FC for Damien: Santiago Cabrera
FC for Athena: Jasmine Tookes

Who hogs the blanket
After discovering Athena’s somewhat dangerous sleeping positions, Damien was quick to get another duvet so he doesn’t freeze to death at night. Who texts/rings to check how the others day is going. Neither. Athena’s job doesn’t allow her to be on her phone so they will save all his affections for after work, usually in the bedroom.
Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts.
Athena by far. She works at a fashion magazine so she’s pretty good at figuring out people’s style and tailors each gift to their personal preferences.
Who gets up first in the morning
Athena to sneak in a bit of yoga and Pilates before her day starts IF Damien lets her leave bed that is.
Who suggests new things in bed
Damien for sure. Athena is open to trying anything once but if she doesn’t like it, she makes it known.
Who cries at movies
Athena especially rom coms which she coerced Damien to watch with her, swatting him when he points out all the flaws in her favourites
Who gives unprompted massages
Damien. When Athena is ranting to him after her day at work where her editor was being a pain in the ass, he comes up unprompted and her tension is almost always relieved.
Who fussed over the other when they’re sick
Damien being a typical man will never admit he’s getting sick and usually winds up in bed with a massive head cold while Athena waits on him only AFTER she gets to say a very firm ‘I told you so.’
Who gets jealous easiest
Athena knows Damien’s possessive side and she’d be lying if she test the waters every now and then because sometimes punishment is much more fun
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Athena and her cousin have teased Damien to no end about his love for classic rock but it’s hard for Damien to complain about Athena’s R&B playlists especially when they’ve been the mood setters for lots of fun times in the bedroom.
Who collects something unusual
Athena gets lots of random stuff from the photo shoots at the magazine so their space is filled with lots of bits and bobs but Damien has noticed a continued motif of miniature elephant statues popping up all over the place recently
Who takes the longest to get ready
His girlfriend works at a fashion magazine so it’s only natural that she is VERY particular about her appearance and only when Damien sees Athena puts on her highlight will he begin to get himself ready. Until then he’s content to watch TV or something while she models various potential outfits for him.