Headcanon 2 – Damien x Athena


Who is the most tidy and organised
For her extensive collection of knick knacks, Damien was very surprised to find that Athena was so neat. She told him she believes in tasteful decor once she implemented a few of her own little systems here and there, Damien wonders how he was able to function without her.

Who gets most excited about the holidays 
Truthfully its Nadia does. Athena spent her whole life with her overenthusiastic cousin that she’s adopts a quieter approach to the holiday season though when its time for ice skating she suddenly becomes a little child again and pulls a reluctant Damien onto the ice at Rockefeller centre.

Who is the big spoon/little spoon
Athena is a violent sleeper preferring to stretch herself into all sorts of positions instead of being confined to an single pose the whole night. The only time they get to spoon really is after sex and then it depends on who was on top previously.

Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports 
Damien for sure. He’s the type that will yell at the TV and give it his all in a friendly game of soccer with their friends while Athena prefers to shake her head and laughs at him while sipping on her martini as she watches.

Who starts the most arguments
They both do but only when Damien’s particularly stressed about a case or Athena’s on her period or had a bad day, even then they are quick to resolve conflict because neither of them can go to bed angry

Who suggests that they buy a pet 
Athena isn’t too fond of animals having been bitten by Nadia’s family dog when she was very young and though Damien would like to get a dog both of them are too busy anyways to take care of an animal at this point.

What couple traditions they have
They’ve only just gotten together after the craziness of Eros and so far it seems to be getting takeout and watching cop shows together. Establishing more couple traditions is definitely on their to-do list.

What tv shows they watch together 
They love to snuggle down and watch crime and thriller shows where together they try to crack the case before the characters do. Athena’s also a massive fan of Brooklyn Nine Nine – a show Damien looked down on before they started dating but tolerates only because he loves the way she laughs at all of Jake Peralta’s stupid jokes and antics.

What other couple they hang out with 
Being Elizabeth’s best friend and bridesmaid, Athena and Damien flew over to Cordonia for her and Drake’s wedding and after and initial rocky start, Drake and Damien surprised Elizabeth and Athena by getting along as well as they did despite having known each other for such a short time in comparison (this looks like a future fic idea.., anyone up for it?)

How they spend time together as a couple
Jks its not all sex. Damien and Athena are both highly intelligent and like participating in activities that push themselves intellectually meaning stuff like escape rooms and paintball are a common occurrence. Their sex life is pretty damn good too..

Who brings flowers home
Working for a fashion magazine has perks and Athena often brings home beautiful sample bouquets that didn’t make the cut for events to decorated her and Damien’s living space. He brings her flowers too occasionally but only the chocolate kind because he knows she loves those more.

Who is the best cook 
Athena is quite health conscious and struck to a very strict diet before her and Damien got together. Frustrated with her mini meals and salads, one day Damien decided to cook himself a very large breakfast and these days Athena finds herself slipping from her usual meal plans whenever her boyfriend takes charge of the kitchen.

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