Destiny Ch 1 – Hard to Let Go of the Past – Big Sky Country Fic – Sawyer x MC (Kerry)

Aesthetic Credits
Faceclaims – Sawyer Oakley – Clay Honeycut / Kerry McGuire – Ana de Armas
Images belong to their respective owners – used with love and admiration, no profit’s made!
Boston – image from National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
Montana – image from Adam’s Travel Photography
Kerry – image from
Sawyer – image from Pinterest (no further credit given)
Necklace – this picture actually does belong to me! It’s my Paloma Picasso Tiffany necklace, on my neck 🙂
Aesthetic CreditsKitchen kisses-Anai de Graf @anai.dg.xo Instagram / Girl in hat-she’s a little bit country by tj Scott on Flickr Pinterest / Cactus-dovekie & finch Pinterest / Pie- land o lakes Pinterest / Ranch- prlog google images / Flag – google images / Clay Honeycutt by Cody Kinsfather ‘the fashionisto ‘ / Horses – hobbyfarms.comI don’t own any of these images, their rights belong to their owners

Disclaimer– characters of Big Sky Country belong to Pixelberry not me, I make no 💷

Rating– probably Mature to be safe, language and subject matter. This part carries a Trigger Warning for domestic violence – please be aware if this is something you feel could impact you negatively.

Apologies, this has gotten away from me a bit in length and I couldn’t find a natural break to parts anywhere in the middle of it. Roughly 5400 words.

If you read and enjoy, please leave a comment or a reblog and let me know what you thought 💖


Sawyers large hands roamed over her back, caressing her like he couldn’t get enough, pulling her closer into his embrace. Kerry’s heart thumped harder inside her chest as he trailed kisses down the line of her jaw to that sensitive spot by her ear, her name barely a rasp on his lips as her fingers smoothed the hair at the nape of his neck. Kerry was dwarfed by Sawyer’s stature: he was tall and broad-shouldered, his body a mass of hard muscles, but Sawyer was so gentle with her. Although, when she’d witnessed him and Duke scrapping on the porch over the future of the ranch, she was just sick about it… His temper had scared her. But she couldn’t imagine him ever hurting her…? He’d shown her nothing but kindness, and she was falling for him. Hard. God, she could feel her heart soar every time she laid eyes on the handsome cowboy… But she was consumed by her own fear. She didn’t trust her own judgement anymore: she’d gotten it so wrong before. Kerry was terrified of letting herself be vulnerable, of allowing herself to get hurt again…

Sawyer’s forehead rested against Kerry’s as he looked deep into her hazel eyes; she was exactly what he had been missing in his life. He’d been so busy working on the ranch that he’d barely even noticed that love was passing him by, and then as if by fate she broke down… It just felt like Kerry was too good to be true: she was funny, but brave, and sweet, and shy, and so pretty… He was crazy about her if truth be told, but he just wasn’t sure she felt the same way… They had these beautiful, special moments together like he’d never experienced with any girl before. She would let him hold her hand, and oh, when they kissed? Sawyer swore that the whole world was ablaze. But then he would get this sense that she was pulling away from him… It felt like she didn’t want to let him get any closer to her, and it hurt him damnit… Did she care about him the way he did for her? He was confused by how she seemed to blow hot and cold with him. He knew there must be an explanation, and he reckoned that it was that she wasn’t looking for something serious and was trying to be kind because she could sense how he felt about her…

Kerry reached out and cradled Sawyers cheek, stroking her thumb against his stubble as he leaned into her touch. She smiled her half-nervous little smile at him, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as he gazed intently at her. Without breaking the gaze, Kerry stretched up to place a tender kiss against Sawyers now smiling lips. Every inch of her body ached with want for him to sweep her into his arms and make her feel like she was his girl, she tried to pour all she wanted to say into her kiss because how could she start to explain to him why it was such a big deal to her, to open her heart to him, to share her bed with him? How do you start the conversation about your ex, about how he smashed your heart into smithereens, about how he slept with countless other girls like you meant nothing to him, about how controlling he was, and about how you finally left when he raised his hands to you…?

Sawyer deepened the kiss, full of passion, his hands gripped gently on Kerry’s slim hips as he drank her in; her taste, her scent… He felt her sigh into him, her body pressing against him. His fingers ran smoothly up Kerry’s sides, rounding the curves of her soft breasts, feeling her stiffen although she continued to kiss him… Sawyer squinted one eye open at Kerry as he pulled away from her, a thick drawl enquiring,

“Kerry, is this ok?”

Kerry felt rooted to the spot, inside, she wanted him so badly, but she just couldn’t. She was trembling and her eyes were hot, stinging…

“Sawyer, would you just hold me tonight?”

She dropped her head to avoid his concerned look, the whispered words,

“Absolutely Kerry, anything you want.”,

meant more than Sawyer could possibly know. She felt a flood of relief wash over her as Sawyer kicked off his boots, leaning back against the headboard, patting his shoulder for Kerry to rest her head against,

“Lay your head here, we can snuggle and talk all night if you’d like Kerry…”

Kerry slipped off her tan ballet pumps and tentatively positioned herself beside Sawyer, curling her body against him in the space he’d made for her, one muscular arm behind her, her head leaning against his chest as she squeezed her eyes tight shut to stop the tears that were still threatening. She could feel the steady, comforting beat of Sawyer’s heart beneath his black and red checkered shirt, the warmth of his body penetrating hers. She exhaled deeply as she felt his large hand tenderly stroking her hair: Kerry pondered if he was really ok about her once again not wanting to take things any further, or if he was just too much of a gentleman to show that he was getting bored of waiting…

Sawyer absentmindedly twisted a lock of Kerry’s coffee-coloured hair around his thick fingers, lost in his thoughts. She’d looked so uncomfortable a few moments ago, but he didn’t know what to do or say. He’d hoped she would maybe tell him what was wrong, or what she was feeling when they scooted down onto the comfortable pillows together, but she wasn’t saying anything… Sawyer felt like he had to speak to clear the heavy silence filling the room, his voice low, his words full of thought,

“Kerry? You know I care about you, a lot more than I probably should given we haven’t known each other for very long… And… And… well I think you already know that I want us to be more than friends… But Kerry, I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you aren’t interested in me as more than a friend, you don’t owe me anything, just because you’re staying here… I’d hate if you felt like you ‘had to’ do something you didn’t want to. If you don’t feel the same way, you can tell me…”.

Kerry shifted to look at Sawyer, she watched his head drop dejectedly as he finished his speech. Her mouth fell open and closed a few times: was that really what he thought? Shaking her head profusely as she sat up properly to face him, she reached her petite hand out to stroke his cheek,

“Sawyer… Sawyer, look at me…”

Sawyer’s eyes flicked up to meet Kerry’s and her heart felt like it stopped in that second, green eyes so earnest and warm and caring,

“Sawyer I…”

The tears that had been threatening for some time saw their moment and took their chance to break free, spilling down her cheeks as she tried to find the words,

“Sawyer I don’t feel beholden to you, I care about you, an awful lot. And I do want to be more than just friends, I haven’t felt this way since… I just… There’s just a lot you don’t know about me, Sawyer, and I wouldn’t know how to begin to explain.”

Sawyer watched Kerry carefully as she made a futile attempt to smudge her tears away with the back of her hand; she looked so small and broken, and he didn’t want to press her, but what did she mean? He reached out, taking her dainty hand in his own, using his other hand to smooth her curls as he pulled her close to his chest, whispering,

“You’re ok Kerry, I’ve got you darlin’… You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to….”

as her sobs rang out around the bedroom. After a few minutes, Kerry had composed herself enough to try to share some of her most unpleasant memories with Sawyer, she started shakily,

“Well I was in a relationship with a guy before I left Boston Sawyer, his name was Sean. We broke up not so long before I left….”


“Hey Kerry. How do you manage to look so damn fine in that apron?”

Kerry felt herself flush as she grinned down at Sean Devenney, grinning at her. He was two years above her in school and he was devilishly handsome, jet black hair, pale blue eyes and a smile that could charm the bird off the trees: why the hell was he talking to her?? She shyly fiddled with her necklace as she approached to take his order,

“Hi Sean…”

After he’d ordered his cheeseburger and fries, Kerry walked back to the kitchen and melted as she told her friend Louise how he smiled at her, and how she couldn’t believe that he knew her name… Louise was swift to point out that it was printed on Kerry’s badge, but Kerry didn’t care… She was in love.


“We started dating when I was sixteen.”

Kerry continued. She could see Sawyer doing the maths.

“Big relationship huh?”

Kerry gave a hollow-sounding laugh,

“Hmmm. You could say that.”

Sawyer smiled at her,

“First love?”

Kerry nodded sadly,

“Always thought he’d be my only love… But it’s strange how things work out…”


Kerry ran outside and jumped into Sean’s beat up old Cadillac, pressing a kiss to his lips as he greeted her. They been dating for over a year now and Kerry knew her parents didn’t approve, but hell, she didn’t care. She loved Sean with everything that she was and everything that she had. That night they were headed to one of Sean’s cousin’s houses for a party, it was beginning to get really tedious that they couldn’t go to bars together because Kerry still wasn’t old enough, another few months to go Kerry thought to herself…

They got to Matt’s place and shared a few drinks, laughing and chatting with mutual friends, until Anna Sullivan appeared, flicking her long dark hair and pouting at Sean from across the room. Kerry stiffened as the tall brunette eventually approached, she was friends was Matt’s girlfriend, and it wasn’t the first time she’d had the audacity to flirt with Sean right in front of Kerry…

“Heyyy Sean… Hello Kerry.”

Sean swigged at his beer, nodding to Anna in acknowledgment as Kerry smiled tersely at her,

“Nice to see you Anna.”

Anna simpered, then purred at Kerry as she ran a finger down the ruffle on the neckline of Kerry’s top, a wicked smile dancing on her glossy pink lips,

“Your top is just so pretty Kerry, I wish I could wear something like that, but I just can’t with these…”.

Anna’s big brown eyes flashed as she gestured at her very ample bust, pressing her cleavage together lightly. Kerry swallowed at the backhanded compliment – she wasn’t particularly confident about her slim frame – but she stuck her chin out as she retorted,

“Yes it must be difficult Annie, I’d never be able to go running with boobs like yours, I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about that…”.

Anna arched a perfectly-groomed eyebrow at Kerry as she placed one hand on Sean’s forearm, her fingertips circling, teasing at the bare skin beneath,

“You know, I see you running sometimes Kerry, over in Dorchester Park? I was just telling Sean that at JJ’s Bar the other night…”

Kerry suddenly felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach. Sean hadn’t mentioned that he’d been at JJ’s recently, or that he’d bumped into Anna Sullivan… Why? What was she implying?

Sean gripped Kerry’s upper arm tightly as he navigated her toward the deck, hissing behind him,


Kerry’s eyes were stinging and the rush of blood audible… She could feel Sean’s hand on the small of her back, guiding her out to the deck. Her heart quickened as she turned to him once the were alone in the corner,

“What was that all about Sean?”

Sean shrugged and made a ‘pfft?’ sound as Kerry heard her own voice started to waiver,



Sawyer shook his head at Kerry as she told him about the night she discovered that Sean had been messing around with Anna Sullivan behind her back. Kerry raked her hair back as she sighed,

“I was heartbroken… He was my first boyfriend and I couldn’t believe that he’d cheated. He’s still only guy I’ve ever been with Sawyer; I thought we were special. And God, I know that probably makes me sound really stupid…”.

Sawyer cupped Kerry’s cheek and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead,

“Kerry… It doesn’t make you sound stupid at all… You’re sweet and you’re beautiful; any damn guy with half a brain would be falling over himself to be with you…”

Kerry smiled shyly,

“Thank you Sawyer…”

Sawyer twirled a strand of Kerry’s hair as he gazed into her shining eyes,

“No need. Sean was clearly an idiot.”


“Kerry! Kerry! Sean’s on the phone for you! Again!”

Kerry’s mom had her hand over the receiver as she yelled upstairs. Kerry shouted back,

“I don’t want to speak to him Mom! We’re over! Tell him to go fu- Tell him to stop calling!”

Kerry hadn’t told her mom why she and Sean had split up, despite both her parents trying to get the truth about why she was so upset out of her. Kerry lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, hugging a stuffed bear. How could he have slept with Anna Sullivan? She was so trashy, so obvious; Kerry bet that half the boys in South Boston had been with her. Hell, was that what Sean wanted? Someone who dressed in tight little outfits leaving nothing to the imagination and spoke in innuendo? When they’d argued out on Matt’s deck, he’d tried to downplay the whole thing: he was drunk, Anna meant nothing to him, it was only a fumble in the alley behind JJ’s… Kerry was overreacting, she was still his number one girl… He couldn’t understand why she was making such a big deal about it… Kerry blinked her tears away, right now she hated Sean Devenney, but inside she loved him so much she didn’t know how she could ever move on.


Sawyer shifted closer to Kerry, hugging her tightly. He cleared his throat as he tentatively asked her,

“You said that you broke up not long before leaving Boston though, right…?”

Kerry nodded,

“As ridiculous as it sounds, yeah, I got back with him.”

She muttered,

“I know, I know…”

Watching Sawyers face as he grimaced,

“You really loved him, huh?”

Kerry’s head dropped as she nodded softly,

“Yep. And I believed him when he apologised and said he’d never go near another girl again… It took about three weeks before I would even speak to him. He was calling constantly, turning up at my house, at school, at my job… He was ringing my friends to ask them to help get me talk to him…”

Sawyer scowled,

“He ground you down?”

Kerry half-laughed,

“That, plus I loved him and I wanted to believe he was sorry… It started off kinda shaky, it took me a while to let him anywhere near me, I just kept picturing him with Anna anytime he kissed me… But eventually, I got past that and we were happy again. He finished school and got a job with his uncle, so when he asked me to get a place together, I said yes.”

Sawyer nodded quietly. At twenty-four, he’d never had a relationship that lasted any real length of time. Probably his high school sweetheart Mandy was the longest, maybe a year and a bit? But he knew it was winding down when she was applying to colleges out-of-state while he intended on staying on at Oakley Ranch… She was travelling in Europe last he’d heard… Since Mandy, he’d had a few flings but nothing serious; he’d fooled around with a couple of farmhands who’d since moved on, a few fangirls on the rodeo circuit, and Curly’s cute cousin Samantha when she’d been in town last summer… He was still living that one down, damn girl had shared more personal information than he was comfortable with afterwards; Curly had been teasing him pretty much ever since…


“Do you have to go out tonight, Kerry?”

Sean had his arms wrapped around her from behind, his lips finding the sensitive spot on her neck as she tried to fasten her earring. Kerry leaned into his muscular arms as she breathed in his aftershave,

“The girls are expecting me Sean, the table’s booked and paid for…”

It was her college Christmas night out, a bunch of the girls on her course we’re heading downtown for dinner, drinks and dancing.

“Baby you look so beautiful tonight… I don’t want to let you out that door…”

Kerry giggled,


She’d made a real effort tonight, a gorgeous red dress that skimmed her shapely thighs, black sparkly sandals, a black clip holding her hair back in a loose chignon. Sean kissed her neck, pulling her a little closer to him,

“Don’t go out baby… stay here with me tonight… We’ll watch a movie, have some wine…”

Kerry bit her lip,

“Sean I can’t let the girls down…”

In that split second his face went from a charming smile to a stoney stare,

“Fine, forget it. Go out, have fun.”

He stepped away from Kerry, leaving her bare and cold, missing the heat of his embrace,

“Sean? Don’t be like that? I can’t just cancel at the last minute…”

Sean sniffed at her,

“Who are these friends anyway? Who are you dressing up to impress Kerry? Short skirt like that? Face full of makeup?”

Kerry felt her face colour as she tugged awkwardly at the hem of her dress. Was it too short? She reached out to put a hand on Sean’s shoulder but he shrugged her away,

“Sean, I-”

Kerry’s eyes filled with tears as he shoved past her, stomping off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Kerry sat at the end of the table the evening with a false smile on her face as the others laughed and joked around her. After dinner she made her excuses about a headache and flagged a cab home to their small apartment on the corner of Preble Street and Dorchester Avenue. She climbed the stairs, keys in hand. The apartment was silent and Sean was nowhere to be found. So he wasn’t speaking to her, and for what? A night out that she hadn’t even enjoyed… Kerry pulled her earrings out and dropped them on the coffee table as she kicked her shoes off, curling her feet underneath her on the cream leather sofa as she started to cry.


Sawyer frowned,

“So Sean didn’t trust you, because of his own shitty standards?”

Kerry nodded,

“But I didn’t see that at the time. I loved him, and I didn’t want to fight with him. So when the girls asked me to go out, I usually just made an excuse… After a while they didn’t ask anymore.”

Sawyer pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head,



Sean rolled in the door at almost 3am, loud and careless. Kerry was in bed already, she’d come off a close shift at the diner and had written half of her college assignment when she got back. She’d tried Sean’s phone a few times as 1am came and went, then eventually went to bed-half worried, half annoyed. He came into the bedroom tripping and cursing as he went. Kerry flipped the nightlight on,

“Sean, what in…?”

He was pissed again. He drank too much,too often for Kerry’s liking, but he accused her of nagging when she said anything. Sean approached her with a big smile on his face,

“There’s my special girl…”

He swayed as he leaned across to kiss her. Kerry pecked his lips chastely; he smelled like a distillery. He chuckled as he moved closer to kiss her again,

“You call that a kiss, Kerry?”

Kerry smiled a half-smile and kissed him again, lingering a little longer,

“Sean, it’s 3am…”

Sean chuckled again as he kicked off his shoes and pants, flopping down beside her,

“Baby I’ve been thinking about you all night…”

He pressed himself close to Kerry, pawing at her for what couldn’t have been anymore than thirty seconds before he was snoring.

The next morning, Sean was still dead to the world but Kerry was up and getting ready for college. She picked up Sean’s jacket and pants from the bedroom floor. Placing the jacket on a coat hanger, she rummaged through the pockets of the pants, removing loose change and his keys before she threw them in the washing basket. It was then she found it: a condom wrapper. She felt her stomach lurch and her heart thump. They were a committed couple, she was on the Pill: whoever he’d used that condom with, it wasn’t her.

Sawyers mouth fell open,

“Oh Kerry…”

she shook her head,

“Please don’t look at me like that Sawyer… I feel so embarrassed.”

Sawyer took her small hand in his, squeezing it gently,

“How could he treat you like that? After you forgave him?”

Kerry snorted quietly,

“It wasn’t the last time Sawyer. I believed him when we argued about it, when he said it that if he was happy with his lot at home, if I was any good, he wouldn’t be tempted when other women offered it up to him… He made me feel like it was my fault.”

Sawyer balled his fists as he took a deep breath,

“That asshole…”

Kerry shook her head firmly,

“Sawyer… I should have walked out long before I eventually did… But I just couldn’t see it. There were some days he was the perfect boyfriend, and I loved him so much and we were so so happy together. But then there was this, undercurrent, that I just never learned to see coming…”

Sawyer looked deep into Kerry’s hazel eyes, almost scared to ask,

“Darlin’, what finally made you leave?”

Kerry sat on the floor of the lounge with her little cat Charlie in her lap. Her soft green hoodie was wrapped around her tightly as she twiddled at the diamond ring on her finger; Sean’s ring. Her eyes were raw from crying as she waited for Sean to appear home. They’d fought so much lately, she wanted him to straighten his act out and get a proper job. Kerry wasn’t an idiot, she was working a part time job in a diner and going to teacher training college, he was essentially an errand-boy for his Uncle: they certainly weren’t making the rent with legitimate clean money… Her folks were constantly trying to get her to come home, they could see how unhappy she was, but she was too ashamed to admit how bad things actually were, and she lacked the confidence to be without Sean, how would she manage without him? She recalled the conversation with her father at the weekend.

“Kerry, is everything ok, with you and Sean I mean?”

“Everything’s fine Dad.”

Peter McGuire recoiled, almost imperceptibly, at the sharp tone in his twenty year-old daughter’s voice, it very clearly indicated ‘Butt out, Dad.’ Kerry hadn’t been herself lately and he had a sinking feeling it had everything to do with her boyfriend. She’d been swooning over Sean since she was sixteen and he’d been none too happy about it, given that the boy was three years older than his youngest child and came from a family with a less-than-squeaky-clean reputation. But as Kerry’s mother had repeatedly told him,

‘The more you tell her she can’t see him, Peter? The more interesting he becomes… Let it play out, I know teenage girls, she’ll get bored once the novelty wears off.’

He’d grudgingly agreed with his wife to do things her way: Hannah was rarely wrong. But it hadn’t worked, Kerry had become increasingly infatuated with Sean. And now here they were.

“Kerry you look unhappy, I wouldn’t be a great dad if I didn’t notice, would I? I know your mother usually speaks to you about this kind of stuff, but… Kerry it’s never to late to come home, your room will always be there, sweetheart.”

Kerry shifted uncomfortably, looking at her shoes,

“Daddy… Everything’s fine. Please don’t worry about me, it’s my final year, I’m just stressed with college, Sean and I are trying to make wedding plans… It’s just, a lot right now…”

But Peter was worried. His girl wasn’t herself. She was painfully thin. Her smile had disappeared. She was now engaged to that cretin Devenney, and from what he’d heard from his buddy Tommy in the police department, Sean was getting involved in increasingly shady dealings with this Uncle Johnny, the local precinct just hadn’t been able to make anything stick to either of them so far, but any time he tried to broach it with Kerry, the shutters came down. Try as he may, Peter couldn’t see a happy ending to this. He was just thankful that his girl was still in school at this point…

Kerry snuggled her face against Charlie’s soft fur. Sean was pushing to start a family as soon as the wedding was over. Kerry loved kids, and God knows she wanted a little baby of her own, but right now? She’d another year left at college, she wanted to get a teaching job and maybe be there for a year before she even thought about babies of her own, and taking time off work… She tried to explain that to Sean, but he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) understand what the issue was, in a roundabout way he made her feel like she didn’t really love him if she didn’t want to start trying for a baby on their wedding night…

She heard Sean’s keys in the door, she stood up, wiping her eyes and nose with a tissue, shooing Charlie into the kitchen. When he came through the door, she knew he’d been drinking. Again. Kerry sucked in a deep breath as she enquired frostily,

“Sean, where have you been? I had dinner ready for you about four hours ago… I mean it’s in the oven, but it’s probably ruined…”

Sean’s lip curled up as he looked at Kerry,

“Nip, nip, fucking nip, Kerry. That’s all I get from you. The other boys get home and their wives are happy to see them, but nooooo, not you!! I don’t know why I put up with this bullshit…”

Kerry stepped towards him, reaching her hand out to touch his face: is that what he really thought of her?

“Sean, I- I – of course I’m pleased to see you, I was just worried…”

Sean gripped her wrist in his hand before she touched him, squeezing, hard,

“You were worried?? With all your ‘studies’ I wouldn’t even have thought you’d have noticed that I wasn’t here? You think you’re better than me, don’t you Kerry? Fucking ‘teaching’!”

Kerry tried to pull her hand back,

“Sean! Ow! You’re hurting me! Please, you’re hurting me!!”

Sean let go of her small wrist with a push, storming off to get another beer out of the fridge, as Kerry sat on the edge of the sofa rubbing her wrist, it was bright red with half moons where Sean’s nails had dug into her pale skin. She was shivering: what the hell just happened?


Sawyer took Kerry’s small hand, lifting it, cradling her wrist in his hands as he examined it, silently pressing soft kisses to it as tears started to roll down her pretty face,

‘What kind of lowlife treats a woman, his fiancée no-less, like that?’ 

He couldn’t get his head around it. Kerry was so smart and funny. She was so kind and enthusiastic in everything she did, how could anyone treat her like that, make her feel less than she was? He looked at her with a heavy heart,

“That was the night you left?”

Kerry buried her face in her hands,

“No… The next day he apologised Sawyer, he cried; I never saw Sean cry, not even when his mother died… He cried like a baby when I packed my bag to go back to my mom and dad’s place… He literally clung to my legs, said he couldn’t live without me, loved me more than anything… He promised it would never ever happen again…. I felt sorry for him…”

Sawyer shook his head, incredulous,

“You stayed? After he put his hands on you Kerry?”

Kerry wiped her tears with her free hand as she nodded,

“I left when it happened again… It was about three months later, one of Sean’s friends had seen me in the local grocery store talking to my cousin Bobby. He didn’t believe it wasn’t some other guy that I was seeing behind his back. Sawyer, I would never have did that, despite everything, I hope you believe that… We had a blistering argument about it, he grabbed my hair and pinned me to the wall. He screamed in my face that I was nothing but a dirty whore and a slut… His hand was on my throat Sawyer…”

Sawyer pulled Kerry into his broad chest, kissing her hair over and over, enveloping her in his strong arms. He wanted more than anything else right now to protect her: from her ex, from her tortured memories. Kerry continued,

“I was so scared. I thought he was going to strangle me. He was so angry I truly thought he was really going to kill me. I was struggling to get his hands off me, and I lashed out and scratched his face, that’s when he hit my head against the wall and stalked out. I scrabbled around and threw my college books and some clothes into a hold-all, put Charlie in a carry-cage and waited in the street for my daddy to come get me. I never went back to the apartment, Sawyer. I finished college a few weeks later and as soon as I had my degree certificate in my hand a couple of months later, I just wanted to get out of Boston. Sean was ringing and showing up at the house the whole time. My dad even called the police… I needed a fresh start Sawyer; I had to get away.”

Sawyer let out a low whistle,

“Jesus, Kerry… I don’t know what to say…”

Kerry sniffed as she nuzzled her face against his shoulder,

“You don’t have to say anything Sawyer… I just wanted you to understand why I’m so reluctant to, well, to get that close to someone again. It’s not that I don’t care about you, or that I don’t want to be with you, because I really do… But I’m just… Scared.”

Kerry let out a big sigh as she let the weight of what she’d shared with Sawyer settle in the dimly lit room. Sawyer’s eyes glistened as he glanced down at the pretty, brave girl wrapped in his arms,

“You don’t ever have to be scared with me Kerry. I swear, I’d rather die than lay a finger on you. You’re amazing; you should be with someone who tells you that, who does everything they can to see you smile… I’ll be here Kerry, as long as it takes for you to be comfortable and see that you can trust me. Darlin’, if you want me to be your man, I’m yours whenever you’re ready…”

Thank you for reading- VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

4 thoughts on “Destiny Ch 1 – Hard to Let Go of the Past – Big Sky Country Fic – Sawyer x MC (Kerry)”

  1. It would be amazing if you did a part 2 for this. I’m a slut for angst! Kerry having a nightmare, her ex following her to Sweet Ridge. Whatever you think best, but I would love a part 2.

    1. Thank you so much Devilchild35! I really want to do some more fics with these two, I’m so glad you enjoyed it because I kinda felt like it got really dark! I may go the nightmare route, that is a really great suggestion, thank you for that 💕

        1. Thank you so much! It’s sort of turned into a series now 🙂 🙂 I’d love to hear what you think of the rest of it if you have the time to read 🙂

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