Full Circle

Full Circle
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own “The Freshman” (or “The Sophomore”) or any of the characters, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed.

Author’s Note- I actually wrote this a while ago, but never got around to publishing it (many because I wasn’t quite sure how to end it). It’s a fluffy Freshman piece set at the end of Senior year.

Pairing- Chris/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- The gang plays one last game of “truth or truth”.

Words- 1378


“This is it,” Zack announced, leaning back in his chair, “our last night at Hartfield.”

“Four years have gone by too quick,” I commented, looking around at the five other people in the room. My first friends at Hartfield and the people responsible for many of the good memories I had of the previous four years.

“How should we celebrate?” Tyler asked, his arm around Abbie’s shoulder.

“With one last game of truth or truth!” Kaitlyn yelled out excitedly. She looked at all of us. “Please.”

“Don’t you know all our truths by now?” Zack grumbled with an eye-roll.

“We can get creative,” Kaitlyn said enthusiastically. “Come on guys, what better send off than to recreate our first night together?”

“I agree,” Chris said, wrapping his arm around me. “I think it could be fun. Bring back old memories.”

I shrugged. “I’m in.” The game was pretty fun. Plus we already knew so much about each other, what were a few more questions? And it was our last night together and it could be nice to recreate that first night.

I remembered how nervous I had been, but how I had felt connected to these five people right from the start. Plotting with Zack to get Abbie and Tyler together, bonding with Kaitlyn, falling for Chris…  That night had been the beginning of a fantastic four years.

“I can’t believe that four years later, we’re still playing this game,” Abbie grumbled good-naturedly.

“What can I say, it was a brilliant invention,” Kaitlyn said with fake modesty, doing a little bow. She looked around the circle, obviously trying to decide on her first victim. “Zack.”

“Hit me,” Zack said with an easy grin.

“Of the guys you hooked up with at Hartfield, who was the best kisser?”

“Jacob,” Zack said after a moment with a grin, referencing a guy he hooked up with Sophomore year. “I mean, neither of us was interested in pursuing anything serious but we had fun together and he was a really great kisser.”

Zack turned to Tyler. “What was your biggest slacker moment of the last four years?”

“Blowing off class for a D&D session because we were in the middle of an epic battle and didn’t want to wait,” Tyler admitted. “I think that session ended up lasting 10 hours all together until we were starting to fall asleep in our chairs.”

“At least you didn’t slack off an entire term,” Kaitlyn pointed, making a face. “I still can’t believe I did that or that you guys managed to help me pass.”

“That’s what friends are for,” I reminded her with a smile. “And we all had some slip-ups over the four years, but we’ve been there for each other. Friends forever.”

Tyler smiled at me. “On that note, Savannah, how did you and Becca become friends? One moment you hated each other and the next, she was joining us at Aurora and then she was living with you guys and you’ve never said a word about how that happened.”

“It was Freshman year, I had a bad night. I was fighting with Zig and Kaitlyn and James and Chris and I went to the bar to drown my sorrows,” I admitted, “Becca was there and she ended up giving me a ride home and letting me crash at her place for the night and I saw a new side of her and I think after that, neither of us saw the point of being enemies and then, gradually that became friendship.”

We were still friends. She had graduated two years earlier, but we kept in touch by text and e-mail. She had never become an easy person to be around, and the others had never really warmed to her, but Logan had been right when he’d said she was a great person to have on your team. I had experience having Becca as an enemy and as an ally and I’d much rather have her on my side.

I paused, considering my victim. “Abbie, what’s your weirdest hook-up story?”

Tyler choked on his beer and Abbie turned bright red at my question.

Kaitlyn grinned. “Savannah brings her A game!”

Abbie took a huge sip of her wine before answering. “In the woods when we were camping with his parents. We snuck away for a little while and found a nice secluded spot to hook up, except it was dark, so we didn’t check our surroundings properly and we ended up in a patch of poison ivy. We were both itchy for a week in very uncomfortable places.”

We all burst into laughter trying to picture that.

“I know I shouldn’t laugh,” Zack said between bursts of laughter, “but…”

“I can’t help it,” I finished for him. “That must have been awful.”

Abbie turned to Chris. “What about you Chris, where’s the wildest place you’ve ever hooked up?”

The question was obviously meant to get back at me, but I just grinned unrepentantly. I didn’t embarrass easily. Chris was quiet for a moment, pondering four years worth of hook-ups and trying to pick the best one.

“It shouldn’t take this long to come up with an answer,” Zack teased, “are you saying that the two of you don’t have one wild hook-up story? I refuse to believe it.”

“It’s more about narrowing it down to just one,” Chris said, his arm tight around my waist. He smiled down at me, “what do you think, Savannah? Football stadium, corn maze, or classroom?”

“Corn maze,” I answered with a grin, remembering our long-ago road-trip. “Though foyer of a fancy L.A mansion is up there too.”

Our friends all stared at us.

“Damn,” Zack said admiringly. “You two aren’t afraid of a little danger, are you?”

I laughed. “Not particularly. The risk is part of the fun.” Though somehow we had managed to never get caught. I grinned at Chris. “It’s not my fault that he’s so irresistible.”

I’m the irresistible one?” Chris asked, kissing my neck, “you are underestimating yourself.”

Everyone groaned.

“You’d think after all this time, you’d have gotten sick of each other,” Zack said with a groan. “Or at least stopped being so cute.”

“I think they’ll be cute forever,” Kaitlyn said, shooting Chris a look I didn’t quite understand. “Chris, it’s your turn to ask a question. If you can let go of Savannah long enough.”

“I guess I can do that,” Chris said, gently moving me off his lap. He picked up my hand instead and looked directly into my eyes, my first indication that this wasn’t your typical truth or truth question. “Savannah, will you marry me?”

I stared at him for a moment, afraid that I had heard him wrong.

“The night we met, I had a feeling that my whole had just changed,” Chris continued, “I fell a little in love with you that night and I’ve kept falling deeper every night of the last four years and I never want that to end. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you’ll have me.”

“Yes!” I answered, throwing my arms around him. “A thousand times yes! Of course, I’ll marry you.”

Our friends started cheering and started crowding around Chris and me to congratulate us.

“OMG!” Abbie exclaimed, jumping up and down before giving me a hug. “I’m so happy for you both.”

“Congrats!” Zack said, giving Chris a high five.

Kaitlyn pulled me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you. You guys are just perfect together.”

“You knew!” I accused good-naturedly, realizing that this had all been a set-up.

She laughed. “Yes. Chris enlisted my help to come up with the perfect proposal and what better than re-creating the night you met?”

“It was a great night.” I agreed. The rest of the first semester hadn’t been so great between Chris and me, but things had started off well. That first night, and our first kiss, would always be one of my favorite memories. I was also happy he had done it like this, so our friends could be there since they’d been such a big part of our story and I hoped they always would be.

Things were changing, but I honestly believed that our friendship would last forever, just like Chris and I’s love.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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