Happy Birthday

Drake pulled his arm to the side and flicked his wrist, sending a perfect cast sailing through the air.  He watched as it hit the water and sunk, sending ripples spiraling outwards across the glassy surface. He let out a contented sigh.  He wasn’t going to get too many days like this for a while. In a little over two weeks most of his time would be consumed by daddy duties. A small smile played across his face as he imagined what it was going to be like…holding his child, rocking him, walking the hallways late at night, changing diapers…it all filled him with such a sense of contentment.  Ok,..maybe not that last part…but the rest of it, he couldn’t wait.  

But until then he was going to enjoy the peaceful, quiet moments while he still could.  Ava and Maxwell had gone into town to do some shopping and have lunch. Apparently the baby needed something called a layette.  Drake wasn’t entirely sure what a layette was, but it sounded unnecessary to him. As far as he was concerned all a baby needed for the first few months was some clothes and diapers, but what did he know?  

He squinted up at the sky.  The sun was directly overhead and beating down relentlessly.   It must be noon. Ava and Maxwell would be back from their excursion soon.   Drake reeled in his line and started packing his gear before firing up the little outboard motor and heading home.

He was about 30 feet from shore when he noticed a lone figure, standing rigid and unmoving on the dock.  Drake felt the muscles in his shoulders tense. It wasn’t Maxwell…this person was taller, broader…

He immediately went on high alert.  Since the last assassination attempt it didn’t take much to put him into full defensive mode.  His eyes darted to his tackle box where he knew he had a very large, very sharp hunting knife. If anyone so much as touched a hair on Ava’s head, he would gut them like a fish and not think twice about it.

The boat sped closer to shore and Drake let out a relieved laugh.

It was Bastien.

All the tension immediately drained from his body as he pulled up alongside the dock.

“Hey man.” Drake said, as he killed the engine, “What are you doing all the way out here in the middle of the day?  Don’t you have a king to protect?”

“Actually I’m here at the Kings royal behest.”

Drake cocked an eyebrow at him as he threw his tackle box to the dock.  “His royal behest huh? He chuckled, “Okay, I’ll bite. What does his Highness want?”

“His exact words were…and I quote, “Go find that jackass and bring him to the hospital before he misses the birth of his child.”

Drake went to hop from the boat to the dock, but swung his head so fast toward Bastien that he lost his balance.  Arms flailing uncontrollably, he fell backwards.

“Fuuuuuck!” He yelled as he hit the water with a loud splash.

Bastien bit inside of his cheek to keep from laughing as he watched Drake surface and drag himself onto the dock.

He shot Bastien a dark look.  “Y’know…you might have led with that.”

Drake shook his head vigorously, sending a spray of water in every direction.

“Why the hell didn’t someone call me!”   He pulled his phone from his back pocket and watched as lake water poured out of it.

“Fuck!” He swore again.

“I believe you would’ve found several missed calls and text messages from your wife, then Maxwell and ultimately from King Liam himself.” Bastien said dryly, “You might want to find a new service provider as it would seem that your current one doesn’t reach out into the middle of the lake.”

Drake let out a frustrated growl as he stalked toward the house, peppering Bastian with questions the whole way.  

“When did she go into labor?

“A few hours ago.”

“Where is she?”

“At the hospital.”

“Who’s with her?”

“Maxwell, Lady Hana, Savannah and King Liam at present.”

“How’s she doing?”

“Physically she’s doing well, emotionally she’s, well…upset.”


A few minutes later Drake was dressed in dry clothes, fidgeting nervously beside Bastien as they headed toward the hospital.  The second the car stopped, he bounded out and sprinted through the lobby doors coming to a skidding stop at the front desk.

“Where’s my wife?” He asked breathlessly

The receptionist looked up and recognition flickered in her eyes.  

OMG! It’s Drake Walker, Duke of Valtoria!   

It had been the scandal of the century when Lady Ava Matheson jilted King Liam for his commoner best friend.  Their wedding made the headlines for weeks afterwards. Of course everyone wanted to know what this guy had that was so special that Lady Ava choose him over the smoking hot King.  Her eyes raked over him appraisingly and she smirked. He was a handsome devil, she had to give him that. Those dark brooding eyes, sensual mouth…and that body, Mmmm…

“Hello?!”  Drake pounded his fist on the counter, startling her out of her daydream.

“Your Grace.” She gave him a wide, flirty smile, “Welcome to Cordinia General, How can I assist you.?”

Drake took a deep breath, trying unsuccessfully to get a hold of his temper.  “My wife…” He repeated through gritted teeth, “Ava Mathe…er, Walker. Where…is… she?”

“I’d be happy to look that up for you.  Can I see your ID please?”

Drake blinked at her.  “My what?”

“Your ID…your driver’s license?”

“Of all the stupid…” He muttered as he reached around to check his back pocket where he kept his wallet.  It wasn’t there.

Of course it wasn’t. It was laying in a sodded heap on his bathroom floor still in the pocket of the jeans he was wearing when he took an unexpected swim in the goddamn lake.

“I don’t have it on me.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She said giving him an apologetic smile, “If you don’t have any identification, I’m afraid I can’t release her information to you.”

“But you know who I am!” He shouted, his eyes wide in disbelief  “You just called me your Grace!”

“Yes, your Grace, “ She agreed with a smile, “But if I can’t enter your ID into the system I can’t…”

“I don’t care about your fucking system!  Just tell me what room my wife is in!” He exploded.

Bastien stepped forward and placed a calming hand on Drake’s shoulder.

“Take a deep breath son.”

“But…”  Drake raked his fingers through his hair in agitation. “But…”

“I have it handled.” Bastien assured him

Just then the elevator doors opened and the King of Cordonia, flanked by two members of the Royal guard stepped into the lobby, smiling widely, “Drake!  The man of the hour. Come! I think you’ve kept your wife waiting quite long enough, don’t you?”

“Liam.” Drake’s body slumped in relief. “Thank God.”  

Drake shot a triumphant look at the receptionist as he strode past her toward his best friend.  

Liam embraced him warmly. “Maybe going off grid so close to Ava’s due date wasn’t such a great idea, eh?”

“Guess not.” Drake agreed with a sheepish grin.  “Is she mad?”

Liam laughed and threw his arm around Drakes shoulder as he ushered him into the elevator.  “I’m not sure what you were considering for a “push present”…but you might want to think bigger now.”

Drake groaned.

He walked into the delivery room just as Ava was in the grips of a strong contraction. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, her teeth clenched as she let out the most gut-wrenching sound Drake had ever heard.

Maxwell was holding her hand, speaking encouraging words to her.

“You’re doing so good, little Blossom, don’t forget to breathe, sweetie. You can do it. Just a minute longer and it will be over.”

Ava nodded and began to pant slightly. Drake could see her face relax as the contraction began to subside.

She opened her eyes and saw her husband in the doorway.

“Drake!” she cried as she held out her arms for him.

He went to her side and gathered her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. He kissed her damp forehead tenderly.

“I’m here, baby.” He whispered. “I’m sorry it took so long. I got here as quickly as I could.”

“Where were you?” She whimpered, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “We called and called.”

“I know.  I’m so sorry.  I thought we still had two weeks…and you were with Maxwell for the afternoon, so I…” he shook his head, berating himself once again for leaving her side so close to her due date, “I went out on the boat.” Drake kissed her gently as he stroked the hair back from her forehead. “But I’m here now…”

“It hurts.”

Drake nodded sympathetically. “I know baby, I’m sorry. But it’ll all be over soon, I promise. And then we’ll have our little one.”

Ava gave him a weak smile. “I can’t wait to hold him…or her.”

“Her.” Drake said confidently

“Or him.” Ava countered, unable to resist messing with him, even now.

After Drake arrived at the hospital everything was kind of a blur.

What he remembered most was an overwhelming sense of helplessness as he watched the woman he loved struggle to bring their child into the world.  He held her hand, whispered encouraging words to her, fed her ice chips and rubbed her back…but seeing her in that kind of pain and being unable to do anything to ease it was the hardest thing he’d ever gone through.  He would’ve taken a hundred bullets to spare her the pain she’d endured. But finally, sixteen long hours after it began, the doctor placed their tiny bundle in Avas’ arms and suddenly, it was all worth it.

Drake stretched out on the bed next to his wife and kissed her forehead.  

“You did good.”  He whispered as he gazed down at the peacefully sleeping baby she held in her arms.  

Ava sighed happily “She’s perfect.”

“She certainly is.” He reached out to stroke the tiny hand that was pressed against Ava’s chest.

“Look.” She said as she lifted their daughters tiny hand, “Do you see that?”

“What?  Drake’s brows drew together in a slight frown as he took a closer look at her tiny digits, looking for some imperfection.  He saw nothing.

“What’s wrong?”

Ava pointed to the baby’s pinkie finger.  “Right there…you’re wrapped around it already.”

Drake let out a little laugh and dropped a kiss onto the top of her head.  “Baby, I there’s no place I’d rather be.”


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