Godsend: Chapter 4

Summary: As the spare to the throne, Liam leaves Cordonia to University in the States. Hoping for some normalcy in a life outside the spotlight, he leaves his comfort zone embarking in new adventures and falling in love for the first time until fate strikes.

Chapter 4: Best Thing I Never Had

It’s 6:00 am when Cathy’s alarm goes off. She opens her eyes slowly, realizing she is in her bedroom. She pulls herself up to a sitting position, wondering how she got there without noticing. ‚I might have sleep walked…‘, she thinks, getting up to get dressed for a short run around the campus before starting her day.

She puts her ear plugs in and runs through the paths she is so used to, her mind keeps going back to Liam and what happened the evening before. ‚How could I be so stupid?‘, she thinks, shaking her head for a second. Thirty minutes later she is walking up the stairs to her apartment and once she walks in, she is greeted by Meg and Drake having breakfast.

„Hey… you’re up already!“, Meghan says handing Cathy a glass of orange juice, „How was your run?“.

„Good morning you two! Good actually… hey, do you guys know how I got to bed?“, she takes a sip of her drink and sits down for a moment.

„Liam carried you to the bedroom“, Drake says, „He was really looking forward to talking to you last night but when we got here you were asleep on the couch“, he takes a sip of coffee.

„Yeah, I asked him to carry you to bed so we could chat for a while in the living room. He is really sorry for what happened on the field last night…“, she grabs her hand and gives a squeeze.

Catherine looks at them, her face is blank, „Well, as I said before, Liam and I aren’t dating… he can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants and it’s none of my business. He can date both girls for all I care!“, she stands up and puts her glass in the dishwasher. „You guys enjoy your breakfast, I need a shower!“

As Cathy leaves the room, Meg glances at Drake, „And then shit hits the fan…“. Drake nods and she continues, „Will these two ever communicate?“.

„Liam is usually good at it but he is so crazy about her… I don’t know, he has never been this insecure“, he sighs. „We have to try to keep this situation from snowballing somehow“.

„I know… We can try to bring them together but in the end it is up to Liam and Cathy“, she stands up and gives Drake a peck on the lips. „Maybe we should plan something for the week, let’s go to the movies all of us and see how things go from there“.

Drake stands up picking up the dishes, „Yeah, let’s do this!“.


Liam is in the library, trying to find a book for one of his Poly Sci classes. He has been trying to keep busy but he spend most of his nights awake, thinking of her. He walks through the aisles, looking for the right one, when suddenly he sees Cathy on the other side of the building, trying to reach for a book.

He watches her for a few seconds and smiles for a brief moment — she looks beautiful wearing her hair up in a messy bun — but his smile soon fades, he knows he messed up badly. He walks around the tables, making his way to her.

„Do you need help with something?“, he says leaning on the bookshelf and smiling at her.

„Erm…“, she glances at him shortly, getting back to the book, „No, thanks. I am fine!”, she says struggling to reach for it. “And congratulations on making the team“.

Liam puts one hand on her back and she stops for a second, breathing in his scent as he gets closer. She looks at him and he gets even closer to her, taking his eyes off her only to grab the book.

“Thanks!”, he says, taking a look at it, „Surgical Intensive Care Medicine… sounds interesting!“. He looks back at her smiling.

„Yes, it is! Thanks for the help but can I have the book now?“, she turns to face him, bitting her lower lip.

„You can but I need a kiss first“, he taps on his cheek, trying to flirt with her.

Cathy rolls her eyes and sighs, „You know what? You can keep it then!“, she shakes her head, walking around him.

Before she can leave, he grabs her hand gently, „Hey, hey… I was just kidding! Of course you can have it!“, he hands it to her.

„Thanks!“, she turns around ready to go and he says:

„Cathy… please listen to me… I am sorry for what happened the other day. You have been ignoring my texts and I know I deserve it but can we please talk about it for a minute?“, he walks up to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.

Cathy turns around to face him, taking two steps away from him, „There is nothing to talk about, Liam. It’s not like you need my permission or anything…“, she shrugs it off. Liam tries to say something but before he can, she says: „We are good, you don’t have to worry about it. I get it… it’s a new country, a new life… you wanna have fun. Just leave me out of this mess, please!“, she looks at the book shortly, „And thanks again!“, she says turning around and leaving.

Liam watches her as she goes, scratching the back of his head and whispers, „Fuck!“. He  closes his eyes, resting his head on his hands for a second. „You bloody idiot…“, he says upset at himself. He sits at the floor, leaning against the bookshelf and staring straight ahead, ‘maybe it’s too soon for that but I need to find a way to break through her walls


A couple of days later, after class, Liam walks into the coffeeshop to meet up with Drake, but he isn’t there yet. He buys himself a coffee and looks for a table for the two of them. He goes through his texts, seeing one from Meghan:

We are going to the movies tonight… all of us… no excuses!

He had planed on studying but he was happy he would get to see Cathy again. Going through his social media feeds, he sees a new selfie she posted with a couple of friends, all in scrubs. A smile escapes him, when he sees her laughing.

„Why are you smiling like a fool?“, Drakes stands in front of him.

„Erm… nothing, I was just looking at some photos“, he puts his phone in his bag, „So, we are going to the movies? What are we gonna watch?“.

„I don’t know, some French movie Meghan has been talking about for a while“, he sits down on a chair in front of Liam. „So, what’s going on in your life? I haven’t seen you around, even though we live together“.

Liam chuckles, „Well, you have been busy with Meg and I… I’ve been try to focus on school and football“, he takes a sip of his coffee. „I saw Cathy yesterday, she was walking through the campus with this guy“, Liam looks away for a second, „Do you know if she is seeing anyone?“

„Not that I know of. I think Meg would have told me… but I’ll see if I can find out something“, he takes a look at his phone, „I feel like I keep repeating myself but did you try to talk to her yet?“

„I did but it didn’t go well. She probably thinks I am an asshole and I totally feel like one… when did things get so complicated?“, Liam sighs.

„You tell me! But things will get better… just keep trying. Now, let’s go get ready to see our girls“, Drake gives Liam a pat in the back and they stand up, leaving the coffeeshop to go home and get dressed.

Almost an hour later, Drake and Liam walk up to Meg’s apartment knocking at the door.

„Hey guys, come in!“, she smiles and holds the door for them. Liam says hi and goes directly to the living room and as Drake stands in front of Meghan, he kisses her gently and she smiley. „Hey you…“, she whispers.

Drake smiles back, „I missed you…“, he places a kiss on her nose. „But we really should get going soon. Where is Cathy?“.

Meg takes his hand in hers and they walk into the living room, „Cathy is not coming“.

Liam looks at her surprised, „Why not?“, he says.

„I forgot she has something to go to in Sanfran, some medicine related party or gala… I don’t know the specifics“, Meghan gives Liam an apologetical look.

„Is she still here? I got some tickets to that concert you told me she wanted to go to“, he asks.

„Yeah, in her room… but how did you get it? They were sold out?!“, she smiles.

Liam looks at Drake and smirks, „I… let’s just say that I got lucky!“

„Yeah, lucky and poor… they costed a fortune!“, Drake chuckles and Liam gives him an angry look. „What? I didn’t know it was a secret…“

„This is so sweet, Li… she will love that! Why don’t you go tell her?“, Meghan smiles.

Liam stands up and walks out of the living room, making his way to Cathy’s room. He knocks gently at the door.

„Come in…“, Cathy says, standing in front of the mirror. He opens it, noticing that she is struggling to reach the zipper of her dress.

„Let me help you with that“, he says, walking into the room. He positions himself behind her and suddenly he feels nervous, admiring every inch of bare skin he gets to see from her. Slowly, he zips her dress up and looks in the mirror to see her. „Wow…“.

Cathy smiles friendly, „Thank you for the help“.

„Of course… Y-you look stunning!“, he suddenly realizes how close he is from her and takes a step back.

Cathy turns around, „So, can I help you with anything?“

„I just wanted to say hi“, he lowers his sight, „I know you are mad at me and rightly so but I really miss the time we spent together… I miss you and the way you make me smile“, he looks at her.

„I miss the time we spent together too, Liam. But right now I can’t… It’s just too complicated“, she smiles sadly.

Liam reaches for her hand, brushing his fingers over hers, „Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it“, he raises her hand and brushes his lips on it „There is something I’d like to ask… Would you like to…?“, suddenly they hear the buzzer.

„Sorry, I think it’s Adrian“, she walks to her window and takes a look to see who is at the building entrance, „I gotta go… but what is it you wanted to ask?“, she turns to him, making her way out of the room.

Liam gives her a half hearted smile, it breaks his heart that she is going out with another guy, „Nothing too important… I have a game tomorrow, do wanna come?“.

„Sorry, I’m spending the day in San Francisco. But good lucky at your game and… Liam, please take care. Football is a dangerous sport, don’t hurt yourself!“, she says worried.

As she is heading to the door, Liam pulls her into a hug and they stay like this for a few seconds, in silence. He cups her cheek with a hand, „I’ll take care… have fun in San Francisco, Cathy“, he says, feeling defeated. They leave her room and make their way to the living room, where she says hi to drake and Meg before leaving the apartment.

Meghan looks at Liam sad face, „What happened?“

„I didn’t tell her… I mean, she is going out with another guy. She is spending the day with him there…“, he closes his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose.

„Li, it’s not like that…“, Meghan tries to explain.

„It doesn’t matter… I fucked up, now she is getting to know someone else“, he open his eyes, looking away, „I… you have fun at the movies. I don’t feel like doing anything tonight, sorry“. Liam walks out of the room heading to the door.

„Li… you don’t have to be alone!“, Drake walks after him.

„Yeah, I know but I’d like to be. I’ll be fine, I just need sometime…“, he opens the door and leaves.


Cathy arrives at home around 9pm that Saturday, after her day in San Francisco. She hear some voices in the kitchen and goes there to say hi, finding Drake and Meg cooking.

„Hey!“, she says smiling.

„Hi Cathy, how was Sanfran?“, Meghan asks, walking up to her to give her a hug.

„It was nice to spend some time with my mom and my brother but we didn’t do much. What you been up to? Oh and how was the game?“, she asks curious.

Drake smirks, „You know the usual…“. Meghan giggles, shaking her head and he continues, „The movie was better than I thought and the game was good, we won!“.

„Really? I thought you would be out celebrating then!“, Cathy smiles.

„Li got tackled and now he has a headache or something… so he went home. Are you hungry? We have enough for all of us“, Drake says.

Cathy looks at Drake worried, „What? Drake, you can’t leave him alone…“, she walks out of the kitchen and runs to her room, coming back with her school bag. „He could have a concussion… dam it, I told him to take care!“, she says nervously. „Give me your keys, please. I’m gonna go check up on him!“. Drake looks at her confused, not understanding why she is so worried about a headache. „Drake, give. me. your. keys… now!“

Drake hands her the keys and she leaves. He looks at Meghan, „What the fuck… What did just happen?“

„I think they are going to be fine…“, Meghan giggles.


Cathy walks into Liam’s apartment, looking around to see if she finds him before heading to his room. He knocks at the door and Liam says:

„Drake, I’m not in the mood…“

„It’s me, Cathy“, she says, „Can I come in?“.

Liam feels butterflies in his stomach when he hears his voice, „Yeah… yeah, come in!“.

Catherine walks into his room, she sees him lying in bed and she worries, „Li, Drake said that after the game you weren’t feeling well… I had to check up on you“.

„Drake was exaggerating!“, he looks at her and she sits down by his side, picking up a few things on her bag, „I’m fine, it’s just a headache“.

„A headache could be a sign of a concussion, Liam“, she brushes her fingers through his hair, „Okay, now let me see… now look at the penlight and follow the light with your eyes“. Liam does as she says and she continues, „No light sensibility… this is good! Now sit down, please. Do you know the finger-nose-finger test?“

„I don’t think I do… Cathy, I really appreciate your concern but I don’t have a concussion“, Liam says, cupping her cheek.

„Once you are cleared I’ll leave you alone but for now… let me do my job!“, Cathy smiles, „Touch your index finger to my index finger and then to your nose. We will repeat it several times, with both hands and I’ll be moving my finger. So let’s go“. After a few minutes Cathy says, „Good… now tell me, do you feel nauseous? Dizzy? Is your vision blurred?“

„No, no and no!“, Liam chuckles.

„Okay…“, she smiles, „You seem fine. I’m gonna leave then but if you feel something strange, please go see a doctor?!“.

Liam takes her hand, „I hope I feel something because I really wanna see you… you are my doctor now“, he chuckles.

„I’m not a doctor yet, Liam… and I’m serious, promise me!“.

„Alright!“, he smiles, „I can’t believe you were worried about me…“

„Of course I am, Li. I do care about you…“, she brushes he thumb over his cheek and try to get up to leave but Liam holds her hand.

„Please, stay a while longer…“, he pulls her closer to him and she giggles, „Won’t you tell me how your date went?“

„My date? Li, it’s not like that. Adrian and I are just friends… and I am not his type anyway!“, she smiles.

„Sorry to break it to you but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, you are kind, intelligent… every guy could count himself lucky to have you!“, Liam looks down and sighs.

Cathy tilts his chin gently up, „Don’t tell his boyfriend then, Liam…“.

Liam stares at her for a short moment and then starts laughing, „Shit, I really should shut up… I am making a fool of myself, aren’t I?“

„A little bit…“, she smiles.

„But before I do shut up, I wanna tell you something“, he tucks a strand behind her ear, „You are not the only one who has never been in a relationship, Cathy… The closest I got to that was kissing my childhood friend and it didn’t go too well…“, he shakes his head, „What I am trying to say is… I’m still figuring things out, learning to deal with my feelings. I have never felt like this before and it breaks my heart to know that I hurt you… because I really like you“, he holds her hand.

„Li…“, she looks deep into his eyes trying to find the right words.

„You don’t need to say anything right now, Cathy“, he smiles and opens his nightstand picking up the two tickets he bought for them, „I… Meg told me you wanted to go to a Shawn Mendes Concert“, he shows her the two tickets, „I was thinking about asking you out… but now… why don’t you keep these and take Meg or another friend with you?“, he hands them to her.

„What? But these tickets were sold out for months!“, Cathy looks at Liam in disbelieve, „Li, this is the sweetest thing a guy has ever done to me… thank you“, she hugs him.

„Then, you’ve been hanging out with the wrong guys, love. You deserve the world“, he strokes her back, „I hope you enjoy the show next week… let me know how it went“.

Cathy puts a hand on the back of his neck and whispers, „Crazy idea… why don’t you come with me? Not as my date, just you and me having fun together“, slowly she leaves his arms to look at his face.

He smiles and stares into her eyes for a moment, „I’d really like that, Cathy“, his voice is tender and quiet.

„Good… now I really should go. I’ll be back tomorrow to see how you’re feeling“, she smiles.

„I’ll be waiting. Have a good night, Cathy“.

„You too, Liam“.

To be continued…

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