Giving In

Summary: Charlie thinks she just wants to be friends with benefits but Bryce wants more. Will Charlie give in?

Charlie feels a hand slip into the back pocket of her scrub pants and give her a squeeze as she stands at the nurses station reading through charts. She turns to see who it is, but she already knows. “Dr. Lahela, I’m not sure that’s appropriate workplace behavior. I may need to have a chat with HR.”

Bryce scans the area and drops his voice low. “Make sure to tell them about the time you jumped me in the supply closet on our first day, and when we made and while spying on Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Banerji, and-”

“Shh!” Charlie presses a finger to his lips. “I suppose I walked right into that, but now you are making me wish I had time to sneak away with you to violate the employee code of conduct again.”

Bryce shakes his head. “Dr. Hawkins, I’m beginning to think you only want me for my body.”

“Can you blame me?” Her gaze sweeps over him from head to toe. Even in his hospital issued surgical scrubs, he always seems to look like some hot model who stepped off the pages of a surfing magazine.

Bryce’s face falls momentarily before his ever present smile reappears. “Let’s go out, Charlie. On a real date.”

They haven’t discussed the terms, but this is supposed to just be a casual thing, at least as far as Charlie is concerned. “It’s not like we haven’t ever. We saw that band the one time and then hung out at my housewarming party.”

“The party doesn’t really count,” Bryce argues.

“I let you sleep in my bed!” Which Charlie worried in the morning had been a mistake. Sleepovers are a couple-y thing and they are not a couple.

Bryce shakes his head. “So back to the issue at hand, how does tomorrow night sound. You are off, right?”

“Actually, I picked up a shift for Landry, and I’m just super busy this week, but maybe tonight after our shifts I could come over to your place.” It would be easier to just leave his place than to have to kick Bryce out of hers.

“But it will be midnight by the time we get back. That doesn’t leave any time for any date-like activities.” Just then Bryce’s pager buzzes and he checks the screen. “I gotta run, but we’ll continue this discussion later.”


Charlie makes her way to the staff locker room after an extra long shift once again. It’s quiet at this off time as most of the outgoing shift has gone home and the night shift is already out on the floor, so she’s quite surprised to find a freshly showered Bryce inside, standing in his underwear.

“I’m getting a sense of deja vu here.” Charlie takes off her scrub top and moves to close the space between them. Up close she can tell that even the smell of his shampoo is reminiscent of the beach.

Bryce braces her hips, keeping a short distance between them. “Are you trying to seduce me so I’ll forget about our earlier conversation? Sorry, Charlie, but you are going to have to wine and dine me first if you want me to put out.”

Charlie chuckles. “When did you become such a prude?”

“Since I’ve noticed you keep trying to shut me out. The sex is great, incredible really, but I want to get to know you better. And I want you to like me for more than just my hands, and my mouth, and my-” Bryce shifts his eyes down towards the bulge in his boxer briefs.

“Oh, Bryce…” Charlie slides her arms around his waist and pulls him as close as he allows. “I like all of you.” She does, this isn’t a lie, but it’s also what scares her so much.

“Then show me. I’ll even meet you halfway and keep it simple. You can come by my place, get some takeout for dinner, watch a movie, talk…” Bryce waits eagerly for a reply.

“Well that doesn’t sound terrible, and I do get off at 7 tomorrow.”

“It’s a date!” Bryce flashes a big toothy grin. Charlie backs him up against the lockers and kisses him deeply. Bryce reciprocates briefly before pushing her away. “Save it for tomorrow.”


Charlie arrives at Bryce’s place shortly after 8pm. It’s an older building but well maintained and his decor is not far off from what she would have expected – simple, modern, dark colors. She’s always caught of guard when she sees him in anything outside of his hospital attire, and she’s really liking the patterned light gray button-down and slim-fitting dark jeans on him. She watches his eyes roam over her juniper green belted shirt dress down to her tan booties and lets out a low whistle. “You look hot, Charlie.”

She smiles but waves him off. “You always say that.” She will admit her dress looks good on and she wore that color because she knows it brings out the green in her eyes.

“That’s because it’s always true.” Bryce kisses her on the cheek.

“Well, same to you. Even in your hospital issued scrubs.” Charlie takes in the scenery in more detail while Bryce takes her bag and sets it off the side. She notices the small kitchen table already set up with plates of sushi and wine glasses.

Bryce pulls out a chair for her. “Have a seat,” he instructs before retrieving a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator. “I don’t know much about wine, but they said this riesling pairs well with sushi.”

“Riesling is one of my favorites, and I Iove sushi.” She takes a sip of the crisp, fruity wine after Bryce pours her a glass. “Mmm. It’s perfect.” They chat about their days as they eat and work their way towards deeper conversation.

“I have a very serious and important question for you,” Bryce announces.

“Okay…” Charlie nervously fiddles with the napkin on her lap.

“Cat or dog person?”

Charlie lets a laugh but thoughtfully considers her answer. “I like cats well enough, but I’m definitely a dog person.”

“Whew!” Bryce pretends to wipe sweat of his brow. ”If you would have said you hated dogs, it would have been a deal breaker.” His tone is serious but there’s a hint of a smile on his lips.

“So a dog is a requirement of yours?” How is he tricking her into talking about the future?

“I know my schedule doesn’t allow for me to have the time for one now,” Bryce laments, “but eventually, yes. I always had dogs growing up.”

“Me, too! My parents still have our beagle, Max we got when I was in high school. I kind of miss being jumped up on with slobbery kisses every time I come home.”

“I could make that happen for you.”

Charlie rolls her eyes. “Very funny, Bryce. Maybe that’s why your ex called you a golden retriever.”

“Ouch,” Bryce crosses his hands over his heart. “Moving on. Ready to watch a movie?”

They settle the couch and Bryce makes a selection. “Is this okay?”

“A Star is Born,” Charlie observed. “Interesting choice.”

“Did you see Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga at the Oscars? Their chemistry was on fire. I want to see what that’s all about.”

“You are full of surprises, Bryce. I wouldn’t have pegged you for the type to watch the Oscars.”

“Oh, I didn’t,” Bryce admits. “I just saw it trending on Twitter.“

“Wait!” Charlie picks up her phone and opens up Twitter. “Don’t tell me your profile picture is you in your scrubs and a surgical cap.” She types in “Dr. Lahela” because she can picture the whole setup and sure enough, the first thing that pops up is his picture just as she described. “You have quite a following Dr. Lahela.” She scrolls down and reads some comments on his posts. “Dr. Sexy…You can operate on me any day…Woah, I’m not reading that one out loud.”

Bryce grabs her phone and hides it behind one of the couch pillows. “And what about you? Probably too cool for Twitter and would rather go for the artsy aesthetic if Instagram. I bet you have something like a photo of a pretty sunset you took on vacation as your profile picture and a private account so you can be selective who you let in.” He appears to type a couple different names to try before he pulls up a private account and flips the screen to show her. “Am I right?”

Charlie instantly recognizes the photo from her trip to Costa Rica. “You were so far off. It’s a waterfall, not a sunset. She swipes the phone out of his hand and tosses it on a nearby chair.”

“Hey, I was going to request to follow you, Charlotte!”

Charlie raises an eyebrow. “Bold of you to assume I would accept your request.” She dives to retrieve her phone behind Bryce’s back but he grabs her wrists before she can get there.

“You don’t need that anymore tonight.”

“What if the hospital calls?”

“Is your ringer on?” Bryce asks and she nods in response. “Then you don’t need to worry about it. She’s hovering over him and he relaxes his hold so she sinks further onto him, their lips not far apart. “Kiss me, Charlie.”

“What about the movie?” It’s the last thing on her mind right now, but it was his idea.

“You and I both know we would have made it 15-20 minutes tops before we got to this point. No need to delay the inevitable any further, but I do have one condition.” The way he’s looking at her, she knows you won’t be able to say no. “You’re going to stay the night with me, and I’m going to make you breakfast in the morning.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Dr. Lahela.” She leans in and kisses him slow and deep as he releases his grip to untie her belt. The work at removing each other’s clothes piece by piece with kisses in between. “What now?”

“I want you to fuck me, just like this.” Bryce hands her a foil packet and she unrolls it onto his hard length. Straddling his hips, she guides him into her, lowering herself unhurriedly so she can feel every inch. “Fuck you’re so wet, Charlie.”

Bryce reaches up and caresses her breasts as she rides him. He circles her nipples with his thumbs and then tweaks them just hard enough, sending and intense jolt of pleasure straight to her core. She presses her palms against the hard planes of his sculpted, adjusted her angle so her clit is rubbing against him and he’s filling her completely. “Oh my god, Bryce, you feel so good.”

“You’re fucking incredible, Charlie.” Bryce rises to meet her lips and lies back down as she moves atop him faster and faster, pressure building until her dam’s about to burst

Bryce bucks his hip,moving in time with her and suddenly she’s seeing stars as her walls pulse around his cock. “Oh fuck, yes!” she cries out as feeling of euphoria washes over her.

Bryce grabs her ass and pulls her against him as he thrusts up into her. “Fuck me harder, Charlie. I’m so close.” She does as instructed and not long after he lets out a strangled moan as he cums inside her.

Charlie collapses against his chest, resting there while they both catch their breath.  “Ready to head to the bedroom?” Bryce asks, sweeping messy strands of hair from her face.

“Are you tired out already?” Charlie teases, looking up to meet his gaze.

Bryce smirks.”Not yet, but after round two, you won’t be able to move.”


Charlie wakes up to sun peaking through the curtains and quickly remembers she’s in Bryce’s bed. He’s snuggled up against her back side, his arm draped over her, still sleeping soundly. She hadn’t been sure how she would feel this morning, but it wasn’t this. As much as it scares her, It feels perfect, like this is exactly where she wants to be.


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