GNO Part 1

Note: I’ve had this idea for the past several months. I’m still getting it down on paper. Between school and work, I’m not sure when the next part will come..but it will come! I also am missing The Royal Romance so I am currently on a Liam x Riley [even good ol’ Drake x Olivia] hype. Enjoy!

Liam stared at the empty glass in front of him. Before he can decline a refill, Drake eagerly overflows the glass with whiskey before filling his own. It was a rare free night with just the two of them. Like old times, Drake thought as he downed his own shot glass.

“Riley is going to hate you for this,” Liam comments before he too finishes his drink. Drake chuckles as he claps Liam on his shoulder. They both knew he was right.

“Yeah, yeah. Just do whatever you do that keeps that ridiculous smile on her face.”

A smile slowly spreads across Liam’s face, as it always did, whenever he thought of his wife. Drake pours another round for them, attempting to change the subject upon seeing that “Riley smile” on his best friend’s face.

Before he can change the subject Liam interrupts his thoughts.

“I’m not the one who has two women vying for their attention,” Liam’s comment catches Drake off guard as he spits up his drink.

Throwing him a couple napkins off the table, Liam watches at the futile efforts of Drake drying his denim shirt before he finally gives up. He continues to eye him, waiting for a reply.

Sensing Liam’s eyes on him, Drake gives in, “Two women? Did you forget when there were more than 5 women competing to be your wife just last year?”

His comment makes Liam flush with embarrassment. Was it really just last year?  

“All right. All right. But in all honesty, Riley chose me.”

Drake sarcastically nods his head in agreement as he pours himself another drink. He and Liam enjoy a few moments of silence before he finally speaks again.

“What else is there to say? It’s…weird. To be honest, I’m not sure how this happened.”

“Well whatever you do, do it quickly. Lady Kiara and Olivia are not like most women,” Liam’s warning leaves Drake contemplating his words. “These Cordonian women are not to be messed with.”

Olivia and Kiara. Both of these women somehow saw past Drake’s rough exterior. Riley was the only other woman, who wasn’t Savannah, to see that part of him but this was different.

They were alike in so many ways. Both were from noble families. Both grew up in the Cordonian courts and were accustomed to what that life entailed. Strong-willed in every sense of the word and Drake couldn’t deny that both women were exquisite.

But they were also very different. He and Olivia grew up together. He just met Kiara several months ago. He and Olivia knew each other’s likes and dislikes. He barely knew Kiara and she was still trying to figure him out as well. With Olivia it was comfortable and her fierce attitude matched his all too well. But with Kiara it was a welcomed change and he found himself drawn to her charming personality.

It’s Riley’s fault, Drake thinks to himself. She was the one who went out of her way to include him in every event. She was the one who helped make Olivia bearable to be around. She was also the one who made a friend out of Lady Kiara, slowly making her a part of their circle of friends.

Drake looks at his oldest friend who is mesmerized with his phone screen by now, eyes rapidly moving to read a text message. Liam taps away at his phone, grinning from ear to ear. Drake would bet all the whiskey in the world that it was Riley he was texting.

He knew there was no use being away from everyone. Liam never could stand to be away from Riley too long. And now Drake couldn’t get Kiara and Olivia out of his thoughts.

So much for old times, Drake amuses to himself.

Without a word, he slams the empty glass on the table and pulls a surprised Liam up to his feet and out the door.

“Get ready. It’s time to play True Cordonian”, he announces to a mortified Liam.


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