get naked, baby!

a/n: it’s kinda steamy? i wouldn’t say nsfw but yeah
summary: another day, another training except this time kenji has an idea how to make things more interesting and… enjoyable

“So I was thinking.” Kenjie started when Chris and he were in the elevator.

“That can’t be good.” Chris teased and Kenji playfully hit him on the arm.

“Rude.” Kenji rolled his eyes. “As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me… Wanna do something a little different today?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“I don’t know if I like where this is going. Also, what can you possibly do differently in our training session?” Chris asked as they entered the gym.

“C’mon Blak Hunter” Kenji winked stepping closer to his boyfriend. “Use this pretty brain of yours.” He whispered slapping Chris’ ass.

“First of all, anything is possible with you, Kenji.” Chris chuckled. “So don’t make me guess. And second of all, I truly have no idea what can we do differently. So please just tell me?”

“I was hoping we can spice things up a little bit. We would fight against each other and whoever loses has to take an article of clothing.” Kenji explained. “Or we can do things like always if you’re too afraid you’re gonna lose, babe.”

“You know I’d never say no to seeing you naked. Come at me, Katsaros.” Chris said turning around and taking Kenji by surprise he threw him to the ground with one swift move. “I guess I’m already in the lead,” Chris said with his face close to Kenji’s.

“That was super unfair,” Kenji stated, taking off his shirt. “But since this was your first and definitely the last thing I will be taking of tonight, I won’t argue about it.” He tossed the shirt somewhere in the corner. “Time to get naked, baby!” He clapped his hands and without another word sprinted into Chris’ direction.

But they fought together, side by side for so long now, It wasn’t this easy to fool Chris. He knew Kenji and his fighting style too well to make it easy for him – and it goes both ways.

punches were thrown, teasing remarks were made, some sneaky distraction was also added to the mix but still before the next piece of clothing was taken off, almost an hour passed.

“I forgot how much fun it was to fight against you,” Kenji said wiping the sweat from his forehead while Chris was taking his shirt off.

“You can always become a supervillain and we would have plenty more opportunities to fight each other,” Chris smirked and started to throw punches again.

“You’d miss me too much.” Kenji exhorted and blocked Chris. “But then again, Black Hunter dating a villain? Uuu I’d like to see that.” He snickered.

“Oh you’re all for drama, don’t you?” Chris laughed landing on the ground once again.

“Less talking, more stripping, darling. Or do you need a hand with that?” Kenji asked tugging on Chris’ sweatpants.

“I think I can handle that,” Chris assured him, slowly – painfully slowly stripped out of his pants.

“You’re losing but you’re enjoying it way too much O’Neal.

They were fighting and fighting for hours – neither one ready to give up or let the other win but eventually both of them had only boxers on. They were both sweaty as hell and more than ready to get this sexual tension over with so they could just hop in the shower together and head home to relax a little.

But since they both were super stubborn it was obvious that this one and final round will probably be the hardest and longest. And because at this point Chris just wanted to end this he smirked at Kenji yet again and still panting just flew to him and lifted him up a little but Kenji wasn’t having it and soon he managed to loosen Chris’ grip on him and gracefully landed on the floor while making some cheesy joke which only made Chris roll his eyes.

“Ready to lose?” Kenji exclaimed while literally dragging Chris to the floor by his leg. “You won’t escape me that easily.” He added a few seconds later when he pinned Chris to the ground. “I guess it’s time for you to take these of.” He slapped Chris’ ass and with one final move made him surrender.

“Next time you’re the naked one.” Chris declared, laughing and took off the last thing that was on his, now naked body.

“Oh boy!! You’re a snack!” Kenji commented with a huge grin on his face and walk up to kiss his boyfriend.

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