
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for Day 8 of my January Writing Challenge: Silly Drunk. I struggled with this one and couldn’t find the right idea and then I started just going through all my MCs and trying to find the right one and finally, Amelia spoke to me. This is set sometime in the future when Amelia and Drake are engaged.

Pairing- Drake/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Amelia comes home from her bachelorette in a blissful state and Drake takes care of her.

Words- 779

“I had the best time tonight!!!!” I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, twirling in a circle. I landed on the ground with a thump. “Oh, ouch.”

“How much did she have to drink?” I heard Drake ask with a sigh, though I was busy looking at the floor. We should really change update it.

“A lot,” Hana said apologetically, “she and Olivia kept doing shots. Olivia is passed out in the back of the limo and so is Penelope.”

“Seriously?” Drake asked and I could hear the intrigue in his voice. “Please tell me someone’s going to take a picture.”

“No being mean,” I called from my place on the floor. “Olivia’s my friend!” I paused, thinking about what I had just said. “Huh. Olivia’s my friend, when did that happen?”

“I think we all keep asking ourselves that,” Drake said dryly. “Thanks for getting her home,” he said, obviously talking to Hana. “I’ve got her from here.”

Hana murmured her agreement, to low for me to hear. “Goodnight Drake, Amelia I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Night!” I called out excitedly.

I heard the door close and then Drake was standing over me. “Are you going to stay on the floor all night?”

“No,” I told him, “it’s not comfy. Plus it’s ugly. We need new floors.”

“We can discuss your design plans tomorrow,” Drake commented and the next thing I knew, I was being lifted up. “Come on, let’s get you into bed.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled closer to him. “Bed sounds nice. I like going to bed with you.”

Drake groaned. “Please don’t say things like that.” “Like what?” I asked as he carried me to our bedroom. He didn’t answer me instead he set me down on the bed and then straightened. I reached for him, trying to pull him down with me, but he evaded my touch.

“Where are you going?” I complained.

“To get you some clothes,” he answered. I sat up, which took some effort and watched as he reached into a drawer and grabbed one of his t-shirts and threw it at me. I took my little black dress off and threw it carelessly on the floor and then slipped Drake’s t-shirt over my head. I caught him watching me. “Like what you see?”

“Always,” he told me, but he didn’t come any closer. “I’ll get you some water and then you should get some sleep.”

“Come here!” I encouraged with a pout. “Please?”

Drake complied, taking a seat next to me on the bed. I immediately crawled into his lap. “Amelia, behave,” he scolded.

“I don’t want to behave,” I told him.

He groaned, “you are going to kill me.”

“You told me that before,” I reminded him.

“It was true then and it’s still true now,” he replied, wrapping his arms around me. “You are my biggest weakness, you know that?”

“I’m glad,” I said honestly, snuggling up to him, “because you’re mine too and soon you’re going to be my husband.” The word made me giggle. “We’re getting married.”

“Yes, we are,” Drake said indulgently, “that’s the reason why you’re in this state.”

“Yeah because it was my bachelorette party!” I said enthusiastically. I made a face. “There was a reporter, at the club.”

Drake groaned once more. “There was?”

“Kiara made them go away,” I said waiving my hand. “They were more interested in Olivia anyway.”

“Liam’s going to love tht,” Drake commented, “but at least it’s his problem, not mine.”

“I’m your problem!” I said enthusiastically. “But you love it and you love me.”

“I do love you,” Drake assured me placing a kiss on the top of my head. “Even when you are drunk.”

“I’m happy when I’m drunk.” I pointed out.

“Yes, you are.” He agreed with a laugh. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you this happy.”

“I’m in love,” I said simply. “That makes me happier than any alcohol ever could. You are my happiness, Drake Walker.” I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and then I felt the world start to spin. “I think I need to lay down now.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Drake agreed and he lifted me off his lap and settled me on the bed. “I’ll go get you that water.”

I nodded, suddenly struggling to keep my eyes open. I curled into the pillow. “I love you.”

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “I love you too.”

I smiled at his words and then I found myself falling into a blissful sleep, dreaming of Drake, the man I loved and who would soon be my husband…

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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