Gaining Clarity

Gaining Clarity
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters of The Crown and The Flame, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is my first attempt at writing Dom. I got a fic request for “People are staring” and Dom/Sei (which is my preferred Dom pairing). This takes place during the victory celebration and there is a mention of Kenna/Diavolos as well,  because I can’t resist. I find Sei hard to write, so hopefully I did her justice.

Pairing- Dom/Sei, mention of Kenna/Diavolos.

Rating- PG

Summary- Dom clears up a few things for Sei in regards to his feelings.

Words- 308


Dom was trying to find Kenna since he had barely had a chance to talk to her all evening. He caught sight of her, talking to Prince Diavolos, and was going to step forward when he saw the big man sweep her off her feet and turn in the direction of the castle, Kenna’s happy laughter ringing in the air. Ok, apparently this wasn’t the moment to catch up with Kenna.

He smiled, it was good to hear Kenna laugh like that. After everything, she deserved to be happy. Though he planned on having an “I can roast you alive if you hurt her” conversation with Diavolos at some point in the future.

“Are you ok, Lowlander?”

He turned to see Sei and saw that she was also watching the couple disappear into the castle. She was looking at him carefully, obviously studying his reaction.

“I’m great,” he answered and then paused, realizing what she was asking. “Oh, you mean Kenna. As long as she’s happy, I think it’s great.” He was still a little surprised by her choice, but Diavolos had proven his loyalty and as long as he made Kenna happy, that was all that mattered. “Kenna and I are just friends.”

He grinned at the look of surprise on Sei’s face. “I thought the other night would have given you a good idea of where I stood.”

Dom could have sworn there was a faint blush on her cheeks, hidden by her face paint, but he wisely resisted the urge to laugh. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. “How about that? Does that clear it up?”

“People are staring.” She hissed, but she was smiling.

“I guess we should go somewhere more private then, shouldn’t we?” He suggested.

She gave him a confident smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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