H- A Glorious Sight

H- A Glorious Sight

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- This is H for the alphabet drabbles. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go with this (one of the hardest letters to make into a drabble) but it just kinda popped into my head and I went with it.

Pairing- Marc Antony/MC

Summary- Portia reflects on the sight of Antony naked.

Rating- NSFW

I ran my hand over Antony’s bare chest, loving the feel of the smooth, hard muscles beneath my touch. I took a moment to admire his naked form, lying stretched out on his bed, perfectly groomed and looking ready to rival the gods.

I let out a little laugh, it occuring to me that this was the aspect of Antony’s appearance where he took the most care. I had seen him show up to the senate drunk in the clothes he had slept in, but naked? He was perfection.

Antony raised an eyebrow, “something amuse you?” He drew me closer to him, shifting me so I lay half on top of him.

“Just how well groomed you are,” I said honestly, my hand trailing lower to rest between his masculine thighs, “and how you pay more attention to how you look naked than you do to how you look on the floor of the Senate.”

Antony laughed, “well, one is infinitely more important than the other,” His laugh turned into a groan as I slid my hand over his manhood, caressing it. “What would the Senate say if they could hear you now?” I teased, before trailing my lips down his chest.

“Nothing good, I’m sure,” Antony commented, not sounding at all disturbed by the comment, “but I find that I am more concerned with your opinion of me than the Senate. Do I meet your approval?”

“Always,” I told him, before lowering my mouth to his hard length, my hand still running up and down the shaft. Antony naked was a truly glorious sight and it was mine to enjoy and I appreciated it far more than the Senate would appreciate him showing up sober. I mean, they would hate him either way, at least this way he enjoyed his life and I got to enjoy him with him,

That was my last clear thought for a while as Antony tugged my hair, moving my mouth and then pulling me on top of him, sliding inside of me as we went in search of pleasure yet again.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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