Portia would ignore his advice. If she believed Antony was the best way to achieve her goals, then there was nothing in the world that would stop her from pursuing him.

From the time Portia had arrived at the scholae she had set out to be the best courtesan Lena had ever trained, taking in pride in mastering the Roman arts instead of letting them master her. She had spent eight years training herself for this night, for the chance at revenge and Syyphax had spent eight years watching her, knowing that someday he would have to step back and let her do this.

She was not his.

It was something he knew he would need to constantly remind himself. Portia belonged to the scholae and to herself, he had no claim to her… And she had given him no indication that she wished otherwise. He remembered how she had rejected his offer of friendship earlier, reminding him of their roles. Whatever he felt for her, it was obviously not reciprocated.

He was her bodyguard, nothing more. And he would do everything in his power to keep her physically safe, but as he remembered the way she had looked at Antony, Syphax wondered if he would be able to protect Portia from the greatest threat: herself.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

6 thoughts on “From the Shadows”

  1. I love seeing this story told from Syphax’s POV – especially knowing that he’s in love with Portia, but she’s so focused on her agenda (and maybe her attractions) that she just doesn’t see him that way. And Portia rebuked him, which only makes his jealousy that much stronger – but even moreso, it was interesting to see the differences in how he feels about her being with Cassius vs. being with Antony. He reviles Antony and sees him as everything Portia *should* hate, and yet it’s obvious even to him there’s an attraction there. As always, looking forward to more of this story!

    1. Thank you! He is in love with Portia and she has no idea. She’s not in a place where she will let herself care about anyone. And yes, he definitely views Cassius as the acceptable coices and hates everything about Antony but he knows Portia well enough that he can see what she doesn’t even really see yet, how drawn she is to Antony and it terrifies him.

  2. This was amazing … I loved hearing from Syphax’s POV. As much as it pained him, he just wants her to be safe … it was so sweet that he guides her towards Cassius versus Antony. Loved it 💕

    1. Thank you! Yes, Syphax cares for her and he wants her to be safe and happy and he’s worried that her instincts with lead her into destruction. If she has to be in this sitaution, belonging to someone else, he’d much rather it be Cassius

  3. Whew, Syphax I don’t envy your task, Portia is writing the rules of this game, lol. I feel for him though, having to balance his feelings for the girl who has eyes set on something that may or may not destroy her in the end. But I loved this piece! Getting to be inside Syphax’s mind ironically gives more insight on Portia (which was your intent, and I think it totally worked!)

    1. I felt terrible for Syphax and yes, it was a lot of fun to examine the scene from his eyes. It gave me new persepctive on both Portia and Antony and how the dynamic is viewed from the outside. Syphax can see the danger Antony posses so much clearer than Portia can and he understands Portia’s darker impulses. Thank you so much for the review!

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