
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the final winning story of my 400 followers contest. This one was requested by @ who wanted Diavolos/Kenna angsty NSFW. This is set a few months after their marriage and deals with the history between their families and the fact that as much as Kenna loves him, I’m sure she would struggle with the fact that his father murdered her mother.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Summary- Kenna has a nightmare that causes tension between her and her husband.

Words- 1323


Kenna woke up shaking, the images of that terrible day flashing before her. She could feel movement in the bed and then strong arms wrapping around.

“It’s ok, my love, it was just a dream.” Her husband assured her.

Normally, Kenna would have been comforted by his presence, would have sunk into his embrace and let him hold her until the demons receded. But not this time.

Instead, she shrugged off his touch and got up out of the bed. She grabbed her shift from the floor and put it on before moving towards the window. She knew it was unfair, but she couldn’t bear the touch of Luther Nevrakis’ son, not when the memory of her mother’s murder was so clear.

“Kenna…” Diavolos said quietly, though, to her relief, he remained in the bed.

“All she wanted was peace,” Kenna said quietly, “and he killed her.”

“Kenna,” this time she could hear the anguish in his voice as he said her name. “If I could change the past…”

“Would you stop him?” Kenna asked bitterly, turning to face him. “You didn’t the first time.”

She knew it wasn’t fair. Diavolos was a soldier, trained to take orders, and he had followed his father’s command but she didn’t feel reasonable.

Not tonight.

This was the first time she’d had a nightmare about her mother in months and the first time since she’d married Diavolos. She had believed that she had come to terms with his complacency when it came to his father’s evil rule. She knew he was more than his last name, he had proven over and over that he was a man worth fighting for her, and she loved him desperately. Her nightmare didn’t change any of those things. She didn’t regret choosing Diavolos. But it did bring up feeling she had tried to bury, guilt and regret.

There was a long period of silence and Kenna turned back to the window. She didn’t know how long she stood there, but she eventually realized that she wasn’t alone. Diavolos had gotten out of the bed and threw a pair of pants on and was now standing beside her.

“I wish I had been a better man, a stronger man,” he said finally, “I spent my whole life believing my father’s purpose was good, even if methods weren’t. I turned a blind eye to his actions, telling myself that because I didn’t participate in the massacre, I wasn’t too blame. I never questioned any of it. Not until I met you.”

Kenna was silent, still staring out the window. “I never thought you’d ever be able to love me,” he continued, “I thought my father’s actions would stand between us forever, and I wouldn’t have blamed you if that was the case. I couldn’t believe my good fortune when you returned my feelings, when you agreed to become my wife. I knew I’d spend my whole life trying to be the man you needed me to be. To make up for my past.”

“I know,” Kenna said softly, turning to face him. “I know you are a good man, Diavolos. You are nothing like your father. I just…”

“I understand,” he assured her, reaching out for her, almost hesitantly.

She stepped into his arms willingly, burying her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her for a long moment, then he picked her up and carried her back to the bed. He placed her down gently and then climbed inside beside her.

“Since when do you sleep in pants,” Kenna teased lightly.

“I just want to hold you,” he assured her and she was surprised to see that he looked almost nervous, which was out of character. She was used to him being confident to the point of smugness. It was sweet, actually.

“Well, I’ve gotten used to sleeping without clothes,” she said lightly, pulling her shift over her head and discarding it. Even with the dim lighting, she could tell Diavolos was taking in the sight of her naked body.

After a moment, he roughly pulled off his pants and threw them to the floor and then he laid back down, pulling her into his embrace. He didn’t try and kiss her or tease her, he seemed to content to hold her.

Kenna appreciated it, however, she didn’t share the sentiment. The nightmare had faded and so had her initial reaction, now… Now, she wanted to wipe out the bad memories, she wanted to remind herself of what was real.

She turned in Diavolos’ embrace so that she was facing him and pressed her lips to his.

“Kenna…” He groaned before deepening the kiss, threading one hand through her long hair.

“I love you,” she assured him, “I chose you. I want you.” She pressed herself closer to him and could fee the effect that she was having on him. She reached down and cupped him with her hands, stroking him as their mouths met in another kiss.

After a moment, he stilled her hand, gently moving it. “If you keep doing that, it won’t be much fun for you,” he warned.

Kenna smirked, “I don’t know about that.” Still, she let him guide her hand away, sighing as his hands then gently pushed her thighs apart and began to touch and tease her. He slipped two fingers into her easily and she arched against his hand, moaning at the sensation. He placed kisses along her collarbone as his fingers worked their magic. It felt so good, but it wasn’t enough. Kenna pushed against him.

“I want you,” she said again, “I want you inside of me. Now.”

“Anything for my queen,” Diavolos told her and in an instant, he had her flat on her back and was poised over her. He entered her in a smooth motion and it felt so good, so right.

They moved in time with one another, their bodies perfectly in sync. It was always like that, whatever disagreements or differences they had, on a physical level they were a perfect match. It was as if they had been made to love one another.

After a few minutes, their movements became more hurried, their breathing more rapid and Kenna knew they were both close. Diavolos had slid between them, rubbing her clit while his mouth claimed hers in another long kiss. That combination and one more powerful thrust were enough to bring Kenna over the edge and she could feel him following her, spilling himself into her, their kiss muting their cries of pleasure.

He moved to roll off her, but Kenna kept her legs wrapped around him, holding him in place. She wrapped her arms around him, savoring the feel of him, of the pleasant weight of his body against hers. Diavolos placed gentle kisses on her cheeks and forehead.

After a long moment, Kenna released her hold and he moved off of her, but he quickly gathered her into his arms. “I love you,” he told her, “more than I ever dreamed possible. I never thought I’d ever fall in love, let alone like this. I can’t change the past, but every day I strive to be the kind of man you deserve.”

“You are,” Kenna assured him, “I love you, Diavolos. Yes, the past hurts and it probably always was, but it doesn’t change my feelings for you or the fact that there is no one I’d rather build a future with.”

Her mother’s death would always be a painful memory and maybe it would always be a point of tension between her and Diavolos, a reminder of the ugly history between their families. But it didn’t define their relationship.

Kenna didn’t look at Diavolos and see the son of her mother’s killer, at least normally. No, she looked at him and saw the man she loved and that was enough. More than enough. It was everything.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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