HARD NO – A Kinky Cards Prequel


Ava leaned across the center console of Maxwell’s Range Rover and wrapped him in a tight hug before pressing a kiss to his smooth cheek, “Thanks for today, Max.  My husband is great for a lot of things, but when it comes to shopping…” She rolled her eyes, “He can be kind of…”

“An asshole?” Maxwell supplied helpfully.

Ava cocked a brow at her best friend, “I was going to say difficult.

“Riiiight.” Max grinned, nodding his head, “He’s definitely that.  I remember when Liam and I took him out to look for a tux for your wedding.” He gave an involuntary shudder, “He told me to do things to myself that I’m 99.9 percent sure aren’t physically possible.”

Ava laughed and reached into the back seat for her packages before turning around to face Maxwell, her face glowing happily.  “Well, I’m sure he’ll appreciate that you spared him hours of dress shopping today.” She smiled mischievously, “And I know he’ll appreciate the other goodies you helped me pick out.” Ava held up a hot pink bag that had Pleasure Island inscribed across the front in a bold black cursive font.

Maxwell grinned, “That one item might take a little convincing.  But if anyone can do it, it’s you.” He gave her a conspiratorial wink, “I promise you, he’ll love it.”

Ava’s eyes lit up and she bit down on her bottom lip as she thought about showing Drake her purchases and using them with him…on him.

“I know exactly what’s going on in that beautiful, twisted mind of yours, little blossom.” Maxwell smirked, “Now get out of my car before you leave a wet spot on the leather.”  

Ava laughed and pressed another quick kiss to his pouty lips before swinging her door open and jumping out.

“See you tonight!” She called out waving her packages at Max.  

With a wave of his hand, Maxwell put his car into drive and headed off down the long, winding driveway.

Ava stepped into the foyer of the manor house and was greeted immediately by Sir Winston yapping happily and jumping as high off the ground as his tiny legs would allow.  She dropped her bags and gathered him into her arms, scratching his head as his little body wiggled happily.

“Did you miss your mama, Winnie?”

He licked her cheek and she gave him a kiss on the top of his soft head before putting him down.  “Your Grace.” Gladys appeared out of nowhere to gather up her packages. “I take it your shopping trip with Lord Maxwell was successful?” she said as she handed them off to a passing staff member with instructions to take them to her ladyship’s rooms at once.

“Very.” Ava replied, her eyes shining brightly. “I found a dress for tonight and some other…things.” She gave a cursory look around before turning back to Gladys, “Have you seen Drake?”

“Last I saw his Grace, he was out in the garage.”

Ava furrowed her brow, “The garage?  What’s he doing in the garage?”

Gladys nearly cracked a smile, but caught herself.  “Cursing, mostly.”


Ava stood in the doorway of the 4 bay garage, watching as Drake worked on the ancient Jeep that for some reason known only to him, he refused to give up on.  Currently, he was on his back, the upper half of his body completely obscured by the body of the car, and as Gladys had predicted, spewing a steady stream of expletives as he tinkered away.

Ava let her eyes roam appreciatively over his worn work boots and up his long denim clad legs until her eyes settled on his impressive package.  With a devilish smile she strolled over to where he lay, the heels of her boots clicking on the concrete floor loudly enough to alert him to her presence.  He shifted slightly and peered out from under the car, giving her a crooked grin.

“Hey babe.”

“Hey yourself.”

Drake rolled out from under the car, but before he could sit up, Ava placed a booted foot on either side of his legs and lowered herself onto his lap.  His hands went automatically to her hips and he held tight as she leaned down to press her lips to his.

The kiss started out slow and teasing but when he slid his hands up to cup her ass, finding it covered in only the thin, stretchy fabric of her leggings, he groaned into her mouth, “No fair. You’re not wearing underwear.”

She grazed her lips across his as she shook her head. “Pantylines.” she murmurred, “are not cute.”

“You’re a bad, bad girl.” Drake squeezed her ass before bringing one hand up to smack her just hard enough to leave a good sting.  When she squirmed against him, he grinned and did it again, just a little bit harder.


“Drake.” She sighed, already feeling needy for him.  She wondered if there would ever come a time when it would take more than the simplest touch or look from him to set her on fire.  

She hoped not.

“What have I told you about going out in public in leggings and those sexy boots?” he rasped into her ear, as his fingers stroked down her legs until they disappeared into the tops of her suede boots.

She bit her bottom lip, and gave him a sultry look that she knew would make all the blood rush straight to that big, beautiful cock of his.

“Not to wear them unless I was prepared to get bent over and fucked until I couldn’t walk.”

Drake grinned and nodded. “That’s right.” He tightened his fingers on her boots, keeping her firmly in place as he ground his hips into hers, “So are you prepared?”

Ava kissed him hard before pushing away and standing abruptly.  Surprised, Drake released his grip on her.

Ava laughed and shook her head at him.  “No time, Walker. We have have to be at the palace in…” She fished her phone out of the pocket of her sweater and glanced at it, her eyes growing wide. “Crap!  In two hours!”

“Plenty of time.”

“For you maybe!  I still have to shower, do my hair, do my makeup…”

“But…” Drake glanced down at his crotch which was currently straining uncomfortably against the tight confines of his jeans, “What about this?”

Ava glanced down at him, noticing for the first time how filthy he was.  His once white T-shirt was sweat soaked and dingy, his hands were nearly black with caked on grime and he had a streak of grease that started at his temple and ended in the middle of his cheek.

“I’m not doing anything about that.” She smirked, “Until you do something about… that.

Ava waved her finger in his direction.  He looked down at his dirty clothes and them back up at her.

“I thought you liked the rugged look.”

“That’s not rugged.” She said, wrinkling her nose, “That’s just gross.”

Drake’s face fell. “Heyyyyy.”

Ava laughed when she saw the the hurt puppy dog look on Drake’s handsome face and bent down next to him to give him a peck on his clean cheek, “You know what I mean.”  She straightened up and held a hand out to him. Begrudgingly he took it and hauled himself to his feet. “Fine. I’ll go get cleaned up. But I hope you know the second we get back to our room we’re picking this up right where we left off and you’re really gonna have to work to make me forget how you left me hanging.”

Ava gave him a slow, sexy smile, “Oh…don’t worry baby.  I have big plans for tonight.”

Drakes frown melted instantly and he arched a brow at her.  “Do you now?”

“Oh, I do.”


An hour later, freshly showered, clean-shaven and de-greased, Drake stood in front of the full length mirror in their bedroom trying to decide which tie to wear with his grey suit, grumbling over the fact that he had to wear a tie at all. Why Liam insisted upon throwing a formal birthday dinner for that sharp-tongued she-devil was beyond him.   

He held up the yellow tie and then he held up the pink one.

“Definitely pink.” Ava said as she stepped from the bathroom, fiddling with her earring.  Drake looked up and felt his heart drop somewhere in the vicinity of his size eleven designer boots.  She never failed to take his breath away, but tonight…tonight he was almost afraid to look directly at her for fear that, like the sun, she’d scorch his retinas if his gaze lingered too long.

Her hair was swept back from her face falling in silken waves over one creamy shoulder. Her black dress was cut modestly, but fit her like a second skin, accentuating the graceful curve of her hips before ending at mid thigh.  His gaze wandered down her endlessly long legs and came to rest on the 3 inch, ankle strap stilettos she was wearing and instantly began fantasizing about grabbing hold of those spikes as he pounded into her tight wet heat.

He sighed and wondered if he had time for another cold shower before they had to leave.  Maybe this time he should take matters into his own hands…literally, because at this rate he wasn’t going to make it through this farce of a dinner without dragging her into a coat closet at some point.  There was only so much a man could take.

He dropped the yellow tie and draped the pink one around his neck, knotting it sloppily.

Ava laughed as she joined him in front of the mirror.  

“You certainly do clean up nicely.” She purred as she stroked her hand lovingly over his chest until her fingers reached his neck. He lifted his chin and let her reknot his tie for him.  

“There you go.  Perfect.”

Drake brought his head down, a grateful smile on his lips until something in the mirror caught his eye.

“Ummmm…Ava?” He murmured as he stared over her shoulder at their reflection.

“What?” She turned her head to see what was causing that little frown line to appear between his brows.

Her dress may have been modestly cut in the front, but the back was completely bare, cut so low he could practically see the crack of her ass.

“There’s no way in hell you’re leaving the house in that dress.”

Smiling, Ava rolled her eyes and pushed away from him, “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I can practically see your ass!”

She winked saucily at him, “That’s a good thing.  You like my ass.”

“I love it.” He agreed, “But I’d prefer that the whole world not get to see it.”

Ava looked over her shoulder and studied her reflection. “It’s not that low cut.  Nobody can see anything.” She turned back, one brow raised, “Besides, you refused to go shopping with me, so you don’t get a say in the matter.  Maxwell picked this one out.”

Drakes scowl only deepened, “Of course he did.” He muttered under his breath.

Ava reached out to cup his face his her hands, running her fingertips soothingly over the frown lines until they softened.  Then she pulled his mouth to hers, running the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip until he gave an involuntary sigh and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against his body kissing her.  His fingers trailed lazily down the smooth expanse of her back and dipped beneath the draped fabric until they found the top of her lucious ass. Slowly, tantalizingly he slid his finger along the crack of those luscious globes until she arched against him.

He pulled his head back and gazed down into her flushed face, a sexy smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I think I’m warming up to it.”

“Good.” She said breathlessly, running her finger across his cheek before reluctantly pulling away, “I’m glad you’re feeling open minded tonight, because this dress isn’t the only thing Maxwell helped me pick out today.”

Drake watched as Ava crossed to their walk-in closet and disappeared inside, reemerging seconds later with a bright pink bag in her hands.

“Pleasure Island?” Drake read before looking up at her, a curious look on his face, “Is that what it sounds like it is?”

Ava bit her bottom lip and nodded, “It is.”

Interest piqued, Drake reached for the bag and peered inside. After a minute he looked up at her, a big grin on his face.

“Now we’re talking.”  He handed her back the bag and pulled her close again, “This party can’t be over soon enough.” He growled into her ear, “What do you say one of us gets really sick halfway through and we head up to our room early.  I can’t wait to use that on you.”

Laughing, Ava put her hand on his chest and gave him a light push. “I was with you right up until the part where you said you want to use that on me.”

Drake gave a little shake of his head as his brows drew together, “Whaddya mean?”

Ave quirked a brow at him as a slow smile crossed her lips.

Drake took a step away from her as he realized what she was saying.  “No.” He said, shaking his head, “No way are you using that thing on me.  Have you lost your mind?”

“Maxwell says it’s incredible.  Said it’ll give you the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had.”

“My…” He cleared his throat as his neck turned crimson and the color moved steadily upwards, “my orgasms are just fine as they are, thanks.”

Ava bit back a giggle as she watched her husband, who in the heat of the moment had one of the filthiest mouths she’d ever heard, blush like a virgin while talking about an orgasm.

“But what if it could be even better. Maxwell said…”

“Screw Maxwell! If he likes it so much you can use it on him!”  Drake shook his head quickly, realizing instantly what he’d just said, “No, wait…”

Ava laughed as she reached out to stroke his arm soothingly, “It’s okay babe.  If you really don’t want to, of course we won’t. I just thought maybe…” She shrugged her shoulders, “You’re usually pretty open to trying new things.”

“Yeah, well…That’s a hard no for me.”

“Okay.” Ava pressed a kiss to his cheek and took the bag from his hands.  “I’ll leave it here.” She crossed to her dresser, opened the top drawer and tossed the bag in, closing it firmly before walking back to her husband. She reached out, placing one hand on his chest as she leaned into him seductively, her mouth inches from his ear.

“That’s a shame though… “ Ava sighed dramatically, “I was going to tell you that if we use it on you tonight…I’d let you use it on me next time.  I was even going to let you…” She trailed her finger over his bottom lip, “…blindfold me…” She whispered breathily as her eyes flitted up to meet his, “tie me up…do whatever you want to me.  I’ll be totally, completely at your mercy.” She pulled away, shrugging her shoulders, “But I guess I’ll just return it.”  

Drake’s eyes flitted to the overnight bag, still open on their bed and then back to Ava’s dresser.

“Pack the fucking thing.”


Drake was distracted.  He sat at the bar with Liam and Maxwell, sipping an after dinner glass of whiskey, but he couldn’t focus on what they were saying. His mind was still firmly consumed with the contents of a small pink bag.


Liam’s hand on his shoulder brought him out of his daze. “Yeah?…sorry. What?”

“I was asking if you were racing this year?  Will Valtonia be entering a boat into the Regatta?”

“Oh…” Drake nodded, clearing his throat. “Yeah.  Definitely.”

“Excellent.” Liam clapped him on the back with a smile, “I can’t wait to see how last years reigning champion fares this year.”

Drake grinned. “Hopefully there will be some real competition this year.”

Liam laughed, “I love your confidence.”

“I hope Ava learned a few things last year so you won’t have to rescue her like last time.” Maxwell said with a laugh.

Drake smirked, “You get hit with a boom once, you learn pretty quickly to duck the next time.”

Drake’s eyes scanned the room until he found his wife sitting with Hana, Olivia and the birthday girl herself, Madeline.  Ava looked up and saw him watching at her. She lowered her lashes and bit her bottom lip as she met his burning gaze.

“She’s not much of a first mate” He said to his friends, “But she more than makes up for it in every other way.”

Liam smiled. “You’re a very lucky man indeed.”

“I’ll say.” Maxwell threw his arm around Drakes shoulder, “She looks smokin hot tonight. I picked out that dress myself, y’know…”

Drake gave a pointed look at Maxwell’s arm still resting on his shoulder before bringing his gaze up to stare into Maxwell’s eyes.  Maxwell dropped his arm quickly.

“Yeah.” Drake said, his voice low enough that only Max could hear them, “I heard all about your little shopping trip this afternoon.”

Maxwell grinned. “You can thank me later.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”


He smelled her perfume just before he felt her arms wrap around his waist him from behind.  She pressed her cheek against his back and sighed.

Drake turned and pulled Ava into his arms, stroking the warm, smooth skin of her exposed back gently, wondering idly why he had a problem with this dress earlier.  It was hot as hell.


“What’s the big sigh for, babe?” he whispered against her temple and felt her shrug her shoulders in response.

“Can’t a girl miss her sexy husband?”

Drake leaned down to bury his face in her hair, inhaling the honeysuckle and jasmine scent that he loved so much.  It reminded him of lazy Sunday mornings spent tangled up together, touching…tasting, neither of them in any hurry to leave the warmth of their bed, or each others bodies.

“Lets get outta here.” He whispered into her ear.

“But they haven’t even cut the cake yet.” She protested weakly.

“It’s Madeline.”  He said uncharitably, “She’s lucky we showed up at all.”

Ava giggled into his chest, but didn’t resist when he took her hand to lead her over to where Liam sat with Madeline.


It took longer than either of them had hoped to get out of the palace.  In the end, Liam had managed to persuade them to stay for cake and one last celebratory drink, but at long last they were heading out of the ballroom and toward the stairs.

Drake took Ava by the hand, practically dragging her up the winding staircase to his old bedroom suite. Once inside he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder as he carried her to the bed, tossing her into the middle and pouncing on top of her as she giggled uncontrollably.

She reached up to push the hair out of his eyes, and cupped his cheek, her eyes shining as she gazed at him.

“I love you so much, you know that?”

“Yeah.” He whispered as he pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss, “I do.”

He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers, “I’m sorry about earlier.  You just…took me by surprise is all.”

“It’s fine.  It was just a whim.  Max made it sound like it was the best thing ever.  So I thought I’d surprise you.” She shrugged her shoulders, “But it’s still in the package.  I can take it back.” She reached out and cupped the back of his head, bringing his mouth to hers, kissing him deeply.  Drake slid his tongue into her mouth and could still taste the champagne on her tongue, and although he knew it wasn’t possible he felt drunk off of the taste of her.

He slid his hands slowly up her creamy thighs until they disappeared under her dress.  She sucked in her breath sharply as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of her thong and pulled it slowly down her legs.  As soon as it was at her ankles she kicked it to the side and swung one leg over his hips, straddling him. Drake cupped her ass in his large hands, kneading it roughly as she writhed on top of him, grinding down against the rock hard bulge in his pants. Ava pushed herself up, and reached out to loosen Drake’s tie.

“Why do you still have so many damn clothes on?” She asked breathlessly as she tugged his tie off and began working on the buttons of his shirt.  When she finally had them all undone, she pulled his shirt open, a small sigh escaping her parted lips as she gazed at his naked torso. She leaned forward, raking her fingernails through the downy hair that covered his tightly muscled chest.  Drake reached out to place his hands on her thighs, holding her firmly in place as he thrust his hips impatiently, urging her to finish undressing him so that they could finally finish what they started hours ago.

She reached for his belt buckle, making quick work of it before yanking it from his pants and tossing it to the floor.  She unzipped his pants and Drake lifted his hips obligingly as she tugged them and his boxers to his ankles before reaching up to pull her dress over her head, tossing unceremoniously to the floor.

Drake swallowed hard as he reached up to cup one perfect breast in each hand, flicking his thumbs over the rosy peaks until they tightened into hard pebbles.

“Drake.” Ava moaned as she rocked forward, grinding against him, her eyes heavy lidded, her pouty bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Draaaaake.”

Jesus, she was so fucking beautiful.  As he gazed at her he knew he’d give her anything.  Anything she ever wanted.

He flipped her onto her back, pinning her body beneath his as his hand caressed her inner thigh, already damp with her desire.  He dipped his head, drawing her nipple into his mouth as his thumb sought the tiny knot of nerve endings between her legs. He bit down gently as he slid two fingers inside her tight pussy, curling his fingers upwards as he kept steady pressure on her clit.  She was already so wet that he didn’t need to waste time warming her up. He pumped his fingers into her hard and fast, until her back arched off the bed. “That’s it baby.” He growled into her ear, “Cum for me.”

“Yes.” She panted, “Oh God.”

He slid one finger, drenched in her juices backward until he felt the tight ring of her ass.  He circled it gently before pushing forward, sinking it in up to the first knuckle as he used the fingers of his other hand to continue thrusting into her.  Ava gasped out loud when she felt his finger push into her ass. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it, but he’d alway asked for permission first. This time it was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one.  She felt so unbelievably full and there was no denying that the pleasure was heightened when all of her erogenous zones were being stimulated at once. She felt her orgasm build, hard and fast and without warning she came apart, so hard that she screamed Drake’s name as her heartbeat pounded in her ears and a thousand bright lights detonated behind her eyelids.

Drake pressed a soft kisses over her face and slowly withdrew his fingers, stroking her pulsating mound softly until the aftershocks of her intense orgasm subsided.  Finally Ava opened her eyes, gazing up at him in wonder. “Oh my God.” She said breathlessly, “You’re so good at that.”

She turned to her side and reached out to stroke his cheek, “It’s so intense when you do that.”  She ran her fingers through his hair as she gazed into his eyes, “I don’t know why you won’t let me return the favor.”

Drake leaned forward and kissed her long and deep, before pulling back, biting his bottom lip. “Would it make you happy, Ava?” He asked in a low voice.

Ava felt her heart race, but she tried to contain her excitement.  She didn’t want to push him into something he didn’t want to do. She didn’t want him to do this just to make her happy…she wanted him to want to do it for his own pleasure.

She shrugged her shoulders and reached out to stroke his arm lovingly, “I only want what you want babe.”

They locked eyes for a long moment until Drake finally broke into a sheepish grin. “Go get the bag.”

“Really?” She said, her eyes lighting up, “Are you sure?”

He laughed and nodded, “Really.  You put the idea in my head earlier, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”  He gave her arm a little push, “Now go get it before I change my mind.”

Ava leaned forward to kiss him long and deep before jumping up and running to her overnight bag.  She grabbed the Pleasure Island bag and joined Drake on the bed. She pulled out the purple silicone cylindrical shaped toy and held it up. “See.  It’s not very big, and it’s a pretty purple. Nothing to be afraid of.”

“Uh huh.” Drake said warily as she leaned forward and opened his bedside table drawer, where she knew she’d still find a bottle of lube.

“Now just lay back and relax.” She instructed as she squirted a liberal amount of liquid onto the toy.

“Easy for you to say.” Drake muttered as he lay back on his pillow and closed his eyes tightly.

Ava began by lightly stroking her hands up and down his thighs until she felt his muscles begin to relax.  She reached out to grasp his rigid cock in her fist, stroking him firmly until he began to buck his hips slightly.

“Mmm. Avaaaaa…” He sighed, as his tongue darted out to wet his lips.  She slid one hand down to massage his balls gently as she leaned forward to lick the droplets of moisture accumulating on the tip of his cock before taking him into her mouth. She pushed his knees apart with one hand and slid her hand between his legs, stroking his tight entrance with one lubricated finger.  He tensed instantly until Ava leaned forward, her breasts brushing his chest tantalizingly as she whispered in his ear. “Just relax baby. It’s just you and me.” She ran the tip of her tongue along the outer shell of his ear until he shivered and his cock jerked in her hand, “I’m going to make you feel sooooooo good baby.  Just let me take care of you.”

Ava felt his body go slack and slowly slid her finger inside of him little by little.

Drake moaned as she stroked her finger in and out, until she thought he might be ready for more.  Carefully, she added a second finger. Drake squirmed beneath her, but didn’t complain or try to pull away.  The throbbing between her legs as she pleasured her husband was almost unbearable. She needed him desperately.

Drake let out a little gasp and his eyes flew open when she removed her fingers.

“Are you ready for more baby?” She purred as she stroked the purple silicone back and forth across his back entrance.   His dark eyes locked on Ava’s crystal blues and he swallowed heavily before nodding his head.

“Yeah.” He said hoarsely.  

“That’s my good boy.”

Never breaking contact, Ava circled his entrance with the tip of the plug before pushing it in slowly, until she met resistance.  

“Relax baby.” She leaned forward, pressing a trail of fiery kisses across his stubbled jaw until she reached his mouth. “Don’t fight it and I promise you it’s going to feel sooooo incredible.” She whispered against his lips before kissing him hard. The kiss was hot and wet, their tongues twisting together as his hand came up to grip her hair tightly.  Drake groaned into her mouth as she slid the toy into him fully and held it there, giving him time to get used to the intrusion.

After a minute Drake pulled away and flopped back onto his pillow, closing his eyes tightly.

“Are you okay?”

He wasn’t sure.   He felt felt pressure and a sense of fullness that was such a foreign sensation he couldn’t be sure if he was enjoying it…or not.  But he couldn’t deny that he’d never been this hard, or this turned on in his life and he was very afraid that he was about to embarrass himself by finishing before they’d even begun.

Finally, he swallowed hard and nodded as his eyes opened to meet hers.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”  

“Good.”  Ava said with a gleam in her eyes, “Because it’s about to get even better.”

She reached down and grabbed a small remote control.  The device began to vibrate and Drakes body jolted. “Holy shit! What the fuck?”

Drake started to sit up, but Ava pushed him gently back down and straddled his hips.

“Trust me?” She whispered.

Drake stared deeply into her eyes as his entire body vibrated from the inside.

“Yes.” He gasped, “Always.  Forever.” His head fell back onto the pillows as his hands went to her hips, holding her tightly.

Ava grasped his rigid cock in her fist and began pumping him firmly before going up onto her knees, stroking his dripping tip back and forth against her folds.

“Jesus Ava.” He moaned loudly, “Stop teasing.  I can’t fucking take anymore.”

“No more teasing baby, I promise.”  She pressed his cock between her legs and lifted her hips sliding slowly down onto him.

“Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkk.” Drake groaned as she began to ride him.  His fingers dug into the tender flesh of her thighs as his hips rose from the bed to meet hers, slamming into her over and over.

“God Drake.  I can feel it too.  It’s so…ohhhh.”

Ava threw her head back and reached down between her legs rubbing tight circles on her clit as Drake pushed into her hard and deep, grunting with every thrust of his hips. She was already so close.  

So close…


When he felt Ava tighten around him, Drake’s self control snapped.  His cock throbbed incessantly as he pounded into her hard and fast. His movements became erratic and his breath escaped his lips in harsh rasping moans as he edged closer and closer to his release.   

“Oh Fuck…Ava…baby…”

Drake groaned loudly and erupted into her over and over as his vision swam and he swore he saw stars.  Ava collapsed onto his chest, sweaty and drained as they both fought to catch their breath.

Drake inhaled deeply as his body shuddered through the most intense aftershocks he’d ever felt.  

Still the buzzing continued.  

He reached down and yanked the plug out gasping at the sensation as another shudder ran through his body.  He flopped back onto the bed, gathering Ava into his arms and burying his face in her neck.

They lay in silence for a few minutes, both too wrecked to speak.  Ava pressed her mouth to Drake’s throat, and felt his racing pulse under her lips.

“Holy shit.” He finally managed.

Ava lifted her head to smile at him, “So it was good?”

Drake nodded his head slowly, “That was… better than good.” He pressed a kiss onto the top of her head, “I’ve never come so hard in my life.”

Ava giggled as she snuggled into his side. “Some day you’ll learn to listen to your wife.”


One thought on “HARD NO – A Kinky Cards Prequel”

  1. This was soooo hot. Like damn it hot. I also liked Maxwell and Ava’s relationship and his banter with Drake, I like when Maxwell feels like a real person and not the court jester. But damn Drake and Ava are fire!!!

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