
Author’s Note: The fourth pairing in TH:M crack! pairing series.  I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to shed a little light on what gets that uptight prick Carlisle going.  Powerful people are usually the kinkiest, right?

Warning! This fic contains depictions of BDSM.  You have been warned.


The short, distinct clicks of his Armani shoes on the marble floors echoed through the hallway as Barrett Carlisle made his way to his private chambers.  His fists clenched and shoulders tight, he held back any trace of emotion from his features as he passed by the multiple guards along his path. His primary mission was a double of single malt scotch and some peace behind the closed doors of his rooms, and he was wasn’t about to let anyone stand in his way.

Finally alone with drink in hand, he looked out over the chaos of guests scurrying about in the rotunda through his window.  What a disaster tonight had been. The explosion at the fountain had been the last straw of what had been the most unimpressive gala he had hosted or attended in quite a while.  He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he had sensed something was awry well before the explosion. There was something peculiar about that Ulrich fellow, not to mention the riff-raff of attendees that had somehow snagged an invite.  It was disappointing to say the least … but he knew that part of his irritation stemmed from somewhere else. Try as he might to impress her, his own fiancé had been distracted and inattentive this evening, her mind obviously somewhere else.  He would not tolerate that kind of behavior from his fiancé, let alone his wife … and he vowed at that moment to ensure he taught her a lesson.

Barrett sank into the deep wingback chair in the corner of his room, fishing his phone out of his pocket to type out a text.  I need to speak with you immediately.  My room. He pressed send, then took a long draw of the smoky liquid and closed his eyes, savoring the burning sensation as it slid down his throat.  He kept his eyes closed as he centered himself, summoning his most assertive persona for his visitor.

A few short minutes later he was stirred from his meditation by the click of the door.  He saw the lithe figure slip in, the moonlight shining off their golden curls as they walked timidly to the center of the room.  Eyes downcast and hands clasped behind their back, their voice came out in a meek mumble. “You needed to see me?”

Barrett could hear the slight tinge of fear behind their words, shaky and soft.  It sent a surge of power through him, making his chest swell with pride and his balls tingle with arousal.  He loved playing this game. “Tsk tsk, Goldie.” He scolded, his tone dark yet playful. “Aren’t you forgetting something?  How do you address me?”

He could see them shift awkwardly before him, rubbing their legs together uncomfortably.  Barrett could only imagine the heat building between those lean legs, spurred by his commanding voice.  Clearing their throat, they finally spoke. “You needed to see me, Master?”

Barrett chuckled amusedly, the sound of his title from those plush lips music to his ears.  “Better.” He shifted in his seat, taking his time to set his drink down on the table beside him, letting his visitor squirm as he settled in to get comfortable.  He perched his head in his hand, eyebrows quirked as he studied the beauty before him. “I have to tell you, Goldie, I am rather unimpressed with your performance tonight.  What do you have to say for yourself?”

The guest straightened their shoulders and stood upright, eyes locked on the sheen of Barrett’s freshly polished shoes.  “I am sorry, Master. I should have done better.”

“You’re right you should have.  And how exactly will you make it up to me?”  Barrett barked out his command, the thrill of his gruffness causing his cock to twitch in his pants.

“I- I- …” they stammered.

“Look at me!”  Barrett shouted, quickly rewarded by those light eyes meeting his own, so beautiful gleaming in the soft light.  “I want you to strip. Now!” He growled between clenched teeth, a primal noise exhibiting both the anger and excitement pumping through his veins.  He thought he saw a hint of a smirk in response, a quick tug of their lips as the order rolled off his tongue.

“Yes, Master.”  Bowing their head in concession, they then began shedding their clothing from their body as he watched.  When the last piece was finally shed, tugging that silky fabric down those long legs to leave them fully exposed, Barrett had to shift in his chair and adjust his bulge to get comfortable.

“You are fucking beautiful, Goldie, I’ll give you that.”  He rasped, palming himself roughly through the fine wool of of his trousers.  “Now, bend over the bed for me.” He gestured towards the large four-poster bed with a nod of his head.

They complied without a word, swaying their hips slightly as they sauntered over towards the bed and placed their palms against the rich damask fabric of the comforter.  He stood and followed, smirking with enjoyment as he watched the way that ass wiggled from side to side. Oh yes, you can play coy with me … but I know better.  

As he approached his waiting visitor, Barrett shrugged off his jacket and laid it on the bed neatly before beginning to roll up his sleeves methodically, his eyes raking the long lines of the bare back in front of him.  When he unfastened his belt, the clink of the buckle echoing through the room, they quivered at the sharp noise. “There, there …” he stroked his hand affectionately up the smooth skin along their spine, then back down again, finishing at the round curve of their cheek.  “You know I would never hurt you, don’t you Goldie?” He kneaded their flesh gently, stroking his thumb along the ridge of a hip bone.

“Yes, Master.”  The voice purred, leaning back into his grasp.

“Good.”  He murmured softly as he took his hand away to finish removing his pants and boxers.  “And do you want this, Goldie? Are you ready for me?” He dipped one hand between their legs, his other stroking his own erect member firmly.  He heard a soft gasp escape his partner’s lips when he found evidence of their arousal, lightly stroking the smooth skin there and spreading the moisture in preparation.  “Yeah, you want it. But you know how this works, Goldie. You have to ask for it first.” He inched two fingers into their entrance, teasing them at what was about to come.  

“Fuck me, please.”  The request came out a breathy moan, their hips moving in sync with his fingers.

Swiftly Barrett halted his ministrations, withdrawing his hand and leaving them cold and empty.  “Nuh unh, what did you forget?” He taunted in a sing song voice, a wicked smirk painted on his lips.

“Fuck me, please … Master.”  The soft voice whined, their body shaking with need.

Barrett lifted a hand to lace his fingers through the golden locks, brushing the hairs gently from their face.  “Much better.” He whispered approvingly as his hand slid to meet its match, both fists gripping the slim hips firmly as he positioned his tip to penetrate.

Sliding in slowly, Barrett allowed his partner a moment to adjust before he started moving his hips.  Every time he found himself here he was amazed at how fantastic it felt, at how tightly their bodies conformed to each other as they moved together in ecstasy.  The short panting breaths from his partner with each thrust assured him that he was not the only one enjoying their activity either. He leaned down, pressing his chest against the bare skin of their back and his mouth to the curve of their neck.  “Should I let you come tonight? Do you think you deserve it?” He purred, his breath hot against their ear.

“Please.  Please, Master!” The voice exclaimed, their hips bucking back against his own fervently.  

“Since you asked so nicely …” Barrett’s hand reached around, gliding his fingers firmly across the engorged flesh over and over again.

“Yes! Master!”  Their body convulsed with their orgasm, causing their walls to clench with each wave around Barrett’s buried treasure.

“Fuck!  Goldie!”  He exclaimed as he exploded, his body shaking with residual tremors as he came down from his high.  

Barrett collapsed on the bed, pulling his companion along with him and holding them close. They curled up together, Barrett stroking the soft curls tumbling across his chest as his heart rate gradually slowed.  When he could think coherently again, he tilted his head to peer down at his lover. “I wasn’t too rough this time, was I?” He inquired, his concern obvious in the softness of his tone.

“No, I liked it.  You know I did.” They beamed up into Barrett’s steely grey eyes, lifting a hand to gently stroke the small worry lines adorning his cheekbones.  “I am sorry about tonight, I don’t know how this all went wrong and I- “

Barrett halted the fleeting words with a single finger pressed to their lips, a soft smile spread across his face.  “Shhh … you know you’re my Golden Boy, don’t you Ansel? We’re going to figure this out.”

Ansel nodded slightly in response, his heart so full of emotion at that moment that he felt he could burst.  But instead he simply fell back into his role, playing the same game as he knew should. “Yes, Master.”


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