Hair, Beautiful Hair

Author’s Note: This was inspired by the prompt of ‘hair’ given to me by violetflipflops and the comment “because Seth’s hair”. It also happened to work with a headcanon I have about Kaylee. 

Summary: Kaylee’s love of Seth’s hair flares up as they relax in the afterglow. 

Seth flopped back against the mattress, his breath coming in short, loud bursts. Someone nearly as breathless as landed beside him before draping their naked body half on top of his own and curling into his side with a satisfied sigh.

“See, I told you staying in was the better plan tonight,” Seth said once his heart had stopped performing dub-step in his ears.   

“Mmmm. I’ll never doubt you again,” Kaylee replied, a smile evident in her voice.

The scent of salty sweat mixed with sweet shampoo invaded Seth’s senses as he allowed his eyelids to slide shut. His girlfriend shifted against him, her arms untangling themselves and snaking upward until she had one hand on either side of his head. A snort of laughter filled the air a split second before fingers raked through his undoubtedly messy hair.

“You just can’t help yourself can you?”

“Hey, I didn’t get to do this during, because I let you choose the position might I add, so I’m gonna do it after.” she retorted.

“Because you totally don’t do this every time after we have sex, or any other time the feeling hits.” he said, a lazy smile etching across his features. “Sometimes I swear you’re just with me for my hair.”

“I mean, would you blame me? It’s so long and silky and curly and…ooooh.” She let out an exaggerated sigh before bursting into a fit of giggles. “Besides, don’t pretend you don’t love a good head massage.”

Her fingers traced concentric circles along his scalp, delivering a quick burst of pressure every so often. Suddenly her hands grasped tendrils of hair, pulling ever so slightly. He bit his lip in an attempt to stifle the groan growing in his throat, but failed spectacularly.

“Okay, you caught me, I love when you run your fingers through my hair.”

“Good,” she said, brushing her lips along his cheekbone.

“What would you do if I ever got a buzz cut or something like that?” He asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.

He felt her shifting on him again and opened his eyes to find her staring down at him with an expression of intense seriousness.

“Don’t even joke about that, Seth. I want to cry and primal scream just thinking about it,” she replied, her eyes boring into his.

And the scary thing was, he was pretty sure she meant it.

-The End

Published by


Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

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