grayson’s new boyfriend

a/n: fake dating au
summary: grayson told his friend he has a boyfriend so she’d stop trying to set him up with people but now she’s coming to visit and he’s in too deep and needs a fake boyfriend asap

“You wanted to see me?” Chris asked walking into Grayson’s office.

“Yeah, thanks for coming.” Grayson nodded and leaned against his desk. “Please, um… sit.”

“What’s going on?”

“I have a huge favour to ask,” Grayson confessed. “And I know I shouldn’t considering our past- And I wasn’t going to. In fact, Kenji was supposed to help me but something came up and he had to cancel. And I really didn’t want to ask you this cause I know how awkward it’ll be but you’re basically the only person who can help me right now.”

“Are you gonna tell me with what exactly you need my help?” Chris raised his brow.

“My childhood friend, Kylie is visiting and we’re having dinner tonight,” Grayson started. “And because she always tries to set me up with people I told her I have a boyfriend so she’d stop and well… as you might figure out by now I need a fake boyfriend asap.”

“And let me guess you want me to be your fake boyfriend?” Chris asked and Grayson nodded. “Grayson…” He sighed.

Chris had real doubts about this whole thing. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to help Grayson but there was more to the story – especially their story. About two years ago Chris discovered his feeling towards Grayson were something more than friendship. He said how he felt but at the time he was rejected since Grayson wasn’t feeling the same about him. And yeah, it was tough at first but he got through it and a few months later he was dating someone but then, some months later Grayson was the one confessing his feeling for Chris who this time was the one not returning them and again the whole situation was a mess. Only a few weeks ago they were able to talk everything through and work their way back to being friends. Yes, it was still weird sometimes but much better than before.

“I know Chris, I know,” Grayson whined. “And I wouldn’t ask you if I’d have another option but I truly don’t.”

“Why won’t you just tell her the truth?”

“Because I’m too deep into this mess. And she’s coming here basically just to meet ‘him’ or… well you if you agree.” Grayson said apologetically. “And I know I’m asking a lot. That’s why you don’t have to say yes… or no right away. Just think about it and let me know before you’ll head home, okay?”

“Yeah, I can do that.” Chris sighed and smiled a little before exiting Grayson’s office.

The first he did was calling Poppy. He was always able to get him some good advice- mostly when it came to his love-life. And this time wasn’t different. She knew him better than anyone and that’s how they came to the conclusion that since both he and Grayson moved on and decided to be friends simple dinner couldn’t hurt anyone.

So that’s how Chris ended up in this fancy restaurant with Grayson by his side and his friend in front of them. And so far everything was going great. They didn’t have to do anything super romantic or answer any detailed questions. It was more like a dinner with friends than the meeting-boyfriend’s-friend type of thing.

“I can’t believe you hid him from me for almost two years!” Kylie shook her head laughing. “But well he’s super cute so I don’t blame you that much.” She added teasingly. “Now pose! Lucy made me promise I’ll send her a photo of you two.”

As Chris has learned throughout the dinner, Lucy was Kylie’s girlfriend who couldn’t be with them due to her work but apparently, she demanded a photo and since Grayson and Chris were sooo in love they couldn’t really say no, could they? So Grayson stretched his arm over Chris and pulled him closer. They smiled – a little awkwardly but that wasn’t enough for Kylie as she let them know.

“Oh c’mon you two! Don’t get all shy on me! Are you in love or not?” She laughed and waited for them to pose again.

The only thing Chris saw before Grayson’s lips landed on his for a quick second was the apologetic look he shot Chris. And he was so surprised he was more than sure his eyes were wide open in that photo.

“Excuse me for a second.” He said still in shock and as fast as he could walk out of the restaurant to get some fresh air.

And he really needed that at that moment. Because what happened back there completely messed with his mind his heart and everything he thought he was sure of. He hasn’t kissed Grayson in months and that’s mostly why he was so sure he was over him. Because he hasn’t felt the need to – or up to this night he thought so. And then he did – or Grayson did to be precise and right away his feelings changed – just like that…

“Chris?” Grayson came closer and placed his nad on Chris’ shoulder.

“Oh you bastard,” Chris whispered and without wasting any more time pulled Grayson in for another – this time much more heated kiss.

“I’ve never moved on from you, too.” Grayson murmured between kisses chuckling a little.

“Just shut up and kiss me again,” Chris said panting slightly. “We’ve wasted enough time.”

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